Elet 360 homework #6 William Crenshaw ELET 360 HW 6 – Due date: Friday February 1, 2019, 5:00 PM Make sure to include a copy of the question on your HW solution and make SURE to staple your HW solution. 1. A 3-phase 460V, 40 HP, IM is supplied with 60A at pf of .83 lagging. Its stator and rotor copper losses are 4000 W and 1000 W respectively. Its core losses are 3000W while it’s Friction and Windage losses are 750W and stray losses are 300W. Determine a. The air gap power of the machine b. The mechanical power developed c. The shaft output power d. Efficiency of the motor e. Also draw the diagram depicting the energy flow in the machine a) Pag=Pin-Pstcu-Pcore Pin=sqrt(3)*Vl*Il*cos(theda) Pin=sqrt(3)*460*60*0.83 = 39677.8199 W Pag=39677.8199-4000-3000 = 32677.8199 W b) Pmech=Pag-Prot. 32677.8199-1000 = 31677.8199 W c) Pout=Pmech-Pfrict.+Pwind.+Pstray 31677.8199-(750+300) = 30627.8199 W d) (30627.8199/39677.8199)*100 = 77.19 % e) on paper 2. A 3-phase, 4 pole 50 Hz induction motor provides 20 HP to a load at a speed of 1480 RPM. If the mechanical losses of the motor are assumed to be 0, calculate a. Slip at given speed b. The developed (or Mechanical) Torque c. The shaft speed of the motor if the Torque is increased by 125% d. The output power at the Torque calculated in part c a) ns=(120f)/p S=(ns-n)/ns (120*50)/4=1500 rpm (1500-1480)/1500 = 1/75 b) Tem=pmech/(omega)m Pmech=Pout (20*746)/(2*3.1415*(1480/60)) = 96.2701 Nm c) recall T ~= S at low slip Snew=2.25*S Tem_new=Tem*2.25 Tem_new=96.2701*2.25 = 216.607725 Nm 2.25*(1/75)=0.03 0.03=(1500-n)/1500 -> (0.03)*1500=(1500-n) -> -(((0.03)*1500)-1500)=n = 1455 rpm d) Tout=Tem if no losses Tem=Pem/(omega)m -> Pout=Tout*(omega)m 216.6077*2*3.1415*(1455/60) = 33002.9448 W 3. A 3-phase, 2 pole 35 HP, 480 V 60Hz, Y connected motor has the following equivalent circuit impedances: R1 = .3 Ω, R2′ = .2 Ω, X1 = .6 Ω, X2′ = .5Ω, Xm = 12 Ω. The rotational losses are 1800 W and assumed to be constant. For a rotor slip of 2.5%, at rated voltage a. Draw the single phase equivalent circuit of the machine using given parameters b. Speed of the motor in rpm and rad/s c. The stator current d. Power factor e. The developed power Pmech and the output power Pout f. The developed torque Tem and the output power Tout g. The efficiency of the motor at the given operating condition. a) on paper b) ns=120f/p 0.025=(ns-n)/ns (120*60)/2=3600 rpm 0.025=(3600-n)/3600 -> 0.025*3600=(3600-n) -> -((0.025*3600)-3600)=n = 3510 rpm 2*3.1415*(3510/60) = 367.5555 rad/s c) Istat.=(V/sqrt(3))/Zeq Zeq=R1+jX1+[jXm||((R2'/S)+jX2')] Zeq=0.3+j0.6+[j12||((0.2/0.025)+j0.5)=5.5304+j4.4275 ohms (480/sqrt(3))/5.5304+j4.4275 = 39.1184<-38.6796 A d) p.f=cos((theda)v-(theda)i) cos(0-(-38.6796) = 0.78 lagging e) Pin=3*|Vl-n||I|cos((theda)v-(theda)i) Pag=Pin-3*(Ist.)^2*R1 Pmech=Pag(1-S) Pout=Pmech-Prot. Pin=3*|(480/sqrt(3))||39.1184|cos(0-(-38.6796))=25388.72937 W Pag=25388.72937-3*(39.1184)^2*0.3=24011.5051 W Pmech=24011.5051*(1-0.025) = 23411.2175 W Pout=23411.2175-1800 = 21611.2175 W f) Tem=Pmech/(omega)m Tout=Pout/(omega)m Tem=23411.2175/(2*3.1415*(3510/60)) = 63.6944 Nm Tout=21611.2175/(2*3.1415*(3510/60)) = 58.7972 Nm g) eff.=Pout/Pin*100% (21611.2175/25388.72937)*100% = 85.12 % 4. Consider the machine in the previous question, and assume the machine is at standstill (start-up). Calculate: a. The slip at start-up b. Current at the start-up (starting current) c. Power factor at start-up d. The developed power Pmech and the output power Pout at start-up e. The developed torque Tem and the output power Tout at start-up a) S=ns-n/ns S=3600-0/3600 = 1 b) Istat.=(V/sqrt(3))/Zeq Zeq=R1+jX1+[jXm||((R2'/S)+jX2')] Zeq=Zeq=0.3+j0.6+[j12||((0.2/1)+j0.5)=0.4842+j1.0829 ohms Ist.=(480/sqrt(3))/0.4842+j1.0829 = 233.6223<-65.909 A c) p.f=cos((theda)v-(theda)i) p.f.=cos(0-(-65.909)) = 0.41 d) Pin=3*|Vl-n||I|cos((theda)v-(theda)i) Pag=Pin-3*(Ist.)^2*R1 Pmech=Pag(1-S) Pout=Pmech-Prot. Pin=3*|(480/sqrt(3))||233.6223|cos(0-(-65.909))=79282.1467 W Pag=79282.1467-3*(233.6223)^2*0.3=30160.7056 W Pmech=30160.7056(1-1) = 0 W Pout= 0 W e) Tem=Pag/(omega)s Tout=Pout/(omega)m Tout = 0 Nm Tem=30160.7056/(2*3.1415*(3600/60)) = 80.0061 Nm 5. A 3-phase, 460 V, 4 pole, 60Hz, wound rotor induction motor with the following parameters: R1 = .24 Ω, R2′ = .22Ω, X1 = .45 Ω, X2 = .5 Ω, Xm = 25Ω, operates at 1760 rpm at full load. The rotational losses of the machine are 1600 Watts. Calculate: a. The synchronous speed ns in rpm b. Starting current c. Full load slip d. Full load current e. Ratio of starting current to full load current a) ns=120f/p ns=(120*60)/4 = 1800 rpm b) Istart=(V/sqrt(3))/Zeq Zeq=R1+jX1+[jXm||((R2'/S)+jX2')] Zeq=0.24+j0.45+[j25||((0.22/(1))+j0.5)]=0.4514+j0.942 ohms Istart=(460/sqrt(3))/(0.4514+j0.942) = 254.2405<-64.395 A c) slip=(ns-n)/ns S=(1800-1760)/1800 = 1/45 d) Istfl=(V/sqrt(3))/Zeq Zeq=R1+jX1+[jXm||((R2'/S)+jX2')] Zeq=0.24+j0.45+[j25||((0.22/(1/45))+j0.5)]=8.5092+j4.1506 ohms Istfl=(460/sqrt(3))/(8.5092+j4.1506) = 28.0519<-26.0021 A e) 254.2405/28.0519 = 9.0632 6. Draw the family of T-s curves depicting the rotor resistance control method of speed control of Induction machines. How does the change in rotor resistance impact the breakdown slip, and the maximum torque? on paper 7. Draw the family of T-s curves depicting the line voltage control method of speed control of Induction machines. How does the change in stator voltage impact the breakdown slip, and the maximum torque? on paper