]> 4ch.mooo.com Git - test.git/blob - lib/lang/en_US.php
[test.git] / lib / lang / en_US.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 Pixmicat! & Yotsubanome language file - English (U.S.) [en_US]
4 */
5 if (!isset($language)) $language = Array();
7 // yotsubanome.php
8 $language['page_not_found']                             = 'Sorry, the page you requested is not found.';
9 $language['thread_not_found']                   = 'The thread you want to reply does not exist!';
10 $language['del_head']                                   = '[Delete Post]';
11 $language['del_img_only']                               = 'Delete image only';
12 $language['del_pass']                                   = 'Password: ';
13 $language['del_btn']                                    = ' Submit ';
14 $language['prev_page']                                  = 'Previous';
15 $language['first_page']                                 = 'First';
16 $language['all_pages']                                  = 'ALL';
17 $language['next_page']                                  = 'Next';
18 $language['last_page']                                  = 'Last';
19 $language['img_sample']                                 = '[Thumbnail]';
20 $language['img_filename']                               = 'Filename: ';
21 $language['reply_btn']                                  = 'Reply';
22 $language['warn_sizelimit']                             = 'Image will be deleted soon because of the storage limit of image.';
23 $language['warn_oldthread']                             = 'Thread will be deleted soon because it is old.';
24 $language['warn_locked']                                = 'Thread is locked by administrator.';
25 $language['notice_omitted_posts']                               = '[#] post[s]';
26 $language['notice_omitted_images']                              = ' and [#] image[s]';
27 $language['notice_omitted_reply']                               = ' omitted. Click [Reply] to view.';
28 $language['post_name']                                  = 'Name: ';
29 $language['post_category']                              = 'Category: ';
30 $language['regist_notpost']                             = 'Please use the form on the board to submit.';
31 $language['regist_nospam']                              = 'Anti Spambot system activated.';
32 $language['regist_ipfiltered']                  = 'Your connection is refused. Reason: %1$s';
33 $language['regist_wordfiltered']                = 'Banned words is found, cannot submit.';
34 $language['regist_upload_exceedphp']    = 'Upload failed.<br />File size exceeds server limitation.';
35 $language['regist_upload_exceedcustom'] = 'Upload failed.<br />File size exceeds limitation.';
36 $language['regist_upload_incompelete']  = 'Upload failed.<br />Incomplete upload. Please retry.';
37 $language['regist_upload_direrror']             = 'Upload failed.<br />Wrong setting of upload temporary directory. Please contact the system administrator.';
38 $language['regist_upload_noimg']                = 'Please check No Image check box if you post without uploading an image!';
39 $language['regist_upload_filenotfound'] = 'Upload failed.<br />Server disabled file uploading, permission denied, or unsupported format.';
40 $language['regist_upload_killincomp']   = '[Notice] Your sending was canceled because of the incorrect file size.';
41 $language['regist_upload_notimage']             = 'Upload failed.<br />Files other than image is not accepted.';
42 $language['regist_upload_notsupport']   = 'Unsupported image.';
43 $language['regist_upload_blocked']              = 'Upload failed.<br />Uploading this image is blocked.';
44 $language['regist_uploaded']                    = 'Image %1$s uploaded.<br />';
45 $language['regist_sakuradetected']              = 'Big5 sakura Japanese characters detected.';
46 $language['regist_withoutname']                 = 'Please fill your name.';
47 $language['regist_withoutsubject']                      = 'Please fill the title.';
48 $language['regist_withoutcomment']              = 'Please fill comment field if you don\'t upload an image.';
49 $language['regist_withoutpassword']                     = 'Please fill your password.';
50 $language['regist_nametoolong']                 = 'Name is too long.';
51 $language['regist_emailtoolong']                = 'E-mail is too long.';
52 $language['regist_topictoolong']                = 'Topic is too long.';
53 $language['regist_longthreadnum']               = 'The thread you reply may be wrong.';
54 $language['admin']                                              = 'Admin';
55 $language['deletor']                                    = 'Deletor';
56 $language['trip_pre']                                   = '◆';
57 $language['trip_pre_fake']                              = '◇';
58 $language['cap_char']                                   = '★';
59 $language['cap_char_fake']                              = '☆';
60 $language['regist_commenttoolong']              = 'Comment is too long.';
61 $language['notice_incompletefile']              = 'Notice: Incomplete image.';
62 $language['sun']                                                = 'Sun';
63 $language['mon']                                                = 'Mon';
64 $language['tue']                                                = 'Tue';
65 $language['wed']                                                = 'Wed';
66 $language['thu']                                                = 'Thu';
67 $language['fri']                                                = 'Fri';
68 $language['sat']                                                = 'Sat';
69 $language['regist_successivepost']              = 'Please wait for a while for continuous posting.';
70 $language['regist_duplicatefile']               = 'Upload failed.<br />Same file uploaded lately.';
71 $language['regist_threaddeleted']               = 'This thread is too old that it is deleted!';
72 $language['regist_threadlocked']                = 'Thread is locked by administrator!';
73 $language['regist_redirect']                    = '%1$s Redirecting... <p>If your browser don\'t redirect for you, please click: <a href="%2$s">Return</a></p>';
74 $language['del_notchecked']                             = 'Nothing selected for deletion. Please go back and select again.';
75 $language['del_wrongpwornotfound']              = 'No such post or wrong password.';
76 $language['admin_wrongpassword']                = 'Wrong password';
77 $language['return']                                             = 'Return';
78 $language['admin_remake']                               = 'Update';
79 $language['admin_frontendmanage']               = 'Front-End Manage (Sign in needed)';
80 $language['admin_delete']                               = 'Delete';
81 $language['admin_top']                                  = 'Administrator mode';
82 $language['admin_manageposts']                  = 'Manage posts';
83 $language['admin_optimize']                             = 'Optimize';
84 $language['admin_check']                                = 'Check data source';
85 $language['admin_repair']                               = 'Repair data source';
86 $language['admin_export']                               = 'Export data';
87 $language['admin_logout']                               = 'Sign out';
88 $language['admin_verify_btn']                   = ' Sign in ';
89 $language['admin_archive']                              = '<th>Archive</th>';
90 $language['admin_notices']                              = '<ul><li>If you want to delete a post, check the "delete" checkbox before that post and click Submit button.</li><li>If you want to delete image only, please check "Delete image only" checkbox and follow normal deletion procedures.</li><li>If you want to lock/unlock a thread, please check "Stop" checkbox of that thread and click "Submit" button.</li><li>Please press "Update" after managing posts.</li></ul>';
91 $language['admin_submit_btn']                   = ' Submit ';
92 $language['admin_reset_btn']                    = ' Reset ';
93 $language['admin_list_header']                  = '<th>Func</th><th>Stop</th><th>Del</th><th>Date</th><th>Topic</th><th>Name</th><th>Comment</th><th>Host</th><th>Image (Bytes)<br />MD5 checksum</th>';
94 $language['admin_archive_btn']                  = 'A';
95 $language['admin_stop_btn']                             = 'Stop';
96 $language['admin_totalsize']                    = '[Total size of images: <b>%1$s</b> KB ]';
97 $language['search_disabled']                    = 'Search is disabled!';
98 $language['search_top']                                 = 'Search';
99 $language['search_notice']                              = '<li>Please enter keyword and set search target, then press "Search" button.</li><li>Searching with multiple keywords can be done by seperating keywords with space.</li><li>You can set Search method("and searching" and "or searching") for multiple keywords searching.<p />Keyword:';
100 $language['search_target']                              = 'Target:';
101 $language['search_target_comment']              = 'Comment';
102 $language['search_target_name']                 = 'Name';
103 $language['search_target_topic']                = 'Topic';
104 $language['search_target_number']               = 'No.';
105 $language['search_method']                              = 'Method:';
106 $language['search_method_and']                  = 'AND';
107 $language['search_method_or']                   = 'OR';
108 $language['search_submit_btn']                  = ' Search ';
109 $language['search_notfound']                    = 'no search result with specified keyword.';
110 $language['search_back']                                = '[Back]';
111 $language['category_nokeyword']                 = 'Please enter category for searching similar posts.';
112 $language['category_notfound']                  = 'No matching posts for this category.';
113 $language['category_recache']                   = 'Recache';
114 $language['module_info_top']                    = 'Module Information';
115 $language['module_loaded']                              = 'Module Loaded:';
116 $language['module_info']                                = 'Module Infomation:';
117 $language['info_top']                                   = 'System Information';
118 $language['info_disabled']                              = 'Disabled';
119 $language['info_enabled']                               = 'Enabled';
120 $language['info_functional']                    = 'Functional';
121 $language['info_nonfunctional']                 = 'Non functional';
122 $language['info_basic']                                 = 'Basic Settings';
123 $language['info_basic_ver']                             = 'Program version';
124 $language['info_basic_pio']                             = 'PIO library backend and version';
125 $language['info_basic_threadsperpage']  = 'Threads per page';
126 $language['info_basic_threads']                 = '';
127 $language['info_basic_postsperpage']    = 'Replies to show in index';
128 $language['info_basic_posts']                   = '';
129 $language['info_basic_postsinthread']   = 'Posts per page in Reply mode';
130 $language['info_basic_posts_showall']   = '(Show all:0)';
131 $language['info_basic_bumpposts']               = 'Do not bump post if reply is more than';
132 $language['info_basic_bumphours']               = 'Thread bumping hours';
133 $language['info_basic_hours']                   = 'hour(s)';
134 $language['info_basic_0disable']                = '(Disable:0)';
135 $language['info_basic_urllinking']              = 'URL Auto Linking';
136 $language['info_0no1yes']                               = '(Yes:1 No:0)';
137 $language['info_basic_com_limit']               = 'Maximum size of comments';
138 $language['info_basic_com_after']               = ' Bytes';
139 $language['info_basic_anonpost']                = 'Anonymous posting';
140 $language['info_basic_anonpost_opt']    = '(Force anonymous:2 Yes:1 No:0)';
141 $language['info_basic_del_incomplete']  = 'Delete incomplete images';
142 $language['info_basic_use_sample']              = 'Use thumbnails (Quality: %1$s)';
143 $language['info_0notuse1use']                   = '(Use:1 Not used:0)';
144 $language['info_basic_use_sample_func'] = '+ Thumbnails generation';
145 $language['info_basic_useblock']                = 'IP blocking';
146 $language['info_0disable1enable']               = '(Enable:1 Disable:0)';
147 $language['info_basic_showid']                  = 'Show ID';
148 $language['info_basic_showid_after']    = '(force show:2 selective show:1 do not show:0)';
149 $language['info_basic_cr_limit']                = 'Comment row limit (&lt;br&gt; check)';
150 $language['info_basic_cr_after']                = ' Row(s) (unlimited:0)';
151 //----$language['info_basic_timezone']          = 'Time zone';
152 $language['info_basic_line_number_limit']               = 'Comment line limit';
153 $language['info_basic_line_number_after']               = ' Line(s) (unlimited:0)';
154 $language['info_basic_threadcount']             = 'Total threads count';
155 $language['info_basic_theme']                   = 'Theme';
156 $language['info_dsusage_top']                   = 'Data source usage';
157 $language['info_dsusage_max']                   = 'Maximum size';
158 $language['info_dsusage_usage']                 = 'Usage';
159 $language['info_dsusage_count']                 = 'Current usage';
160 $language['info_fileusage_top']                 = 'Storage limit of images:';
161 $language['info_fileusage_limit']               = 'Maximum size';
162 $language['info_fileusage_count']               = 'Current usage';
163 $language['info_fileusage_unlimited']   = 'Unlimited';
164 $language['info_server_top']                    = 'Server infomation';
165 $language['info_server_gd']                             = 'GD library ';
166 $language['init_permerror']                             = 'No write permission in root directory. Please modify permission settings.<br />';
167 $language['init_inited']                                = 'Environment initialized.<br />Please edit this file and remove init() statement.<br />';
168 $language['action_main_notsupport']             = 'Backend does not support this operation.';
169 $language['action_main_optimize']               = 'Optimization ';
170 $language['action_main_check']                  = 'Check ';
171 $language['action_main_repair']                 = 'Repair ';
172 $language['action_main_export']                 = 'Export ';
173 $language['action_main_success']                = 'success!';
174 $language['action_main_failed']                 = 'failed!';
176 // lib_common.php
177 $language['head_home']                                  = 'Home';
178 $language['head_search']                                = 'Search';
179 $language['head_info']                                  = 'Info';
180 $language['head_admin']                                 = 'Admin';
181 $language['head_refresh']                               = 'Refresh';
182 $language['form_top']                                   = 'Reply Mode';
183 $language['form_showpostform']                  = 'Post';
184 $language['form_hidepostform']                  = 'Hide form';
185 $language['form_name']                                  = 'Name';
186 $language['form_email']                                 = 'E-mail';
187 $language['form_topic']                                 = 'Subject';
188 $language['form_submit_btn']                    = 'Submit';
189 $language['form_comment']                               = 'Comment';
190 $language['form_attechment']                    = 'File';
191 $language['form_noattechment']                  = 'No File';
192 $language['form_contpost']                              = 'Noko';
193 $language['form_category']                              = 'Category';
194 $language['form_category_notice']               = '(Use , to seperate)';
195 $language['form_delete_password']               = 'Password';
196 $language['form_delete_password_notice']= '(Password used for post and file deletion, 8 chars max)';
197 $language['form_notice']                                = '<li>Supported file types are: %1$s</li><li>Maximum file size allowed is %2$s KB. Fill E-mail with sage for not bumping post.</li><li>Images greater than %3$s * %4$s pixels will be thumbnailed.</li>';
198 $language['form_notice_storage_limit']  = '<li>Current storage usage: %1$s KB / %2$s KB</li>';
199 $language['form_notice_noscript']               = '*** You disabled JavaScript, but this won\'t affect you when browsing and posting.';
200 $language['error_back']                                 = 'Back';
201 $language['ip_banned']                                  = 'Listed in IP/Hostname Blacklist';
202 $language['ip_dnsbl_banned']                    = 'Listed in DNSBL(%1$s) Blacklist';
204 // mainscript.js // regist_withoutcomment,regist_upload_notsupport,js_convert_sakura
205 $language['js_convert_sakura']                  = 'Big5 sakura Japanese characters detected, please try to convert to standard one.';
208 $language['form_option1']                       = '<span id="option">Option1</span>';
209 $language['form_newt']          = 'New Thread';
211 $language['nothumb']            = 'Thumbnail unavailable';
212 $language['long_comment']               = '「Comment too long. Click ';
213 $language['long_here']          = 'here';
214 $language['long_see']           = ' to view the full text.」';
216 $language['def_sub']            = '無題';
217 $language['def_name']           = '名無し';
218 $language['def_com']            = '';
220 // Style tooltip: stuff inside [square brackets] MUST be left as is!
221 $language['style_tooltip']              = 'Switch to [what] style';
222 // Title of stylesheet management page
223 $language['admin_stylesheets']          = 'Manage Stylesheets';
224 $language['admin_imported']             = 'Imported from <b>[file]</b>';
225 $language['admin_editing']              = 'Editing <b>[file]</b>';
226 $language['admin_created']              = '<b>[file]</b> created!';
227 $language['admin_updated']              = '<b>[file]</b> updated!';
228 $language['admin_deleted']              = '<b>[file]</b> deleted!';
229 // Headings for fields
230 $language['admin_is_default']           = 'Default?';
231 $language['admin_style_default']                = 'Make this default';
232 $language['admin_fullname']             = 'Full name';
233 $language['admin_shortname']            = 'Short name';
234 $language['admin_dispid']               = '<nobr>ID / Display order</nobr> <nobr>(0 to delete)</nobr>';
235 $language['admin_addstyle']             = 'Add [or modify] stylesheet entry';
236 // This goes in [or modify] above
237 $language['admin_modstyle']             = 'or modify';
238 $language['admin_new_file']             = 'File';
239 $language['admin_new_id']               = '<nobr>Display order</nobr> <nobr>(Use existing ID to overwrite)</nobr>';
240 if(!defined("PIXMICAT_LANGUAGE")) print_r($language);
241 ?>