2 /********************************
5 yotsubanome.php*/$ver = "v0. β lot.100404";/*
8 このスクリプトはレッツPHP!<http://php.s3.to/>のgazou.phpを改造したものです。
9 配布条件はレッツPHP!に準じます。改造、再配布は自由にどうぞ。
10 このスクリプトに関する質問はレッツPHP!にしないようにお願いします。
11 最新版は<http://4ch.irc.su/+4/script/>で配布しています。
12 ご質問は準備板@四葉の芽<http://4ch.irc.su/+4/test/>までどうぞ。
14 --【スパーキー(④ ^ヮ^)】◆FCr.DTJy2k◆◆/ODv/gdbGrBJVTTiLB/IBFugUUM=◆四葉の芽◇ちゃんねる ## 管理者 ##
15 ********************************
17 define("PIXMICAT_VER", 'yotsubanome '.$ver); // 版本資訊文字
20 http://pixmicat.openfoundry.org/
21 版權所有 © 2005-2009 Pixmicat! Development Team
24 此程式是基於レッツPHP!<http://php.s3.to/>的gazou.php、
25 双葉ちゃん<http://www.2chan.net>的futaba.php所改寫之衍生著作程式,屬於自由軟體,
26 以The Clarified Artistic License作為發佈授權條款。
27 您可以遵照The Clarified Artistic License來自由使用、散播、修改或製成衍生著作。
28 更詳細的條款及定義請參考隨附"LICENSE"條款副本。
30 發佈這一程式的目的是希望它有用,但沒有任何擔保,甚至沒有適合特定目的而隱含的擔保。
31 關於此程式相關的問題請不要詢問レッツPHP!及双葉ちゃん。
33 如果您沒有隨著程式收到一份The Clarified Artistic License副本,
34 請瀏覽http://pixmicat.openfoundry.org/license/以取得一份。
37 PHP 4.3.0 / 27 December 2002
38 GD Version 2.0.28 / 21 July 2004
41 PHP 4.4.9 或更高版本並開啟 GD 和 Zlib 支援,如支援 ImageMagick 建議使用
42 安裝 PHP 編譯快取套件 (如eAccelerator, XCache, APC) 或其他快取套件 (如memcached) 更佳
43 如伺服器支援 SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL 等請盡量使用
47 首先將pixmicat.php執行過一遍,必要的檔案和資料夾權限皆會自動設定,
48 自動設定完成後請刪除或註解起來此檔案底部之init(); // ←■■!程式環境初始化(略)一行,
49 然後再執行一遍pixmicat.php,即完成初始化程序,可以開始使用。
51 細部的設定請打開config.php參考註解修改,另有 Wiki (http://pixmicat.wikidot.com/pmcuse:config)
55 /* Enviorment Settings */
56 // Do not change unless you renamed the directories
57 define("PHP_DIRECTORY", '../test/'); // yotsubanome "C:\windows\system\"
60 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_env.php'); // Enviorment Settings
61 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'config.php'); // 引入設定檔
62 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_language.php'); // 引入語系
63 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_common.php'); // 引入共通函式檔案
64 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_fileio.php'); // 引入FileIO
65 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_pio.php'); // 引入PIO
66 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_pms.php'); // 引入PMS
67 include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_pte.php'); // 引入PTE外部函式庫
69 $PTE = new PTELibrary(TEMPLATE_FILE); // PTE Library
71 if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')){ // PHP5+
72 set_error_handler('PMCCore_errorHandler', E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_USER_ERROR); // Handle Errors
74 //---- set_error_handler('PMCCore_errorHandler');
75 error_reporting(E_ALL); // show all errors for debugging
78 /* Lockdown [prevents posting] */
79 if(file_exists(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lockdown')){
80 if($_POST['mode'] == 'usrdel' || $_GET['mode'] == 'latest' || $_GET['res']){
83 die('Posting temporarily disabled. Come back later!<br/>—四葉の芽チーム');
89 function updatelog($resno=0,$page_num=-1,$single_page=false){
90 global $config, $PIO, $FileIO, $PTE, $PMS, $language, $LIMIT_SENSOR, $style_bar;
92 $adminMode = adminAuthenticate('check') && $page_num != -1 && !$single_page; // 前端管理模式
93 $adminFunc = ''; // 前端管理選擇
95 $adminFunc = '<select name="func"><option value="delete">'._T('admin_delete').'</option>';
97 $PMS->useModuleMethods('AdminFunction', array('add', &$funclist, null, null)); // "AdminFunction" Hook Point
98 foreach($funclist as $f) $adminFunc .= '<option value="'.$f[0].'">'.$f[1].'</option>'."\n";
99 $adminFunc .= '</select>';
101 $resno = intval($resno); // 編號數字化
102 $page_start = $page_end = 0; // 靜態頁面編號
103 $inner_for_count = 1; // 內部迴圈執行次數
104 $RES_start = $RES_amount = $hiddenReply = $tree_count = $hiddenImage = $hiddenImagP = 0;
105 $hiddenImagRP = 1; // o++
106 $kill_sensor = $old_sensor = false; // 預測系統啟動旗標
107 $arr_kill = $arr_old = array(); // 過舊編號陣列
108 $pte_vals = array('{$THREADFRONT}'=>'','{$THREADREAR}'=>'','{$SELF}'=>PHP_SELF,
109 '{$DEL_HEAD_TEXT}' => '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="usrdel" />'._T('del_head'),
110 '{$DEL_IMG_ONLY_FIELD}' => '<input type="checkbox" name="onlyimgdel" id="onlyimgdel" value="on" />',
111 '{$DEL_IMG_ONLY_TEXT}' => _T('del_img_only'),
112 '{$DEL_PASS_TEXT}' => ($adminMode ? $adminFunc : '')._T('del_pass'),
113 '{$DEL_PASS_FIELD}' => '<input class="inputtext" type="password" name="pwd" size="8" value="" />',
114 '{$DEL_SUBMIT_BTN}' => '<input type="submit" value="'._T('del_btn').'" />');
115 if(is_file(DATA_DIR.CSV_SS)) $pte_vals += array('{$STYLE_BAR}' => '<br />Style '.$style_bar);
117 if($resno) $pte_vals['{$RESTO}'] = $resno;
120 if($page_num==-1){ // remake模式 (PHP動態輸出多頁份)
121 $threads = $PIO->fetchThreadList(); // 取得全討論串列表
122 $PMS->useModuleMethods('ThreadOrder', array($resno,$page_num,$single_page,&$threads)); // "ThreadOrder" Hook Point
123 $threads_count = count($threads);
124 $inner_for_count = $threads_count > PAGE_DEF ? PAGE_DEF : $threads_count;
125 $page_end = ceil($threads_count / PAGE_DEF) - 1; // 頁面編號最後值
126 }else{ // 討論串分頁模式 (PHP動態輸出一頁份)
127 $threads_count = $PIO->threadCount(); // 討論串個數
128 //---- if($page_num < 0 || ($page_num * PAGE_DEF) >= $threads_count) error(_T('page_not_found')); // $page_num超過範圍
129 //++++---- Page 0 bug fix
130 if($page_num!=0) if($page_num < 0 || ($page_num * PAGE_DEF) >= $threads_count) error(_T('page_not_found')); // $page_num超過範圍
132 $page_start = $page_end = $page_num; // 設定靜態頁面編號
133 $threads = $PIO->fetchThreadList($page_num * PAGE_DEF, PAGE_DEF); // 取出分頁後的討論串首篇列表
134 $PMS->useModuleMethods('ThreadOrder', array($resno,$page_num,$single_page,&$threads)); // "ThreadOrder" Hook Point
135 $inner_for_count = count($threads); // 討論串個數就是迴圈次數
138 if(!$PIO->isThread($resno)){ error(_T('thread_not_found')); }
139 $AllRes = isset($_GET['page_num']) && $_GET['page_num']=='all'; // 是否使用 ALL 全部輸出
142 $tree_count = $PIO->postCount($resno) - 1; // 討論串回應個數
143 if($tree_count && RE_PAGE_DEF){ // 有回應且RE_PAGE_DEF > 0才做分頁動作
144 if($page_num==='all'){ // show all
147 $RES_amount = $tree_count;
149 if($page_num==='RE_PAGE_MAX') $page_num = ceil($tree_count / RE_PAGE_DEF) - 1; // 特殊值:最末頁
150 if($page_num < 0) $page_num = 0; // 負數
151 if($page_num * RE_PAGE_DEF >= $tree_count) error(_T('page_not_found'));
152 $RES_start = $page_num * RE_PAGE_DEF + 1; // 開始
153 $RES_amount = RE_PAGE_DEF; // 取幾個
155 }elseif($page_num > 0) error(_T('page_not_found')); // 沒有回應的情況只允許page_num = 0 或負數
156 else{ $RES_start = 1; $RES_amount = $tree_count; $page_num = 0; } // 輸出全部回應
158 if(USE_RE_CACHE && !$adminMode){ // 檢查快取是否仍可使用 / 頁面有無更動
159 $cacheETag = md5(($AllRes ? 'all' : $page_num).'-'.$tree_count); // 最新狀態快取用 ETag
160 $cacheFile = './cache/'.$resno.'-'.($AllRes ? 'all' : $page_num).'.'; // 暫存快取檔位置
161 $cacheGzipPrefix = extension_loaded('zlib') ? 'compress.zlib://' : ''; // 支援 Zlib Compression Stream 就使用
162 $cacheControl = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] : ''; // 瀏覽器快取控制
163 if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] == '"'.$cacheETag.'"'){ // 再度瀏覽而快取無更動
164 header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
165 header('ETag: "'.$cacheETag.'"');
167 }elseif(file_exists($cacheFile.$cacheETag) && $cacheControl != 'no-cache'){ // 有(更新的)暫存快取檔存在 (未強制no-cache)
168 header('X-Cache: HIT from Pixmicat');
169 header('ETag: "'.$cacheETag.'"');
170 header('Connection: close');
171 readfile($cacheGzipPrefix.$cacheFile.$cacheETag); return;
173 header('X-Cache: MISS from Pixmicat');
178 //++++---- Page 0 bug fix
179 if($tree_count==0 && $page_end==-1) $page_end = 0;
182 if(PIOSensor::check('predict', $LIMIT_SENSOR)){ // 是否需要預測
183 $old_sensor = true; // 標記打開
184 $arr_old = array_flip(PIOSensor::listee('predict', $LIMIT_SENSOR)); // 過舊文章陣列
186 $tmp_total_size = total_size(); // 目前附加圖檔使用量
187 $tmp_STORAGE_MAX = STORAGE_MAX * (($tmp_total_size >= STORAGE_MAX) ? 1 : 0.96); // 預估上限值
188 if(STORAGE_LIMIT && STORAGE_MAX > 0 && ($tmp_total_size >= $tmp_STORAGE_MAX)){
189 $kill_sensor = true; // 標記打開
190 $arr_kill = $PIO->delOldAttachments($tmp_total_size, $tmp_STORAGE_MAX); // 過舊附檔陣列
193 $PMS->useModuleMethods('ThreadFront', array(&$pte_vals['{$THREADFRONT}'], $resno)); // "ThreadFront" Hook Point
194 $PMS->useModuleMethods('ThreadRear', array(&$pte_vals['{$THREADREAR}'], $resno)); // "ThreadRear" Hook Point
197 for($page = $page_start; $page <= $page_end; $page++){
198 $dat = ''; $pte_vals['{$THREADS}'] = '';
202 for($i = 0; $i < $inner_for_count; $i++){
204 if($resno) $tID = $resno; // 單討論串輸出 (回應模式)
206 if($page_num == -1 && ($page * PAGE_DEF + $i) >= $threads_count) break; // remake 超出索引代表已全部完成
207 $tID = ($page_start==$page_end) ? $threads[$i] : $threads[$page * PAGE_DEF + $i]; // 一頁內容 (一般模式) / 多頁內容 (remake模式)
208 $tree_count = $PIO->postCount($tID) - 1; // 討論串回應個數
209 $RES_start = $tree_count - RE_DEF + 1; if($RES_start < 1) $RES_start = 1; // 開始
210 $RES_amount = RE_DEF; // 取幾個
211 $hiddenReply = $RES_start - 1; // 被隱藏回應數
214 // $RES_start, $RES_amount 拿去算新討論串結構 (分頁後, 部分回應隱藏)
215 $tree = $PIO->fetchPostList($tID); // 整個討論串樹狀結構
216 $tree_cut = array_slice($tree, $RES_start, $RES_amount); array_unshift($tree_cut, $tID); // 取出特定範圍回應
217 $posts = $PIO->fetchPosts($tree_cut); // 取得文章架構內容
218 $posts_img = $PIO->fetchPosts($tree); // o++
219 $pte_vals['{$THREADS}'] .= arrangeThread($PTE, $tree, $tree_cut, $posts, $hiddenReply, $resno, $arr_kill, $arr_old, $kill_sensor, $old_sensor, true, $adminMode, $hiddenImage, $hiddenImagP, $hiddenImagRP, $posts_img); // 交給這個函式去搞討論串印出
221 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] = '<div id="page_switch">';
224 $prev = ($resno ? $page_num : $page) - 1;
225 $next = ($resno ? $page_num : $page) + 1;
227 if(RE_PAGE_DEF > 0){ // 回應分頁開啟
228 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<table class="pages" border="1"><tr><td style="white-space: nowrap;">';
229 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= ($prev >= 0) ? '<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$resno.'&page_num='.$prev.'">'._T('prev_page').'</a>' : _T('first_page');
230 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= "</td><td>";
231 if($tree_count==0) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '[<b>0</b>] '; // 無回應
233 for($i = 0, $len = $tree_count / RE_PAGE_DEF; $i < $len; $i++){
234 if(!$AllRes && $page_num==$i) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '[<b>'.$i.'</b>] ';
235 else $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$resno.'&page_num='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>] ';
237 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= $AllRes ? '[<b>'._T('all_pages').'</b>] ' : ($tree_count > RE_PAGE_DEF ? '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$resno.'&page_num=all">'._T('all_pages').'</a>] ' : '');
239 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '</td><td style="white-space: nowrap;">';
240 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= (!$AllRes && $tree_count > $next * RE_PAGE_DEF) ? '<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$resno.'&page_num='.$next.'">'._T('next_page').'</a>' : _T('last_page');
241 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '</td></tr></table>'."\n";
244 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<table class="pages" border="1"><tr>';
246 if(!$adminMode && $prev==0) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td><form action="'.PHP_SELF2.'" method="get">';
248 if($adminMode || (STATIC_HTML_UNTIL != -1) && ($prev > STATIC_HTML_UNTIL)) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td><form action="'.PHP_SELF.'?page_num='.$prev.'" method="post">';
249 else $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td><form action="'.$prev.PHP_EXT.'" method="get">';
251 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<div><input type="submit" value="'._T('prev_page').'" /></div></form></td>';
252 }else $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap;">'._T('first_page').'</td>';
253 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td>';
254 for($i = 0, $len = $threads_count / PAGE_DEF; $i < $len; $i++){
255 if($page==$i) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= "[<b>".$i."</b>] ";
257 $pageNext = ($i==$next) ? ' rel="next"' : '';
258 if(!$adminMode && $i==0) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF2.'?">0</a>] ';
259 elseif($adminMode || (STATIC_HTML_UNTIL != -1 && $i > STATIC_HTML_UNTIL)) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?page_num='.$i.'"'.$pageNext.'>'.$i.'</a>] ';
260 else $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '[<a href="'.$i.PHP_EXT.'?"'.$pageNext.'>'.$i.'</a>] ';
263 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '</td>';
264 if($threads_count > $next * PAGE_DEF){
265 if($adminMode || (STATIC_HTML_UNTIL != -1) && ($next > STATIC_HTML_UNTIL)) $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td><form action="'.PHP_SELF.'?page_num='.$next.'" method="post">';
266 else $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td><form action="'.$next.PHP_EXT.'" method="get">';
267 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<div><input type="submit" value="'._T('next_page').'" /></div></form></td>';
268 }else $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap;">'._T('last_page').'</td>';
269 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '</tr></table>'."\n";
271 $pte_vals['{$PAGENAV}'] .= '<br style="clear: left;" />
273 $dat .= $PTE->ParseBlock('MAIN', $pte_vals);
274 foot($dat); // the foot is a special core function wwww --sparky4
277 if($single_page || ($page_num == -1 && !$resno)){ // 靜態快取頁面生成
278 if($page==0) $logfilename = PHP_SELF2;
279 else $logfilename = $page.PHP_EXT;
280 $fp = fopen($logfilename, 'w');
281 stream_set_write_buffer($fp, 0);
284 @chmod($logfilename, 0666);
285 if(STATIC_HTML_UNTIL != -1 && STATIC_HTML_UNTIL==$page) break; // 頁面數目限制
286 }else{ // PHP 輸出 (回應模式/一般動態輸出)
287 if(USE_RE_CACHE && !$adminMode && $resno && !isset($_GET['upseries'])){ // 更新快取
288 if($oldCaches = glob($cacheFile.'*')){
289 foreach($oldCaches as $o) unlink($o); // 刪除舊快取
291 $fp = fopen($cacheGzipPrefix.$cacheFile.$cacheETag, 'w');
294 @chmod($cacheFile.$cacheETag, 0666);
295 header('ETag: "'.$cacheETag.'"');
296 header('Connection: close');
305 function arrangeThread($PTE, $tree, $tree_cut, $posts, $hiddenReply, $resno=0, $arr_kill, $arr_old, $kill_sensor, $old_sensor, $showquotelink=true, $adminMode=false, $hiddenImage, $hiddenImagP, $hiddenImagRP, $posts_img){
306 global $config, $PIO, $FileIO, $PMS, $language;
308 $thdat = ''; // 討論串輸出碼
309 $posts_count = count($posts); // 迴圈次數
310 if($hiddenReply) $posts_img_count = count($posts_img); // o++
311 if(gettype($tree_cut) == 'array') $tree_cut = array_flip($tree_cut); // array_flip + isset 搜尋法
312 if(gettype($tree) == 'array') $tree_clone = array_flip($tree);
313 if($hiddenReply){ // o++
314 // $o = 0 (首篇), $o = 1~n (回應) //++++----
315 for($o = 0; $o < $posts_img_count; $o++){ // o++
316 extract($posts_img[$o]); // o++
317 if($ext && $FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)) $hiddenImage++; // o++ all images in thread
319 // $oo = 0 (首篇), $oo = 1~n (回應) //++++----
320 for($oo = 0; $oo < $posts_count; $oo++){ // o++
321 extract($posts[$oo]); // o++
322 if($oo) if($ext && $FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)) $hiddenImagP++; // o++ reply images in index
323 elseif(!$ext && !$FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)) $hiddenImagRP = 0; // o++ opening thread image in index
326 // A little math is done to get the total number of omitted images
327 $hiddenImgs = ($hiddenImage - $hiddenImagP) - $hiddenImagRP; // o++
330 // Actually beginning the REAL post extraction
331 // $i = 0 (首篇), $i = 1~n (回應)
332 for($i = 0; $i < $posts_count; $i++){
333 $imgsrc = $img_thumb = $imgwh_bar = $imgfn_bar = '';
335 extract($posts[$i]); // 取出討論串文章內容設定變數
337 if($no == 0) break; // Do not display post 0
340 $name = str_replace('&'.TRIP_KEY, '&'.TRIP_KEY, $name); // 避免 &#xxxx; 後面被視為 Trip 留下 & 造成解析錯誤
341 if(CLEAR_SAGE) $email = preg_replace('/^sage( *)/i', '', trim($email)); // 清除E-mail中的「sage」關鍵字
342 // Tripcode indicator // t++ //++++----
343 // This may be a blob of code but it apparently works >< please help me here
344 $tripkeycount = substr_count($name, TRIP_KEY);
345 if(ALLOW_NONAME==2){ // 強制砍名
346 if($tripkeycount==1) $name = preg_match('/(\\'.TRIP_KEY.'.{10})/', $name, $matches) ? '<span class="postertrip">'.$matches[1].'</span>' : '';
347 if($tripkeycount==2) $name = preg_match('/(\\'.TRIP_KEY.TRIP_KEY.'.{16})/', $name, $matches) ? '<span class="postertrip">'.$matches[1].'</span>' : '';
348 if($tripkeycount==3) $name = preg_match('/(\\'.TRIP_KEY.'.{32})/', $name, $matches) ? '<span class="postertrip">'.$matches[1].'</span>' : '';
349 if($email) $now = "<a href=\"mailto:$email\" class=\"linkmail\">$now</a>";
351 if($tripkeycount==1) $name = preg_replace('/(\\'.TRIP_KEY.'.{10})/', '<span class="postertrip">$1</span>', $name); // Trip取消粗體
352 if($tripkeycount==2) $name = preg_replace('/(\\'.TRIP_KEY.TRIP_KEY.'.{16})/', '<span class="postertrip">$1</span>', $name); // Trip取消粗體
353 if($tripkeycount==3) $name = preg_replace('/(\\'.TRIP_KEY.'.{32})/', '<span class="postertrip">$1</span>', $name); // Trip取消粗體
354 if($email) $name = "<a href=\"mailto:$email\" class=\"linkmail\">$name</a>";
357 if(AUTO_LINK) $com = auto_link($com);
358 $com = quoteLight($com);
359 $com = quoteLight2($com);
360 if(!$resno && $config['LINE_NUMBER']) list($com, $abbreviated) = abbreviate($com, $config['LINE_NUMBER']);
361 if(isset($abbreviated) && $abbreviated && $config['LINE_NUMBER']) $com .= '<br /><span class="abbrev">'._T('long_comment').'<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree[0].'#r'.$no.'">'._T('long_here').'</a>'._T('long_see').'</span>';
363 if(USE_QUOTESYSTEM && $i){ // 啟用引用瀏覽系統
364 if(preg_match_all('/((?:>|>)+)(?:No\.)?(\d+)/i', $com, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)){ // 找尋>>No.xxx
365 $matches_unique = array();
366 foreach($matches as $val){ if(!in_array($val, $matches_unique)) array_push($matches_unique, $val); }
367 foreach($matches_unique as $val){
368 if(isset($tree_clone[$val[2]])){
369 $r_page = $tree_clone[$val[2]]; // 引用回應在整體討論串中的位置
371 if(isset($tree_cut[$val[2]])) $com = str_replace($val[0], '<span class="reflink"><a class="qlink" href="#r'.$val[2].'" onclick="replyhl('.$val[2].');">'.$val[0].'</a></span>', $com);
373 else $com = str_replace($val[0], '<span class="reflink"><a class="qlink" href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree[0].(RE_PAGE_DEF ? '&page_num='.floor(($r_page - 1) / RE_PAGE_DEF) : '').'#r'.$val[2].'">'.$val[0].'</a></span>', $com);
380 if($ext && !$FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)){
381 $imgsrc = '<img src="'.ICON_DIR.'filedeleted.gif" class="img" alt="'.$imgsize.'" title="'.$imgsize.'" />';
382 }elseif($ext && $FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)){
383 $imageURL = $FileIO->getImageURL($tim.$ext); // image URL
384 $thumbURL = $FileIO->getImageURL($tim.'s.jpg'); // thumb URL
386 //----$imgsrc = '<a href="'.$imageURL.'" rel="_blank"><img src="'.ICON_DIR.'nothumb.gif" class="img" alt="'.$imgsize.'" title="'.$imgsize.'" /></a>'; // 預設顯示圖樣式 (無預覽圖時)
387 $imgsrc = '<a href="'.$imageURL.'" rel="_blank"><span class="tn_reply" title="'.$imgsize.'">'._T('nothumb').'</span></a>'; // 預設顯示圖樣式 (無預覽圖時)
389 if($FileIO->imageExists($tim.'s.jpg')){ // 有預覽圖
390 $img_thumb = '<br /><small><span class="thumbnailmsg">'._T('img_sample').'</span></small>';
391 $imgsrc = '<a href="'.$imageURL.'" rel="_blank"><img src="'.$thumbURL.'" style="width: '.$tw.'px; height: '.$th.'px;" class="img" alt="'.$imgsize.'" title="'.$imgsize.'" /></a>';
392 }elseif($ext=='.swf') $imgsrc = ''; // swf檔案不需預覽圖
394 if(SHOW_IMGWH) $imgwh_bar = ', '.$imgw.'x'.$imgh; // 顯示附加圖檔之原檔長寬尺寸
396 $longname = $shortname = '';
398 $longname = $filename.$ext;
399 if(strlen($filename) > 40) $shortname = substr($filename, 0, 40).'(....)'.$ext;
400 else $shortname = $longname;
403 if($longname) $imgfn_bar = ', <span title="'.$longname.'">'.$shortname.'</span>';
404 $IMG_BAR = '<span class="filesize">'._T('img_filename').'<a href="'.$imageURL.'" rel="_blank">'.$tim.$ext.'</a>-('.$imgsize.$imgwh_bar.$imgfn_bar.')</span>'.$img_thumb;
409 if($showquotelink) $QUOTEBTN = '<span class="reflink"><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree[0].'#r'.$no.'" onclick="return replyhl('.$no.');">No.</a><a href="javascript:quote('.$no.');" class="qlink">'.$no.'</a></span>';
410 else $QUOTEBTN = '<span class="reflink"><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree[0].'#r'.$no.'" onclick="return replyhl('.$no.');">No.</a><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree.'&page_num=all#r'.$no.'" class="qlink">'.$no.'</a></span>';
412 if(!$i) $REPLYBTN = '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$no.'">'._T('reply_btn').'</a>]'; // 首篇
413 $QUOTEBTN = '<span class="reflink"><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree[0].'#r'.$no.'">No.</a><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.$tree[0].'#q'.$no.'" class="qlink">'.$no.'</a></span>';
415 if($adminMode){ // 前端管理模式
417 $PMS->useModuleMethods('AdminList', array(&$modFunc, $posts[$i], $resto)); // "AdminList" Hook Point
418 $QUOTEBTN .= $modFunc;
422 if(STORAGE_LIMIT && $kill_sensor) if(isset($arr_kill[$no])) $WARN_BEKILL = '<span class="warn_txt">'._T('warn_sizelimit').'</span><br />'."\n"; // 預測刪除過大檔
424 if($old_sensor) if(isset($arr_old[$no])) $WARN_OLD = '<span class="oldpost">'._T('warn_oldthread').'</span><br />'."\n"; // 快要被刪除的提示
425 $flgh = $PIO->getPostStatus($status);
426 if($flgh->exists('TS')) $WARN_ENDREPLY = '<span class="warn_txt">'._T('warn_locked').'</span><br />'."\n"; // 被標記為禁止回應
427 if($hiddenReply) $WARN_HIDEPOST = '<span class="omittedposts">'._res($hiddenReply, $hiddenImgs)._T('notice_omitted_reply').'</span><br />'."\n"; // 有隱藏的回應
432 $ary_category = explode(',', str_replace(',', ',', $category)); $ary_category = array_map('trim', $ary_category);
433 $ary_category_count = count($ary_category);
434 $ary_category2 = array();
435 for($p = 0; $p < $ary_category_count; $p++){
436 if($c = $ary_category[$p]) $ary_category2[] = '<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=category&c='.urlencode($c).'">'.$c.'</a>';
438 $category = implode(', ', $ary_category2);
439 }else $category = '';
443 $arrLabels = array('{$NO}'=>$no, '{$SUB}'=>$sub, '{$NAME}'=>$name, '{$NOW}'=>$now, '{$COM}'=>$com, '{$CATEGORY}'=>$category, '{$QUOTEBTN}'=>$QUOTEBTN, '{$IMG_BAR}'=>$IMG_BAR, '{$IMG_SRC}'=>$imgsrc, '{$WARN_BEKILL}'=>$WARN_BEKILL, '{$QUOTEBTN}'=>$QUOTEBTN, '{$NAME_TEXT}'=>_T('post_name'), '{$CATEGORY_TEXT}'=>_T('post_category'), '{$SELF}'=>PHP_SELF);
444 if($resno) $arrLabels['{$RESTO}']=$resno;
445 $PMS->useModuleMethods('ThreadReply', array(&$arrLabels, $posts[$i], $resno)); // "ThreadReply" Hook Point
446 $thdat .= $PTE->ParseBlock('REPLY',$arrLabels);
448 $arrLabels = array('{$NO}'=>$no, '{$SUB}'=>$sub, '{$NAME}'=>$name, '{$NOW}'=>$now, '{$COM}'=>$com, '{$CATEGORY}'=>$category, '{$QUOTEBTN}'=>$QUOTEBTN, '{$REPLYBTN}'=>$REPLYBTN, '{$IMG_BAR}'=>$IMG_BAR, '{$IMG_SRC}'=>$imgsrc, '{$WARN_OLD}'=>$WARN_OLD, '{$WARN_BEKILL}'=>$WARN_BEKILL, '{$WARN_ENDREPLY}'=>$WARN_ENDREPLY, '{$WARN_HIDEPOST}'=>$WARN_HIDEPOST, '{$NAME_TEXT}'=>_T('post_name'), '{$CATEGORY_TEXT}'=>_T('post_category'), '{$SELF}'=>PHP_SELF);
449 if($resno) $arrLabels['{$RESTO}']=$resno;
450 $PMS->useModuleMethods('ThreadPost', array(&$arrLabels, $posts[$i], $resno)); // "ThreadPost" Hook Point
451 $thdat .= $PTE->ParseBlock('THREAD',$arrLabels);
454 $thdat .= $PTE->ParseBlock('THREADSEPARATE',($resno)?array('{$RESTO}'=>$resno):array());
461 global $config, $PIO, $FileIO, $PMS, $language, $BAD_STRING, $BAD_FILEMD5, $BAD_IPADDR, $LIMIT_SENSOR;
462 $dest = ''; $mes = ''; $up_incomplete = 0; $is_admin = false;
463 $path = realpath('.').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // 此目錄的絕對位置
465 if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') error(_T('regist_notpost')); // 非正規POST方式
467 $FTname = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
468 $FTemail = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
469 $FTsub = isset($_POST['sub']) ? $_POST['sub'] : '';
470 $FTcom = isset($_POST['com']) ? $_POST['com'] : '';
471 $FTreply = isset($_POST['reply']) ? $_POST['reply'] : '';
472 if($FTname != 'spammer' || $FTemail != 'foo@foo.bar' || $FTsub != 'DO NOT FIX THIS' || $FTcom != 'EID OG SMAPS' || $FTreply != '') error(_T('regist_nospam'));
474 $name = isset($_POST[FT_NAME]) ? CleanStr($_POST[FT_NAME]) : '';
475 $email = isset($_POST[FT_EMAIL]) ? CleanStr($_POST[FT_EMAIL]) : '';
476 $sub = isset($_POST[FT_SUBJECT]) ? CleanStr($_POST[FT_SUBJECT]) : '';
477 $com = isset($_POST[FT_COMMENT]) ? $_POST[FT_COMMENT] : '';
478 $pwd = isset($_POST['pwd']) ? $_POST['pwd'] : '';
479 $category = isset($_POST['category']) ? CleanStr($_POST['category']) : '';
480 $resto = isset($_POST['resto']) ? intval($_POST['resto']) : 0;
481 $upfile = isset($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name']) ? $_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'] : '';
482 $upfile_path = isset($_POST['upfile_path']) ? $_POST['upfile_path'] : '';
483 $upfile_name = isset($_FILES['upfile']['name']) ? $_FILES['upfile']['name'] : false;
484 $ext_ = ereg_replace("^.*\\.", ".", $upfile_name); // filename extention
485 $basename = basename($upfile_name, $ext_); // filename
486 $filename = isset($basename) ? CleanStr($basename) : ''; // cleaned filename
487 $upfile_status = isset($_FILES['upfile']['error']) ? $_FILES['upfile']['error'] : 4;
488 $pwdc = isset($_COOKIE['pwdc']) ? $_COOKIE['pwdc'] : '';
489 $ip = getREMOTE_ADDR(); $host = gethostbyaddr($ip);
491 $PMS->useModuleMethods('RegistBegin', array(&$name, &$email, &$sub, &$com, array('file'=>&$upfile, 'path'=>&$upfile_path, 'name'=>&$upfile_name, 'status'=>&$upfile_status), array('ip'=>$ip, 'host'=>$host), $resto)); // "RegistBegin" Hook Point
492 // 封鎖:IP/Hostname/DNSBL 檢查機能
494 if(BanIPHostDNSBLCheck($ip, $host, $baninfo)) error(_T('regist_ipfiltered', $baninfo));
496 foreach($BAD_STRING as $value){
497 if(strpos($com, $value)!==false || strpos($sub, $value)!==false || strpos($name, $value)!==false || strpos($email, $value)!==false){
498 error(_T('regist_wordfiltered'));
503 foreach(array($name, $email, $sub, $com) as $anti) if(anti_sakura($anti)) error(_T('regist_sakuradetected'));
507 $tim = $time.substr(microtime(),2,3);
508 $tome = time()+0*60*60;
511 switch($upfile_status){
513 error(_T('regist_upload_exceedphp'));
516 error(_T('regist_upload_exceedcustom'));
519 error(_T('regist_upload_incompelete'));
522 error(_T('regist_upload_direrror'));
525 if(NO_TEXTONLY == 2){
526 if(!$resto) error(_T('regist_upload_noimg'));
527 }elseif(NO_TEXTONLY == 1){
528 if(!$resto && !isset($_POST['noimg'])) error(_T('regist_upload_noimg'));
536 if($upfile && (@is_uploaded_file($upfile) || @is_file($upfile))){
538 $dest = $path.TEMP_DIR.$tim.'.temp';
539 @move_uploaded_file($upfile, $dest) or @copy($upfile, $dest);
541 if(!is_file($dest)) error(_T('regist_upload_filenotfound'), $dest);
544 $upsizeTTL = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'];
545 if(isset($_FILES['upfile'])){ // 有傳輸資料才需要計算,避免作白工
547 // 檔案路徑:IE附完整路徑,故得從隱藏表單取得
548 $tmp_upfile_path = $upfile_name;
549 if($upfile_path) $tmp_upfile_path = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($upfile_path) : $upfile_path;
550 list(,$boundary) = explode('=', $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']);
551 foreach($_POST as $header => $value){ // 表單欄位傳送資料
552 $upsizeHDR += strlen('--'.$boundary."\r\n");
553 $upsizeHDR += strlen('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="'.$header.'"'."\r\n\r\n".(get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($value):$value)."\r\n");
556 $upsizeHDR += strlen('--'.$boundary."\r\n");
557 $upsizeHDR += strlen('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upfile"; filename="'.$tmp_upfile_path."\"\r\n".'Content-Type: '.$_FILES['upfile']['type']."\r\n\r\n");
558 $upsizeHDR += strlen("\r\n--".$boundary."--\r\n");
559 $upsizeHDR += $_FILES['upfile']['size']; // 傳送附加圖檔資料量
560 // 上傳位元組差值超過 HTTP_UPLOAD_DIFF:上傳附加圖檔不完全
561 if(($upsizeTTL - $upsizeHDR) > HTTP_UPLOAD_DIFF){
564 die(_T('regist_upload_killincomp')); // 給瀏覽器的提示,假如使用者還看的到的話才不會納悶
565 }else $up_incomplete = 1;
570 $size = @getimagesize($dest);
571 if(!is_array($size)) error(_T('regist_upload_notimage'), $dest); // $size不為陣列就不是圖檔
572 $imgsize = @filesize($dest); // 檔案大小
573 if(!$config['KB']) $imgsize .= ' B'; // Bytes only
574 else $imgsize = ($imgsize>=1024) ? (int)($imgsize/1024).' KB' : $imgsize.' B'; // KB和B的判別
575 switch($size[2]){ // 判斷上傳附加圖檔之格式
576 case 1 : $ext = ".gif"; break;
577 case 2 : $ext = ".jpg"; break;
578 case 3 : $ext = ".png"; break;
579 case 4 : $ext = ".swf"; break;
580 case 5 : $ext = ".psd"; break;
581 case 6 : $ext = ".bmp"; break;
582 case 7 : $ext = ".tiff"; break;
583 case 8 : $ext = ".tiff"; break;
584 case 9 : $ext = ".jpc"; break;
585 case 10 : $ext = ".jp2"; break;
586 case 11 : $ext = ".jpx"; break;
587 case 12 : $ext = ".jb2"; break;
588 case 13 : $ext = ".swf"; break;
589 case 14 : $ext = ".aiff"; break;
590 case 15 : $ext = ".wbmp"; break;
591 case 16 : $ext = ".xbm"; break; // I add more media support (^^,)
592 default : $ext = ".xxxx"; error(_T('regist_upload_notsupport'), $dest);
594 $allow_exts = explode('|', strtolower(ALLOW_UPLOAD_EXT)); // 接受之附加圖檔副檔名
595 if(array_search(substr($ext, 1), $allow_exts)===false) error(_T('regist_upload_notsupport'), $dest); // 並無在接受副檔名之列
596 // 封鎖設定:限制上傳附加圖檔之MD5檢查碼
597 $md5chksum = md5_file($dest); // 檔案MD5
598 if(array_search($md5chksum, $BAD_FILEMD5)!==FALSE) error(_T('regist_upload_blocked'), $dest); // 在封鎖設定內則阻擋
600 // 四‧計算附加圖檔圖檔縮圖顯示尺寸 //++++---- <- the comment from pixmicat team is broken here
601 $W = $imgW = $size[0];
602 $H = $imgH = $size[1];
603 $MAXW = $resto ? MAX_RW : MAX_W;
604 $MAXH = $resto ? MAX_RH : MAX_H;
605 if($W > $MAXW || $H > $MAXH){
608 $key = ($W2 < $H2) ? $W2 : $H2;
609 $W = ceil($W * $key);
610 $H = ceil($H * $key);
612 $mes = _T('regist_uploaded', CleanStr($upfile_name));
616 if(strlen($name) > 100) error(_T('regist_nametoolong'), $dest);
617 if(strlen($email) > 100) error(_T('regist_emailtoolong'), $dest);
618 if(strlen($sub) > 100) error(_T('regist_topictoolong'), $dest);
619 if(strlen($resto) > 10) error(_T('regist_longthreadnum'), $dest);
622 $email = str_replace("\r\n", '', $email); $sub = str_replace("\r\n", '', $sub);
624 // Tripcode area--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 $name = str_replace(TRIP_KEY, TRIP_KEY_FAKE, $name); // 防止トリップ偽造
628 $name = str_replace($config['CAP.SUFFIX'], $config['CAP.SUFFIX.FAKE'], $name); // 防止管理員キャップ偽造
629 $name = str_replace("\r\n", '', $name);
630 $nameOri = $name; // 名稱
632 //----if(preg_match('/(.*?)[##](.*)/u', $name, $regs)){ // トリップ(Trip)機能
633 //----$name = $nameOri = $regs[1]; $cap = strtr($regs[2], array('&'=>'&'));
634 //----$salt = preg_replace('/[^\.-z]/', '.', substr($cap.'H.', 1, 2));
635 //----$salt = strtr($salt, ':;<=>?@[\\]^_`', 'ABCDEFGabcdef');
636 //----$name = $name.TRIP_KEY.substr(crypt($cap, $salt), -10);
637 if(preg_match('/(.*?)[##](.*)/u', $name, $regs)){ // トリップ(Trip)機能
638 $name = str_replace("&#", "&%%%%%%", $name); # otherwise HTML numeric entities screw up explode()!
639 list($name, $trip, $sectrip) = str_replace("&&", "&%%%%%%", explode("#", $name));
642 if(function_exists("iconv")) $trip = iconv("UTF-8", "SHIFT_JIS//TRANSLIT", $trip); // convert to Windows Japanese #kami
643 $salt = strtr(preg_replace('/[^\.-z]/', '.', substr($trip.'H.', 1, 2)), ':;<=>?@[\\]^_`', 'ABCDEFGabcdef');
644 $metrip = TRIP_KEY.substr(crypt($trip, $salt), -10);
647 if(function_exists("iconv")) $sectrip = iconv("UTF-8", "SHIFT_JIS//TRANSLIT", $sectrip); // convert to Windows Japanese #kami
649 if(file_exists(SALTFILE)){ # already generated a key
650 $salt = file_get_contents(SALTFILE);
652 system("openssl rand 448 > '".SALTFILE, $err);
654 if(chmod(SALTFILE,0400)){
655 $salt = file_get_contents(SALTFILE);
658 $fp = fopen(SALTFILE, "w");
664 $sha = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($sectrip.$salt)));
665 $sha = substr($sha, 0, 16);
666 $metrip .= TRIP_KEY.TRIP_KEY.$sha;
669 //++++if(file_exists(FILTER_DIR)){
670 //++++include(FILTER_DIR.'trip.php');
672 //----"</b></font><font class=\"postertrip\">".
675 if($config['CAP.ENABLE'] && preg_match('/(.*?)[##](.*)/u', $email, $aregs)){ // 管理員キャップ(Cap)機能
676 $acap_name = $nameOri; $acap_pwd = strtr($aregs[2], array('&'=>'&'));
677 if($acap_name==$config['CAP.NAME'] && $acap_pwd==$config['CAP.PASSWORD']){
678 $name = '<span class="admin_cap">'.$name.$config['CAP.SUFFIX'].'</span>';
680 $email = $aregs[1]; // 去除 #xx 密碼
683 if(!$is_admin){ // 非管理員
684 $name = str_replace(_T('admin'), '"'._T('admin').'"', $name);
685 $name = str_replace(_T('deletor'), '"'._T('deletor').'"', $name);
687 $name = str_replace('&'.TRIP_KEY, '&'.TRIP_KEY, $name); // 避免 &#xxxx; 後面被視為 Trip 留下 & 造成解析錯誤
689 // End of Tripcode area--------------------------------------------------------------------------
692 if((strlen($com) > COMM_MAX) && !$is_admin) error(_T('regist_commenttoolong'), $dest);
693 $com = CleanStr($com, $is_admin); // 引入$is_admin參數是因為當管理員キャップ啟動時,允許管理員依config設定是否使用HTML
694 if(!$com && $upfile_status==4) error(_T('regist_withoutcomment'));
695 $com = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $com); $com = ereg_replace("\n(( | )*\n){4,}", "\n", $com);
696 if(!BR_CHECK || substr_count($com,"\n") < BR_CHECK) $com = nl2br($com); // 換行字元用<br />代替
697 $com = str_replace("\n", '', $com); // 若還有\n換行字元則取消換行
699 if(!$name || ereg("^[ | |]*$", $name)){
701 else error(_T('regist_withoutname'), $dest);
703 if(!$sub || ereg("^[ | |]*$", $sub)){
705 else error(_T('regist_withoutsubject'), $dest);
707 if(!$com || ereg("^[ | |\t]*$", $com)){
709 else error(_T('regist_withoutcomment'), $dest);
712 if($category && USE_CATEGORY){
713 $category = explode(',', $category); // 把標籤拆成陣列
714 $category = ','.implode(',', array_map('trim', $category)).','; // 去空白再合併為單一字串 (左右含,便可以直接以,XX,形式搜尋)
715 }else{ $category = ''; }
716 if($up_incomplete) $com .= '<br /><br /><span class="warn_txt">'._T('notice_incompletefile').'</span>'; // 上傳附加圖檔不完全的提示
719 if($pwd=='') if(ALLOW_NOPASS) error(_T('regist_withoutpassword'), $dest); else $pwd = ($pwdc=='') ? substr(rand(),0,8) : $pwdc;
720 $pass = $pwd ? substr(md5($pwd), 2, 8) : '*'; // 生成真正儲存判斷用的密碼
721 $youbi = array(_T('sun'),_T('mon'),_T('tue'),_T('wed'),_T('thu'),_T('fri'),_T('sat'));
722 //---- $yd = $youbi[gmdate('w', $time+TIME_ZONE*60*60)];
723 $yd = $youbi[date('w', $tome)];
724 //---- $now = gmdate('y/m/d', $time+TIME_ZONE*60*60).'('.(string)$yd.')'.gmdate('H:i', $time+TIME_ZONE*60*60);
725 $now = date($config['DATE_FORMAT'], $tome).'('.(string)$yd.')'.date($config['TIME_FORMAT'], $tome);
727 //---- if(DISP_ID){ // 顯示ID
728 //---- if($email && DISP_ID==1) $now .= ' ID:????';
729 //---- else $now .= ' ID:'.substr(crypt(md5(getREMOTE_ADDR().IDSEED.gmdate('Ymd', $time+TIME_ZONE*60*60)),'id'), -8);
732 if($email&&DISP_ID==1) $now .= " ID:????";
733 else $now .= " ID:".substr(crypt(md5(getREMOTE_ADDR().IDSEED.date($config['DATE_FORMAT'], $tome)),'id'), -8);
737 $checkcount = 50; // 預設檢查50筆資料
738 $pwdc = substr(md5($pwdc), 2, 8); // Cookies密碼
739 if($PIO->isSuccessivePost($checkcount, $com, $time, $pass, $pwdc, $host, $upfile_name)) error(_T('regist_successivepost'), $dest); // 連續投稿檢查
740 if($dest){ if($PIO->isDuplicateAttachment($checkcount, $md5chksum)) error(_T('regist_duplicatefile'), $dest); } // 相同附加圖檔檢查
741 if($resto) $ThreadExistsBefore = $PIO->isThread($resto);
744 if(PIOSensor::check('delete', $LIMIT_SENSOR)){
745 $delarr = PIOSensor::listee('delete', $LIMIT_SENSOR);
747 deleteCache($delarr);
748 $PMS->useModuleMethods('PostOnDeletion', array($delarr, 'recycle')); // "PostOnDeletion" Hook Point
749 $files = $PIO->removePosts($delarr);
750 if(count($files)) $FileIO->deleteImage($files);
754 // 附加圖檔容量限制功能啟動:刪除過大檔
756 $tmp_total_size = total_size(); // 取得目前附加圖檔使用量
757 if($tmp_total_size > STORAGE_MAX){
758 $files = $PIO->delOldAttachments($tmp_total_size, STORAGE_MAX, false);
759 $FileIO->deleteImage($files);
765 if($ThreadExistsBefore){ // 欲回應的討論串是否存在
766 if(!$PIO->isThread($resto)){ // 被回應的討論串存在但已被刪
770 error(_T('regist_threaddeleted'), $dest);
771 }else{ // 檢查是否討論串被設為禁止回應 (順便取出原討論串的貼文時間)
772 $post = $PIO->fetchPosts($resto); // [特殊] 取單篇文章內容,但是回傳的$post同樣靠[$i]切換文章!
773 list($chkstatus, $chktime) = array($post[0]['status'], $post[0]['tim']);
774 $chktime = substr($chktime, 0, -3); // 拿掉微秒 (後面三個字元)
775 $flgh = $PIO->getPostStatus($chkstatus);
776 if($flgh->exists('TS')) error(_T('regist_threadlocked'), $dest);
778 }else error(_T('thread_not_found'), $dest); // 不存在
782 $no = $PIO->getLastPostNo('beforeCommit') + 1;
783 isset($ext) ? 0 : $ext = '';
784 isset($imgW) ? 0 : $imgW = 0;
785 isset($imgH) ? 0 : $imgH = 0;
786 isset($imgsize) ? 0 : $imgsize = '';
787 isset($W) ? 0 : $W = 0;
788 isset($H) ? 0 : $H = 0;
789 isset($md5chksum) ? 0 : $md5chksum = '';
792 if(USE_UPSERIES && stristr($email, 'noko')){
797 if(!stristr($email, 'sage') && ($PIO->postCount($resto) <= MAX_RES || MAX_RES==0)){
798 if(!MAX_AGE_TIME || (($time - $chktime) < (MAX_AGE_TIME * 60 * 60))) $age = true; // 討論串並無過期,推文
801 $PMS->useModuleMethods('RegistBeforeCommit', array(&$name, &$email, &$sub, &$com, &$category, &$age, $dest, $resto, array($W, $H, $imgW, $imgH), &$status)); // "RegistBeforeCommit" Hook Point
804 $PIO->addPost($no,$resto,$md5chksum,$category,$tim,$ext,$imgW,$imgH,$imgsize,$filename,$W,$H,$pass,$now,$name,$email,$sub,$com,$host,$age,$status);
805 //---- $PIO->addPost($no,$now,$name,$email,$sub,$com,$age,$status,$host,$pwd,$ext,$W,$H,$tim,$md5chksum,$imgsize,$filename,$imgW,$imgH,$category,$resto);
807 $lastno = $PIO->getLastPostNo('afterCommit'); // 取得此新文章編號
808 $PMS->useModuleMethods('RegistAfterCommit', array($lastno, $resto, $name, $email, $sub, $com)); // "RegistAfterCommit" Hook Point
811 if($noko) $email = 'noko';
813 // Cookies儲存:密碼與E-mail部分,期限是一週
814 setcookie('pwdc', $pwd, time()+7*24*3600, '/');
815 setcookie('emailc', $email, time()+7*24*3600, '/');
816 total_size(true); // 刪除舊容量快取
817 if($dest && is_file($dest)){
818 $destFile = $path.IMG_DIR.$tim.$ext; // 圖檔儲存位置
819 $thumbFile = $path.THUMB_DIR.$tim.'s.jpg'; // 預覽圖儲存位置
820 rename($dest, $destFile);
821 if(USE_THUMB !== 0){ // 生成預覽圖
822 $thumbType = USE_THUMB; if(USE_THUMB==1){ $thumbType = 'gd'; } // 與舊設定相容
823 require(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/thumb/thumb.'.$thumbType.'.php');
824 $thObj = new ThumbWrapper($destFile, $imgW, $imgH);
825 $thObj->setThumbnailConfig($W, $H, THUMB_Q);
826 $thObj->makeThumbnailtoFile($thumbFile);
827 @chmod($thumbFile, 0666);
830 if($FileIO->uploadImage()){ // 支援上傳圖片至其他伺服器
831 if(file_exists($destFile)) $FileIO->uploadImage($tim.$ext, $destFile, filesize($destFile));
832 if(file_exists($thumbFile)) $FileIO->uploadImage($tim.'s.jpg', $thumbFile, filesize($thumbFile));
838 $RedirURL = PHP_SELF2.'?'.$tim; // 定義儲存資料後轉址目標
839 if(isset($_POST['up_series']) || $noko){ // 勾選連貼機能
840 if($resto) $RedirURL = PHP_SELF.'?res='.$resto.'&upseries=1'; // 回應後繼續轉回此主題下
842 $RedirURL = PHP_SELF.'?res='.$lastno.'&upseries=1'; // 新增主題後繼續轉到此主題下
845 $RedirforJS = strtr($RedirURL, array("&"=>"&")); // JavaScript用轉址目標
847 echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'."\n";
849 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
850 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="'.PIXMICAT_LANGUAGE.'">
853 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
854 <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="1;URL=$RedirURL" />
855 <script type="text/javascript">
856 // Redirection (use JS)
859 location.href = "$RedirforJS";
861 setTimeout("redir()", 1000);
868 echo _T('regist_redirect',$mes,$RedirURL).'</div>
876 global $PIO, $FileIO, $PMS, $language;
877 // $pwd: 使用者輸入值, $pwdc: Cookie記錄密碼
878 $pwd = isset($_POST['pwd']) ? $_POST['pwd'] : '';
879 $pwdc = isset($_COOKIE['pwdc']) ? $_COOKIE['pwdc'] : '';
880 $onlyimgdel = isset($_POST['onlyimgdel']) ? $_POST['onlyimgdel'] : '';
883 while($item = each($_POST)){ if($item[1]=='delete' && $item[0] != 'func') array_push($delno, $item[0]); }
884 $haveperm = ($pwd==ADMIN_PASS) || adminAuthenticate('check');
885 if($haveperm && isset($_POST['func'])){ // 前端管理功能
887 $PMS->useModuleMethods('AdminFunction', array('run', $delno, $_POST['func'], &$message)); // "AdminFunction" Hook Point
888 if($_POST['func'] != 'delete'){
889 if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){
890 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily');
891 header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
893 exit(); // 僅執行AdminFunction,終止刪除動作
896 $PMS->useModuleMethods('Authenticate', array($pwd,'userdel',&$haveperm));
898 if($pwd=='' && $pwdc!='') $pwd = $pwdc;
899 $pwd_md5 = substr(md5($pwd),2,8);
900 $host = gethostbyaddr(getREMOTE_ADDR());
901 $search_flag = $delflag = false;
903 if(!count($delno)) error(_T('del_notchecked'));
905 $delposts = array(); // 真正符合刪除條件文章
906 $posts = $PIO->fetchPosts($delno);
907 foreach($posts as $post){
908 if($pwd_md5==$post['pwd'] || $host==$post['host'] || $haveperm){
909 $search_flag = true; // 有搜尋到
910 array_push($delposts, $post['no']);
914 if(!$onlyimgdel) $PMS->useModuleMethods('PostOnDeletion', array($delposts, 'frontend')); // "PostOnDeletion" Hook Point
915 $files = $onlyimgdel ? $PIO->removeAttachments($delposts) : $PIO->removePosts($delposts);
916 $FileIO->deleteImage($files);
917 deleteCache($delposts);
918 total_size(true); // 刪除容量快取
920 }else error(_T('del_wrongpwornotfound'));
921 if(isset($_POST['func']) && $_POST['func'] == 'delete'){ // 前端管理刪除文章返回管理頁面
922 if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){
923 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily');
924 header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
933 global $PMS, $language;
934 $pass = isset($_POST['pass']) ? $_POST['pass'] : ''; // 管理者密碼
936 $isCheck = adminAuthenticate('check'); // 登入是否正確
937 if(!$isCheck && $pass){
938 $haveperm = ($pass == ADMIN_PASS);
939 $PMS->useModuleMethods('Authenticate', array($pass,'admin',&$haveperm));
940 if($haveperm){ adminAuthenticate('login'); $isCheck = true; }
941 else error(_T('admin_wrongpassword'));
945 $links = '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF2.'?'.time().'">'._T('return').'</a>] [<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=remake">'._T('admin_remake').'</a>] [<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?page_num=0">'._T('admin_frontendmanage').'</a>]';
946 $PMS->useModuleMethods('LinksAboveBar', array(&$links,'admin',$isCheck)); // LinksAboveBar hook point
947 $dat .= '<div id="bannerlink">'.$links.'</div><div id="banner"><div class="passvalid">'._T('admin_top').'</div>
949 <form action="'.PHP_SELF.'" method="post" id="adminform">
950 <div id="admin-check" style="text-align: center;">
951 ';//----class="bar_admin"
955 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="del" checked="checked" />'._T('admin_manageposts').'
956 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="optimize" />'._T('admin_optimize').'
957 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="check" />'._T('admin_check').'
958 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="repair" />'._T('admin_repair').'
959 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="export" />'._T('admin_export').'
960 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="stylesheets" />'._T('admin_stylesheets').'<p />
961 <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="admin" />
962 <input class="inputtext" type="password" name="pass" size="8" />
963 <input type="submit" value="'._T('admin_verify_btn').'" />
966 die("\n</body>\n</html>");
967 }elseif(!isset($_REQUEST['admin'])){
969 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="del" checked="checked" />'._T('admin_manageposts').'
970 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="optimize" />'._T('admin_optimize').'
971 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="check" />'._T('admin_check').'
972 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="repair" />'._T('admin_repair').'
973 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="export" />'._T('admin_export').'
974 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="stylesheets" />'._T('admin_stylesheets').'
975 <input type="radio" name="admin" value="logout" />'._T('admin_logout').'<p />
976 <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="admin" />
977 <input type="submit" value="'._T('admin_submit_btn').'" />
980 die("\n</body>\n</html>");
987 global $PIO, $FileIO, $PMS, $language;
989 $pass = isset($_POST['pass']) ? $_POST['pass'] : ''; // 管理者密碼
990 $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 0; // 切換頁數
991 $onlyimgdel = isset($_POST['onlyimgdel']) ? $_POST['onlyimgdel'] : ''; // 只刪圖
993 $delno = $thsno = array();
994 $delflag = isset($_POST['func']) && ($_POST['func'] == 'delete') && isset($_POST['clist']); // 是否有「刪除」勾選
995 $thsflag = isset($_POST['stop']); // 是否有「停止」勾選
996 $is_modified = false; // 是否改寫檔案
997 $message = ''; // 操作後顯示訊息
999 if(isset($_POST['func']) && isset($_POST['clist']))
1000 $PMS->useModuleMethods('AdminFunction', array('run', $_POST['clist'], $_POST['func'], &$message)); // "AdminFunction" Hook Point
1004 //if(!adminAuthenticate('check')) error(_T('admin_wrongpassword'));
1006 $delno = array_merge($delno, $_POST['clist']);
1007 if($onlyimgdel != 'on') $PMS->useModuleMethods('PostOnDeletion', array($delno, 'backend')); // "PostOnDeletion" Hook Point
1008 $files = ($onlyimgdel != 'on') ? $PIO->removePosts($delno) : $PIO->removeAttachments($delno);
1009 $FileIO->deleteImage($files);
1010 deleteCache($delno);
1011 total_size(true); // 刪除容量快取
1012 $is_modified = true;
1016 //if(!adminAuthenticate('check')) error(_T('admin_wrongpassword'));
1018 $thsno = array_merge($thsno, $_POST['stop']);
1019 $threads = $PIO->fetchPosts($thsno); // 取得文章
1020 foreach($threads as $th){
1021 $flgh = $PIO->getPostStatus($th['status']);
1022 $flgh->toggle('TS');
1023 $PIO->setPostStatus($th['no'], $flgh->toString());
1025 $is_modified = true;
1027 if(($delflag || $thsflag) && $is_modified) $PIO->dbCommit(); // 無論如何都有檔案操作,回寫檔案
1029 $line = $PIO->fetchPostList(0, $page * ADMIN_PAGE_DEF, ADMIN_PAGE_DEF); // 分頁過的文章列表
1030 $posts_count = count($line); // 迴圈次數
1031 $posts = $PIO->fetchPosts($line); // 文章內容陣列
1033 echo '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="admin" />
1034 <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="del" />
1035 <div style="text-align: left;">'._T('admin_notices').'</div>
1036 <div>'.$message.'</div>
1037 <table border="1" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0px auto;">
1038 <tr class="managehead">'._T('admin_list_header').'</tr>
1041 for($j = 0; $j < $posts_count; $j++){
1042 $bg = ($j % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2'; // 背景顏色
1043 extract($posts[$j]);
1045 if($no == 0) break; // Do not display post 0
1048 $now = preg_replace('/.{2}\/(.{5})\(.+?\)(.{5}).*/', '$1 $2', $now);
1049 $name = htmlspecialchars(str_cut(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($name)), 8));
1050 $sub = htmlspecialchars(str_cut(html_entity_decode($sub), 8));
1051 if($email) $name = "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$name</a>";
1052 $com = str_replace('<br />',' ',$com);
1053 $com = htmlspecialchars(str_cut(html_entity_decode($com), 20));
1055 // 討論串首篇停止勾選框 及 模組功能
1056 $modFunc = $THstop = ' ';
1057 $PMS->useModuleMethods('AdminList', array(&$modFunc, $posts[$j], $resto)); // "AdminList" Hook Point
1058 if($resto==0){ // $resto = 0 (即討論串首篇)
1059 $flgh = $PIO->getPostStatus($status);
1060 $THstop = '<input type="checkbox" name="stop[]" value="'.$no.'" />'.($flgh->exists('TS') ? _T('admin_stop_btn') : '');
1063 // 從記錄抽出附加圖檔使用量並生成連結
1064 if($ext && $FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)){
1065 $clip = '<a href="'.$FileIO->getImageURL($tim.$ext).'" rel="_blank">'.$tim.$ext.'</a>';
1066 $size = $FileIO->getImageFilesize($tim.$ext);
1067 if($FileIO->imageExists($tim.'s.jpg')) $size += $FileIO->getImageFilesize($tim.'s.jpg');
1069 $clip = $md5chksum = '--';
1075 <tr class="$bg" align="left">
1076 <th align="center">$modFunc</th><th align="center">$THstop</th><th><input type="checkbox" name="clist[]" value="$no" />$no</th><td><small>$now</small></td><td>$sub</td><td><b>$name</b></td><td><small>$com</small></td><td>$host</td><td align="center">$clip ($size)<br />$md5chksum</td>
1083 <select name="func"><option value="delete">'._T('admin_delete').'</option>';
1084 $funclist = array();
1085 $PMS->useModuleMethods('AdminFunction', array('add', &$funclist, null, null)); // "AdminFunction" Hook Point
1086 foreach($funclist as $f) echo '<option value="'.$f[0].'">'.$f[1].'</option>';
1088 <input type="submit" value="'._T('admin_submit_btn').'" /> <input type="reset" value="'._T('admin_reset_btn').'" /> [<input type="checkbox" name="onlyimgdel" id="onlyimgdel" value="on" /><label for="onlyimgdel">'._T('del_img_only').'</label>]</p>
1089 <p>'._T('admin_totalsize',total_size()).'</p>
1095 $countline = $PIO->postCount(); // 總文章數
1096 $page_max = ceil($countline / ADMIN_PAGE_DEF) - 1; // 總頁數
1097 echo '<table class="pages" border="1" style="float: left;"><tr>';
1098 if($page) echo '<td><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=admin&admin=del&page='.($page - 1).'">'._T('prev_page').'</a></td>';
1099 else echo '<td style="white-space: nowrap;">'._T('first_page').'</td>';
1101 for($i = 0; $i <= $page_max; $i++){
1102 if($i==$page) echo '[<b>'.$i.'</b>] ';
1103 else echo '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=admin&admin=del&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>] ';
1106 if($page < $page_max) echo '<td><a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=admin&admin=del&page='.($page + 1).'">'._T('next_page').'</a></td>';
1107 else echo '<td style="white-space: nowrap;">'._T('last_page').'</td>';
1108 die('</tr></table><br/><br/>
1114 // http://www.magmagateau.com/fuukaba/ is the source of the code below
1115 function manage_css(){
1116 global $PMS, $language;
1117 $order = array(); $line = '';
1119 // Handle submission
1120 if(isset($_POST['order']) || isset($_POST['new'])){
1121 $default = $_POST['default'];
1123 if(isset($_POST['order'])){
1125 $order = $_POST['order'];
1129 if(count($order) > 1){
1130 foreach($order as $name => $id) $ids[$id]++;
1131 foreach($ids as $idu => $count){
1132 if($idu < 1 || $count == 1) continue;
1133 foreach($order as $name => $id) if($id == $idu) $dupid = true;
1136 ksort($order); // Yes, we're going to wimp out and reset it alphabetically.
1138 foreach($order as $name => $id) $go++;
1139 $order[$name] = $go;
1142 $order = array_flip($order);
1145 // Find out if a new stylesheet entry has been added
1146 if(is_array($_POST['new'])){
1147 $new_path = $_POST['new']['path'];
1148 $new_name = $_POST['new']['name'];
1149 $new_order = $_POST['new']['order'];
1150 if($new_path != '' && $new_name != '') $order[$new_order] = $new_name;
1151 if($default == 'new') $default = $new_name;
1156 // Get existing stylesheet entries
1157 foreach($order as $id => $name){
1159 if(!$_POST['path'][$name]) continue;
1160 $temp['path'][$name] = $_POST['path'][$name];
1161 $temp['names'][$name] = $name;
1162 $temp['short'][$name] = $_POST['short'][$name];
1163 $temp['order'][$name] = $id;
1166 // Get newly added stylesheet entries
1167 if(is_array($_POST['new'])){
1168 $temp['path'][$new_name] = $_POST['new']['path'];
1169 $temp['names'][$new_name] = $new_name;
1170 $temp['short'][$new_name] = $_POST['new']['short'];
1171 $temp['order'][$new_name] = $new_order;
1175 foreach($order as $id => $name){
1176 if(!$id) continue; // Ignore Display order 0
1177 $line .= $name.','.$temp['short'][$name].','.$temp['path'][$name].',';
1178 $line .= ($name == $default) ? 'default,' : ',';
1182 $style_dat = DATA_DIR.CSV_SS;
1185 $action = (file_exists($style_dat)) ? _t('admin_updated') : _t('admin_created');
1186 //---- $delete = (@unlink(CSS_DIR.CSVSS)) ? ' - <span class="warning">'.str_replace('[file]', CSS_DIR.CSVSS, _t('admin_deleted')).'</span>' : false;
1187 $fp = fopen($style_dat, 'w+');
1188 set_file_buffer($fp, 0);
1192 @chmod($style_dat, 0666);
1193 echo '<div class="bar_managecss">'.str_replace('[file]', $style_dat, _t('admin_updated'))./*----$delete.*/'</div>';
1197 if(file_exists(DATA_DIR.CSV_SS)){
1198 $style_data = DATA_DIR.CSV_SS;
1199 $style_mode = _t('admin_editing');
1201 //---- $style_data = CSS_DIR.CSVSS;
1202 //---- $style_mode = _t('admin_imported');
1204 echo '<div class="banner"><table width="100%"><tr><th class="bar_managecss">
1205 '.str_replace('[file]', $style_data, $style_mode).'
1206 </th></tr></table></div>';
1208 echo '<div class="postlists">
1209 <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="admin" />
1210 <input type="hidden" name="admin" value="stylesheets" />
1211 <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0">';
1213 // Read data from R4+(CSV)
1214 if(file_exists(DATA_DIR.CSV_SS)){
1215 $style_data = DATA_DIR.CSV_SS;
1216 $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($style_data));
1218 $lines = array_diff($lines, array(''));
1220 echo '<tr class="managehead"><th colspan="2">'._t('admin_is_default').'</th><th>'._t('admin_fullname').'</th><th>'._t('admin_shortname').'</th><th>'._t('admin_dispid').'</th></tr>';
1222 foreach($lines as $null => $line){
1223 if($line != ''){ // Line has data
1224 list($style_name, $style_short, $style_file, $style_rel) = explode(',', $line);
1225 $j++; // For alternating <tr> BG colour
1227 $style_path = CSS_DIR.$style_file;
1229 if(file_exists($style_path)){
1230 if($style_rel) $style_rel = ' checked="checked"';
1231 else $style_rel = false;
1232 $class = ($j % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2'; // BG colour
1233 echo '<tr class="'.$class.'"><td align="left" colspan="2"><label><input name="default" type="radio"'.$style_rel.' value="'.$style_name.'" /> '.$style_path.'</label><input type="hidden" name="path['.$style_name.']" value="'.$style_file.'" /></td><td align="left">'.$style_name.'</td><td align="left"><input name="short['.$style_name.']" value="'.$style_short.'" size="5" /></td><td align="left"><label><input name="order['.$style_name.']" size="2" value="'.$j.'" /></label></td></tr>';
1239 // Read data from R3 DAT
1240 //---- else if(file_exists(CSS_DIR.CSVSS)){
1241 //---- $style_data = CSS_DIR.CSVSS;
1242 //---- $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($style_data));
1244 //---- foreach($lines as $null => $line){ // Line has data, or line is not commented out
1245 //---- if(substr($line, 0, 2) != '//' && $line != ''){
1246 //---- $bits = explode('[*]', $line);
1248 //---- $style_name = $bits[0];
1249 //---- $style_path = CSS_DIR.$bits[2];
1250 //---- if(file_exists($style_path)){
1251 //---- $style_short = $bits[1];
1252 //---- if($bits[3]) $style_rel = ' checked="checked"';
1253 //---- else $style_rel = false;
1254 //---- $class = ($j % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2'; // BG colour
1255 //---- echo '<tr class="'.$class.'"><td align="left" colspan="2"><label><input name="default" type="radio"'.$style_rel.' value="'.$style_name.'" /> '.$style_path.'</label><input type="hidden" name="path['.$style_name.']" value="'.$bits[2].'" /></td><td align="left"><input name="names['.$style_name.']" value="'.$style_name.'" size="25" /></td><td align="left"><input name="short['.$style_name.']" value="'.$style_short.'" size="5" /></td><td align="left"><input name="order['.$style_name.']" size="2" value="'.$j.'" /></td></tr>';
1261 $j++; $class = ($j % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2';
1263 // Insert string for when there are stylesheet entries to modify
1264 $action = ($j > 1) ? _t('admin_modstyle') : false;
1265 // Check default radio button for new row when there are NO stylesheet entries
1266 $style_rel = (!$action) ? ' checked="checked"' : false;
1268 echo '<tr class="managehead"><th>'.str_replace('[or modify]', $action, _t('admin_addstyle')).'</th><th>'._t('admin_new_file').'</th><th>'._t('admin_fullname').'</th><th>'._t('admin_shortname').'</th><th>'._t('admin_new_id').'</th></tr>';
1270 echo '<tr class="'.$class.'"><td align="left"><label><input name="default" type="radio"'.$style_rel.' value="new" /> '._t('admin_style_default').'</label></td><td align="left"><nobr>'.CSS_DIR.'<input name="new[path]" /></nobr></td><td align="left"><input name="new[name]" size="25" /></td><td align="left"><input name="new[short]" size="5" /></td><td align="left"><input name="new[order]" size="2" value="'.$j.'" /></td></tr></table></div>
1271 <center><p><div class="passvalid"><input type="submit" value="'._T('admin_submit_btn').'" /> <input type="reset" value="'._T('admin_reset_btn').'" /></div></p>';
1272 die('</center></form></body></html>');
1275 /* 計算目前附加圖檔使用容量 (單位:KB) */
1276 function total_size($isupdate=false){
1277 global $config, $PIO, $FileIO;
1279 $size = 0; $all = 0;
1280 $cache_file = "./".SIZE_CACHE; // 附加圖檔使用容量值快取檔案
1282 if($isupdate){ // 刪除舊快取
1283 if(is_file($cache_file)) unlink($cache_file);
1286 if(!is_file($cache_file)){ // 無快取,新增
1287 $line = $PIO->fetchPostList(); // 取出所有文章編號
1288 $posts = $PIO->fetchPosts($line);
1289 $linecount = count($posts);
1290 for($i = 0; $i < $linecount; $i++){
1291 extract($posts[$i]);
1293 if($ext && $FileIO->imageExists($tim.$ext)) $all += $FileIO->getImageFilesize($tim.$ext); // 附加圖檔合計計算
1294 if($FileIO->imageExists($tim.'s.jpg')) $all += $FileIO->getImageFilesize($tim.'s.jpg'); // 預覽圖合計計算
1296 $sp = fopen($cache_file, 'w');
1297 stream_set_write_buffer($sp, 0);
1298 fwrite($sp, $all); // 寫入目前使用容量值
1300 @chmod($cache_file, 0666);
1302 $sp = file($cache_file);
1306 //---- return (int)($all / 1024);
1307 if(!$config['KB']) return (int)($all);
1308 else return (int)($all / 1024);
1313 global $PTE, $PIO, $FileIO, $PMS, $language;
1315 if(!USE_SEARCH) error(_T('search_disabled'));
1316 $searchKeyword = isset($_POST['keyword']) ? trim($_POST['keyword']) : ''; // 欲搜尋的文字
1319 $links = '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF2.'?'.time().'">'._T('return').'</a>]';
1320 $PMS->useModuleMethods('LinksAboveBar', array(&$links,'search'));
1321 $dat .= '<div id="bannerlink">'.$links.'</div><div id="banner"><div class="bar_search">'._T('search_top').'</div>
1325 if($searchKeyword==''){
1326 echo '<form action="'.PHP_SELF.'" method="post">
1328 <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="search" />
1330 echo '<ul>'._T('search_notice').'<input class="inputtext" type="text" name="keyword" size="30" />
1331 '._T('search_target').'<select name="field"><option value="com" selected="selected">'._T('search_target_comment').'</option><option value="name">'._T('search_target_name').'</option><option value="sub">'._T('search_target_topic').'</option><option value="no">'._T('search_target_number').'</option></select>
1332 '._T('search_method').'<select name="method"><option value="AND" selected="selected">'._T('search_method_and').'</option><option value="OR">'._T('search_method_or').'</option></select>
1333 <input type="submit" value="'._T('search_submit_btn').'" />
1339 $searchField = $_POST['field']; // 搜尋目標 (no:編號, name:名稱, sub:標題, com:內文)
1340 $searchMethod = $_POST['method']; // 搜尋方法
1341 $searchKeyword = preg_split('/( | )+/', trim($searchKeyword)); // 搜尋文字用空格切割
1342 $hitPosts = $PIO->searchPost($searchKeyword, $searchField, $searchMethod); // 直接傳回符合的文章內容陣列
1344 echo '<div id="search_result">
1347 foreach($hitPosts as $post){
1350 $ary_category = explode(',', str_replace(',', ',', $category)); $ary_category = array_map('trim', $ary_category);
1351 $ary_category_count = count($ary_category);
1352 $ary_category2 = array();
1353 for($p = 0; $p < $ary_category_count; $p++){
1354 if($c = $ary_category[$p]) $ary_category2[] = '<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=category&c='.urlencode($c).'">'.$c.'</a>';
1356 $category = implode(', ', $ary_category2);
1357 }else $category = '';
1358 $arrLabels = array('{$NO}'=>'<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?res='.($resto?$resto.'#r'.$no:$no).'">'.$no.'</a>', '{$SUB}'=>$sub, '{$NAME}'=>$name, '{$NOW}'=>$now, '{$COM}'=>$com, '{$CATEGORY}'=>$category, '{$NAME_TEXT}'=>_T('post_name'), '{$CATEGORY_TEXT}'=>_T('post_category'));
1359 $resultlist .= $PTE->ParseBlock('SEARCHRESULT',$arrLabels);
1361 echo $resultlist ? $resultlist : '<div style="text-align: center">'._T('search_notfound').'<br/><a href="?mode=search">'._T('search_back').'</a></div>';
1364 echo "</body>\n</html>";
1368 function searchCategory(){
1369 global $PTE, $PIO, $PMS, $FileIO, $language;
1370 $category = isset($_GET['c']) ? strtolower(strip_tags(trim($_GET['c']))) : ''; // 搜尋之類別標籤
1371 if(!$category) error(_T('category_nokeyword'));
1372 $category_enc = urlencode($category); $category_md5 = md5($category);
1373 $page = isset($_GET['p']) ? @intval($_GET['p']) : 1; if($page < 1) $page = 1; // 目前瀏覽頁數
1374 $isrecache = isset($_GET['recache']); // 是否強制重新生成快取
1376 // 利用Session快取類別標籤出現篇別以減少負擔
1377 session_start(); // 啟動Session
1378 if(!isset($_SESSION['loglist_'.$category_md5]) || $isrecache){
1379 $loglist = $PIO->searchCategory($category);
1380 $_SESSION['loglist_'.$category_md5] = serialize($loglist);
1381 }else $loglist = unserialize($_SESSION['loglist_'.$category_md5]);
1383 $loglist_count = count($loglist);
1384 if(!$loglist_count) error(_T('category_notfound'));
1385 $page_max = ceil($loglist_count / PAGE_DEF); if($page > $page_max) $page = $page_max; // 總頁數
1388 $loglist_cut = array_slice($loglist, PAGE_DEF * ($page - 1), PAGE_DEF); // 取出特定範圍文章
1389 $loglist_cut_count = count($loglist_cut);
1393 $links = '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF2.'?'.time().'">'._T('return').'</a>][<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=category&c='.$category_enc.'&recache=1">'._T('category_recache').'</a>]';
1394 $PMS->useModuleMethods('LinksAboveBar', array(&$links,'category'));
1395 $dat .= "<div>$links</div>\n";
1396 for($i = 0; $i < $loglist_cut_count; $i++){
1397 $posts = $PIO->fetchPosts($loglist_cut[$i]); // 取得文章內容
1398 $dat .= arrangeThread($PTE, ($posts[0]['resto'] ? $posts[0]['resto'] : $posts[0]['no']), null, $posts, 0, $loglist_cut[$i], array(), array(), false, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // 逐個輸出 (引用連結不顯示)
1401 $dat .= '<table border="1"><tr>';
1402 if($page > 1) $dat .= '<td><form action="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=category&c='.$category_enc.'&p='.($page - 1).'" method="post"><div><input type="submit" value="'._T('prev_page').'" /></div></form></td>';
1403 else $dat .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap;">'._T('first_page').'</td>';
1405 for($i = 1; $i <= $page_max ; $i++){
1406 if($i==$page) $dat .= "[<b>".$i."</b>] ";
1407 else $dat .= '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=category&c='.$category_enc.'&p='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>] ';
1410 if($page < $page_max) $dat .= '<td><form action="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=category&c='.$category_enc.'&p='.($page + 1).'" method="post"><div><input type="submit" value="'._T('next_page').'" /></div></form></td>';
1411 else $dat .= '<td style="white-space: nowrap;">'._T('last_page').'</td>';
1412 $dat .= '</tr></table>'."\n";
1419 function listModules(){
1420 global $PMS, $language;
1423 $links = '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF2.'?'.time().'">'._T('return').'</a>]';
1424 $PMS->useModuleMethods('LinksAboveBar', array(&$links,'modules'));
1425 $dat .= '<div id="bannerlink">'.$links.'</div><div id="banner"><div class="bar_info_mod">'._T('module_info_top').'</div>
1431 $dat .= _T('module_loaded').'<ul>'."\n";
1432 foreach($PMS->getLoadedModules() as $m) $dat .= '<li>'.$m."</li>\n";
1433 $dat .= "</ul><hr />\n";
1435 /* Module Infomation */
1436 $dat .= _T('module_info').'<ul>'."\n";
1437 foreach($PMS->moduleInstance as $m) $dat .= '<li>'.$m->getModuleName().'<div style="padding-left:2em;">'.$m->getModuleVersionInfo()."</div></li>\n";
1438 $dat .= '</ul><hr />
1447 function deleteCache($no){
1449 if($oldCaches = glob('./cache/'.$n.'-*')){
1450 foreach($oldCaches as $o) @unlink($o);
1456 function showstatus(){
1457 global $config, $PTE, $PIO, $FileIO, $PMS, $language, $LIMIT_SENSOR;
1458 $countline = $PIO->postCount(); // 計算投稿文字記錄檔目前資料筆數
1459 $counttree = $PIO->threadCount(); // 計算樹狀結構記錄檔目前資料筆數
1460 $tmp_total_size = total_size(); // 附加圖檔使用量總大小
1461 $tmp_ts_ratio = STORAGE_MAX > 0 ? $tmp_total_size / STORAGE_MAX : 0; // 附加圖檔使用量
1462 if(!$config['KB']) $kbb = ' B';
1465 // 決定「附加圖檔使用量」提示文字顏色
1466 if($tmp_ts_ratio < 0.3 ) $clrflag_sl = '235CFF';
1467 elseif($tmp_ts_ratio < 0.5 ) $clrflag_sl = '0CCE0C';
1468 elseif($tmp_ts_ratio < 0.7 ) $clrflag_sl = 'F28612';
1469 elseif($tmp_ts_ratio < 0.9 ) $clrflag_sl = 'F200D3';
1470 else $clrflag_sl = 'F2004A';
1473 $func_thumbWork = '<span style="color: red;">'._T('info_nonfunctional').'</span>';
1474 $func_thumbInfo = '(No thumbnail)';
1475 if(USE_THUMB !== 0){
1476 $thumbType = USE_THUMB; if(USE_THUMB==1){ $thumbType = 'gd'; }
1477 require(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/thumb/thumb.'.$thumbType.'.php');
1478 $thObj = new ThumbWrapper();
1479 if($thObj->isWorking()) $func_thumbWork = '<span style="color: blue;">'._T('info_functional').'</span>';
1480 $func_thumbInfo = $thObj->getClass();
1485 if(count($LIMIT_SENSOR))
1486 $piosensorInfo=nl2br(PIOSensor::info($LIMIT_SENSOR));
1490 $links = '[<a href="'.PHP_SELF2.'?'.time().'">'._T('return').'</a>] [<a href="'.PHP_SELF.'?mode=moduleloaded">'._T('module_info_top').'</a>]';
1491 $PMS->useModuleMethods('LinksAboveBar', array(&$links,'status'));
1492 $dat .= '<div id="bannerlink">'.$links.'</div><div id="banner"><div class="bar_info">'._T('info_top').'</div>
1497 <div id="status-table" style="text-align: center;">
1498 <table border="1" style="margin: 0px auto; text-align: left;">
1499 <tr><td align="center" colspan="4">'._T('info_basic').'</td></tr>
1500 <tr><td style="width: 240px;">'._T('info_basic_ver').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.PIXMICAT_VER.' </td></tr>
1501 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_pio').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.PIXMICAT_BACKEND.' : '.$PIO->pioVersion().'</td></tr>
1502 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_threadsperpage').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.PAGE_DEF.' '._T('info_basic_threads').'</td></tr>
1503 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_postsperpage').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.RE_DEF.' '._T('info_basic_posts').'</td></tr>
1504 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_postsinthread').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.RE_PAGE_DEF.' '._T('info_basic_posts').' '._T('info_basic_posts_showall').'</td></tr>
1505 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_bumpposts').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.MAX_RES.' '._T('info_basic_posts').' '._T('info_basic_0disable').'</td></tr>
1506 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_bumphours').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.MAX_AGE_TIME.' '._T('info_basic_hours').' '._T('info_basic_0disable').'</td></tr>
1507 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_urllinking').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.AUTO_LINK.' '._T('info_0no1yes').'</td></tr>
1508 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_com_limit').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.COMM_MAX._T('info_basic_com_after').'</td></tr>
1509 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_anonpost').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.ALLOW_NONAME.' '._T('info_basic_anonpost_opt').'</td></tr>
1510 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_del_incomplete').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.KILL_INCOMPLETE_UPLOAD.' '._T('info_0no1yes').'</td></tr>
1511 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_use_sample',THUMB_Q).'</td><td colspan="3"> '.USE_THUMB.' '._T('info_0notuse1use').'</td></tr>
1512 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_useblock').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.BAN_CHECK.' '._T('info_0disable1enable').'</td></tr>
1513 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_showid').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.DISP_ID.' '._T('info_basic_showid_after').'</td></tr>
1514 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_cr_limit').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.BR_CHECK._T('info_basic_cr_after').'</td></tr>
1515 <!--<tr><td>'._T('info_basic_timezone').'</td><td colspan="3"> GMT </td></tr>-->
1516 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_line_number_limit').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.$config['LINE_NUMBER']._T('info_basic_line_number_after').'</td></tr>
1517 <tr><td>'._T('info_basic_theme').'</td><td colspan="3"> '.$PTE->BlockValue('THEMENAME').' '.$PTE->BlockValue('THEMEVER').'<br/>by '.$PTE->BlockValue('THEMEAUTHOR').'</td></tr>
1518 <tr><td align="center" colspan="4">'._T('info_dsusage_top').'</td></tr>
1519 <tr align="center"><td>'._T('info_basic_threadcount').'</td><td colspan="'.(isset($piosensorInfo)?'2':'3').'"> '.$counttree.' '._T('info_basic_threads').'</td>'.(isset($piosensorInfo)?'<td rowspan="2">'.$piosensorInfo.'</td>':'').'</tr>
1520 <tr align="center"><td>'._T('info_dsusage_count').'</td><td colspan="'.(isset($piosensorInfo)?'2':'3').'">'.$countline.'</td></tr>
1521 <tr><td align="center" colspan="4">'._T('info_fileusage_top').STORAGE_LIMIT.' '._T('info_0disable1enable').'</td></tr>';
1525 <tr align="center"><td>'._T('info_fileusage_limit').'</td><td colspan="2">'.STORAGE_MAX.$kbb.'</td><td rowspan="2">'._T('info_dsusage_usage').'<br /><span style="color: #'.$clrflag_sl.'">'.substr(($tmp_ts_ratio * 100), 0, 6).'</span> %</td></tr>
1526 <tr align="center"><td>'._T('info_fileusage_count').'</td><td colspan="2"><span style="color: #'.$clrflag_sl.'">'.$tmp_total_size.$kbb.'</span></td></tr>';
1529 <tr align="center"><td>'._T('info_fileusage_count').'</td><td>'.$tmp_total_size.$kbb.'</td><td colspan="2">'._T('info_dsusage_usage').'<br /><span style="color: green;">'._T('info_fileusage_unlimited').'</span></td></tr>';
1533 <tr><td align="center" colspan="4">'._T('info_server_top').'</td></tr>
1534 <tr align="center"><td colspan="3">PHP version</td><td>'.phpversion().'</td></tr>
1535 <tr align="center"><td colspan="3">'.$func_thumbInfo.'</td><td>'.$func_thumbWork.'</td></tr>
1547 global $PIO, $FileIO, $language;
1548 if(!is_writable(realpath('./'))) error(_T('init_permerror'));
1550 $chkfolder = array(IMG_DIR, THUMB_DIR, 'cache/', TEMP_DIR);
1552 foreach($chkfolder as $value) if(!is_dir($value)){ mkdir($value); @chmod($value, 0777); } // 沒有就建立
1554 $PIO->dbInit(); // PIO Init
1555 $FileIO->init(); // FileIO Init
1557 error(_T('init_inited'));
1560 /*-----------程式各項功能主要判斷-------------*/
1561 /*-----------Main-------------*/
1562 if(GZIP_COMPRESS_LEVEL && ($Encoding = CheckSupportGZip())){ ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); } // 支援且開啟Gzip壓縮就設緩衝區
1563 $mode = isset($_GET['mode']) ? $_GET['mode'] : (isset($_POST['mode']) ? $_POST['mode'] : ''); // 目前執行模式 (GET, POST)
1565 //init(); // ←■■!程式環境初始化,跑過一次後請刪除此行!■■
1571 $admin = isset($_REQUEST['admin']) ? $_REQUEST['admin'] : ''; // 管理者執行模式
1574 case 'del': admindel(); break;
1576 adminAuthenticate('logout');
1577 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily');
1578 header('Location: '.fullURL().PHP_SELF2.'?'.time());
1584 if(!$PIO->dbMaintanence($admin)) echo _T('action_main_notsupport');
1585 else echo _T('action_main_'.$admin).(($mret = $PIO->dbMaintanence($admin,true))?_T('action_main_success'):_T('action_main_failed')).(is_bool($mret)?'':'<br/>'.$mret);
1586 die("</div></form></body>\n</html>");
1588 case 'stylesheets': manage_css(); break;
1602 $loadModule = isset($_GET['load']) ? $_GET['load'] : '';
1603 if($PMS->onlyLoad($loadModule)) $PMS->moduleInstance[$loadModule]->ModulePage();
1604 else echo '404 Not Found';
1606 case 'moduleloaded':
1610 init(); // ←■■!程式環境初始化,跑過一次後請刪除此行!■■
1616 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily');
1617 header('Location: '.fullURL().PHP_SELF2.'?'.time());
1620 // 如果瀏覽器支援XHTML標準MIME就輸出
1621 header('Content-Type: '.((USE_XHTML && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'],'application/xhtml+xml')!==FALSE) ? 'application/xhtml+xml' : 'text/html').'; charset=utf-8');
1622 $res = isset($_GET['res']) ? $_GET['res'] : 0; // 欲回應編號
1624 $page = isset($_GET['page_num']) ? $_GET['page_num'] : 'RE_PAGE_MAX';
1625 if(!($page=='all' || $page=='RE_PAGE_MAX')) $page = intval($_GET['page_num']);
1626 updatelog($res, $page); // 實行分頁
1627 }elseif(isset($_GET['page_num']) && intval($_GET['page_num']) > -1){ // PHP動態輸出一頁
1628 updatelog(0, intval($_GET['page_num']));
1630 if(!is_file(PHP_SELF2)) updatelog();
1631 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily');
1632 header('Location: '.fullURL().PHP_SELF2.'?'.time());
1635 if(GZIP_COMPRESS_LEVEL && $Encoding){ // 有啟動Gzip
1636 if(!ob_get_length()) exit; // 沒內容不必壓縮
1637 header('Content-Encoding: '.$Encoding);
1638 header('X-Content-Encoding-Level: '.GZIP_COMPRESS_LEVEL);
1639 header('Vary: Accept-Encoding');
1640 print gzencode(ob_get_clean(), GZIP_COMPRESS_LEVEL); // 壓縮內容