/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- blit() function for VBE 1.x banked framebuffer Chris Giese http://my.execpc.com/~geezer/ This code is public domain (no copyright). You can do whatever you want with it. Compile with any of the following DOS compilers: - Turbo C++ 1.0 - Borland C++ 3.1 - 16-bit Watcom C - DJGPP April 4, 2008 - Initial release More notes: - The 'BPP' macro can be changed to 2, 3, or 4 to work with color depths 16, 24, and 32, respectively. BPP can also be a run- time variable; letting you use the same blit() function for various color depths. - Some video boards (Intel i810 integrated video) report compliance with VBE 2.x but _still_ do not support a linear framebuffer - Left as an exercise for the reader: it should be easy to convert blit_mem_to_fb() to blit_fb_to_mem() - Left as an exercise for the reader: it should be easy to convert blit_mem_to_fb() to blot_fb(); a function that draws a solid filled rectangle. (Hint: replace MEMCPY()s with MEMSET()s) - To handle arbitrary blitting in a system with a banked framebuffer, you need four functions: blit_mem_to_mem(), blit_mem_to_fb(), blit_fb_to_mem(), and blit_fb_to_fb() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include /* memset(), [_f]memcpy() */ /* EOF, FILE, fopen(), fwrite(), fputc(), fclose(), remove(), printf() */ #include #include /* getch(), outp[ortb]() */ /* union REGS, struct SREGS, int86(), int86x() */ #include /* FP_SEG(), FP_OFF(), MK_FP() */ #if 0 /* C99 fixed-width types */ #include #else typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef unsigned long uint32_t; #endif #if defined(__TURBOC__) #if __TURBOC__==0x401 #error Sorry, 'huge' is broken in Turbo C++ 3.0 #endif /* This code exposes some bugs in Borland C++ 3.1, so... */ #if __TURBOC__==0x410 #pragma option -Od /* ...disable all optimizations */ #endif #define HUGE huge #define MEMCPY(D,S,N) _fmemcpy(D,S,N) #define MEMSET(D,C,N) _fmemset(D,C,N) #elif defined(__WATCOMC__)&&!defined(__386__) #define outportb(P,V) outp(P,V) #define HUGE huge #define MEMCPY(D,S,N) _fmemcpy(D,S,N) #define MEMSET(D,C,N) _fmemset(D,C,N) #elif defined(__DJGPP__) /* __djgpp_conventional_base, __djgpp_nearptr_enable() */ #include #include /* __dpmi_regs, __dpmi_int(), __dpmi_allocate_dos_memory() */ #include /* _CRT0_FLAG_NEARPTR, _crt0_startup_flags */ #define __386__ 1 #define HUGE /* nothing */ #define MEMCPY(D,S,N) memcpy(D,S,N) #define MEMSET(D,C,N) memset(D,C,N) #else #error Sorry, unsupported compiler #endif #define MIN(X,Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y)) /* structure used by INT 10h AX=4F01h */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { uint16_t mode_attrib; /* b5=1 for non-VGA mode */ uint8_t win_a_attrib; uint8_t win_b_attrib; uint16_t k_per_gran; uint16_t win_size; uint16_t win_a_seg; uint16_t win_b_seg; char reserved1[4]; /* this is not always the expected value; rounded up to the next power of 2 for some video boards: */ uint16_t bytes_per_row; /* OEM modes and VBE 1.2 only: */ uint16_t wd; uint16_t ht; uint8_t char_wd; uint8_t char_ht; uint8_t planes; uint8_t depth; uint8_t banks; uint8_t memory_model; uint8_t k_per_bank; uint8_t num_pages; /* ? */ char reserved2; /* VBE 1.2 only */ uint8_t red_width; uint8_t red_shift; uint8_t green_width; uint8_t green_shift; uint8_t blue_width; uint8_t blue_shift; char reserved3[3]; uint32_t lfb_adr; char reserved4[212]; } vbe_mode_info_t; typedef struct { unsigned wd, ht; unsigned long bytes_per_row; unsigned char HUGE *raster; } img_t; typedef struct { int src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y; unsigned wd, ht; } clip_t; static img_t g_fb; static unsigned g_use_win_a, g_gran_per_64k; /***************************************************************************** no _fmemcpy() in Turbo C++ 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #if defined(__TURBOC__) #if __TURBOC__<0x300 void far * far _fmemcpy(void far *dst_ptr, const void far *src_ptr, unsigned n) { unsigned char huge *dst = dst_ptr; unsigned char huge *src = src_ptr; for(; n != 0; n--) { *dst = *src; dst++; src++; } return dst_ptr; } #endif #endif /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ static void set_bank(unsigned b) { static unsigned curr_bank = -1u; /**/ union REGS regs; if(b == curr_bank) return; curr_bank = b; regs.x.ax = 0x4F05; /* g_use_win_a and g_gran_per_64k were set by INT 10h AX=4F01h */ regs.x.bx = g_use_win_a ? 0x0000 : 0x0001; regs.x.dx = b * g_gran_per_64k; int86(0x10, ®s, ®s); } /***************************************************************************** If using Borland C, compile this without optimizations. Even without optimizations, it probably won't work with Turbo C++ 3.0 *****************************************************************************/ #define BPP 1 /* bytes per pixel */ static void blit_mem_to_fb(img_t *src_img, clip_t *clip) { unsigned bank, y, row_with_bank_switch, max_y; unsigned char HUGE *src; unsigned long off32; uint16_t off16, i; src = src_img->raster + src_img->bytes_per_row * clip->src_y + clip->src_x * BPP; /* calculate 32-bit offset into framebuffer corresponding to (clip->dst_x, clip->dst_y) */ off32 = g_fb.bytes_per_row * clip->dst_y + clip->dst_x * BPP; /* use low 16 bits for offset into 64K bank; use top 16 bits for bank */ off16 = (uint16_t)off32; off32 >>= 16; bank = (uint16_t)off32; /* set bank and increment bank number */ set_bank(bank); bank++; for(y = clip->dst_y; ; ) { /* in which row does the next bank-switch occur? */ off32 = bank; off32 <<= 16; row_with_bank_switch = (unsigned) (off32 / g_fb.bytes_per_row); /* blit until we reach that row or until we reach (clip->dst_y + clip->ht) */ max_y = MIN(clip->dst_y + clip->ht, row_with_bank_switch); for(; y < max_y; y++) { MEMCPY(g_fb.raster + off16, src, clip->wd * BPP); off16 += g_fb.bytes_per_row; src += src_img->bytes_per_row; } /* exit now if done */ if(y >= clip->dst_y + clip->ht) break; /* else it's a row with bank switch. There are 3 possibilities: line of pixels in this row starts AFTER bank switch */ if(off16 < g_fb.bytes_per_row) /* overflowed 64K (clever!) */ { set_bank(bank); MEMCPY(g_fb.raster + off16, src, clip->wd * BPP); } /* line of pixels in this row ends BEFORE bank switch */ else if(off16 + (unsigned long)clip->wd * BPP <= 0x10000L) { MEMCPY(g_fb.raster + off16, src, clip->wd * BPP); set_bank(bank); } /* line of pixels in this row STRADDLES bank switch */ else { i = (uint16_t)(0x10000uL - off16); MEMCPY(g_fb.raster + off16, src + 0, i); set_bank(bank); MEMCPY(g_fb.raster + 0 , src + i, clip->wd * BPP - i); } off16 += g_fb.bytes_per_row; src += src_img->bytes_per_row; bank++; y++; } } /***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ int main(void) { static const unsigned vbe_mode_num = 0x101; /* 640x480x256 */ /* 14x14 test bitmap */ static unsigned char raster[] = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x01\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x02\x02\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x03\x03\x03\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0B\x0C\x0D" "\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0C\x0D" "\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D\x0D"; /**/ union REGS regs; unsigned i; clip_t clip; img_t img; #if !defined(__386__) static vbe_mode_info_t vbe_mode_info; struct SREGS sregs; /* get info for VBE mode */ regs.x.ax = 0x4F01; regs.x.cx = vbe_mode_num; sregs.es = FP_SEG(&vbe_mode_info); regs.x.di = FP_OFF(&vbe_mode_info); int86x(0x10, ®s, ®s, &sregs); if(regs.x.ax != 0x004F) { printf("Error getting info for VBE mode 0x%X\n", vbe_mode_num); return 1; } /* init g_fb */ g_fb.wd = vbe_mode_info.wd; g_fb.ht = vbe_mode_info.ht; g_fb.bytes_per_row = vbe_mode_info.bytes_per_row; g_gran_per_64k = 64 / vbe_mode_info.k_per_gran; if(vbe_mode_info.win_a_attrib == 7) { g_fb.raster = (unsigned char HUGE *) MK_FP(vbe_mode_info.win_a_seg, 0); g_use_win_a = 1; } else if(vbe_mode_info.win_b_attrib == 7) { g_fb.raster = (unsigned char HUGE *) MK_FP(vbe_mode_info.win_b_seg, 0); g_use_win_a = 0; } else { printf("Error locating banked framebuffer " "for VBE mode 0x%X\n", vbe_mode_num); return -1; } #else /* if defined(__DJGPP__) */ vbe_mode_info_t *vbe_mode_info; int conv_mem_seg, conv_mem_sel; __dpmi_regs dregs; /* turn off data segment limit, for nearptr access */ if(!(_crt0_startup_flags & _CRT0_FLAG_NEARPTR)) { if(!__djgpp_nearptr_enable()) { printf("Error: can't enable near pointer " "access to framebuffer (WinNT/2k/XP?)\n"); return 1; } } /* allocate conventional memory for INT 10h AX=4F01h buffer */ conv_mem_seg = __dpmi_allocate_dos_memory(256 / 16, &conv_mem_sel); if(conv_mem_seg == -1) { printf("Error: can't allocate conventional memory\n"); return 1; } vbe_mode_info = (vbe_mode_info_t *) (conv_mem_seg * 16uL + __djgpp_conventional_base); printf("vbe_mode_info: sel=0x%X, real-mode seg=0x%X, linear=0x%lX, near=0x%p\n", conv_mem_sel, conv_mem_seg, conv_mem_seg * 16uL, vbe_mode_info); /* get info for VBE mode */ dregs.x.ax = 0x4F01; dregs.x.cx = vbe_mode_num; dregs.x.es = conv_mem_seg; dregs.x.di = 0; __dpmi_int(0x10, &dregs); if(dregs.x.ax != 0x004F) { printf("Error getting info for VBE mode 0x%X\n", vbe_mode_num); return 1; } /* init g_fb */ g_fb.wd = vbe_mode_info->wd; g_fb.ht = vbe_mode_info->ht; g_fb.bytes_per_row = vbe_mode_info->bytes_per_row; g_gran_per_64k = 64 / vbe_mode_info->k_per_gran; if(vbe_mode_info->win_a_attrib == 7) { g_fb.raster = (unsigned char HUGE *) (vbe_mode_info->win_a_seg * 16uL + __djgpp_conventional_base); g_use_win_a = 1; } else if(vbe_mode_info->win_b_attrib == 7) { g_fb.raster = (unsigned char HUGE *) (vbe_mode_info->win_b_seg * 16uL + __djgpp_conventional_base); g_use_win_a = 0; } else { printf("Error locating banked framebuffer " "for VBE mode 0x%X\n", vbe_mode_num); return -1; } #endif /* init img */ img.wd = 14; img.ht = 14; img.bytes_per_row = img.wd; img.raster = raster; /* init clip_t */ clip.wd = img.wd; clip.ht = img.ht; clip.src_x = 0; clip.src_y = 0; /* set graphics mode */ regs.x.bx = vbe_mode_num; regs.x.ax = 0x4F02; int86(0x10, ®s, ®s); /* green palette */ #define VGA_DAC_WRITE_INDEX 0x3C8 #define VGA_DAC_DATA 0x3C9 outportb(VGA_DAC_WRITE_INDEX, 0); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { outportb(VGA_DAC_DATA, /* red= */0 >> 2); outportb(VGA_DAC_DATA, /* green= */i * 3); outportb(VGA_DAC_DATA, /* blue= */0 >> 2); } /* test banked blit function */ clip.dst_y = 0; for(; clip.dst_y + clip.ht < g_fb.ht; clip.dst_y += clip.ht) { clip.dst_x = 0; for(; clip.dst_x + clip.wd < g_fb.wd; clip.dst_x += clip.wd) blit_mem_to_fb(&img, &clip); } if(getch() == 0) (void)getch(); /* set text mode */ regs.x.ax = 0x0003; int86(0x10, ®s, ®s); return 0; }