This is ../../doc/, produced by makeinfo version 4.3 from ../../doc/libbinio.texi. This manual documents the binary I/O stream class library, version 1.4. It was last updated on 18 August 2004. Copyright (C) 2002 - 2004 Simon Peter Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development." INFO-DIR-SECTION Software Libraries START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * libbinio: (libbinio) Binary I/O stream class library 1.4 END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Up: (dir) Binary I/O stream class library ******************************* This manual documents the binary I/O stream class library, version 1.4. It was last updated on 18 August 2004. Copyright (C) 2002 - 2004 Simon Peter Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development." * Menu: * Introduction:: Introduction to the library. * Usage:: A tutorial to libbinio. * Reference:: The complete reference. * FAQ:: Frequently asked questions. * Copying This Manual:: Your rights and freedoms. * Concept Index:: * Class Index:: * Method Index:: * Type Variable and Macro Index::  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: Usage, Prev: Top, Up: Top Introduction ************ The binary I/O stream class library (libbinio) presents a platform-independent way to access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources. * Menu: * Features::  File:, Node: Features, Up: Introduction Features ======== libbinio implements a generalized binary stream class framework, with the following features: * The ability to read arbitrary-sized integers, as long as the underlying system can hold the final value. * Conversion between Big- and Little-Endian storage. * Reading and writing of IEEE-754 single and double precision floating-point numbers and the conversion to/from any system-internal floating-point representation. libbinio provides classes for streaming access to normal files, arbitrary data strings in memory and a wrapper around standard iostreams from either the ISO standard C++ library, or a "traditional" iostream implementation. In addition, convenience methods for the STL `string' class can be enabled that support reading and writing of arbitrary length strings with dynamic memory allocation. libbinio should compile and run on as much systems as possible. If it doesn't work with your system/compiler combination, please tell me!  File:, Node: Usage, Next: Reference, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top Usage ***** This chapter covers common usage of libbinio and mostly everything you need to know to interface with the library. For very advanced usage, refer to *Note Reference::. Since libbinio's class framework is modelled somewhat after the traditional iostream library, it is good if you already have used the C++ iostream facility before. * Menu: * Basics:: * Files:: * Reading and Writing:: * Peeking:: * Seeking:: * Alien architectures:: * Wrapping around iostream:: * Errors:: * Examples::  File:, Node: Basics, Next: Files, Up: Usage Basics ====== The binary stream class framework divides streams into "input-only", "output-only" and "input/output" supporting streams. All derived classes also inherit this partition. All derived classes that come with the library follow a uniform naming scheme. You can identify what I/O facilities a stream provides, by looking at the class name. All class names of libbinio start with `bin' and end with a descriptive name of what they are meant for. In between is at most one character that describes what I/O functionality is provided. If this character is an `i', the class provides input-only streams, `o' means output-only and no character indicates both input and output facilities. For example, `binifstream' is an input-only binary stream for standard file access. `binstream' is the general input and output supporting stream.  File:, Node: Files, Next: Reading and Writing, Prev: Basics, Up: Usage Files ===== For the most part, you will want to use libbinio to access normal binary files on your filesystem. This is what the `binfstream' related classes are for. To use them, you first have to include the file `binfile.h' within your code. This file contains four class declarations - `binfbase', `binifstream', `binofstream' and `binfstream'. `binfbase' is a base class for the others and normally not used by an ordinary libbinio user. This leaves us with three usable classes. To create a binary stream on a file, just instantiate one of the three classes, according to what I/O facilities the stream should provide (see *Note Basics:: for information on the class naming conventions). To open a file, you use the `open(FILENAME, [MODE])' method of one of the classes. FILENAME is a string (both C style ASCIIZ strings and STL `string' objects can be passed, if supported by your compiler) containing the name of the file to open. Additionally, you can pass a MODE argument to specify a special way to open the file - this is described later. There's also a special constructor, provided for convenience, that opens up a file automatically when the object is created. It has exactly the same syntax as `open()'. After usage, you can explicitly close the file with the `close()' method. It is always a good idea to do this explicitly, though not needed because the file automatically will be closed on object deconstruction.  File:, Node: Reading and Writing, Next: Peeking, Prev: Files, Up: Usage Reading and Writing =================== Every binary stream class offers the same set of binary I/O methods, inherited from one of the general stream base classes `binistream', `binostream' or both of them. These, in turn, inherit from the `binio' class, which provides additional general methods, as well as some important type declarations. The binary I/O methods differenciate between integers, floating-point numbers and character strings. To read an integer from a binary stream, you would use `readInt(SIZE)'. The SIZE argument specifies the size of the integer in bytes. The method returns the integer, that has just been read. `readFloat(TYPE)' reads a floating-point number of type TYPE from the stream. As all floating-point formats are well defined, you just have to specify the right floating-point type to this method and it will figure out the correct size by itself. Refer to *Note Reference:: for information of what floating-point formats are supported and how to specify them. The method returns the floating-point number, that has just been read. A character string can be read by using the `readString()' method. To read a character string into a pre-allocated C style ASCIIZ string buffer, you would use `readString(STRING, MAX-LENGTH, [DELIMITER])' and give a pointer to the string buffer with STRING, the maximum length of the string (_not_ including the final `\0') in MAX-LENGTH and optionally a delimiter character DELIMITER, at which libbinio would stop reading the string, even if it could read more characters. The delimiter is extracted from the stream and then discarded. It will not appear in the final string. If you do not supply a DELIMITER, always up to MAX-LENGTH characters are read from the stream. The method returns the number of characters actually read from the stream. You can also read an STL `string' object from the stream, using an overloaded version of `readString()'. The syntax is `readString([DELIMITER])'. You also do not need to supply a DELIMITER, as it is set to `\0' by default (to prevent you from reading a virtually unlimited number of characters and flood your memory, since you can't supply a MAX-LENGTH argument this time). The method returns a `string' object, containing all characters up to, but not including, DELIMITER or the end of the stream, whichever was encountered first. All the above mentioned "read" methods have a "write" equivalent, with the same options and features. All "write" methods take the data to be written as first argument, as in (for example) `writeInt(VALUE, SIZE)', VALUE is the actual value to be written to the stream.  File:, Node: Peeking, Next: Seeking, Prev: Reading and Writing, Up: Usage Peeking ======= Analogous to the `readInt()' and `readFloat()' methods are the `peekInt(SIZE)' and `peekFloat(TYPE)' methods, that take the same arguments and also read an integer or a floating-point number from the stream. Unlike their "`read'" counterparts, they don't modify the stream position. The next "real" access (i.e. with one of the `read' methods) to the stream will continue as if the `peek' methods have never been called.  File:, Node: Seeking, Next: Alien architectures, Prev: Peeking, Up: Usage Seeking ======= Sometimes, you need to reposition within your stream. To do this, you use the `seek(POSITION, [OFFSET])' method. POSITION is the new position in the stream, counted byte-wise and starting at `0'. The optional argument OFFSET specifies from where the method should seek. If it is `Set', counting is started at the beginning of the stream. `Add' indicates to seek from the current stream position and `End' means seeking from the end of the stream. Note that POSITION is a signed integer value and you can also seek backwards by inserting a negative number. You can use the `pos()' method to determine your current position within the stream, which is returned by the method.  File:, Node: Alien architectures, Next: Wrapping around iostream, Prev: Seeking, Up: Usage Alien architectures =================== All the above mentioned procedures expect the data to be in the format of your machine's own idea of how the data has to be stored. However, there are situations where you have to read and even write binary data for some other, incompatible architecture. All architectures that are incompatible with the architecture, libbinio is currently running on, are called "alien" architectures. libbinio makes the process of converting between your architecture's and the alien architecture's idea of binary storage completely transparent to you. All you have to do is to specify some characteristics about the stream's binary format, after you have opened it. All newly created streams are initialized with the current system's binary characteristics, so you don't have to do anything if you just want to access data of your own architecture. You use the `setFlag(FLAG, [SET])' and `getFlag(FLAG)' methods to set and read a stream's characteristics. FLAG specifies the flag to be set or read (refer to *Note Reference:: for information on what flags are available and their meaning). The optional argument SET specifies whether the flag should be set (the default) or erased. After you have set up all flags to sufficiently specify the alien architecture, you can proceed to do binary I/O, just as described in the previous chapters and libbinio will do all the necessary conversion between your own and the alien architecture for you. If you ever happen to have binary data of multiple, incompatbile, alien architectures in a single stream (very unlikely), you can re-set any of the flags to any other value, in between any of the other stream access method calls. The stream will adhere to the new flag values instantly with the next data access.  File:, Node: Wrapping around iostream, Next: Errors, Prev: Alien architectures, Up: Usage Wrapping around iostream ======================== libbinio provides a set of classes, called `binwstream', `biniwstream' and `binowstream', that can be wrapped around an already existing stream from the standard or traditional C++ iostream library. To do this, you just have to pass a pointer to the original stream object from the iostream library to the constructor of the appropriate `binwstream' class. Of course, you have to match an input stream from the iostream library to an input stream from libbinio and analogous for the output-only streams. The class framework will prevent you from mismatching them. You can, however, wrap an unidirectional binary stream around a bidirectional stream from the iostream library. There is one important thing you have to remember: If you plan to wrap a binary stream around an iostream stream, always open the iostream stream with the `ios::bin' mode flag set! This will prevent some operating systems (namely, MS-DOS and Windows) from doing nasty implicit interpretation on the streams. This definitly will impose problems when you try to read or write the binary stream. All other flags, you set when opening the original iostream stream, can indirectly have effect on the operations you do on the wrapped binary stream.  File:, Node: Errors, Next: Examples, Prev: Wrapping around iostream, Up: Usage Errors ====== When doing stream I/O, some unpredictable, erroneus situations can occur at runtime. Binary streams are no exception to this phenomenon. To provide some sort of protection against this, all libbinio stream classes inherit an error reporting method called `error()'. It is a good idea to check the error status of a stream once in a while to see if everything is still in place. `error()' returns a variable of type `Error', which is an integer that holds a bit field of error values for that stream. Refer to *Note Reference:: for information about the possible values of this variable and their meaning. A status of no error is always reported with a value of `0', so you can easily check if everything is still okay in a simple `if' construct, like this: if(mystream.error()) // an error occured, do something to cure it... else // everything is still okay! Two convenience error reporting methods are also included: `eof()' only checks for the `Eof' error status, indicating whether the end of the stream has just been passed. It returns a boolean value, indicating the past the end of the stream. `ateof()' is like `eof()' but returns true already when the stream pointer is at the last byte of the stream, not past it. This is useful when you want to read an entire file into memory in a `while(!ateof())' loop. This method is only defined on streams that support reading. On write-only streams, it is not defined and not useful. Whenever you call `error()', the internal error variable is reset to the `NoError' state, indicating no error at all, and a subsequent call to any of the error reporting methods will return `NoError' again. `eof()' and `ateof()' do not reset the internal error variable. The last error status of the stream is retained.  File:, Node: Examples, Prev: Errors, Up: Usage Examples ======== To read some data (namely integers, floats and strings) from an ordinary binary file on your filesystem, which was also created on your architecture: #include binifstream file("test.dat"); int i; float f; char string[256]; // Read a 32-bit integer i = file.readInt(4); // Read an IEEE-754 single (32 bits) f = file.readFloat(binio::Single); // Read a string until newline or max. number of chars exceeded file.readString(string, 256, '\n'); To do I/O on a file that was created on an x86 machine (i.e. Little Endian, IEEE-754 floats), while your own architecture is something different: #include binfstream file; int i = 1234567; long pos; // open the file "x86.dat" for reading and writing, but do not create // it if it's not there."x86.dat", binfbase::NoCreate); // Check if we could cleanly open the file and bail out, if we // couldn't. if(file.error()) return ERROR; // Set Little Endian mode, with IEEE-754 floats. file.setFlag(binio::BigEndian, false); // remove flag file.setFlag(binio::FloatIEEE); // set flag // as we just want a demonstration, we discard all read data right away. // Read a 16-bit integer file.readInt(2); // Read an IEEE-754 double (64 bits) file.readFloat(binio::Double); // Remember our current position in the stream pos = file.pos(); // Seek to the end of the file, binio::End); // Write our variable i, determining its size using sizeof() file.writeInt(i, sizeof(i)); // Seek back to our former position; // Read a byte from here file.readInt(1); // close the file again file.close(); // and we're finished return SUCCESS; To wrap around a stream from the iostream library, reading data until the end of the stream: #include #include // Open the iostream stream for reading and writing in binary mode. fstream file("test.dat", ios::in | ios::out | ios::bin); // Wrap a binary input-only stream around it. biniwstream bfile(&file); // Read (and immediately discard) 24-bit integers until the end // of the stream. while(!bfile.eof()) bfile.readInt(3);  File:, Node: Reference, Next: FAQ, Prev: Usage, Up: Top Reference ********* This chapter comprises a complete reference of all classes, methods, types and variables inside libbinio. * Menu: * Concepts:: * Configuration:: * Base classes:: * File streams:: * String streams:: * iostream wrappers::  File:, Node: Concepts, Next: Configuration, Up: Reference Concepts ======== The libbinio stream classes can be divided into two layers of functionality: 1. The "conversion layer" provides methods for transparently converting the data, that has just been read from or is to be written to a stream, between the current and the alien architecture. The `binistream', `binostream' and `binstream' classes belong to this layer. 2. The "stream layer" faciliates functionality on the stream level. It provides methods for byte-by-byte access to the data, seeking, opening and closing a stream and anything else related to the maintenance of a stream. The `binfstream', `binwstream' and `binsstream' related classes belong to this layer. Additionally, there are some administrative and auxiliary classes provided, which do not belong to any of the above defined layers. The `binio' base class belongs here, for example.  File:, Node: Configuration, Next: Base classes, Prev: Concepts, Up: Reference Configuration ============= libbinio can be configured in various ways at compile time and some parts of the library can be disabled to save disk space and/or processing speed. In some cases, these configuration options directly change parts of the interface and must thus also be known by the library user. To make these options available to the library user, libbinio defines some C preprocessor macros in `binio.h'. These are: `BINIO_ENABLE_STRING' If this macro expands to `1', STL `string' object support is enabled and can be used instead of traditional C ASCIIZ pointers with all functions that expect a string somewhere. It expands to `0' otherwise. `BINIO_ENABLE_IOSTREAM' If this macro expands to `1', the iostream wrapper classes are enabled and can be used by the library user. It expands to `0' otherwise and no iostream wrapper classes are present in this case. `BINIO_ISO_STDLIB' If this macro expands to `1', libbinio's iostream wrapper classes are taylored for the ISO standard C++ library, instead of a "traditional" iostream implementation. It expands to `0' otherwise. This macro is merely for libbinio's internal use and should not be used by an application programmer. `BINIO_WITH_MATH' This macro is for libbinio's internal use and should not be used by an application programmer. All macros are _always_ defined. The decision whether a feature is enabled in the library has to be based on the value of these macros, not whether they are defined or not.  File:, Node: Base classes, Next: File streams, Prev: Configuration, Up: Reference Base classes ============ The base classes provide a common base for all derived libbinio stream classes. They define important methods, types and variables. One general and three stream base classes are defined in the file `binio.h', which make up the libbinio base classes. * Menu: * binio:: * binistream:: * binostream:: * binstream::  File:, Node: binio, Next: binistream, Up: Base classes binio ----- `binio' is the general base class, containing important method, type and variable declarations. As a user, you normally do not need it directly, except for scoping types and variables to it. Header file: `binio.h' ---------------------- Public methods: --------------- `binio()' The constructor. `~binio()' The destructor. `void setFlag(Flag f, bool set = true)' Is used to set or erase flags to change the behaviour of the stream. Available flags and their meaning are listed in the types table for this class, below. The optional argument `set' is used to set or erase the specified flag. If it is not specified, it defaults to `true', setting (activating) the specified flag. `bool getFlag(Flag f)' Returns whether the specified flag is set (active) or not. Refer to `setFlag', above, for more information. `Error error()' Returns the current error status of the stream. A status of no error is always indicated with a value of `0', as to allow easy error checks with a simple `if' construct. `bool eof()' Returns `true' if the last access to the stream was unsuccessful because the stream pointer was already past the end of the stream. `false' is returned otherwise. Synonymous to checking if the return value of a call to `error()' sets the `Eof' error code flag. `virtual void seek(long, Offset = Set)' Abstract virtual method for seeking into streams. Implemented by the stream layer. The first argument specifies the relative position to seek to. Use a negative value to seek backwards. The optional second argument specifies from where to start seeking. `Set' specifies the beginning of a stream, `Add' specifies the current position and `End' specifies the end of the stream. If it is omitted, it defaults to `Set', seeking from the beginning of the stream. `virtual long pos()' Abstract virtual method that returns the current position inside the stream. Implemented by the stream layer. Protected methods: ------------------ `Float pow(Float base, signed int exp)' Is a stripped-down version of the `pow()' function from the `math.h' standard C math library include file. It is used during conversion between floating-point formats and can calculate powers of a floating-point base argument, using a signed integer exponent. Public data types and variables: -------------------------------- `enum Flag' Enumeration of all defined stream flags that can be set using the `setFlag()' and `getFlag()' methods. This type defines the following values: `BigEndian' If set, sets the stream's byte-ordering to big endian notation. Otherwise, little endian notation is used. `FloatIEEE' If set, all floating-point access to the stream will assume IEEE-754 standardized floating-point numbers. Only this type of data is expected from and written to the stream. If your architecture does not support IEEE-754 floating-point numbers, the value will be converted. Various conversion errors can occur and sometimes the conversion is not possible at all. In this case, the `Unsupported' error is issued and a specific value is returned. The following table summarizes all possible return codes for certain problematic values: Real value Return value `Infinity' `1.0' `-Infinity' `-1.0' `Not a Number (NaN)' `0.0' Both positive and negative zero (`0') are mapped to the same zero value, if your architecture does not support both positive and negative zeroes. There is no way to distinguish between the two values in this case. `enum ErrorCode' Enumeration of all possible error values. This type defines the following values: `NoError' No error at all. This is always mapped to an integer value of `0'. `Fatal' An unspecified, fatal error occured. This error is issued only if something really strange happened (i.e. on internal logic errors in the library, or if something else, undefined happens, etc.). It is advised to immediately terminate any binary stream I/O activity and fail with an error message to the application user, maybe even terminate the application completely. `Unsupported' You tried to access stream data in an unsupported way. This error is issued whenever an (explicit or implicit) conversion between two types of data storage is requested, that isn't supported by libbinio yet. `NotOpen' The stream you tried to access is not open yet. `Denied' Access to this stream is denied. This error is normally issued when you try to open a file on a filesystem, but you have insufficient rights to access it. `NotFound' The stream you tried to access was not found. This is mostly issued on a file not found error, when accessing normal files on a filesystem. `Eof' The end of the stream has been passed. Issued when you tried to read past the last byte of a stream. `enum Offset' Specifies the position inside a stream, from where a seek is started with the `seek()' method. This type defines the following values: `Set' Start seeking at the beginning of the stream. `Add' Start seeking from the current position in the stream. `End' Start seeking from the end of the stream. `enum FType' Specifies what type of floating-point number is to be accessed next, using the `readFloat()' or `writeFloat()' methods. Most floating-point formats specify multiple data types to support a broader range of precision. libbinio generalizes the idea by categorizing them only into single and double precision numbers. This type defines the following values: `Single' Access a single precision floating-point number. `Double' Access a double precision floating-point number. `int Error' This integer holds a bit field of all error values for a stream. Returned by `error()'. A status of "no error" is always indicated when the whole field is set to `0' (zero), i.e. the integer is `0'. Test for an error by binary or'ing this integer with one of the error values from `ErrorCode'. Protected data types and variables: ----------------------------------- `Int' The largest integer type supported by the architecture. `Float' The largest floating-point type supported by the architecture. `Byte' This type is always one byte (8 bits) wide. `Flags' Type to hold a flag variable, containing the status of all flags of a stream. `Flags my_flags' This variable holds the current status of all flags for the stream. `static const Flags system_flags' This variable holds the status of the flags, defining the standard behaviour of the system. This is determined once at runtime, at startup of the library. `Error err' This variable holds the error status of a stream.  File:, Node: binistream, Next: binostream, Prev: binio, Up: Base classes binistream ---------- `binistream' provides an input-only binary stream. Header file: `binio.h' ---------------------- Public methods: --------------- `binistream()' The constructor. `~binistream()' The destructor. `Int readInt(unsigned int size)' Reads an integer of size `size' (in bytes) from the stream and returns it. The return value is undefined if an error occured. The maximum number of bytes that can be read at once equals the size (in bytes) of the largest integer type, supported by the system. `Float readFloat(FType ft)' Reads a floating-point number from the stream and returns it. Takes the floating-point format to read as the argument `ft'. Refer to the list of public types of the `binio' class for information about what floating-point formats are supported. The return value is undefined if an error occured. The value from the stream is always rendered to the biggest floating-point type, supported by the system. If your architecture is incompatible with the floating-point number that has just been read, `readFloat()' tries to convert it. This is sometimes not possible or not as accurate as the original value and an error will be issued in these cases. Refer to the list of public types of the `binio' class for information about what errors could be issued. `unsigned long readString(char *str, unsigned long maxlen, const char delim)' `std::string readString(const char delim = '\0')' Reads a character string from the stream. Both pre-allocated standard C ASCIIZ strings and STL `string' objects are supported. The ASCIIZ version takes a pointer to the pre-allocated string buffer as the `str' argument. `maxlen' specifies the maximum number of characters to be read from the stream (_not_ including the trailing `\0' that is always appended to the string buffer). The optional argument `delim' is a delimiter character. If this character is encountered in the stream, no more characters will be read. The delimiter character itself is discarded. It will not appear in the final string. If the `delim' argument is omitted, always up to `maxlen' characters are read. The `string' object version just takes one optional argument, the delimiter character, explained above. Characters are always read until the delimiter character or the end of the stream is encountered. If `delim' is omitted, it defaults to `\0'. It returns a `string' object, containing the final string. `Int peekInt(unsigned int size)' Like `readInt()', but doesn't modify the stream position, so any later access to the stream will appear as if `peekInt()' has never been called. `Float peekFloat(FType ft)' Like `readFloat()', but doesn't modify the stream position, so any later access to the stream will appear as if `peekFloat()' has never been called. `bool ateof()' Returns `true' if the current stream position is at the last byte of the stream. `false' is returned otherwise. `void ignore(unsigned long amount = 1)' Reads and then immediately discards the specified amount of bytes from the stream. If the optional argument `amount' is omitted, it defaults to `1', ignoring exactly 1 byte from the stream. Protected methods: ------------------ `virtual Byte getByte()' Abstract virtual method to extract exactly one byte (8 bits) from the stream and advance stream pointer accordingly. The byte is returned. Implemented by the stream layer.  File:, Node: binostream, Next: binstream, Prev: binistream, Up: Base classes binostream ---------- `binostream' provides an output-only binary stream. Header file: `binio.h' ---------------------- Public methods: --------------- `binostream()' The constructor. `~binostream()' The destructor. `void writeInt(Int val, unsigned int size);' Writes the integer value `val' of size `size' (in bytes) to the stream. `void writeFloat(Float f, FType ft);' Writes the floating-point value `f' of type `ft' to the stream. Refer to the list of public types of the `binio' class for information about what floating-point formats are supported. If the requested floating-point type is not supported by your architecture, `writeFloat()' tries to convert it. This is not always possible and an `Unsupported' error is issued if the conversion fails and nothing is written to the stream in this case. `unsigned long writeString(const char *str, unsigned long amount = 0);' `unsigned long writeString(const std::string &str);' Writes a character string to the stream. Both standard C ASCIIZ strings and STL `string' objects are supported. The standard C version takes a pointer `str' to the ASCIIZ string to write as first argument and an optional second argument `amount', which specifies the number of characters to write from that string. If it is omitted, the whole string is written to the stream. For the `string' object version, the only argument is the `string' object, containing the string to write. Both methods return the number of characters actually written to the stream (which should only differ from the value you wanted to write when an error occured). Protected methods: ------------------ `virtual void putByte(Byte)' Abstract virtual method to insert exactly one byte (8 bits) into the stream and advance the stream pointer accordingly. The byte to be written is passed as the only argument. Implemented by the stream layer.  File:, Node: binstream, Prev: binostream, Up: Base classes binstream --------- `binstream' provides a both input and output supporting binary stream. It inherits the interface from both `binistream' and `binostream' and defines no additional methods. Refer to the documentation of these two classes for more information instead.  File:, Node: File streams, Next: String streams, Prev: Base classes, Up: Reference File streams ============ File streams provide access to ordinary files on a filesystem. They consist of the classes `binifstream', `binofstream' and `binfstream', which are all derived from the common base class `binfbase'. * Menu: * binfbase:: * File stream classes::  File:, Node: binfbase, Next: File stream classes, Up: File streams binfbase -------- `binfbase' provides the common base class for all file I/O binary streams. It defines important data types, variables and methods. Header file: `binfile.h' ------------------------ Public methods: --------------- `binfbase()' The constructor. `~binfbase()' The destructor. Automatically closes an eventually open stream. `virtual void open(const char *filename, const Mode mode)' `virtual void open(const std::string &filename, const Mode mode)' Two versions of an abstract virtual method to open a binary file stream. `filename' is the filename of the file to open and `mode' specifies in which mode to do so. Refer to the list of data types for this class for more information on this argument. You can combine multiple mode flags together, using the `|' operator. `void close()' Method to explicitly close the stream. `void seek(long pos, Offset offs = Set)' `long pos()' Implementation of the abstract virtual methods, inherited from `binio'. Look there for reference. Public data types and variables: -------------------------------- `enum ModeFlags' Enumeration of all defined file stream open mode flags, defining how a file should be opened when the `open()' method is called. This type defines the following flags: `Append' Open the stream for appending. The stream pointer is positioned at the end of the stream. Also, do not truncate a file to zero length, if it already exists. `NoCreate' Do not automatically create a nonexistant file on first access and fail instead. Also, do not truncate a file to zero length, if it already exists. `Mode' Type of the variable to hold the mode specification flags that are passed to one of the `open()' methods to open a file stream. Refer to `enum ModeFlags' above for information on what flags are defined. Protected data types and variables: ----------------------------------- `FILE *f' Pointer to the currently opened file of this stream.  File:, Node: File stream classes, Prev: binfbase, Up: File streams File stream classes ------------------- The binary file streams consist of the classes `binifstream', `binofstream' and `binfstream'. They all inherit the interface from both `binfbase' and `binistream' and/or `binostream'. Refer to the class reference of these classes for more information on the interface instead. `binifstream' provides an input-only binary file stream. It is inherited from `binistream'. The `open()' method of this class ignores all passed `mode' arguments, the open mode is always `NoCreate'. The stream pointer is always positioned at the beginning of the stream and no files will ever be created, if they don't exist. `binofstream' provides an output-only binary file stream. It is inherited from `binostream'. The default open mode is `0'. A file is truncated to zero length or created if it did not exist previously. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. The `NoCreate' mode flag has no effect with the `open()' method of this class. Only `Append' is honored, positioning the stream at the end of the file and not truncating it. The file is still created, if it did not exist. `binfstream' provides an input and output supporting binary file stream. It is inherited from both `binifstream' and `binofstream'. The default open mode is `0'. A file is truncated to zero length or created if it did not exist previously. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. All `mode' arguments are valid with the `open()' method of this class. Refer to the list of public data types and variables of the `binfbase' class for more information on their meaning. All three classes define an extra convenience constructor that has the same syntax as the `open()' method and automatically open the specified file on object construction. For your information, here is a list of some important redefined methods of these classes, as explained above: Header file: `binfile.h' ------------------------ Public methods: --------------- `binifstream()' `binofstream()' `binfstream()' All standard constructors. `~binifstream()' `~binofstream()' `~binfstream()' All standard destructors. They all automatically close an eventually open stream, on object deconstruction. `binifstream(const char *filename, const Mode mode = NoCreate)' `binifstream(const std::string &filename, const Mode mode = NoCreate)' Convenience constructors of the input-only stream class. Refer to the description of the `open()' method in the list of public methods of the `binfbase' class for syntax information. `binofstream(const char *filename, const Mode mode = 0)' `binofstream(const std::string &filename, const Mode mode = 0)' Convenience constructors of the output-only stream class. Refer to the description of the `open()' method in the list of public methods of the `binfbase' class for syntax information. `binfstream(const char *filename, const Mode mode = 0)' `binfstream(const std::string &filename, const Mode mode = 0)' Convenience constructors of the input and output supporting stream class. Refer to the description of the `open()' method in the list of public methods of the `binfbase' class for syntax information.  File:, Node: String streams, Next: iostream wrappers, Prev: File streams, Up: Reference String streams ============== The string stream classes provide a means of turning arbitrary strings (or "blocks") in memory into a binary stream, similary to what `strstream' does in the iostream library. Unlike `strstream' from the iostream library, these streams _do not_ support automatic enlarging of the memory area. If the user tries to write beyond the end of the stream, nothing is actually written and an `Eof' error is issued. Header file: `binstr.h' ----------------------- Public methods: --------------- `binsbase(void *str, unsigned long len)' `binisstream(void *str, unsigned long len)' `binosstream(void *str, unsigned long len)' `binsstream(void *str, unsigned long len)' All constructors take two arguments. `str' is a pointer to a previously initialized data string in memory. `len' specifies the length in bytes of the string. `~binsbase()' `~binisstream()' `~binosstream()' `~binsstream()' All deconstructors. `virtual void seek(long pos, Offset offs = Set)' `virtual long pos()' Implementation of the abstract virtual methods, inherited from `binio'. Refer to the reference of that class for more information. Protected data types and variables in `binsbase': ------------------------------------------------- `Byte *data' This pointer is always pointing to the beginning of the initialized data string in memory, passed to the constructor. `Byte *spos' This pointer points to the current position in the string stream. `long length' Holds the length in bytes for the whole data string in memory, as passed to the constructor.  File:, Node: iostream wrappers, Prev: String streams, Up: Reference iostream wrappers ================= The iostream wrapper classes provide a way to "wrap" around an already existing stream of the standard or traditional C++ iostream library, thus providing binary access to such a stream. The wrapper classes consist of `biniwstream', `binowstream' and `binwstream'. The iostream wrapper classes do not provide any extra methods by themselves. They just inherit the interface of the general binary stream classes. Look there for reference. `biniwstream' inherits from `binistream', `binowstream' inherits from `binostream' and `binwstream' inherits from both of them. Remember to _always_ open the iostream stream with the `ios::bin' flag set, before you wrap it with a binary stream, or else you will get strange errors on some operating systems. All other flags you set on the iostream stream will also indirectly affect the wrapped binary stream, so be careful. Header file: `binwrap.h' ------------------------ Public methods: --------------- `biniwstream(istream *istr)' `binowstream(ostream *ostr)' `binwstream(iostream *str)' The constructor. `istr', `ostr' and `str' are pointers to an appropriate, already existing and open stream from the iostream library. `~biniwstream()' `~binowstream()' `~binwstream()' The destructor. `virtual void seek(long pos, Offset offs = Set)' `virtual long pos()' Implementation of the abstract virtual methods, inherited from `binio'. Refer to the reference of that class for more information.  File:, Node: FAQ, Next: Copying This Manual, Prev: Reference, Up: Top FAQ *** * Q: Why don't you supply general data block I/O methods, taking `void' pointers as arguments, so i can read all my data into a `struct' at once? * A: This, in general, is a broken idea. It only makes sense if you plan to write your program for only one architecture and want a fast way to read your whole data into memory. This is not what libbinio was meant for, so such methods will never be implemented. libbinio cannot know what data types your `struct' is made of and thus cannot do any transparent data conversion. And there's even more: Most compilers align their `struct's to a special multiple of bytes (mostly the current architecture's data word size). libbinio doesn't (and cannot) know about all this and would just read the data byte by byte, completely ignoring the alignment and causing you to be unable to read any of your data. * Q: Why haven't you implemented error reporting using exceptions, instead of this darn `error()' method polling? * A: Because exceptions aren't supported on all compiler platforms.  File:, Node: Copying This Manual, Next: Concept Index, Prev: FAQ, Up: Top Copying This Manual ******************* * Menu: * GNU Free Documentation License:: License for copying this manual.