; Catacomb Armageddon Source Code ; Copyright (C) 1993-2014 Flat Rock Software ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. IDEAL MODEL MEDIUM,C include "ID_ASM.EQU" ;=========================================================================== ; ; SCALING GRAPHICS ; ;=========================================================================== MACRO MAKELAB NUM lab&NUM: ENDM MACRO MAKEREF NUM dw OFFSET lab&NUM ENDM ;========================================================================= MAXSCALES equ 256 DATASEG EXTRN screenseg:WORD EXTRN linewidth:WORD LABEL endtable WORD labcount = 0 REPT MAXSCALES MAKEREF %labcount labcount = labcount + 1 ENDM CODESEG ;================================================== ; ; void scaleline (int scale, unsigned picseg, unsigned maskseg, ; unsigned screen, unsigned width) ; ;================================================== PROC ScaleLine pixels:word, scaleptr:dword, picptr:dword, screen:word USES si,di PUBLIC ScaleLine ; ; modify doline procedure for proper width ; mov bx,[pixels] cmp bx,MAXSCALES jbe @@scaleok mov bx,MAXSCALES @@scaleok: shl bx,1 mov bx,[endtable+bx] push [cs:bx] ;save the code that will be modified over mov [WORD cs:bx],0d18eh ;mov ss,cx push [cs:bx+2] ;save the code that will be modified over mov [WORD cs:bx+2],90c3h ;ret / nop push bx mov dx,[linewidth] mov di,[WORD screen] mov es,[screenseg] mov si,[WORD scaleptr] mov ds,[WORD scaleptr+2] mov bx,[WORD picptr] mov ax,[WORD picptr+2] ;will be moved into ss after call mov bp,bx cli call doline sti ; ; restore doline to regular state ; pop bx ;address of modified code pop [cs:bx+2] pop [cs:bx] mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ret ;================ ; ; doline ; ; Big unwound scaling routine ; ; ds:si = scale table ; ss:bx = pic data ; es:di = screen location ; ;================ doline: mov cx,ss mov ss,ax ;can't call a routine with ss used... labcount = 0 REPT MAXSCALES MAKELAB %labcount labcount = labcount + 1 lodsb ; get scaled pixel number xlat [ss:bx] ; look it up in the picture xchg [es:di],al ; load latches and write pixel to screen add di,dx ; down to next line ENDM mov ss,cx ret ENDP END