; Catacomb Armageddon Source Code ; Copyright (C) 1993-2014 Flat Rock Software ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ;================================= ; ; CGA view manager routines ; ;================================= ;============================================================================ ; ; All of these routines draw into a floating virtual screen segment in main ; memory. bufferofs points to the origin of the drawing page in screenseg. ; The routines that write out words must take into account buffer wrapping ; and not write a word at 0xffff (which causes an exception on 386s). ; ; The direction flag should be clear ; ;============================================================================ DATASEG plotpixels db 0c0h,030h,0ch,03h colorbyte db 000000b,01010101b,10101010b,11111111b colorword dw 0,5555h,0aaaah,0ffffh CODESEG ;============================================================================ ; ; VW_Plot (int x,y,color) ; ;============================================================================ PROC VW_Plot x:WORD, y:WORD, color:WORD PUBLIC VW_Plot USES SI,DI mov es,[screenseg] mov di,[bufferofs] mov bx,[y] shl bx,1 add di,[ylookup+bx] mov bx,[x] mov ax,bx shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add di,ax ; di = byte on screen and bx,3 mov ah,[plotpixels+bx] mov bx,[color] mov cl,[colorbyte+bx] and cl,ah not ah mov al,[es:di] and al,ah ; mask off other pixels or al,cl stosb ret ENDP ;============================================================================ ; ; VW_Vlin (int yl,yh,x,color) ; ;============================================================================ PROC VW_Vlin yl:WORD, yh:WORD, x:WORD, color:WORD PUBLIC VW_Vlin USES SI,DI mov es,[screenseg] mov di,[bufferofs] mov bx,[yl] shl bx,1 add di,[ylookup+bx] mov bx,[x] mov ax,bx shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add di,ax ; di = byte on screen and bx,3 mov ah,[plotpixels+bx] mov bx,[color] mov bl,[colorbyte+bx] and bl,ah not ah mov cx,[yh] sub cx,[yl] inc cx ;number of pixels to plot mov dx,[linewidth] @@plot: mov al,[es:di] and al,ah ; mask off other pixels or al,bl mov [es:di],al add di,dx loop @@plot ret ret ENDP ;============================================================================ ;=================== ; ; VW_DrawTile8 ; ; xcoord in bytes (8 pixels), ycoord in pixels ; All Tile8s are in one grseg, so an offset is calculated inside it ; ; DONE ; ;=================== PROC VW_DrawTile8 xcoord:WORD, ycoord:WORD, tile:WORD PUBLIC VW_DrawTile8 USES SI,DI mov es,[screenseg] mov di,[bufferofs] add di,[xcoord] mov bx,[ycoord] shl bx,1 add di,[ylookup+bx] mov bx,[linewidth] sub bx,2 mov si,[tile] shl si,1 shl si,1 shl si,1 shl si,1 mov ds,[grsegs+STARTTILE8*2] ; segment for all tile8s ; ; start drawing ; REPT 7 movsb ;no word moves because of segment wrapping movsb add di,bx ENDM movsb movsb mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ENDP ;============================================================================ ; ; VW_MaskBlock ; ; Draws a masked block shape to the screen. bufferofs is NOT accounted for. ; The mask comes first, then the data. Seperate unwound routines are used ; to speed drawing. ; ; Mask blocks will allways be an even width because of the way IGRAB works ; ; DONE ; ;============================================================================ DATASEG UNWOUNDMASKS = 18 maskroutines dw mask0,mask0,mask2E,mask2O,mask4E,mask4O dw mask6E,mask6O,mask8E,mask8O,mask10E,mask10O dw mask12E,mask12O,mask14E,mask14O,mask16E,mask16O dw mask18E,mask18O routinetouse dw ? CODESEG PROC VW_MaskBlock segm:WORD, ofs:WORD, dest:WORD, wide:WORD, height:WORD, planesize:WORD PUBLIC VW_MaskBlock USES SI,DI mov es,[screenseg] mov di,[wide] mov dx,[linewidth] sub dx,di ;dx = delta to start of next line mov bx,[planesize] ; si+bx = data location cmp di,UNWOUNDMASKS jbe @@unwoundroutine ;============== ; ; General purpose masked block drawing. This could be optimised into ; four routines to use words, but few play loop sprites should be this big! ; ;============== mov [ss:linedelta],dx mov ds,[segm] mov si,[ofs] mov di,[dest] mov dx,[height] ;scan lines to draw @@lineloopgen: mov cx,[wide] @@byteloop: mov al,[es:di] and al,[si] or al,[bx+si] inc si stosb loop @@byteloop add di,[ss:linedelta] dec dx jnz @@lineloopgen mask0: mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ret ;width of 0 = no drawing ;================= ; ; use the unwound routines ; ;================= @@unwoundroutine: shr di,1 ;we only have even width unwound routines mov cx,[dest] shr cx,1 rcl di,1 ;shift a 1 in if destination is odd shl di,1 mov ax,[maskroutines+di] ;call the right routine mov ds,[segm] mov si,[ofs] mov di,[dest] mov cx,[height] ;scan lines to draw jmp ax ;draw it ;================= ; ; Horizontally unwound routines to draw certain masked blocks faster ; ;================= MACRO MASKBYTE mov al,[es:di] and al,[si] or al,[bx+si] inc si stosb ENDM MACRO MASKWORD mov ax,[es:di] and ax,[si] or ax,[bx+si] inc si inc si stosw ENDM MACRO SPRITELOOP addr add di,dx loop addr mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ret ENDM EVEN mask2E: MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask2E EVEN mask2O: MASKBYTE MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask2O EVEN mask4E: MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask4E EVEN mask4O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask4O EVEN mask6E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask6E EVEN mask6O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask6O EVEN mask8E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask8E EVEN mask8O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask8O EVEN mask10E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask10E EVEN mask10O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask10O EVEN mask12E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask12E EVEN mask12O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask12O EVEN mask14E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask14E EVEN mask14O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask14O EVEN mask16E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask16E EVEN mask16O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask16O EVEN mask18E: MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD SPRITELOOP mask18E EVEN mask18O: MASKBYTE MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKWORD MASKBYTE SPRITELOOP mask18O ENDP ;============================================================================ ; ; VW_ScreenToScreen ; ; Basic block copy routine. Copies one block of screen memory to another, ; bufferofs is NOT accounted for. ; ; DONE ; ;============================================================================ PROC VW_ScreenToScreen source:WORD, dest:WORD, wide:WORD, height:WORD PUBLIC VW_ScreenToScreen USES SI,DI mov bx,[linewidth] sub bx,[wide] mov ax,[screenseg] mov es,ax mov ds,ax mov si,[source] mov di,[dest] ;start at same place in all planes mov dx,[height] ;scan lines to draw mov ax,[wide] ; ; if the width, source, and dest are all even, use word moves ; This is allways the case in the CGA refresh ; test ax,1 jnz @@bytelineloop test si,1 jnz @@bytelineloop test di,1 jnz @@bytelineloop shr ax,1 @@wordlineloop: mov cx,ax rep movsw add si,bx add di,bx dec dx jnz @@wordlineloop mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret @@bytelineloop: mov cx,ax rep movsb add si,bx add di,bx dec dx jnz @@bytelineloop mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ENDP ;============================================================================ ; ; VW_MemToScreen ; ; Basic block drawing routine. Takes a block shape at segment pointer source ; of width by height data, and draws it to dest in the virtual screen, ; based on linewidth. bufferofs is NOT accounted for. ; There are four drawing routines to provide the best optimized code while ; accounting for odd segment wrappings due to the floating screens. ; ; DONE ; ;============================================================================ DATASEG memtoscreentable dw eventoeven,eventoodd,oddtoeven,oddtoodd CODESEG PROC VW_MemToScreen source:WORD, dest:WORD, wide:WORD, height:WORD PUBLIC VW_MemToScreen USES SI,DI mov es,[screenseg] mov bx,[linewidth] sub bx,[wide] mov ds,[source] xor si,si ;block is segment aligned xor di,di shr [wide],1 ;change wide to words, and see if carry is set rcl di,1 ;1 if wide is odd mov ax,[dest] shr ax,1 rcl di,1 ;shift a 1 in if destination is odd shl di,1 ;to index into a word width table mov dx,[height] ;scan lines to draw mov ax,[wide] jmp [ss:memtoscreentable+di] ;call the right routine ;============== ; ; Copy an even width block to an even destination address ; ;============== eventoeven: mov di,[dest] ;start at same place in all planes EVEN @@lineloopEE: mov cx,ax rep movsw add di,bx dec dx jnz @@lineloopEE mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ;============== ; ; Copy an odd width block to an even video address ; ;============== oddtoeven: mov di,[dest] ;start at same place in all planes EVEN @@lineloopOE: mov cx,ax rep movsw movsb ;copy the last byte add di,bx dec dx jnz @@lineloopOE mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ;============== ; ; Copy an even width block to an odd video address ; ;============== eventoodd: mov di,[dest] ;start at same place in all planes dec ax ;one word has to be handled seperately EVEN @@lineloopEO: movsb mov cx,ax rep movsw movsb add di,bx dec dx jnz @@lineloopEO mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ;============== ; ; Copy an odd width block to an odd video address ; ;============== oddtoodd: mov di,[dest] ;start at same place in all planes EVEN @@lineloopOO: movsb mov cx,ax rep movsw add di,bx dec dx jnz @@lineloopOO mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ENDP ;=========================================================================== ; ; VW_ScreenToMem ; ; Copies a block of video memory to main memory, in order from planes 0-3. ; This could be optimized along the lines of VW_MemToScreen to take advantage ; of word copies, but this is an infrequently called routine. ; ; DONE ; ;=========================================================================== PROC VW_ScreenToMem source:WORD, dest:WORD, wide:WORD, height:WORD PUBLIC VW_ScreenToMem USES SI,DI mov es,[dest] mov bx,[linewidth] sub bx,[wide] mov ds,[screenseg] xor di,di mov si,[source] mov dx,[height] ;scan lines to draw @@lineloop: mov cx,[wide] rep movsb add si,bx dec dx jnz @@lineloop mov ax,ss mov ds,ax ;restore turbo's data segment ret ENDP ;=========================================================================== ; ; MISC CGA ROUTINES ; ;=========================================================================== ;============== ; ; VW_SetScreen ; ; DONE ; ;============== PROC VW_SetScreen crtc:WORD PUBLIC VW_SetScreen ; ; for some reason, my XT's EGA card doesn't like word outs to the CRTC ; index... ; cli mov cx,[crtc] mov dx,CRTC_INDEX mov al,0ch ;start address high register out dx,al inc dx mov al,ch out dx,al dec dx mov al,0dh ;start address low register out dx,al mov al,cl inc dx out dx,al sti ret ENDP if NUMFONT+NUMFONTM ;=========================================================================== ; ; GENERAL FONT DRAWING ROUTINES ; ;=========================================================================== DATASEG px dw ? ; proportional character drawing coordinates py dw ? pdrawmode db 11000b ; 8 = OR, 24 = XOR, put in GC_DATAROTATE fontcolor db 15 ;0-15 mapmask value PUBLIC px,py,pdrawmode,fontcolor ; ; offsets in font structure ; pcharheight = 0 ;lines high charloc = 2 ;pointers to every character charwidth = 514 ;every character's width in pixels propchar dw ? ; the character number to shift stringptr dw ?,? fontcolormask dw ? ; font color expands into this BUFFWIDTH = 100 BUFFHEIGHT = 32 ; must be twice as high as font for masked fonts databuffer db BUFFWIDTH*BUFFHEIGHT dup (?) bufferwidth dw ? ; bytes with valid info / line bufferheight dw ? ; number of lines currently used bufferbyte dw ? bufferbit dw ? PUBLIC bufferwidth,bufferheight,bufferbyte,bufferbit screenspot dw ? ; where the buffer is going bufferextra dw ? ; add at end of a line copy screenextra dw ? CODESEG ;====================== ; ; Macros to table shift a byte of font ; ;====================== MACRO SHIFTNOXOR mov al,[es:bx] ; source xor ah,ah shl ax,1 mov si,ax mov ax,[bp+si] ; table shift into two bytes or [di],al ; or with first byte inc di mov [di],ah ; replace next byte inc bx ; next source byte ENDM MACRO SHIFTWITHXOR mov al,[es:bx] ; source xor ah,ah shl ax,1 mov si,ax mov ax,[bp+si] ; table shift into two bytes not ax and [di],al ; and with first byte inc di mov [di],ah ; replace next byte inc bx ; next source byte ENDM ;======================= ; ; VWL_XORBuffer ; ; Pass buffer start in SI (somewhere in databuffer) ; Draws the buffer to the screen buffer ; ;======================== PROC VWL_XORBuffer NEAR USES BP mov bl,[fontcolor] xor bh,bh shl bx,1 mov ax,[colorword+bx] mov [fontcolormask],ax mov es,[screenseg] mov di,[screenspot] mov bx,[bufferwidth] ;calculate offsets for end of each line mov [bufferwidth],bx or bx,bx jnz @@isthere ret ;nothing to draw @@isthere: test bx,1 jnz @@odd jmp @@even ; ; clear the last byte so word draws can be used ; @@odd: mov al,0 line = 0 REPT BUFFHEIGHT mov [BYTE databuffer+BUFFWIDTH*line+bx],al line = line+1 ENDM inc bx @@even: mov ax,[linewidth] sub ax,bx mov [screenextra],ax mov ax,BUFFWIDTH sub ax,bx mov [bufferextra],ax mov dx,bx shr dx,1 ;word to copy mov bx,[bufferheight] ;lines to copy mov bp,[fontcolormask] @@lineloop: mov cx,dx @@wordloop: lodsw ;get a word from the buffer and ax,bp xor [es:di],ax ;draw it add di,2 loop @@wordloop add si,[bufferextra] add di,[screenextra] dec bx jnz @@lineloop ret ENDP DATASEG ;============================================================================ ; ; NON MASKED FONT DRAWING ROUTINES ; ;============================================================================ if numfont DATASEG shiftdrawtable dw 0,shift1wide,shift2wide,shift3wide,shift4wide dw shift5wide,shift6wide CODESEG ;================== ; ; ShiftPropChar ; ; Call with BX = character number (0-255) ; Draws one character to the buffer at bufferbyte/bufferbit, and adjusts ; them to the new position ; ;================== PROC ShiftPropChar NEAR mov es,[grsegs+STARTFONT*2] ;segment of font to use ; ; find character location, width, and height ; mov si,[es:charwidth+bx] and si,0ffh ;SI hold width in pixels shl bx,1 mov bx,[es:charloc+bx] ;BX holds pointer to character data ; ; look up which shift table to use, based on bufferbit ; mov di,[bufferbit] shl di,1 mov bp,[shifttabletable+di] ;BP holds pointer to shift table mov di,OFFSET databuffer add di,[bufferbyte] ;DI holds pointer to buffer mov cx,[bufferbit] add cx,si ;add twice because pixel == two bits add cx,si ;new bit position mov ax,cx and ax,7 mov [bufferbit],ax ;new bit position mov ax,cx shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add [bufferbyte],ax ;new byte position add si,3 shr si,1 shr si,1 ;bytes the character is wide shl si,1 ;*2 to look up in shiftdrawtable mov cx,[es:pcharheight] mov dx,BUFFWIDTH jmp [ss:shiftdrawtable+si] ;procedure to draw this width ; ; one byte character ; shift1wide: dec dx EVEN @@loop1: SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop1 ret ; ; two byte character ; shift2wide: dec dx dec dx EVEN @@loop2: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop2 ret ; ; three byte character ; shift3wide: sub dx,3 EVEN @@loop3: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop3 ret ; ; four byte character ; shift4wide: sub dx,4 EVEN @@loop4: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop4 ret ; ; five byte character ; shift5wide: sub dx,5 EVEN @@loop5: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop5 ret ; ; six byte character ; shift6wide: sub dx,6 EVEN @@loop6: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop6 ret ENDP ;============================================================================ ;================== ; ; VW_DrawPropString ; ; Draws a C string of characters at px/py and advances px ; ;================== CODESEG PROC VW_DrawPropString string:DWORD PUBLIC VW_DrawPropString USES SI,DI ; ; proportional spaceing, which clears the buffer ahead of it, so only ; clear the first collumn ; mov al,0 line = 0 REPT BUFFHEIGHT mov [BYTE databuffer+BUFFWIDTH*line],al line = line+1 ENDM ; ; shift the characters into the buffer ; @@shiftchars: mov ax,[px] and ax,3 shl ax,1 ;one pixel == two bits mov [bufferbit],ax mov [bufferbyte],0 mov ax,[WORD string] mov [stringptr],ax mov ax,[WORD string+2] mov [stringptr+2],ax @@shiftone: mov es,[stringptr+2] mov bx,[stringptr] inc [stringptr] mov bx,[es:bx] xor bh,bh or bl,bl jz @@allshifted call ShiftPropChar jmp @@shiftone @@allshifted: ; ; calculate position to draw buffer on screen ; mov bx,[py] shl bx,1 mov di,[ylookup+bx] add di,[bufferofs] add di,[panadjust] mov ax,[px] shr ax,1 shr ax,1 ;x location in bytes add di,ax mov [screenspot],di ; ; advance px ; mov ax,[bufferbyte] shl ax,1 shl ax,1 mov bx,[bufferbit] shr bx,1 ;two bits == one pixel or ax,bx add [px],ax ; ; draw it ; mov ax,[bufferbyte] test [bufferbit],7 jz @@go inc ax ;so the partial byte also gets drawn @@go: mov [bufferwidth],ax mov es,[grsegs+STARTFONT*2] mov ax,[es:pcharheight] mov [bufferheight],ax mov si,OFFSET databuffer call VWL_XORBuffer ret ENDP endif ;numfont ;============================================================================ ; ; MASKED FONT DRAWING ROUTINES ; ;============================================================================ if numfontm DATASEG mshiftdrawtable dw 0,mshift1wide,mshift2wide,mshift3wide CODESEG ;================== ; ; ShiftMPropChar ; ; Call with BX = character number (0-255) ; Draws one character to the buffer at bufferbyte/bufferbit, and adjusts ; them to the new position ; ;================== PROC ShiftMPropChar NEAR mov es,[grsegs+STARTFONTM*2] ;segment of font to use ; ; find character location, width, and height ; mov si,[es:charwidth+bx] and si,0ffh ;SI hold width in pixels shl bx,1 mov bx,[es:charloc+bx] ;BX holds pointer to character data ; ; look up which shift table to use, based on bufferbit ; mov di,[bufferbit] shl di,1 mov bp,[shifttabletable+di] ;BP holds pointer to shift table mov di,OFFSET databuffer add di,[bufferbyte] ;DI holds pointer to buffer ; ; advance position by character width ; mov cx,[bufferbit] add cx,si ;new bit position mov ax,cx and ax,7 mov [bufferbit],ax ;new bit position mov ax,cx shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add [bufferbyte],ax ;new byte position add si,7 shr si,1 shr si,1 shr si,1 ;bytes the character is wide shl si,1 ;*2 to look up in shiftdrawtable mov cx,[es:pcharheight] mov dx,BUFFWIDTH jmp [ss:mshiftdrawtable+si] ;procedure to draw this width ; ; one byte character ; mshift1wide: dec dx EVEN @@loop1m: SHIFTWITHXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop1m mov cx,[es:pcharheight] EVEN @@loop1: SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop1 ret ; ; two byte character ; mshift2wide: dec dx dec dx EVEN @@loop2m: SHIFTWITHXOR SHIFTWITHXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop2m mov cx,[es:pcharheight] EVEN @@loop2: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop2 ret ; ; three byte character ; mshift3wide: sub dx,3 EVEN @@loop3m: SHIFTWITHXOR SHIFTWITHXOR SHIFTWITHXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop3m mov cx,[es:pcharheight] EVEN @@loop3: SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR SHIFTNOXOR add di,dx ; next line in buffer loop @@loop3 ret ENDP ;============================================================================ ;================== ; ; VW_DrawMPropString ; ; Draws a C string of characters at px/py and advances px ; ;================== PROC VW_DrawMPropString string:DWORD PUBLIC VW_DrawMPropString USES SI,DI ; ; clear out the first byte of the buffer, the rest will automatically be ; cleared as characters are drawn into it ; mov es,[grsegs+STARTFONTM*2] mov dx,[es:pcharheight] mov di,OFFSET databuffer mov ax,ds mov es,ax mov bx,BUFFWIDTH-1 mov cx,dx mov al,0ffh @@maskfill: stosb ; fill the mask part with $ff add di,bx loop @@maskfill mov cx,dx xor al,al @@datafill: stosb ; fill the data part with $0 add di,bx loop @@datafill ; ; shift the characters into the buffer ; mov ax,[px] and ax,7 mov [bufferbit],ax mov [bufferbyte],0 mov ax,[WORD string] mov [stringptr],ax mov ax,[WORD string+2] mov [stringptr+2],ax @@shiftone: mov es,[stringptr+2] mov bx,[stringptr] inc [stringptr] mov bx,[es:bx] xor bh,bh or bl,bl jz @@allshifted call ShiftMPropChar jmp @@shiftone @@allshifted: ; ; calculate position to draw buffer on screen ; mov bx,[py] shl bx,1 mov di,[ylookup+bx] add di,[bufferofs] mov ax,[px] shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 ;x location in bytes add di,ax mov [screenspot],di ; ; advance px ; mov ax,[bufferbyte] shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 or ax,[bufferbit] add [px],ax ; ; draw it ; mov ax,[bufferbyte] test [bufferbit],7 jz @@go inc ax ;so the partial byte also gets drawn @@go: mov [bufferwidth],ax mov es,[grsegs+STARTFONTM*2] mov ax,[es:pcharheight] mov [bufferheight],ax mov si,OFFSET databuffer call BufferToScreen ; cut out mask ; or in data call BufferToScreen ; SI is still in the right position in buffer ret ENDP endif ; if numfontm endif ; if fonts