;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXCL.ASM - Bresenham circle ; Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO ;NOWARN RES INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxCircle MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING EXTRN mx_BytesPerLine : WORD EXTRN mx_VideoSegment : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipX1 : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipY1 : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipX2 : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipY2 : WORD ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Draws a circle using the Bresenham algorithm. ; ; Input: ; XC, YC = center coordinates ; Radius = circle radius ; Color = circle color ; Output: ; none ; Note: ; computes only points in the first octant, all other ; points are obtained by symmetry. ; mxCircle PROC FAR ARG Color:BYTE:2, \ Radius:WORD, \ YC:WORD, \ XC:WORD = ARG_SIZE LOCAL Delta:WORD = AUTO_SIZE .enter AUTO_SIZE .push ds, si, di xor si, si ; X mov di, [Radius] ; Y mov ax, 3 sub ax, di sub ax, di mov [Delta], ax ; Delta = 3-R*2 mov ds, [mx_VideoSegment] @@Loop: cmp si, di ; jg @@Done ; Exit when X > Y ; Draw points mov ax, si mov bx, di call @@subPutPixel mov ax, si neg ax mov bx, di call @@subPutPixel mov ax, si mov bx, di neg bx call @@subPutPixel mov ax, si neg ax mov bx, di neg bx call @@subPutPixel mov ax, di mov bx, si call @@subPutPixel mov ax, di neg ax mov bx, si call @@subPutPixel mov ax, di mov bx, si neg bx call @@subPutPixel mov ax, di neg ax mov bx, si neg bx call @@subPutPixel ; Moves coordinates to next point mov ax, [Delta] test ax, ax jl @@Next mov ax, di .shl ax, 2 sub ax, 4 sub [Delta], ax dec di @@Next: mov ax, si .shl ax, 2 add ax, 6 add [Delta], ax inc si jmp @@Loop @@Done: xor ax, ax .pop ds, si, di .leave ARG_SIZE ;--------------------------------------- ; Put pixel function. ; Input: ; BX = X coordinate (relative to center) ; AX = Y coordinate (relative to center) ; DS = video segment @@subPutPixel: add bx, [XC] ; Get absolute coordinates add ax, [YC] cmp bx, [mx_ClipX1] ; Clip pixel jl @@subExit cmp bx, [mx_ClipX2] jg @@subExit cmp ax, [mx_ClipY1] jl @@subExit cmp ax, [mx_ClipY2] jg @@subExit mul [mx_BytesPerLine] ; Get pixel offset mov cx, bx ; Save X coordinate .shr bx, 2 add bx, ax ; DS:BX = pixel offset and cl, 3 ; Set write plane mov ax, 0102h shl ah, cl mov dx, TS out dx, ax mov al, [Color] ; Write pixel mov ds:[bx], al @@subExit: retn mxCircle ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END