;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXGP.ASM - Get palette function ; Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxGetPalette MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Returns the current setting of the VGA palette. ; ; Input: ; Buffer = pointer to palette data (R,G,B) ; Start = index of first color to get ; Count = number of color to get ; Output: ; none ; mxGetPalette PROC FAR ARG Count:WORD, \ Start:WORD, \ Buffer:DWORD = ARG_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter 0 .push es, di les di, [Buffer] mov cx, [Count] mov ax, [Start] mov dx, 3C7h ; PEL read address register out dx, al inc dx inc dx cld @@Loop: in al, dx stosb in al, dx stosb in al, dx stosb loop @@Loop ; Loop until done .pop es, di .leave ARG_SIZE mxGetPalette ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END