;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXLL.ASM - Load latches ; Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxLoadLatches MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING EXTRN mx_VideoSegment : WORD ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Loads the specified value into the VGA latches. ; ; Input: ; BL = value to load into latches ; Output: ; none ; Changes: ; bit mask register to FFh; ; function select register to "move"; ; write mode to 00h. ; Note: ; this is for internal use only. ; mxLoadLatches PROC NEAR ASSUME ds:NOTHING .push ds, si mov dx, GDC mov ax, 0FF08h out dx, ax ; Set bit mask to FFh mov ax, 0003h out dx, ax ; Set function to "move" mov ax, 0005h out dx, ax ; Set write mode mov ax, [mx_VideoSegment] mov ds, ax mov si, 0FFFFh mov bh, 8 ; BH = write plane mask mov cx, 3 ; CX = count = read plane ; Saves old values and force BL into latches @@SetLoop: mov dx, GDC mov al, 04h mov ah, cl out dx, ax ; Select read plane mov dx, TS mov al, 02h mov ah, bh out dx, ax ; Select write plane mov al, ds:[si] push ax mov ds:[si], bl mov al, ds:[di] ; Force value into latch shr bh, 1 ; Next write plane loop @@SetLoop ; Restore previous values mov cx, 3 mov bh, 8 mov dx, TS @@ResetLoop: mov al, 02h mov ah, bh out dx, ax ; Select write plane pop ax mov ds:[si], al shr bh, 1 ; Next write plane loop @@ResetLoop ; Exit .pop ds, si ret mxLoadLatches ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END