;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXLN.ASM - Line function ; Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO ;NOWARN RES INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxLine MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING EXTRN mx_BytesPerLine : WORD EXTRN mx_VideoSegment : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipX1 : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipY1 : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipX2 : WORD EXTRN mx_ClipY2 : WORD tblDrawFunc LABEL WORD DW subWidthMove DW subHeightMove DW subWidthOp DW subHeightOp ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Draws a line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) using the Bresenham ; algorithm. ; ; Input: ; X1, Y1 = start point ; X2, Y2 = end point ; Color = line color ; Op = raster operator ; Output: ; none ; ; Note: the end point (X2,Y2) *IS* drawed. I don't like this very much ; but clipping is much simpler. ; mxLine PROC FAR ARG Op:WORD, \ Color:WORD, \ Y2:WORD, \ X2:WORD, \ Y1:WORD, \ X1:WORD = ARG_SIZE LOCAL Width:WORD, \ Height:WORD, \ ErrorAdd:WORD, \ ErrorSub:WORD, \ DeltaX:WORD, \ DeltaY:WORD, \ P1:BYTE, \ P2:BYTE, \ WritePlane:BYTE = AUTO_SIZE .enter AUTO_SIZE .push ds, si, di ASSUME ds:NOTHING mov ax, [X1] mov bx, [Y1] mov cx, [X2] mov dx, [Y2] call subClipLine jc @@Exit ; Line is full clipped ; Get width mov si, cx xchg ax, si ; SI = X1, AX = X2 sub ax, si jge @@1 ; Swap points, we want X1 < X2 xchg si, cx ; Swap X1 and X2 xchg bx, dx ; Swap Y1 and Y2 neg ax @@1: mov [Width], ax ; Get height mov cx, [mx_BytesPerLine] ; We don't need X2 anymore mov ax, dx sub ax, bx jge @@2 neg cx ; Move from bottom to top neg ax ; Get absolute value of AX @@2: mov [Height], ax mov [DeltaY], cx ; Get pixel address and write plane mov ax, bx mul [mx_BytesPerLine] mov cx, si ; CX = X1 shr si, 1 shr si, 1 add si, ax ; SI = pixel offset and cl, 03h mov ax, 1102h shl ah, cl mov [WritePlane], ah mov dx, TS out dx, ax ; Set write plane mov ax, [mx_VideoSegment] mov ds, ax ; DS:SI points to (X1,Y1) ; Select the function to handle the drawing loop xor bx, bx mov al, BYTE PTR [Op] cmp al, OP_MOVE je @@3 and al, 03h shl al, 1 shl al, 1 shl al, 1 mov ah, al mov al, 03h mov dx, GDC out dx, ax ; Set logical function inc bx inc bx @@3: mov ax, [Width] mov cx, [Height] ; Horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines are not optimized yet cmp ax, cx jae @@4 inc bx @@4: shl bx, 1 call tblDrawFunc[bx] ; Reset logical function if needed cmp BYTE PTR [Op], OP_MOVE je @@Exit mov ax, 0003h mov dx, GDC out dx, ax @@Exit: xor ax, ax .pop ds, si, di .leave ARG_SIZE ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Checks the coordinates of a line against the active ; clip region. ; Uses a variation of the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm developed ; by Victor Duvanenko. ; ; Input: ; AX, BX = X1, Y1 ; CX, DX = X2, Y2 ; Output: ; CF = set if line is full clipped ; AX, BX = clipped X1, Y1 ; CX, DX = clipped X2, Y2 ; Note: ; destroys SI, DI ; subClipLine PROC NEAR mov di, ax ; Copy X1 to DI and free AX mov si, dx ; Copy Y2 to SI and free DX ; Compute clip codes for point (X2,Y2)=(CX,SI) xor al, al @@P2X1: cmp cx, [mx_ClipX1] jge @@P2X2 or al, 1 @@P2X2: cmp cx, [mx_ClipX2] jle @@P2Y1 or al, 2 @@P2Y1: cmp si, [mx_ClipY1] jge @@P2Y2 or al, 4 @@P2Y2: cmp si, [mx_ClipY2] jle @@P2XY or al, 8 @@P2XY: mov [P2], al ; Compute clip codes for point (X1,Y1)=(DI,BX) xor al, al @@P1X1: cmp di, [mx_ClipX1] jge @@P1X2 or al, 1 @@P1X2: cmp di, [mx_ClipX2] jle @@P1Y1 or al, 2 @@P1Y1: cmp bx, [mx_ClipY1] jge @@P1Y2 or al, 4 @@P1Y2: cmp bx, [mx_ClipY2] jle @@P1XY or al, 8 @@P1XY: mov [P1], al ; Check codes for trivial cases mov ah, [P2] test al, ah ; Is line invisible? jnz @@FullClip ; Yes, exit or ah, al ; Both points clipped? jz @@Done ; Yes, exit ; Calculate deltas mov ax, cx sub ax, di mov [DeltaX], ax mov ax, si sub ax, bx mov [DeltaY], ax mov al, [P1] ; Init clipping code ; Clipping loop @@ClipLoop: test al, al ; Is first point clipped? jnz @@ClipX1 ; No, continue xchg cx, di ; Swap points... xchg bx, si xchg al, [P2] ; ...and codes ; Clip left: Y1 = Y1 + DeltaY*(mx_ClipX1-X1)/DeltaX @@ClipX1: test al, 1 jz @@ClipX2 mov ax, [mx_ClipX1] sub ax, di mov di, [mx_ClipX1] jmp @@ClipX1X2 ; Clip right: Y1 = Y1 + DeltaY*(mx_ClipX2-X1)/DeltaX @@ClipX2: test al, 2 jz @@ClipY1 mov ax, [mx_ClipX2] sub ax, di mov di, [mx_ClipX2] @@ClipX1X2: imul [DeltaY] idiv [DeltaX] add bx, ax mov al, 8 cmp bx, [mx_ClipY2] jg @@CheckLoop mov al, 4 cmp bx, [mx_ClipY1] jl @@CheckLoop xor al, al jmp @@CheckLoop ; Clip top: X1 = X1 + DeltaX*(mx_ClipY1-Y1)/DeltaY @@ClipY1: test al, 4 jz @@ClipY2 mov ax, [mx_ClipY1] sub ax, bx mov bx, [mx_ClipY1] jmp @@ClipY1Y2 ; Clip bottom: X1 = X1 + DeltaX*(mx_ClipY2-Y1)/DeltaY @@ClipY2: mov ax, [mx_ClipY2] sub ax, bx mov bx, [mx_ClipY2] @@ClipY1Y2: imul [DeltaX] idiv [DeltaY] add di, ax mov al, 1 cmp di, [mx_ClipX1] jl @@CheckLoop mov al, 2 cmp di, [mx_ClipX2] jg @@CheckLoop xor al, al @@CheckLoop: mov ah, [P2] test al, ah jnz @@FullClip or ah, al jnz @@ClipLoop @@Done: mov ax, di mov dx, si clc ret @@FullClip: stc ret subClipLine ENDP ; Called when Width >= Height and Op = OP_MOVE subWidthMove PROC NEAR mov di, ax neg di ; Initialize error term shl cx, 1 mov [ErrorAdd], cx mov cx, ax shl ax, 1 mov [ErrorSub], ax mov al, 02h mov ah, [WritePlane] mov bl, BYTE PTR [Color] mov dx, TS inc cx @@Loop: mov ds:[si], bl dec cx jz @@Exit rol ah, 1 adc si, 0 out dx, ax add di, [ErrorAdd] jl @@Loop add si, [DeltaY] sub di, [ErrorSub] jmp @@Loop @@Exit: ret subWidthMove ENDP ; Called when Width < Height and Op = OP_MOVE subHeightMove PROC NEAR mov di, cx neg di ; Initialize error term shl ax, 1 mov [ErrorAdd], ax mov ax, cx shl ax, 1 mov [ErrorSub], ax mov bl, BYTE PTR [Color] mov ah, [WritePlane] mov al, 02h mov dx, TS inc cx @@Loop: mov ds:[si], bl dec cx jz @@Exit add si, [DeltaY] add di, [ErrorAdd] jl @@Loop rol ah, 1 ; Next write plane adc si, 0 ; Bump video offset if plane overflows out dx, ax sub di, [ErrorSub] ; Adjust error down jmp @@Loop @@Exit: ret subHeightMove ENDP ; Called when Width >= Height and Op <> OP_MOVE subWidthOp PROC NEAR mov di, ax neg di ; Initialize error term shl cx, 1 mov [ErrorAdd], cx mov cx, ax shl ax, 1 mov [ErrorSub], ax mov al, 02h mov ah, [WritePlane] mov bl, BYTE PTR [Color] mov dx, TS inc cx @@Loop: mov bh, ds:[si] ; Latch data mov ds:[si], bl dec cx jz @@Exit rol ah, 1 adc si, 0 out dx, ax add di, [ErrorAdd] jl @@Loop add si, [DeltaY] sub di, [ErrorSub] jmp @@Loop @@Exit: ret subWidthOp ENDP ; Called when Width < Height and Op <> OP_MOVE subHeightOp PROC NEAR mov di, cx neg di ; Initialize error term shl ax, 1 mov [ErrorAdd], ax mov ax, cx shl ax, 1 mov [ErrorSub], ax mov bl, BYTE PTR [Color] mov ah, [WritePlane] mov al, 02h mov dx, TS inc cx @@Loop: mov bh, ds:[si] mov ds:[si], bl dec cx jz @@Exit add si, [DeltaY] add di, [ErrorAdd] jl @@Loop rol ah, 1 ; Next write plane adc si, 0 ; Bump video offset if plane overflows out dx, ax sub di, [ErrorSub] ; Adjust error down jmp @@Loop @@Exit: ret subHeightOp ENDP mxLine ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END