;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXRP.ASM - Rotate palette function ; Copyright (c) 1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxRotatePalette MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Rotates the palette of the specified number of colors. ; ; Input: ; Palette = pointer to palette ; Count = number of colors to rotate ; Step = step size ; Output: ; none ; ; Note: if Step is positive palette is rotated left to right, otherwise ; right to left. ; mxRotatePalette PROC FAR ARG Step:WORD, \ Count:WORD, \ Palette:DWORD = ARG_SIZE LOCAL Holder:BYTE:768 = AUTO_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter AUTO_SIZE .push ds, si, es, di mov bx, [Count] add bx, bx add bx, [Count] ; BX = Count*3 lds si, [Palette] ; DS:SI -> palette push ss pop es lea di, Holder ; ES:DI -> local space cld mov ax, [Step] mov dx, ax test ax, ax jz @@Exit ; Nothing to do, exit jl @@RightToLeft @@LeftToRight: add ax, ax add dx, ax ; DX = Step*3 sub bx, dx ; BX = (Count-Step)*3 add si, bx push si mov cx, dx rep movsb mov es, WORD PTR Palette[2] mov di, si dec di ; ES:DI -> last byte of palette pop si dec si mov cx, bx std rep movsb push ss pop ds lea si, Holder les di, [Palette] mov cx, dx cld rep movsb jmp @@Exit @@RightToLeft: add ax, ax add dx, ax neg dx ; DX = Step*3 sub bx, dx ; BX = (Count-Step)*3 mov cx, dx rep movsb les di, [Palette] mov cx, bx rep movsb push ss pop ds lea si, Holder mov cx, dx rep movsb @@Exit: .pop ds, si, es, di .leave ARG_SIZE mxRotatePalette ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END