;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXSM.ASM - Set/change mode functions ; Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxChangeMode PUBLIC mxGetAspect PUBLIC mxGetScreenSize PUBLIC mxSetMode PUBLIC mx_ScreenWidth PUBLIC mx_ScreenHeight PUBLIC mx_BytesPerLine MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING EXTRN mxSetSysClipRegion : FAR EXTRN mx_VideoSegment : WORD EXTRN mx_CodeSegment : WORD mx_ScreenWidth DW ? ; Current screen width mx_ScreenHeight DW ? mx_AspectX DW ? ; Aspect ratio for current mode mx_AspectY DW ? mx_BytesPerLine DW 0 ; Bytes per line ; ; Tables for setting video modes, sources: ; - MODEX.ASM, Matt Pritchard ; - Dr. Dobb's Journal, Michael Abrash ; - Fractint VIDEO.ASM module ; TBL_SingleLine LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 04009h ; Cell height: 1 scan line DW 00014h ; Double word mode off DW 0E317h ; Byte mode on DW 0 TBL_DoubleLine LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 04109h ; Cell height: 2 scan lines DW 00014h DW 0E317h DW 0 TBL_Width320 LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 05F00h ; Horizontal total DW 04F01h ; Horizontal displayed DW 05002h ; Start horizontal blanking DW 08203h ; End horizontal blanking DW 05404h ; Start horizontal sync DW 08005h ; End horizontal sync DW 02813h ; Row address DW 0 TBL_Width360 LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 06B00h ; Horizontal total DW 05901h ; Horizontal displayed DW 05A02h ; Start horizontal blanking DW 08E03h ; End horizontal blanking DW 05E04h ; Start horizontal sync DW 08A05h ; End horizontal sync DW 02D13h ; Row address DW 0 TBL_Height175 LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 0BF06h ; Vertical total DW 01F07h ; Overflow DW 08310h ; Start vertical sync DW 08511h ; End vertical sync DW 05D12h ; Vertical displayed DW 06315h ; Start vertical blanking DW 0BA16h ; End vertical blanking DW 0 TBL_Height200 LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 0BF06h ; Vertical total DW 01F07h ; Overflow DW 09C10h ; Start vertical sync DW 08E11h ; End vertical sync DW 08F12h ; Vertical displayed DW 09615h ; Start vertical blanking DW 0B916h ; End vertical blanking DW 0 TBL_Height240 LABEL WORD ; CRTC DW 00D06h ; Vertical total DW 03E07h ; Overflow DW 0EA10h ; Start vertical sync DW 08C11h ; End vertical sync DW 0DF12h ; Vertical displayed DW 0E715h ; Start vertical blanking DW 00616h ; End vertical blanking DW 0 TBL_Tweak400x600: DW 07400h DW 06301h DW 06402h DW 09703h DW 06804h DW 09505h DW 08606h DW 0F007h DW 06009h DW 0310Fh DW 05B10h DW 08D11h DW 05712h DW 03213h DW 00014h DW 06015h DW 08016h DW 0E317h DW 0 TBL_320x200: DB 63h ; 400 scan lines, 25 MHz clock DW 6, 5 ; Aspect: 6/5 = 1.2:1 DW 320, 200 ; Size DW TBL_Width320, TBL_Height200, TBL_DoubleLine, 0 DW 819 ; Max height TBL_320x240: DB 0E3h ; 400 scan lines, 25 MHz clock DW 1, 1 ; Aspect: 1/1 = 1:1 DW 320, 240 ; Size DW TBL_Width320, TBL_Height240, TBL_DoubleLine, 0 DW 819 ; Max height TBL_320x400: DB 63h ; 480 scan lines, 25 MHz clock DW 6, 10 ; Aspect: 6/10 = 0.6:1 DW 320, 400 ; Size DW TBL_Width320, TBL_Height200, TBL_SingleLine, 0 DW 819 ; Max height TBL_320x480: DB 0E3h ; 480 scan lines, 25 MHz clock DW 1, 2 ; Aspect: 1/2 = 0.5:1 DW 320, 480 ; Size DW TBL_Width320, TBL_Height240, TBL_SingleLine, 0 DW 819 ; Max height TBL_360x200: DB 067h ; 400 scan lines, 28 MHz clock DW 27, 20 ; Aspect: 27/20 = 1.35:1 DW 360, 200 ; Size DW TBL_Width360, TBL_Height200, TBL_DoubleLine, 0 DW 728 ; Max height TBL_360x240: DB 0E7h ; 480 scan lines, 28 MHz clock DW 9, 8 ; Aspect: 9/8 = 1.125:1 DW 360, 240 ; Size DW TBL_Width360, TBL_Height240, TBL_DoubleLine, 0 DW 728 ; Max height TBL_360x400: DB 067h ; 400 scan lines, 28 MHz clock DW 27, 40 ; Aspect: 27/40 = 0.675:1 DW 360, 400 ; Size DW TBL_Width360, TBL_Height200, TBL_SingleLine, 0 DW 728 ; Max height TBL_360x480: DB 0E7h ; 480 scan lines, 28 MHz clock DW 9, 16 ; Aspect: 9/16 = 0.5625:1 DW 360, 480 ; Size DW TBL_Width360, TBL_Height240, TBL_SingleLine, 0 DW 728 ; Max height TBL_320x175: DB 0A3h DW 0, 0 ; Aspect: DW 320, 175 DW TBL_Width320, TBL_Height175, TBL_DoubleLine, 0 DW 819 TBL_320x350: DB 0A3h DW 0, 0 ; Aspect: DW 320, 175 DW TBL_Width320, TBL_Height175, TBL_SingleLine, 0 DW 819 TBL_360x175: DB 0A7h DW 0, 0 ; Aspect: DW 360, 480 ; Size DW TBL_Width360, TBL_Height175, TBL_DoubleLine, 0 DW 728 ; Max height TBL_360x350: DB 0A7h DW 0, 0 ; Aspect: DW 360, 480 ; Size DW TBL_Width360, TBL_Height175, TBL_SingleLine, 0 DW 728 ; Max height TBL_400x600: DB 0E7h ; 28 MHz clock DW 1, 2 ; Aspect: 1/2 = 0.5:1 DW 400, 600 ; Size DW TBL_Tweak400x600, 0 DW 655 ; Max height TBL_Mode LABEL WORD DW TBL_320x175 DW TBL_320x200 DW TBL_320x240 DW TBL_320x350 DW TBL_320x400 DW TBL_320x480 DW TBL_360x175 DW TBL_360x200 DW TBL_360x240 DW TBL_360x350 DW TBL_360x400 DW TBL_360x480 DW TBL_400x600 MAXVMODE EQU ($-OFFSET TBL_Mode) / 2 ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Enables 80x25 color text mode ; subText PROC NEAR ASSUME ds:MX_TEXT mov ax, 0003h int 10h ; Call BIOS set mode mov [mx_ScreenHeight], 0 mov [mx_BytesPerLine], 0 ret subText ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Enables the selected graphics mode. ; ; Input: ; Mode = mode to select (MX_???x???) ; Output: ; none ; mxSetMode PROC FAR ARG Mode:WORD = ARG_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter 0 .push ds, si, es, di ; Set DS to code segment alias mov ds, [mx_CodeSegment] ASSUME ds:MX_TEXT mov si, [Mode] cmp si, MAXVMODE ; Is it a valid mode? ja @@Exit ; No, exit test si, si ; Text mode? jnz @@Set ; No, handle it call subText ; Back to text mode jmp @@Exit ; Exit now ; Set video mode @@Set: dec si ; Skip text mode shl si, 1 mov si, TBL_Mode[si] cld ; Use BIOS to set 320x200x256 linear mode push si ; Save SI mov ax, 0013h int 10h ; Use BIOS to set 320x200 linear mode pop si ; Restore SI mov dx, TS mov ax, 0604h out dx, ax ; Disable chain-4 mode mov ax, 0100h out dx, ax ; Reset mov dx, MISC lodsb out dx, al ; New timing/size mov dx, TS mov ax, 0300h out dx, ax ; Restart sequencer ; Unlock CRTC registers 0-7 mov dx, CRTC mov al, 11h out dx, al ; Vertical sync end register inc dx in al, dx and al, 7Fh ; Clear write protect bit out dx, al lodsw ; Get X aspect mov [mx_AspectX], ax lodsw ; Get Y aspect mov [mx_AspectY], ax lodsw ; Get screen width mov [mx_ScreenWidth], ax shr ax, 1 shr ax, 1 ; Divide by four to get bytes per line mov [mx_BytesPerLine], ax lodsw ; Get screen height mov [mx_ScreenHeight], ax ; Set CRTC registers mov bx, si mov dx, CRTC @@TableLoop: mov si, ds:[bx] ; DS:SI -> table of CRTC registers inc bx inc bx ; DS:BX -> offset of next table test si, si ; Last table? jz @@EndLoop ; Yes, exit loop @@Loop: lodsw ; Get CRTC register index and value test ax, ax ; End of table? jz @@TableLoop ; Yes, go to next table out dx, ax ; Set register AL to value AH jmp @@Loop ; Get next register/value @@EndLoop: ; Set virtual screen and system clip region push [mx_ScreenWidth] push WORD PTR ds:[bx] call mxSetSysClipRegion ; Clear video memory mov dx, TS mov ax, 0F02h out dx, ax ; Enable all planes mov es, [mx_VideoSegment] xor di, di mov cx, 8000h xor ax, ax rep stosw @@Done: ; Lock CRTC registers 0-7 (some cards need this) mov dx, CRTC mov al, 11h out dx, al ; Vertical sync end register inc dx in al, dx or al, 80h ; Set write protect bit out dx, al @@Exit: xor ax, ax mov ax, [mx_ScreenWidth] .pop ds, si, es, di .leave ARG_SIZE mxSetMode ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Changes from the current mode the selected graphics mode. ; ; Input: ; Mode = mode to select (MX_???x???) ; Output: ; none ; Notes: ; this function assumes that mxSetMode and mxSetVirtualScreen ; have been called first. View size is rearranged to match the ; specified mode, but video memory is not cleared. ; Differences from mxSetMode: ; - video BIOS is not called to initialize graphics; ; - row address register is not modified; ; - video memory is not cleared; ; - mx_BytesPerLine is not modified; ; - system clip region is not modified. ; mxChangeMode PROC FAR ARG Mode:WORD = ARG_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter 0 .push ds, si, es, di ; Set DS to code segment alias mov ds, [mx_CodeSegment] ASSUME ds:MX_TEXT mov si, [Mode] cmp si, MAXVMODE ; Is it a valid mode? ja @@Exit ; No, exit test si, si ; Text mode? jz @@Exit ; Yes, exit dec si ; Skip text mode shl si, 1 mov si, TBL_Mode[si] cld mov dx, TS mov ax, 0604h out dx, ax ; Disable chain-4 mode mov ax, 0100h out dx, ax ; Reset mov dx, MISC lodsb out dx, al ; New timing/size mov dx, TS mov ax, 0300h out dx, ax ; Restart sequencer ; Unlock CRTC registers 0-7 mov dx, CRTC mov al, 11h out dx, al ; Vertical sync end register inc dx in al, dx and al, 7Fh ; Clear write protect bit out dx, al lodsw ; Get X aspect mov [mx_AspectX], ax lodsw ; Get Y aspect mov [mx_AspectY], ax lodsw ; Get screen width mov [mx_ScreenWidth], ax lodsw ; Get screen height mov [mx_ScreenHeight], ax ; Set CRTC registers mov bx, si mov dx, CRTC @@TableLoop: mov si, ds:[bx] ; DS:SI -> table of CRTC registers inc bx inc bx ; DS:BX -> offset of next table test si, si ; Last table? jz @@EndLoop ; Yes, exit loop @@Loop: lodsw ; Get CRTC register index and value test ax, ax ; End of table? jz @@TableLoop ; Yes, go to next table cmp al, 13h ; Row address register? je @@Loop ; Yes, ignore it out dx, ax ; Set register AL to value AH jmp @@Loop ; Get next register/value @@EndLoop: ; Lock CRTC registers 0-7 (some cards need this) mov dx, CRTC mov al, 11h out dx, al ; Vertical sync end register inc dx in al, dx or al, 80h ; Set write protect bit out dx, al @@Exit: xor ax, ax mov ax, [mx_ScreenWidth] .pop ds, si, es, di .leave ARG_SIZE mxChangeMode ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Returns the aspect ratio for the current mode. ; ; Input: ; AspectX = pointer to aspect X ; AspectY = pointer to aspect Y ; ; A rectangle of width AspectX and height AspectY looks like a square. ; mxGetAspect PROC FAR ARG AspectY:DWORD, \ AspectX:DWORD = ARG_SIZE .enter 0 .push ds, si ASSUME ds:NOTHING lds si, [AspectX] mov ax, [mx_AspectX] mov ds:[si], ax lds si, [AspectY] mov ax, [mx_AspectY] mov ds:[si], ax .pop ds, si .leave ARG_SIZE mxGetAspect ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Returns the current screen size. ; ; Input: ; Width = pointer to screen width ; Height = pointer to screen height ; mxGetScreenSize PROC FAR ARG SizeY:DWORD, \ SizeX:DWORD = ARG_SIZE .enter 0 .push ds, si ASSUME ds:NOTHING lds si, [SizeX] mov ax, [mx_ScreenWidth] mov ds:[si], ax lds si, [SizeY] mov ax, [mx_ScreenHeight] mov ds:[si], ax .pop ds, si .leave ARG_SIZE mxGetScreenSize ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END