;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXSS.ASM - Split screen function ; Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxSplitScreen MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Splits the screen. ; ; Input: ; Line = scan line at which screen has to be splitted ; Output: ; none ; mxSplitScreen PROC FAR ARG Line:WORD = ARG_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter 0 ; Modify the line compare value: bits 0-7 are in the Line Compare ; register (CRTC #18), bit 8 is in the Overflow Low register (CRTC #7) ; and bit 9 is in the Maximum Row Address register (CRTC #9) mov ax, [Line] shl ax, 1 ; Adjust line for mode "X" mov bh, ah mov bl, ah and bx, 0201h mov cl, 4 shl bx, cl shl bh, 1 mov dx, CRTC ; Write bits 0-7 to line compare register mov ah, al mov al, 18h out dx, ax ; Write bit 8 to overflow register mov al, 07h out dx, al inc dx in al, dx dec dx mov ah, al and ah, 11101111b or ah, bl mov al, 07h out dx, ax ; Write bit 9 to maximum row address register mov al, 09h out dx, al inc dx in al, dx dec dx mov ah, al and ah, 10111111b or ah, bh mov al, 09h out dx, ax .leave ARG_SIZE mxSplitScreen ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END