;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MXTL.ASM - Put tile ; Copyright (c) 1994 by Alessandro Scotti ; ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;WARN PRO ;NOWARN RES INCLUDE MODEX.DEF PUBLIC mxPutTile PUBLIC mxTransPutTile MX_TEXT SEGMENT USE16 PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME cs:MX_TEXT, ds:NOTHING, es:NOTHING EXTRN mx_VideoSegment : WORD EXTRN mx_BytesPerLine : WORD ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Copies a "mode-x" tile from memory to screen. ; ; Input: ; Image = pointer to tile ; X, Y = coordinates of destination ; Width = width of image in pixels (Width and 3 = 0) ; Height = height of image in pixels ; Output: ; none ; Note: ; no clipping is performed on tiles! ; mxPutTile PROC FAR ARG Height:WORD, \ Width:WORD, \ Y:WORD, \ X:WORD, \ Image:DWORD = ARG_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter 0 .push ds, si, es, di mov ax, [Y] ; Get pixel address mul [mx_BytesPerLine] mov di, [X] .shr di, 2 add di, ax mov es, [mx_VideoSegment] lds si, [Image] ; Get tile address .shr [Width], 2 ; Number of bytes per plane mov cl, BYTE PTR [X] and cl, 3 mov ah, 11h ; AH = plane mask shl ah, cl ; Align mask to first plane mov [Y], 4 ; Number of planes mov bx, [mx_BytesPerLine] sub bx, [Width] ; Extra bytes per line @@Loop: mov al, 02h mov dx, TS out dx, ax ; Set write plane mov [X], di ; Save video offset mov dx, [Height] @@Loop2: mov cx, [Width] ; Number of bytes to move shr cx, 1 ; Move line rep movsw rcl cx, 1 rep movsb add di, bx ; Move video offset to next line dec dx ; Done all lines? jnz @@Loop2 ; No, continue mov di, [X] ; Restore video offset rol ah, 1 ; Next plane adc di, 0 ; Bump video offset if needed dec [Y] ; Any plane left? jnz @@Loop ; Yes, keep looping xor ax, ax .pop ds, si, es, di .leave ARG_SIZE mxPutTile ENDP ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Copies a "mode-x" tile from memory to screen. ; Skips over color 0. ; ; Input: ; Image = pointer to tile ; X, Y = coordinates of destination ; Width = width of image in pixels (Width and 3 = 0) ; Height = height of image in pixels ; Output: ; none ; Note: ; no clipping is performed on tiles! ; mxTransPutTile PROC FAR ARG Height:WORD, \ Width:WORD, \ Y:WORD, \ X:WORD, \ Image:DWORD = ARG_SIZE ASSUME ds:NOTHING .enter 0 .push ds, si, es, di mov ax, [Y] ; Get pixel address mul [mx_BytesPerLine] mov di, [X] .shr di, 2 add di, ax mov es, [mx_VideoSegment] lds si, [Image] ; Get tile address .shr [Width], 2 ; Number of bytes per plane mov cl, BYTE PTR [X] and cl, 3 mov ah, 11h ; AH = plane mask shl ah, cl ; Align mask to first plane mov [Y], 4 ; Number of planes mov bx, [mx_BytesPerLine] sub bx, [Width] ; Extra bytes per line @@Loop: mov al, 02h mov dx, TS out dx, ax ; Set write plane mov [X], di ; Save video offset mov dx, [Height] @@Loop2: mov cx, [Width] ; Number of bytes to move ; Move one line jcxz @@MoveLineDone @@MoveLineLoop: mov al, ds:[si] test al, al jz @@MoveLineNext mov es:[di], al @@MoveLineNext: inc si inc di dec cx jnz @@MoveLineLoop @@MoveLineDone: add di, bx ; Move video offset to next line dec dx ; Done all lines? jnz @@Loop2 ; No, continue mov di, [X] ; Restore video offset rol ah, 1 ; Next plane adc di, 0 ; Bump video offset if needed dec [Y] ; Any plane left? jnz @@Loop ; Yes, keep looping xor ax, ax .pop ds, si, es, di .leave ARG_SIZE mxTransPutTile ENDP MX_TEXT ENDS END