# This is a Borland-specific Makefile. It may or may not work with # other makes. Please mail me your changes to make it more portable. .autodepend CC = bcc -ml -v -y -O -O2 all: tweak utilities examples oldtweak tweak: tweak.exe oldtweak: tweak095.exe examples: example1.exe example2.exe utilities: tweak2c.exe 09to10.exe tweak.exe: tweak.obj register.obj namedreg.obj regtable.obj screen.obj \ testpat.obj vgalib.obj regedit.obj detect.obj $(CC) tweak.obj register.obj namedreg.obj regtable.obj screen.obj \ testpat.obj vgalib.obj regedit.obj detect.obj 09to10.exe: 09to10.obj register.obj $(CC) 09to10.obj register.obj example1.exe: example1.obj twkuser.obj $(CC) example1.obj twkuser.obj example2.exe: example2.obj twkuser.obj tweak2c.exe 320x240.c $(CC) example2.obj twkuser.obj tweak2c.exe: tweak2c.obj twkuser.obj $(CC) tweak2c.obj twkuser.obj 320x240.c: tweak2c.exe 320x240.256 tweak2c 320x240.256 320x240.c Mode320x240 .256.c: tweak2c $< $*.c Mode$* .16.c: tweak2c $< $*.c Mode$* .twk.c: tweak2c $< $*.c Mode$* .c.obj: $(CC) -c {$< } .cpp.obj: $(CC) -c {$< } .obj.exe: $(CC) $<