This is the second edition of my VGADOC info-pack on VGA adapters. Major improvements include new chipsets added or expanded upon and much better coverage of Hi/TrueColor. Also a number of bugs/misinformations have been corrected. For each chipset there is a .txt file with the info. Also included is WHATVGA, my utility for testing all this info: whatvga.exe The test program. whatvga.pas The generel part of the program. supervga.pas The device dependend part of Whatvga whatvga.doc Information and test report. whatvga.lst The list of all modes supported I'm currently looking for (among other things) the following chipsets: S3 new 928, 801 and 805 Weitek W5086, W5186 and new P9000 IIT AGX... (I've got some info, but I sure could use any other) Tseng ET4000W32 The long awaited accelerated version. Paradise WD90c31 - the accelerator part Avance AL2101 - The accelerator part Primus P2000 - The accelerator part HiColor support for any chipset where it is not currently shown. I'ld be very interested in any information you may be able to supply, whether as new information, corrections or suggestions. Any major contributors will be given credit in future versions. Please specify if you have special requests as to names or addresses used (or not used). While I'll try to answer all queries, experience shows that I sometimes have trouble keeping up (I have this nasty habit of working 75 hour weeks). I can be contacted at the following addresses: Usenet: Please note that this is an account a friend lets me use, so mail should be addressed directly to me. Also lets keep the volume down, ok? Phone: +45 97 51 21 88 !These are at work, so please address Fax: +45 97 51 26 21 !any queries explicitly to me. Snail-mail: Finn Thoegersen Nordbanevej 3 C DK-7800 Skive Denmark