#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fixed32.hpp" #include "modex.hpp" #include "xprim.hpp" #include "xpal.hpp" #include "xblitbuf.hpp" #define FIRE_DEMO 0 #define ROTATE_DEMO 0 #define MONSTER_DEMO_ONE 0 #define MONSTER_DEMO_TWO 0 #define MATH_DEMO 0 int monster_demo1(void) { clock_t begin, end; short int i; blitbuf sprite_image, blit_image; clearX(0); load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &sprite_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 20, &sprite_image); getch(); blit_image.image = NULL; i=99; begin = clock(); while (i > 0) { scale_blitbuf(120 + (i << 1), (i << 1), &sprite_image, &blit_image); boxX((99 - i), (119 - i), (220 + i), (120 + i), 0); vanilla_bitblitX(100 - i, 120 - i, &blit_image); i--; } end = clock(); i=120; while (i > 0) { scale_blitbuf(i, 2, &sprite_image, &blit_image); putpixelX(159 - (i >> 1), 119, 0); putpixelX(159 - (i >> 1), 120, 0); putpixelX(160 + (i >> 1), 119, 0); putpixelX(160 + (i >> 1), 120, 0); vanilla_bitblitX(160 - (i >> 1), 119, &blit_image); delay(10); i -= 2; } filledboxX(156, 119, 163, 120, 0); putpixelX(159, 120, 1); delay(250); putpixelX(159, 120, 0); filledboxX(156, 119, 163, 120, 0); clear_blitbuf(&sprite_image); clear_blitbuf(&blit_image); getch(); return (end - begin); } void monster_demo2(void) { short int i; blitbuf sprite_image, blit_image; clearX(0); load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &sprite_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 20, &sprite_image); getch(); blit_image.image = NULL; i=99; while (i) { vertical_scale_blitbuf((i << 1), &sprite_image, &blit_image); boxX(0, (119 - i), 319, (120 + i), 0); aligned_bitblitX(0, 120 - i, &blit_image); i--; } filledboxX(0, 120, 319, 120, 0); i=318; while (i > 0) { scale_blitbuf(i, 1, &blit_image, &sprite_image); putpixelX(159 - (i >> 1), 119, 0); putpixelX(159 - (i >> 1), 120, 0); putpixelX(160 + (i >> 1), 119, 0); putpixelX(160 + (i >> 1), 120, 0); vanilla_bitblitX(160 - (i >> 1), 119, &sprite_image); delay(5); i -= 2; } filledboxX(156, 119, 163, 120, 0); putpixelX(159, 120, 1); delay(250); putpixelX(159, 120, 0); filledboxX(156, 119, 163, 120, 0); clear_blitbuf(&sprite_image); clear_blitbuf(&blit_image); getch(); } void fire_demo(void) { #define V_WIDTH 80 #define V_HEIGHT 50 #define BUF_WIDTH 80 #define BUF_HEIGHT 56 #define REWIND (V_WIDTH * 3) #define BUF_SIZE (BUF_WIDTH * BUF_HEIGHT) unsigned char fire_pal[768] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 40, 8, 0, 40, 16, 0, 36, 24, 0, 36, 32, 0, 32, 40, 0, 28, 48, 0, 28, 56, 0, 24, 64, 0, 20, 72, 0, 20, 80, 0, 16, 88, 0, 16, 96, 0, 12, 104, 0, 8, 112, 0, 8, 120, 0, 4, 128, 0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 132, 0, 0, 136, 0, 0, 140, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0, 144, 0, 0, 148, 0, 0, 152, 0, 0, 156, 0, 0, 160, 0, 0, 160, 0, 0, 164, 0, 0, 168, 0, 0, 172, 0, 0, 176, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0, 184, 4, 0, 188, 4, 0, 192, 8, 0, 196, 8, 0, 200, 12, 0, 204, 12, 0, 208, 16, 0, 212, 16, 0, 216, 20, 0, 220, 20, 0, 224, 24, 0, 228, 24, 0, 232, 28, 0, 236, 28, 0, 240, 32, 0, 244, 32, 0, 252, 36, 0, 252, 36, 0, 252, 40, 0, 252, 40, 0, 252, 44, 0, 252, 44, 0, 252, 48, 0, 252, 48, 0, 252, 52, 0, 252, 52, 0, 252, 56, 0, 252, 56, 0, 252, 60, 0, 252, 60, 0, 252, 64, 0, 252, 64, 0, 252, 68, 0, 252, 68, 0, 252, 72, 0, 252, 72, 0, 252, 76, 0, 252, 76, 0, 252, 80, 0, 252, 80, 0, 252, 84, 0, 252, 84, 0, 252, 88, 0, 252, 88, 0, 252, 92, 0, 252, 96, 0, 252, 96, 0, 252, 100, 0, 252, 100, 0, 252, 104, 0, 252, 104, 0, 252, 108, 0, 252, 108, 0, 252, 112, 0, 252, 112, 0, 252, 116, 0, 252, 116, 0, 252, 120, 0, 252, 120, 0, 252, 124, 0, 252, 124, 0, 252, 128, 0, 252, 128, 0, 252, 132, 0, 252, 132, 0, 252, 136, 0, 252, 136, 0, 252, 140, 0, 252, 140, 0, 252, 144, 0, 252, 144, 0, 252, 148, 0, 252, 152, 0, 252, 152, 0, 252, 156, 0, 252, 156, 0, 252, 160, 0, 252, 160, 0, 252, 164, 0, 252, 164, 0, 252, 168, 0, 252, 168, 0, 252, 172, 0, 252, 172, 0, 252, 176, 0, 252, 176, 0, 252, 180, 0, 252, 180, 0, 252, 184, 0, 252, 184, 0, 252, 188, 0, 252, 188, 0, 252, 192, 0, 252, 192, 0, 252, 196, 0, 252, 196, 0, 252, 200, 0, 252, 200, 0, 252, 204, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 208, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 212, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 216, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 220, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 224, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 228, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 232, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 236, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 240, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 244, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 248, 0, 252, 252, 0, 252, 252, 4, 252, 252, 8, 252, 252, 12, 252, 252, 16, 252, 252, 20, 252, 252, 24, 252, 252, 28, 252, 252, 32, 252, 252, 36, 252, 252, 40, 252, 252, 40, 252, 252, 44, 252, 252, 48, 252, 252, 52, 252, 252, 56, 252, 252, 60, 252, 252, 64, 252, 252, 68, 252, 252, 72, 252, 252, 76, 252, 252, 80, 252, 252, 84, 252, 252, 84, 252, 252, 88, 252, 252, 92, 252, 252, 96, 252, 252, 100, 252, 252, 104, 252, 252, 108, 252, 252, 112, 252, 252, 116, 252, 252, 120, 252, 252, 124, 252, 252, 124, 252, 252, 128, 252, 252, 132, 252, 252, 136, 252, 252, 140, 252, 252, 144, 252, 252, 148, 252, 252, 152, 252, 252, 156, 252, 252, 160, 252, 252, 164, 252, 252, 168, 252, 252, 168, 252, 252, 172, 252, 252, 176, 252, 252, 180, 252, 252, 184, 252, 252, 188, 252, 252, 192, 252, 252, 196, 252, 252, 200, 252, 252, 204, 252, 252, 208, 252, 252, 208, 252, 252, 212, 252, 252, 216, 252, 252, 220, 252, 252, 224, 252, 252, 228, 252, 252, 232, 252, 252, 236, 252, 252, 240, 252, 252, 244, 252, 252, 248, 252, 252, 252 }; unsigned char *screen; unsigned char *flamebuf_ptr; unsigned char *flamebuf; unsigned char temp; unsigned short int i, j, skip; unsigned char temp_byte; set_paletteX(fire_pal); set_write_plane(ALL_PLANES); flamebuf = new unsigned char[BUF_SIZE]; skip = V_WIDTH; // Initialize the video buffer to 0's memset(flamebuf, 0, BUF_SIZE); while (!kbhit()) { // Transform current buffer flamebuf_ptr = flamebuf; i = (BUF_HEIGHT - 2); while (i--) { *flamebuf_ptr = (*(flamebuf_ptr + BUF_WIDTH) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH - 1)) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH + 1)) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH * 2))) >> 2; flamebuf_ptr += BUF_WIDTH; temp = *flamebuf_ptr; if (temp > 11) { *flamebuf_ptr -= 12; } else if (temp > 3) { *flamebuf_ptr -= 4; } else { *flamebuf_ptr = 0; } flamebuf_ptr += (1 - BUF_WIDTH); j = (BUF_WIDTH - 2); while (j--) { *flamebuf_ptr = (*(flamebuf_ptr + BUF_WIDTH) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH - 1)) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH + 1)) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH * 2))) >> 2; flamebuf_ptr += BUF_WIDTH; temp = *flamebuf_ptr; if (temp > 11) { *flamebuf_ptr -= 12; } else if (temp > 3) { *flamebuf_ptr -= 4; } else { *flamebuf_ptr = 0; } flamebuf_ptr += (1 - BUF_WIDTH); } *flamebuf_ptr = (*(flamebuf_ptr + BUF_WIDTH) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH - 1)) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH * 2)) + *(flamebuf_ptr + (BUF_WIDTH * 2) + (BUF_WIDTH - 1))) >> 2; flamebuf_ptr += BUF_WIDTH; temp = *flamebuf_ptr; if (temp > 11) { *flamebuf_ptr -= 12; } else if (temp > 3) { *flamebuf_ptr -= 4; } else { *flamebuf_ptr = 0; } flamebuf_ptr += (1 - BUF_WIDTH); } // Set new bottom line with random white or black temp = 0; flamebuf_ptr = flamebuf + (BUF_WIDTH * (BUF_HEIGHT - 2)); j = BUF_WIDTH; temp = 0; while (j--) { // We change the value 1/4 of the time if ((rand() & 0x03) == 3) { temp = (255 - temp); } *(flamebuf_ptr + BUF_WIDTH) = temp; *flamebuf_ptr++ = temp; } // Write the buffer to the screen // wait_for_retrace(); screen = RowsX[40]; flamebuf_ptr = flamebuf; i = V_HEIGHT; while (i--) { j = V_WIDTH; while (j--) { temp_byte = *flamebuf_ptr++; *screen = temp_byte; screen += skip; *screen = temp_byte; screen += skip; *screen = temp_byte; screen += skip; *screen++ = temp_byte; screen -= REWIND; } screen += REWIND; } } getch(); delete flamebuf; } void main(void) { FILE *fp; char ch; unsigned char pal[768]; COORD x1, y1, x2, y2; Iangle theta1, theta2; Fixed32 trigSin, trigCos; blitbuf blit_image, sprite_image; clock_t begin, end; short int x, y, temp, done; long i, time1, time2, time3, count, mtime; BYTE *ptr1; BYTE *ptr2; set320x240x256_X(); clearX(0); getch(); temp = loadfontX("vga8x8.fnt"); if (temp) { putstringX(0, 0, "Hello!", 2); } else { return; } getch(); #if ROTATE_DEMO get_BIOSpaletteX(pal, 0); set_paletteX(pal, 0); clearX(0); for (x=0; x < 320; x++) { for (y=0; y < 240; y++) { putpixelX(x, y, (x & 0xFF)); } } getch(); while (!kbhit()) { wait_for_retrace(); rot_palette(-1); } getch(); #endif load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &blit_image); scale_blitbuf(160, 100, &blit_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); getch(); clearX(0); getch(); scale_blitbuf(224, 140, &blit_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); getch(); greyscale_blitbuf(&blit_image); grey_paletteX(); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); getch(); clearX(0); getch(); scale_blitbuf(160, 100, &blit_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); getch(); clear_blitbuf(&blit_image); load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &blit_image); greyscale_blitbuf(&blit_image); smooth64_paletteX(1, 0, 1); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); getch(); flip_vertical_blitbuf(&blit_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); getch(); clear_blitbuf(&blit_image); load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &blit_image); aligned_bitblitX(0, 0, &blit_image); done = 0; while (!done) { ch = getch(); switch (ch) { case 'q': case 'Q': done = 1; break; case '+': brighten_paletteX(1, 1, 1); break; case '-': brighten_paletteX(-1, -1, -1); break; case '<': stretch_paletteX(11, 11, 11); break; case '>': stretch_paletteX(24, 24, 24); break; case 'S': case 's': save_blitbufPCX("dump.pcx", &blit_image); break; case 'L': case 'l': load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &blit_image); break; case 'R': brighten_paletteX(1, 0, 0); break; case 'G': brighten_paletteX(0, 1, 0); break; case 'B': brighten_paletteX(0, 0, 1); break; case 'r': brighten_paletteX(-1, 0, 0); break; case 'g': brighten_paletteX(0, -1, 0); break; case 'b': brighten_paletteX(0, 0, -1); break; } } clearX(0); srand(0); grey_paletteX(); begin = clock(); for (i=0; i < 10000; i++) { x1 = rand() % 320; y1 = rand() % 200; x2 = rand() % 320; y2 = rand() % 200; lineX(x1, y1, x2, y2, (i & 0x3F)); } end = clock(); time1 = (end - begin); begin = end; for (i=0; i < 10000; i++) { x1 = rand() % 320; y1 = rand() % 200; x2 = rand() % 320; y2 = rand() % 200; temp = ((x1 + x2 + y1 + y2) & 0x3F); } end = clock(); time2 = (end - begin); getch(); for (i=0; i < 120; i++) { filledboxX(i, i, (319-i), (239-i), (i & 0x3F)); } getch(); load_blitbufPCX("chikyuu.pcx", &sprite_image); transparent_bitblitX(100, 100, &sprite_image); getch(); clearX(0); clear_blitbuf(&blit_image); scale_blitbuf(152, 168, &sprite_image); alloc_blitbuf(&blit_image, 152, 168); // 152x168 image aligned_bitblitX(84, 36, &sprite_image); getch(); initFixed32(); theta1=0; count=0; begin = clock(); while (!kbhit()) { ptr1 = sprite_image.image; ptr2 = blit_image.image; theta2 = theta1; y=168; while (y--) { CosSin(theta2, &trigCos, &trigSin); scale_scanline(ptr1, ptr2, 152, 152, (trigCos >> 10) + 88); #if 0 memcpy(ptr2+152, ptr2, 152); ptr1 += 304; ptr2 += 304; theta2 += 4; y--; #else ptr1 += 152; ptr2 += 152; theta2 += 2; #endif } theta1 += 2; aligned_bitblitX(84, 36, &blit_image); count++; } end = clock(); getch(); getch(); clear_blitbuf(&blit_image); clear_blitbuf(&sprite_image); #if FIRE_DEMO clearX(0); fire_demo(); #endif #if MONSTER_DEMO_ONE mtime = monster_demo1(); #endif #if MONSTER_DEMO_TWO monster_demo2(); #endif set80x25(); /*#if MATH_DEMO Fixed32 c1, c2, c3, a1, a2, a3; c1 = INT_TO_FIXED(50); c2 = INT_TO_FIXED(70); c3 = INT_TO_FIXED(50 * 70); a1 = FixedMul(c1, c2); a2 = FixedMulASM(c1, c2); printf("MUL C version = %d\n", FIXED_TO_INT(a1)); printf("MUL ASM version = %d\n", FIXED_TO_INT(a2)); getch(); a1 = FixedDiv(c3, c1); a2 = FixedDivASM(c3, c1); printf("DIV C version = %d\n", FIXED_TO_INT(a1)); printf("DIV ASM version = %d\n", FIXED_TO_INT(a2)); getch(); #endif*/ temp = (time1 - time2); printf("10000 lines took %4d ticks\n", time1); printf("rand() overhead = %4d ticks\n", time2); printf("Time in lineX = %4d ticks\n", temp); printf("%d lines per second!\n\n", (10000 * 1000) / (55 * temp)); temp = (end-begin); printf("Buddha = %4d blits\n", count); printf(" = %4d per second\n", (count * 1000) / (55 * temp)); printf("Buddha = %4d scanline stretches\n", (count * 168)); printf(" = %4d per second!\n\n", (count * 168000) / (55 * temp)); printf("Monster took %d ticks for 99 frames\n", mtime); }