;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MODULE XPOINT ; ; Point functions all MODE X 256 Color resolutions ; ; Compile with Tasm. ; C callable. ; ; ; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library **************** ; ****** **************** ; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas **************** ; ; egg@dstos3.dsto.gov.au ; teg@bart.dsto.gov.au ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- include xlib.inc include xpoint.inc .code ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mode X (256 color mode) write pixel routine. ; No clipping is performed. ; ; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash ; ; C near-callable as: ; void x_put_pix(int X, int Y, int PageOffset, int Color); ; ; _x_put_pix proc ARG X:word,Y:word,PgOfs:word,Color:word push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame mov ax,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] mul [Y] ;offset of pixel's scan line in page mov bx,[X] shr bx,1 ;X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line shr bx,1 ;X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line add bx,ax ;offset of pixel in page add bx,[PgOfs] ;offset of pixel in display memory mov ax,SCREEN_SEG mov es,ax ;point ES:BX to the pixel's address mov cl,byte ptr [X] and cl,011b ;CL = pixel's plane mov ax,0100h + MAP_MASK ;AL = index in SC of Map Mask reg shl ah,cl ;set only the bit for the pixel's ; plane to 1 mov dx,SC_INDEX ;set the Map Mask to enable only the out dx,ax ; pixel's plane mov al,byte ptr [Color] mov es:[bx],al ;draw the pixel in the desired color pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame ret _x_put_pix endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mode X (320x240, 256 colors) read pixel routine. Works on all VGAs. ; No clipping is performed. ; ; Based on code originally published in DDJ Mag by M. Abrash ; ; C near-callable as: ; unsigned int x_get_pix(int X, int Y, unsigned int PageBase); _x_get_pix proc ARG x:word,y:word,PageBase:word push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame mov bp,sp ;point to local stack frame mov ax,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] mul [Y] ;offset of pixel's scan line in page mov bx,[X] shr bx,1 shr bx,1 ;X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line add bx,ax ;offset of pixel in page add bx,[PageBase] ;offset of pixel in display memory mov ax,SCREEN_SEG mov es,ax ;point ES:BX to the pixel's address mov ah,byte ptr [X] and ah,011b ;AH = pixel's plane mov al,READ_MAP ;AL = index in GC of the Read Map reg mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the Read Map to read the pixel's out dx,ax ; plane mov al,es:[bx] ;read the pixel's color sub ah,ah ;convert it to an unsigned int pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame ret _x_get_pix endp end