Animation stop'); // gif/png stop text define("S_OR",' or '); //the or in gif/png stop text define("S_REQUIRE", 'Required'); define("S_NONAMEF", 'No Name field'); define("S_IDDISP", 'ID Display'); define("S_RETURNTO", 'Noko'); define("S_SPAMTRAP", 'Leave these fields empty (spam trap):'); define("S_FRULES", '
  • Supported file types are: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG [YES! BITMAP!]
  • Maximum file size allowed is '.MAX_KB.' KB.
  • '.MAX_W.'x'.MAX_H.' or larger will be thumbnailed.'); /*
  • Images greater than '.MAX_W.'x'.MAX_H.'pixels will be thumbnailed.*/ define("S_MINHWRULES1", '
  • Images smaller than '); define("S_MAXHWRULES1", '
  • Images greater than '); define("S_MINHWRULES2", ' pixels are not allowed.'); define("S_MAXHWRULES2", ' pixels are not allowed.'); //Prints file rules under posting section define("S_FANIMERULES1", '
  • On the '); define("S_FANIMERULES2", ' Animation stop, check it for a thumbnail of '); define("S_FANIMERULES3", ' file.'); define("S_FVOTERULES", '
  • The vote function to the image starts to write 「vote」 in the E-mail column.'); define("S_EDIT_RULE", '
  • If fields are not edited, there will be an ERROR'); /*if(!USE_IMG){ define("S_FRULES_BOX", ''); }else define("S_FRULES_BOX", '');*/ define("S_REPORTERR", 'Cannot find reply.'); //Returns error when a reply (res) cannot be found define("S_TGIF", 'Animation GIF'); define("S_TPNG", 'Animation PNG'); define("S_THUMB", 'Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.'); //Prints instructions for viewing real source define("S_NOTHUMB", 'Thumbnail unavailable'); define("S_FILEDELETED", 'File Deleted'); define("S_PICNAME", 'File : '); //Prints text before upload name/link define("S_REPLY", 'Reply'); //Prints text for reply link define("S_NOREPLY", 'It is not possible to Reply'); //Prints text for no reply link define("S_OLD", 'Marked for deletion (old).'); //Prints text to be displayed before post is marked for deletion, see: retention define("S_ARCH", 'Marked for archive (old).'); //Prints text to be displayed before post is marked for archive, see: retention define("S_THUMBR1", 'The thumbnail is being replaced by the manager. Please guess the reason. w'); define("S_THUMBR2", 'When the thumbnail is clicked, former image is displayed.'); define("S_SAGE", 'Sage is being specified for this by the manager. Please guess the reason. w'); define("S_ABBRP", '[#] post[s]'); // [n] post(s) found / hidden define("S_ABBRI", ' and [#] image[s]'); // [n] image(s) found / hidden define("S_ABBRC", ' omitted. Click [Reply] to view.'); //Prints text to be shown when replies are hidden define("S_ABBRT", ' in [#] thread[s]'); // [n] thread(s) found define("S_ABBRU", ', made by [#] user[s]'); define("S_REPDEL", 'Delete Post'); //Prints text next to S_DELPICONLY (left) define("S_DELPICONLY", 'File Only Deletion'); //Prints text next to checkbox for file deletion (right) define("S_EDITKEY", 'Password '); //Prints text next to password field for edit (left) define("S_DELETE", 'Delete'); //Defines deletion button's name define("S_REPORT", 'Report'); //Defines report button's name define("S_ARTICLE_FIX",'Post Correction'); define("S_ARTICLE_EDIT",'Post Edit'); define("S_PREV", 'Previous'); //Defines previous button define("S_FIRSTPG", 'Previous'); //Defines previous button define("S_NEXT", 'Next'); //Defines next button define("S_LASTPG", 'Next'); //Defines next button define("S_FOOT", '- GazouBBS + futaba + futallaby -'); //Prints footer (leave these credits) define("S_RELOAD", 'Reload'); //Reloads the image board (refresh) define("S_UPFAIL", 'Upload failed.'); //Returns error for failed upload (reason: unknown?) define("S_NOREC", 'Cannot find record.'); //Returns error when record cannot be found define("S_SAMEPIC", 'Duplicate md5 checksum detected.'); //Returns error when a md5 checksum dupe is detected define("S_SAMEPICLOCA1", "
    Already posted here."); define("S_TOOBIG", 'This image is too large! Upload something smaller!'); define("S_TOOBIGORNONE", 'Either this image is too big or there is no image at all. Yeah.'); define("S_UPGOOD", 'File '.$upfile_name.' uploaded!

    '); //Defines message to be displayed when file is successfully uploaded define ('S_SCRTHREAD', "Redirecting to your new thread."); define ('S_SCRPOST', "Redirecting to your post."); define("S_STRREF", 'String refused.'); //Returns error when a string is refused define("S_UNJUST", 'Unjust POST.'); //Returns error on an unjust POST - prevents floodbots or ways not using POST method? define("S_NOPIC", 'No file selected.'); //Returns error for no file selected and override unchecked define("S_NOTEXT", 'No text entered.'); //Returns error for no text entered in to subject/comment define("S_MANAGEMENT", 'Manager : '); //Defines prefix for Manager Post name define("S_DELETION", 'Deletion'); //Prints deletion message with quotes? define("S_TOOLONG", 'Field too long.'); define("S_TOOLONGS", 'Subject too long.'); define("S_TOOLONGC", 'Comment too long.'); define("S_TOOLONGN", 'Name too long.'); define("S_TOOLONGE", 'Email too long.'); //Returns error for too many characters in a given field define("S_UNUSUAL", 'Abnormal reply.'); //Returns error for abnormal reply? (this is a mystery!) define("S_LONGCOMMENT", '「Comment too long. Click '); define("S_LONGHERE", 'here'); define("S_LONGSEE", ' to view the full text.」'); define("S_BADHOST", 'Host is banned.
    Plea'); //Returns error for banned host ($badip string) define("S_BADIP", 'YOU ARE B&.
    Plea'); //Returns error for banned user ($badip string) define("S_PROXY80", 'Proxy detected on :80.'); //Returns error for proxy detection on port 80 define("S_PROXY8080", 'Proxy detected on :8080.'); //Returns error for proxy detection on port 8080 define("S_SPAMACTI", '

    Anti-spam filters triggered.

    '); //Returns error for spam detection define("S_SPAMMESS", '

    If you are not a spammer, you probably did not leave the Anti-spam field blank. Try editing your post to remove it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    '); //Returns error message for spam detection define("S_SUN", 'Sun'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Sunday" define("S_MON", 'Mon'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Monday" define("S_TUE", 'Tue'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Tuesday" define("S_WED", 'Wed'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Wednesday" define("S_THU", 'Thu'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Thursday" define("S_FRI", 'Fri'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Friday" define("S_SAT", 'Sat'); //Defines abbreviation used for "Saturday" if(!defined("S_NNAME")) define("S_NNAME", 'Name : '); if(!defined("DEF_SUB")) define("DEF_SUB", '無題'); //Defines what to print if there is no text entered into subject field if(!defined("DEF_NAME")) define("DEF_NAME", '名無し'); //Defines what to print if there is no text entered in the name field if(!defined("DEF_COM")) define("DEF_COM", 'キターーーー(^ヮ^)ーーーー!!!!'); //Defines what to print if there is no text entered in the comment field define("S_NONAME", 'You are no allowed to be'.DEF_NAME); //Returns error for no name define("S_NOSUB", 'There is no title.'); //Returns error for no text entered in to subject define("S_NOCOM", 'There is no text in comment.'); //Returns error for no text entered in to comment define("S_NOPASS", 'There is no imputed password.'); //Returns error for no password define("S_RENZOKU1", 'Flood detected, post discarded.'); //Returns error for $sec/post spam filter define("S_RENZOKU2", 'Flood detected, file discarded.'); //Returns error for $sec/upload spam filter define("S_RENZOKU3", 'Flood detected, post & file discarded.'); //Returns error for flood? (don't know the specifics) define("S_DUPE", 'Duplicate file entry detected.'); //Returns error for a duped file (same upload name or same tim/time) define("S_NOTHREADERR", 'Thread specified does not exist.'); //Returns error when a non-existant thread is accessed define("S_SCRCHANGE", 'Updating page.'); //Defines message to be displayed when post is successful // define("S_BADDELPASS", 'Password incorrect.'); //Returns error for wrong password (when user tries to delete file) define("S_WRONGPASS", 'Management password incorrect.'); //Returns error for wrong password (when trying to access Manager modes) define("S_WRONGMANAME", 'Management name is not found.'); //Returns error for wrong name (when trying to access Manager modes) define("S_RETURNS", 'Return to '.TITLE.''); //Returns to HTML file instead of PHP--thus no log/SQLDB update occurs define("S_LOGUPD", 'Update'); //Updates the log/SQLDB by accessing the PHP file define("S_BNOTBANIP", 'Unable to find record of your IP being banned.'); define("S_BNOTBAN", 'You are not banned!'); define("S_BBAN", 'You have been banned!'); define("S_BBANMESS1", 'You have been permanently banned from '); define("S_BBANBOARD", 'all boards.'); define("S_BBANMESS2", ''); define("S_BBANMESSREA", 'The moderation team supplied the following reason: '); define("S_BBANMESSB4FORM", "If you believe this is a mistake, you may dispute the matter by posting here or the form provided below."); define("S_BBANMESSVIEWDENY", 'Your appeal was reviewed and denied. You may not appeal this ban again.'); define("S_BBANMESSDENY", 'You may not appeal this ban.'); define("S_MANAMODE", 'Manager Mode'); //Prints heading on top of Manager page define("S_MANAREPDEL", 'Management Panel'); //Defines Management Panel radio button--allows the user to view the management panel (overview of all posts) define("S_MANAPOST", 'Manager Post'); //Defines Manager Post radio button--allows the user to post using HTML code in the comment box define("S_MANASAGE", 'Perma-sage'); define("S_MANATHUMB", 'Thumbnail replacement'); define("S_MANASTOP", 'Thread stop'); define("S_MANAHOST", 'Host/ID display list'); // registration and deletion define("S_MANAARCH", 'Archive Management'); define("S_MANAREGBAN", 'Ban Management'); define("S_MANADELBAN", 'Unban Management'); define("S_MANAREGWORD", 'Word filter Registration'); define("S_MANADELWORD", 'Word filter Deletion'); define("S_MANALOG", 'Log management'); define("S_FUTARE", 'Log cleaning'); define("S_MANASUB", 'Submit'); //Defines name for submit button in Manager Mode define("S_MANAVER", 'Verify Management access'); define("S_MANANAME", 'Mod/Admin name'); define("S_MANAPASS", 'Pass'); define("S_MANAREM", 'Remeber my login'); define("S_DELLIST", 'Mark the check box of a post, and push the deletion button to delete it.'); //Prints sub-heading of Management Panel define("S_SAGELIST", 'Mark the check box of a post, and push the change button to Permasage it.
    「Sage」and「Sage release」change.
    「sage」by「Sage start」and「Number sage of loesses」cannot be released.'); define("S_STOPLIST", 'Mark the check box of a post, and push the change button to lock/close it.
    「Suresuto」and「Suresuto」release" change.
    '); define("S_THUMBLIST", 'Mark the check box of a post, and push the replacement button to replace the thumbnail.
    「Selection」and「Selection Release」 change.'); define("S_HOSTREGLIST", "Mark the check in object host's post check box, and push the change button.
    It is registered in the display host's list.
    If the host name is not done when it is checked to display the host name, ID is displayed.
    "); define("S_HOSTDELLIST", "Mark the check box of the host who wants to delete it from the list, and push the change button.
    It is deleted from the display host's list."); define("S_WORDFILTERLIST", 'Put the word you want to filter in the red box.
    Put the filtered word in the blue box.'); define("S_INTO", '->'); define("S_ITDELETES", 'Delete'); //Defines for deletion button in Management Panel define("S_MDDELETION", 'Delete'); define("S_MDRESET", 'Reset'); //Defines name for field reset button in Management Panel define("S_MDCHANGE", 'Change'); define("S_MDREPLACE", 'Replace'); define("S_HOSTDIS", 'The host name is displayed'); define("S_HOSTDISLIST", 'Host display list'); define("S_IDDISLIST", 'ID display list'); define("S_SEL", 'Sel'); define("S_HOSTNAME", 'Host name'); define("S_STILLGIF", 'GIF is only made thumbnail'); define("S_STILLPNG", 'PNG is only made thumbnail'); define("S_MDONLYPIC", 'File Only'); //Sets whether or not to delete only file, or entire post/thread //bann define("S_PUBREA", 'Public reason : '); define("S_PRIREA", 'Private note : '); define("S_BANPLEABLE", 'The ban is cleanable : '); define("S_MODADMINNAME", 'Name of Mod/Admin : '); define("S_BANNOTPLEABLE", 'The ban is NOT cleanable : '); define("S_REQUIRETOBANUSER", 'Required to ban user'); define("S_REQUIRETOBAN", 'Required to ban'); define("S_REQUIRETOBANANY", 'Required to ban anything'); define("S_MANABANISHUSER", 'User banishment?'); define("S_DISPLAYTOMANA", 'This will only be visible to mods and admins'); define("S_DISPLAYTOUSER", 'This will be displayed to banned user'); define("S_MANABADFILE", 'Bad file'); define("S_MANABADWORD", 'Bad word'); define("S_MDTABLE1", '
    '); //Explains field names for Management Panel (Delete?->Subject) define("S_MDTABLE2", ''); //Explains names for Management Panel (Name->IP) define("S_MDTABLE3", ''); //Explains names for Management Panel (Size) define("S_MDTABLE4", ''); //Explains names for Management Panel (md5) define("S_MTTABLE1", ''); define("S_RESET", 'Reset'); //Sets name for field reset button (global) define("S_IMGSPACEUSAGE", 'Space used : '); //Prints space used KB by the board under Management Panel define("S_YOURIP", 'Your IP Address is : '); define("S_SUCCESS", 'Success'); define("S_CANNOTWRITE", 'Cannot write to a current directory.
    '); //Returns error when the script cannot write to the directory, this is used on initial setup--check your chmod (777) define("S_NOTWRITE", 'Cannot write to directory.
    '); //Returns error when the script cannot write to the directory, the chmod (777) is wrong define("S_NOTREAD", 'Cannot read from directory.
    '); //Returns error when the script cannot read from the directory, the chmod (777) is wrong define("S_NOTDIR", 'Directory does not exist.
    '); //Returns error when the script cannot find/read from the directory (does not exist/isn't directory), the chmod (777) is wrong define("S_VERIFY", 'Verify'); //verification of the capatcha. define("S_WRONGVERY", 'You entered the wrong verification code!'); define("S_NOTITLE", 'Please enter a title or subject for your post.'); define("S_ANOTFOUND", 'The article is not found or the password is wrong.'); define("S_EDITSAME", 'The content is quite the same. Please change somewhere.'); define("S_CANNOTCORRECT", 'It is not possible to correct this post.'); define("S_TOOBIGRES", 'Picture dimensions is too large.'); define("S_TOOSMALLRES", 'Picture dimensions is too small.'); define("S_FILEEXNOTSUPPORTED", 'File extension not supported'); define("S_FILETYPENOTSUPPORTED", 'File type not supported'); define("S_THUMBV", 'Thumb'); define("S_VIEWA", 'Image 像びゅ〜わ〜'); define("S_NEWTHREAD", 'Make new thread'); define("S_CAT", 'Catalog'); define("S_CATALOGMODE", 'Catalog Mode'); define("S_LIST", 'Thread List'); define("S_NWAHA", '新着わはー'); define("S_ABOUT", 'ABOUT'); define("S_OGEGE", 'Ogege'); define("S_ALBUM", 'Album'); define("S_TLIST", 'The Thread List is here.'); define("S_SUBLIST", 'Subject List'); define("S_SOURCECODE", 'Source Code'); define("S_ARCHIVEOF", 'Archive of '.TITLE); define("S_NOARCHIVE", 'There is no archived threads.'); /*smaller files connection*/ define("S_TOTAL_IMG", 'Total Images'); define("S_TOTAL_SURE", 'Total Threads'); define("S_TOTAL_POST", 'Total Posts'); define("S_FUTAPASS", '▼Please input the password.'); define("S_FUTABO1", 'Submit'); define("S_FUTADEL", 'Delete it?'); define("S_FUTA2YOTSU", 'Update it?'); define("S_FUTAGARBAGE", 'The garbage of URL, MAIL, and TIME is removed.
    Please execute the log after it backs up without fail.'); define("S_FUTAPROSS", 'It was normally processed.'); $copy_log = COPY_LOG; define("S_FUTAPROSSCOPY", '
    Please rename '.$copy_log.' after confirming the log as '.LOGFILE.' and replace it.'); define("S_FUTACLEAN", 'Clean'); //img_view/search define("S_IMG_VIEW_INFO", 'It links with contribution Thread a check box of the display it on as for the file information. '); define("S_TEXT_ENGINE", 'Full-text search engine'); define("S_TEXT_ENGINE_INSTALLED", ' installed'); define("S_FILE_INFO_DISP", 'The file information is displayed.'); define("S_FILE_INFO_DISP_BUTTON", 'ポチッとな'); define("S_ALL_TOTAL_IMG", 'The number of all images'); define("S_SURE_IMG", 'The number of op images'); define("S_REPLY_IMG", 'The number of reply images'); define("S_PAGE_DEF", 'Number of one page displays'); define("S_IMG_DISPLAY_TO", 'to'); define("S_IMG_DISPLAY", 'are the images displayed.'); define("S_PIECE", ''); define("S_SEARCH",'Search'); define("S_DISPNO",'Display results:'); define("S_SEARCH_RULE", '・ Please delimit it in space when you specify two or more key words.
    ・ It retrieves it to the search condition AND A B = It is (A and B. )
    ・ The retrieval object is article No, a name, a title, a text, and eye column.
    ・ Capital letters and small letters are distinguished. (A?a) (ABC?aBC)
    ・ The retrieval word is used four colors repeatedly and displayed with the color. Google style?
    ・ Please refrain from a strange search strategy as much as possible. The report if there is a bug.
    ・ The base of this search engine is logoogle.php ver 0.1.1
    '); define("S_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND", 'did not match any text.'); define("S_SEARCH_PROTIP", 'Search PRO TIP'); define("S_SEARCH_LIST", '- Please confirm whether there are neither an erratum nor an omission of a word in the key word.
    - Please use a different key word.
    - Please use a more general word.
    - Please reduce the number of key words.
    - Please doubt my sense.
    '); define("S_POSTSCRIPT", 'PRO TIP:'); define("S_SEARCH_FIX", 'When it is not good, even if the above-mentioned is tried, please give up bravely. [ENGRISH wwww]'); define("S_KEYWORD_NO_MATCH", 'There was no article that matched to the key word.'); define("S_INLOG", 'In log'); define("S_SEARCH_RESULT", 'Search result |'); define("S_SEARCH_HIT", 'Hits'); define("S_SEARCH_RESULTS", 'Results'); define("S_SEARCH_SUBJECT", 'Subject:'); define("S_SEARCH_NAME", 'Name:'); define("S_SEARCH_DATE", 'Date:'); define("S_SEARCH_PREV", '<<Previous'); define("S_SEARCH_NEXT", 'Next>>'); define("S_IMGRET",'Image retrieval'); define("S_SEARCH_TOOL",'Search tool'); define("S_HELP",'Help'); //time define("S_SECONDS", 'seconds'); //image download counter define("S_THISIMG",'This image has been downloaded '); define("S_THISIMGDLTIMES",' time[s].'); // Style tooltip: stuff inside [square brackets] MUST be left as is! define ('S_STYLETOOLTIP', "Switch to [what] style"); // Title of stylesheet management page define ('S_ADMIN_STYLESHEETS', "Manage Stylesheets"); define ('TH_ADMIN_IMPORTED', "Imported from [file]"); define ('TH_ADMIN_EDITING', "Editing [file]"); define ('TH_ADMIN_CREATED', "[file] created!"); define ('TH_ADMIN_UPDATED', "[file] updated!"); define ('TH_ADMIN_DELETED', "[file] deleted!"); // Headings for fields define ('TH_ADMIN_IS_DEFAULT', "Default?"); define ('TH_ADMIN_STYLE_DEFAULT', "Make this default"); define ('TH_ADMIN_FULLNAME', "Full name"); define ('TH_ADMIN_SHORTNAME', "Short name"); define ('TH_ADMIN_DISP_ID', 'ID / Display order(0 to delete)'); define ('TH_ADMIN_ADDSTYLE', "Add [or modify] stylesheet entry"); // This goes in [or modify] above define ('TH_ADMIN_MODSTYLE', "or modify"); define ('TH_ADMIN_NEW_FILE', 'File'); define ('TH_ADMIN_NEW_ID', 'Display order(Use existing ID to overwrite)'); /* define("S_SQLCONF", 'MySQL connection failure'); //MySQL connection failure define("S_SQLDBSF", 'Database error, check SQL settings
    '); //database select failure define("S_TCREATE", 'Creating table!
    \n'); //creating table define("S_TCREATEF", 'Unable to create table!
    '); //table creation failed define("S_SQLFAIL", 'Critical SQL problem!
    '); //SQL Failure define("S_UNFILE", 'File type not suported.'); */ ?>
    DelPost NoTimeSubjectNameCommentHost / IPSize
    SelPost No状態 TimeSubject