# # Higanbana Project makefile # # # Possible optimizations for 8088 class processors # # -oa Relax alias checking # -ob Try to generate straight line code # -oe - expand user functions inline (-oe=20 is default, adds lots of code) # -oh Enable repeated optimizations # -oi generate certain lib funcs inline # -oi+ Set max inline depth (C++ only, use -oi for C) # -ok Flowing of register save into function flow graph # -ol loop optimizations # -ol+ loop optimizations plus unrolling # -or Reorder for pipelined (486+ procs); not sure if good to use # -os Favor space over time # -ot Favor time over space # -ei Allocate an "int" for all enum types # -zp2 Allow compiler to add padding to structs # -zpw Use with above; make sure you are warning free! # -0 8088/8086 class code generation # -s disable stack overflow checking # -zk0u translate kanji to unicode... wwww # -zk0 kanji support~ # -zkl current codepage #%.C #192x144 #wwww will add these !ifdef __LINUX__ REMOVECOMMAND=rm -f COPYCOMMAND=cp -f DIRSEP=/ OBJ=o !else REMOVECOMMAND=del COPYCOMMAND=copy /y DIRSEP=\ OBJ=obj !endif #!ifndef INCLUDE #IN=..$(DIRSEP)..$(DIRSEP)fdos$(DIRSEP)watcom2$(DIRSEP)h #IFLAGS=-i=$(IN) #!endif TARGET_OS = dos #EXMMTESTDIR=16$(DIRSEP)exmmtest$(DIRSEP) SRC=src$(DIRSEP) SRCLIB=$(SRC)lib$(DIRSEP) AFLAGS=-mh -0 -d1 -e=65536 PLZFLAGS=-fh=plzpart.hed SFLAGS=-sg -st -of+ -zu -zdf -zff -zgf -k32768 DFLAGS=-DTARGET_MSDOS=16 -DMSDOS=1 $(SFLAGS) ZFLAGS=-zk0 -zq -zc -zp8# -zm CFLAGS=$(AFLAGS) $(IFLAGS)-lr -l=dos -wo##wwww OFLAGS=-obmiler -out -oh -ei -zp8 -fpi87 -onac -ol+ -ok####x FLAGS=$(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $(DFLAGS) $(ZFLAGS) EXEC = plzpart.exe all: $(EXEC) #asmyt.$(OBJ) # #game and bakapi executables # plzpart.exe: plzpart.$(OBJ) copper.$(OBJ) tweak.$(OBJ) plz.$(OBJ) wcl $(FLAGS) $(PLZFLAGS) plzpart.$(OBJ) copper.$(OBJ) tweak.$(OBJ) plz.$(OBJ) -fm=plzpart.map # #executable's objects # plzpart.$(OBJ): plzpart.h plzpart.c wcl $(FLAGS) -c plzpart.c # #non executable objects libraries # plz.$(OBJ): plz.h plz.c wcl $(FLAGS) -c plz.c tweak.$(OBJ): tweak.h tweak.c wcl $(FLAGS) -c tweak.c #tasm compiled... copper.$(OBJ): copper.h copper.asm wcl $(AFLAGS) -zcm=tasm -c copper.asm # tweak.$(OBJ): tweak.h tweak.asm # wcl $(AFLAGS) -zcm=tasm -c tweak.asm #asmyt.$(OBJ): asmyt.h asmyt.asm # wcl $(AFLAGS) -zcm=tasm -c asmyt.asm # #other~ # clean: .symbolic @$(REMOVECOMMAND) $(EXEC) # @$(REMOVECOMMAND) *.$(OBJ) @$(REMOVECOMMAND) *.o