; v86kern2.asm ; ; Test program: Proof-of-concept minimalist virtual 8086 "monitor" ; (C) 2010-2012 Jonathan Campbell. ; Hackipedia DOS library. ; ; This code is licensed under the LGPL. ; ; ; ; MODE: 16-bit real mode MS-DOS .COM executable ; Assumes DS == ES == SS ; NOTES: ; - This works... for the most part. ; - Somehow this works even with DOSBox's funky ROM-based interrupt emulation ; - The emulation provided is sufficient for real-mode exceptions including INT 3h debug and ; INT 1h trace. It also handles the correct exception to permit DOS programs to use the ; FPU if present. ; - This program also demonstrates a minimal I/O port trapping implementation. In this example, ; port 0x64 (keyboard controller command port) and port 0x92 (PS/2 & AT Port A) are intercepted ; to ensure that whatever the program does, the A20 gate is always enabled. This resolves the ; random crashes observed in Windows 95 DOS mode where HIMEM.SYS and the DOS kernel were ; apparently playing around with the A20 line. ; ; FIXME: ; - Privileged instructions like mov cr0, trigger an exception and this program makes no ; attempt to emulate those instructions. ; ; - Whatever the BIOS does in response to CTRL+ALT+DEL it doesn't work well when we are active. ; ; - Incomplete VCPI implementation and EMM emulation with no pages to alloc ; ; - Paging is not enabled ; ; OTHER NOTES: ; - This code makes no attempt to emulate the LDT manipulation that most BIOS implementations ; apparently like to do when handling INT 15H extended memory copy. Programs that use extended ; memory via HIMEM.SYS or via INT 15H will crash. [FIXED: VM86 monitor intercepts INT 15H ; calls. If the function call is for extended memory copy, the VM86 monitor will carry out ; the copy itself and return]. ; Standard selectors in protected mode NULL_SEL equ (0 << 3) CODE16_SEL equ (1 << 3) DATA16_SEL equ (2 << 3) CODE32_SEL equ (3 << 3) DATA32_SEL equ (4 << 3) FLAT16_SEL equ (5 << 3) FLAT32_SEL equ (6 << 3) LDT_SEL equ (7 << 3) TSS_SEL equ (8 << 3) TSS_VM86_SEL equ (9 << 3) MAX_SEL equ (10 << 3) ; We reprogram the PIC to direct IRQ 0-15 to this base interrupt RM_INT_API equ 0xEF IRQ_BASE_INT equ 0xF0 ; Extensible virtual 8086 mode kernel for DOS ; (C) 2011 Jonathan Campbell bits 16 section .code [map v86kern2.map] org 0x100 ; ============= ENTRY POINT mov ax,cs mov word [my_realmode_seg],ax mov bp,stack_base mov sp,stack_init ; SP is normally at 0xFFF0 so move it back down mov word [himem_sys_buffer_handle],0 mov word [himem_sys_buffer_phys+2],0 mov word [himem_sys_buffer_phys],0 mov word [himem_sys_entry+2],0 mov word [himem_sys_entry],0 mov byte [user_req_unload],0 mov byte [user_req_iopl],3 mov byte [irq_pending],0 mov byte [i_am_tsr],0 mov byte [v86_if],0 jmp _entry ; ============= CPU DETECT cpu_is_386: pushf pop ax and ax,0x0FFF push ax popf pushf pop ax and ax,0xF000 cmp ax,0xF000 jz cpu_is_386_not ; 286 test: EFLAGS will always have bits 12-15 clear or ax,0xF000 push ax popf pushf pop ax and ax,0xF000 jz cpu_is_386_not ; it's a 386 xor ax,ax ; ZF=1 ret cpu_is_386_not: mov ax,1 or ax,ax ; ZF=0 ret ; ============= EXIT WITH MESSAGE ($-terminated string at DS:DX) _exit_with_msg: mov ah,9 int 21h ; fall through to _exit ; ============= EXIT _exit: mov ax,cs mov ds,ax cmp word [himem_sys_buffer_handle],0 ; if there is a handle to free, then do it jz .no_handle mov ah,0Dh ; HIMEM.SYS function 0Dh unlock memory block mov dx,word [himem_sys_buffer_handle] call far word [himem_sys_entry] mov ah,0Ah ; HIMEM.SYS function 0Ah free memory block mov dx,word [himem_sys_buffer_handle] call far word [himem_sys_entry] .no_handle: mov ax,4C00h int 21h ; ============= PROGRAM STARTS HERE _entry: call parse_argv jz .argv_ok mov dx,str_help call _exit_with_msg .argv_ok: call cpu_is_386 ; CHECK: 386 or higher jz .is386 mov dx,str_require_386 jmp _exit_with_msg .is386: cmp byte [user_req_unload],0; CHECK: Did user request that we unload? jz .not_unload jmp unload_this_program .not_unload: smsw ax ; CHECK: Virtual 8086 mode not already enabled test al,1 jz .not_v86 mov dx,str_v86_detected jmp _exit_with_msg .not_v86: cmp dword [himem_sys_buffer_size],64*1024 ; CHECK: buffer size is 64KB or larger jge .buffer_size_large_enough mov dx,str_buffer_too_small jmp _exit_with_msg .buffer_size_large_enough: cmp dword [himem_sys_buffer_size],16*1024*1024 jle .buffer_size_small_enough mov dx,str_buffer_too_large jmp _exit_with_msg .buffer_size_small_enough: mov ax,4300h ; CHECK: HIMEM.SYS is present int 2Fh cmp al,80h jz .yes_himem_sys jmp .skip_himem .yes_himem_sys: mov ax,4310h ; Get HIMEM.SYS entry point (cannot fail) int 2Fh mov word [himem_sys_entry],bx mov word [himem_sys_entry+2],es mov ah,5h ; HIMEM.SYS Local Enable A20 call far word [himem_sys_entry] cmp ax,1 jz .yes_himem_a20 mov dx,str_himem_a20_error jmp _exit_with_msg .yes_himem_a20: mov ah,09h ; HIMEM.SYS allocate block cli ; <- in case BIOS interrupts do not save upper 16 bits mov edx,[himem_sys_buffer_size] add edx,1023 shr edx,10 ; EDX = (X BYTES+1023)/1024 KB call far word [himem_sys_entry] cmp ax,1 jz .yes_himem_buf mov dx,str_himem_alloc_err jmp _exit_with_msg .yes_himem_buf: mov word [himem_sys_buffer_handle],dx ; store memory handle mov ah,0Ch ; HIMEM.SYS lock memory block call far word [himem_sys_entry] ; NOTE: DX = memory handle (still) cmp ax,1 jz .yes_himem_lock mov dx,str_himem_lock_err jmp _exit_with_msg .yes_himem_lock:mov word [himem_sys_buffer_phys],bx ; store DX:BX physical memory address mov word [himem_sys_buffer_phys+2],dx .skip_himem: ; tss physical addrs xor eax,eax mov ax,cs shl eax,4 add eax,tss_main mov [tss_phys_base],eax ; = 104 bytes xor eax,eax mov ax,cs shl eax,4 add eax,tss_vm86 mov [tss_vm86_phys_base],eax ; = 8192+104 bytes ; PRINT "BUFFER AT: " + *((DWORD*)himem_sys_buffer_phys) + "\n" mov dx,str_buffer_at call dos_puts cli mov eax,[himem_sys_buffer_phys] mov di,scratch_str call eax_to_hex_16_dos mov dx,di call dos_puts cli mov eax,[himem_sys_buffer_phys] add eax,[himem_sys_buffer_size] dec eax mov byte [scratch_str],'-' mov di,scratch_str+1 call eax_to_hex_16_dos mov dx,scratch_str call dos_puts mov dx,str_crlf call dos_puts xor eax,eax mov ax,cs mov es,ax shl eax,4 mov dword [my_phys_base],eax ; we use the extended memory buffer for VCPI emulation (page allocation) mov eax,dword [himem_sys_buffer_phys] mov dword [vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys],eax mov dword [vcpi_alloc_bitmap_size],eax mov dword [vcpi_alloc_pages_phys],eax cmp eax,0 jz .nothing add eax,4096 ; assume bitmap size of 4K, enough for 4MB of pages mov dword [vcpi_alloc_pages_phys],eax mov ebx,dword [himem_sys_buffer_size] add ebx,0xFFF shr ebx,12+3 ; EBX = size of bitmap (up to 4K) mov dword [vcpi_alloc_bitmap_size],ebx .nothing: ; clear the IDT and GDT cld xor ax,ax mov cx,MAX_SEL / 2 mov di,gdt rep stosw ; prepare the IDTR and GDTR. ; real mode versions: limit=0xFFFF base=0 xor eax,eax dec ax ; AX = 0xFFFF mov word [idtr_real],ax mov word [gdtr_real],ax inc ax mov dword [idtr_real+2],eax mov dword [gdtr_real+2],eax ; protected mode GDTR limit=MAX_SEL-1 base=(code segment)+var mov word [gdtr_pmode],MAX_SEL - 1 mov word [idtr_pmode],(256 << 3) - 1 mov eax,[my_phys_base] add eax,gdt mov dword [gdtr_pmode+2],eax mov eax,[my_phys_base] add eax,idt mov dword [idtr_pmode+2],eax ; build the GDT cld lea di,[gdt+CODE16_SEL] ; Code selector (CODE_16SEL) dec ax ; 0x0000 - 1 = 0xFFFF stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[my_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[my_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x9A stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=executable readable mov al,0x0F mov ah,[my_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; Data selector (DATA16_SEL) xor ax,ax dec ax ; 0xFFFF stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[my_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[my_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x92 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable mov al,0x0F mov ah,[my_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; Code selector (CODE_32SEL) dec ax ; 0x0000 - 1 = 0xFFFF stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[my_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[my_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x9A stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=executable readable mov al,0xCF mov ah,[my_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; Data selector (DATA32_SEL) xor ax,ax dec ax ; 0xFFFF stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[my_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[my_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x92 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable mov al,0xCF mov ah,[my_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; Data selector (FLAT16_SEL) xor ax,ax dec ax ; 0xFFFF stosw ; LIMIT xor ax,ax stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov ah,0x92 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable mov al,0x8F xor ah,ah stosw ; Data selector (FLAT32_SEL) xor ax,ax dec ax ; 0xFFFF stosw ; LIMIT xor ax,ax stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov ah,0x92 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable mov al,0xCF xor ah,ah stosw ; LDT selector (LDT_SEL) mov ax,7 ; I have no use for the LDT stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[my_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[my_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x82 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable LDT type 2 mov al,0x0F mov ah,[my_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; TSS selector (TSS_SEL) mov ax,104-1 stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[tss_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[tss_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x89 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable non-busy TSS type 9 mov al,0x0F mov ah,[tss_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; TSS selector (TSS_VM86_SEL) mov ax,104+8192-1 stosw ; LIMIT mov ax,[tss_vm86_phys_base] stosw ; BASE[15:0] mov al,[tss_vm86_phys_base+2] mov ah,0x89 stosw ; BASE[23:16] access byte=data writeable non-busy TSS type 9 mov al,0x0F mov ah,[tss_vm86_phys_base+3] ; LIMIT[19:16] flags=0 BASE[31:24] stosw ; prepare the CPU registers lidt [idtr_pmode] lgdt [gdtr_pmode] ; enter protected mode mov eax,0x00000011 or eax,[cr0_more] mov cr0,eax jmp CODE16_SEL:pmode16_entry pmode16_entry: mov ax,DATA16_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,stack_init ; load task register mov ax,TSS_SEL ltr ax ; load LDT mov ax,LDT_SEL lldt ax ; now enter 32-bit protected mode jmp CODE32_SEL:pmode32_entry bits 32 pmode32_entry: mov ax,DATA32_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov esp,stack_init ; at this point: we are in 32-bit protected mode! ; ============= setup the TSS representing our task (for when we return) cld mov edi,[tss_phys_base] sub edi,[my_phys_base] xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x00 = no backlink stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x04 = ESP for CPL0 stosd mov eax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x08 = SS for CPL0 stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x0C = ESP for CPL1 stosd mov eax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x10 = SS for CPL1 stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x14 = ESP for CPL2 stosd mov eax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x18 = SS for CPL2 stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x1C = CR3 stosd mov eax,0 ; TSS+0x20 = EIP [FIXME] stosd mov eax,0x00000002 ; TSS+0x24 = EFLAGS VM=0 stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x28 = EAX stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x2C = ECX stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x30 = EDX stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x34 = EBX stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x38 = ESP stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x3C = EBP stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x40 = ESI stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x44 = EDI stosd mov ax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x48 = ES stosd mov ax,CODE32_SEL ; TSS+0x4C = CS stosd mov ax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x50 = SS stosd mov ax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x54 = DS stosd mov ax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x58 = FS stosd mov ax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x5C = GS stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x60 = LDTR stosd mov eax,(104 << 16) ; TSS+0x64 = I/O map base stosd ; ============= setup the TSS representing the virtual 8086 mode task cld mov edi,[tss_vm86_phys_base] sub edi,[my_phys_base] xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x00 = no backlink stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x04 = ESP for CPL0 stosd mov eax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x08 = SS for CPL0 stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x0C = ESP for CPL1 stosd mov eax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x10 = SS for CPL1 stosd mov eax,stack_init ; TSS+0x14 = ESP for CPL2 stosd mov eax,DATA32_SEL ; TSS+0x18 = SS for CPL2 stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x1C = CR3 stosd mov eax,vm86_entry ; TSS+0x20 = EIP stosd mov eax,0x00020202 ; TSS+0x24 = EFLAGS VM=1 IOPL=N IF=1 movzx ebx,byte [user_req_iopl] and bl,3 shl ebx,12 or eax,ebx ; EFLAGS |= user_req_iopl << 12 stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x28 = EAX stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x2C = ECX stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x30 = EDX stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x34 = EBX stosd mov eax,stack_init_vm86 ; TSS+0x38 = ESP stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x3C = EBP stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x40 = ESI stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x44 = EDI stosd mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] ; TSS+0x48 = ES stosd mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] ; TSS+0x4C = CS stosd mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] ; TSS+0x50 = SS stosd mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] ; TSS+0x54 = DS stosd mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] ; TSS+0x58 = FS stosd mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] ; TSS+0x5C = GS stosd xor eax,eax ; TSS+0x60 = LDTR stosd mov eax,(104 << 16) ; TSS+0x64 = I/O map base (0x68 == 104) stosd xor eax,eax mov ecx,8192 >> 2 ; TSS+0x68 = I/O permission map (pre-set to all open) rep stosd ; actually, we want it to trap some ports off the bat mov edi,[tss_vm86_phys_base] sub edi,[my_phys_base] add edi,0x68 ; TSS+0x68 = I/O permission map or byte [edi+(0x64/8)],1 << (0x64 & 7) ; trap port 0x64 or byte [edi+(0x92/8)],1 << (0x92 & 7) ; trap port 0x92 ; zero VCPI page map mov eax,dword [vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys] cmp eax,0 jz .nothing push es mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov es,ax xor eax,eax cld mov edi,dword [vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys] mov ecx,dword [vcpi_alloc_bitmap_size] shr ecx,2 rep stosd pop es .nothing: ; set up the IDT cld mov edi,idt mov esi,interrupt_procs ; the first 32 interrupts (0x00-0x1F) are marked CPL=0. This causes ; real-mode software interrupts in that range to instead cause a GPF ; which we can then safely reflect back to real mode. If all were ; marked CPL=3 then a real-mode software interrupt would trigger an ; actual INT in the IDT and it would be extremely difficult for ; fault handlers to differentiate between actual faults vs. software ; interrupts. mov ecx,0x14 .idtdef0: lodsw stosw ; base[15:0] mov ax,CODE32_SEL stosw mov ax,0x8E00 ; DPL=0 (so that software interrupts 0x00-0x1F can be handled by our GPF) stosw xor ax,ax stosw loop .idtdef0 mov ecx,0x100 - 0x14 .idtdef3: lodsw stosw ; base[15:0] mov ax,CODE32_SEL stosw mov ax,0xEE00 ; DPL=3 stosw xor ax,ax stosw loop .idtdef3 ; next we need to reprogram the PIC so that IRQ 0-7 do not conflict with the CPU exceptions. mov al,0x10 ; ICW1 A0=0 out 20h,al mov al,IRQ_BASE_INT ; ICW2 A0=1 out 21h,al mov al,0x04 ; ICW3 A0=1 slave on IRQ 2 out 21h,al mov al,0x10 ; ICW1 A0=0 out 0xA0,al mov al,IRQ_BASE_INT+8 ; ICW2 A0=1 out 0xA1,al mov al,0x02 ; ICW3 A0=1 out 0xA1,al ; jump into virtual 8086 mode jmp TSS_VM86_SEL:0 ; interrupt jump table. emits a 4-byte instruction (no error code) ; interrupt_entry_4 %macro interrupt_entry_4 1 ; non-error code version. We push a dummy error code along with the intnum. interrupt_%1: push byte 0 push %1 jmp interrupt_routine %endmacro ; interrupt jump table. emits a 4-byte instruction (no error code), meant for IRQs ; interrupt_entry_4 %macro interrupt_entry_4irq 1 ; non-error code version. We push a dummy error code along with the intnum. interrupt_%1: push byte 0 push %1 jmp interrupt_routine_irq %endmacro ; interrupt jump table. emits a 4-byte instruction (no error code), meant for IRQs ; interrupt_entry_4 %macro interrupt_entry_4_tf 1 ; non-error code version. We push a dummy error code along with the intnum. interrupt_%1: push byte 0 push %1 jmp interrupt_routine_tf %endmacro ; error code version. The CPU pushes an error code on the stack. We just push the intnum and move on, %macro interrupt_entry_4_ec 1 interrupt_%1: push %1 jmp interrupt_routine %endmacro ; specialized for GPF fault. no time to jump to generic interrupt handlers. %macro interrupt_entry_4gpf 1 interrupt_%1: push %1 jmp interrupt_routine_gpf %endmacro ; specialized for EMM/VCPI entry. no time to jump to generic interrupt handlers. %macro interrupt_entry_4emm 1 interrupt_%1: push byte 0 push %1 jmp interrupt_routine_emm %endmacro interrupt_entry_4 0x00 interrupt_entry_4_tf 0x01 interrupt_entry_4 0x02 interrupt_entry_4 0x03 interrupt_entry_4 0x04 interrupt_entry_4 0x05 interrupt_entry_4 0x06 interrupt_entry_4 0x07 interrupt_entry_4_ec 0x08 interrupt_entry_4 0x09 interrupt_entry_4_ec 0x0A interrupt_entry_4_ec 0x0B interrupt_entry_4_ec 0x0C interrupt_entry_4gpf 0x0D interrupt_entry_4 0x0E interrupt_entry_4 0x0F interrupt_entry_4 0x10 interrupt_entry_4 0x11 interrupt_entry_4 0x12 interrupt_entry_4 0x13 interrupt_entry_4 0x14 ; <== FIRST INTERRUPT NOT TO TRAP VIA GPF interrupt_entry_4 0x15 interrupt_entry_4 0x16 interrupt_entry_4 0x17 interrupt_entry_4 0x18 interrupt_entry_4 0x19 interrupt_entry_4 0x1A interrupt_entry_4 0x1B interrupt_entry_4 0x1C interrupt_entry_4 0x1D interrupt_entry_4 0x1E interrupt_entry_4 0x1F interrupt_entry_4 0x20 interrupt_entry_4 0x21 interrupt_entry_4 0x22 interrupt_entry_4 0x23 interrupt_entry_4 0x24 interrupt_entry_4 0x25 interrupt_entry_4 0x26 interrupt_entry_4 0x27 interrupt_entry_4 0x28 interrupt_entry_4 0x29 interrupt_entry_4 0x2A interrupt_entry_4 0x2B interrupt_entry_4 0x2C interrupt_entry_4 0x2D interrupt_entry_4 0x2E interrupt_entry_4 0x2F interrupt_entry_4 0x30 interrupt_entry_4 0x31 interrupt_entry_4 0x32 interrupt_entry_4 0x33 interrupt_entry_4 0x34 interrupt_entry_4 0x35 interrupt_entry_4 0x36 interrupt_entry_4 0x37 interrupt_entry_4 0x38 interrupt_entry_4 0x39 interrupt_entry_4 0x3A interrupt_entry_4 0x3B interrupt_entry_4 0x3C interrupt_entry_4 0x3D interrupt_entry_4 0x3E interrupt_entry_4 0x3F interrupt_entry_4 0x40 interrupt_entry_4 0x41 interrupt_entry_4 0x42 interrupt_entry_4 0x43 interrupt_entry_4 0x44 interrupt_entry_4 0x45 interrupt_entry_4 0x46 interrupt_entry_4 0x47 interrupt_entry_4 0x48 interrupt_entry_4 0x49 interrupt_entry_4 0x4A interrupt_entry_4 0x4B interrupt_entry_4 0x4C interrupt_entry_4 0x4D interrupt_entry_4 0x4E interrupt_entry_4 0x4F interrupt_entry_4 0x50 interrupt_entry_4 0x51 interrupt_entry_4 0x52 interrupt_entry_4 0x53 interrupt_entry_4 0x54 interrupt_entry_4 0x55 interrupt_entry_4 0x56 interrupt_entry_4 0x57 interrupt_entry_4 0x58 interrupt_entry_4 0x59 interrupt_entry_4 0x5A interrupt_entry_4 0x5B interrupt_entry_4 0x5C interrupt_entry_4 0x5D interrupt_entry_4 0x5E interrupt_entry_4 0x5F interrupt_entry_4 0x60 interrupt_entry_4 0x61 interrupt_entry_4 0x62 interrupt_entry_4 0x63 interrupt_entry_4 0x64 interrupt_entry_4 0x65 interrupt_entry_4 0x66 interrupt_entry_4emm 0x67 interrupt_entry_4 0x68 interrupt_entry_4 0x69 interrupt_entry_4 0x6A interrupt_entry_4 0x6B interrupt_entry_4 0x6C interrupt_entry_4 0x6D interrupt_entry_4 0x6E interrupt_entry_4 0x6F interrupt_entry_4 0x70 interrupt_entry_4 0x71 interrupt_entry_4 0x72 interrupt_entry_4 0x73 interrupt_entry_4 0x74 interrupt_entry_4 0x75 interrupt_entry_4 0x76 interrupt_entry_4 0x77 interrupt_entry_4 0x78 interrupt_entry_4 0x79 interrupt_entry_4 0x7A interrupt_entry_4 0x7B interrupt_entry_4 0x7C interrupt_entry_4 0x7D interrupt_entry_4 0x7E interrupt_entry_4 0x7F interrupt_entry_4 0x80 interrupt_entry_4 0x81 interrupt_entry_4 0x82 interrupt_entry_4 0x83 interrupt_entry_4 0x84 interrupt_entry_4 0x85 interrupt_entry_4 0x86 interrupt_entry_4 0x87 interrupt_entry_4 0x88 interrupt_entry_4 0x89 interrupt_entry_4 0x8A interrupt_entry_4 0x8B interrupt_entry_4 0x8C interrupt_entry_4 0x8D interrupt_entry_4 0x8E interrupt_entry_4 0x8F interrupt_entry_4 0x90 interrupt_entry_4 0x91 interrupt_entry_4 0x92 interrupt_entry_4 0x93 interrupt_entry_4 0x94 interrupt_entry_4 0x95 interrupt_entry_4 0x96 interrupt_entry_4 0x97 interrupt_entry_4 0x98 interrupt_entry_4 0x99 interrupt_entry_4 0x9A interrupt_entry_4 0x9B interrupt_entry_4 0x9C interrupt_entry_4 0x9D interrupt_entry_4 0x9E interrupt_entry_4 0x9F interrupt_entry_4 0xA0 interrupt_entry_4 0xA1 interrupt_entry_4 0xA2 interrupt_entry_4 0xA3 interrupt_entry_4 0xA4 interrupt_entry_4 0xA5 interrupt_entry_4 0xA6 interrupt_entry_4 0xA7 interrupt_entry_4 0xA8 interrupt_entry_4 0xA9 interrupt_entry_4 0xAA interrupt_entry_4 0xAB interrupt_entry_4 0xAC interrupt_entry_4 0xAD interrupt_entry_4 0xAE interrupt_entry_4 0xAF interrupt_entry_4 0xB0 interrupt_entry_4 0xB1 interrupt_entry_4 0xB2 interrupt_entry_4 0xB3 interrupt_entry_4 0xB4 interrupt_entry_4 0xB5 interrupt_entry_4 0xB6 interrupt_entry_4 0xB7 interrupt_entry_4 0xB8 interrupt_entry_4 0xB9 interrupt_entry_4 0xBA interrupt_entry_4 0xBB interrupt_entry_4 0xBC interrupt_entry_4 0xBD interrupt_entry_4 0xBE interrupt_entry_4 0xBF interrupt_entry_4 0xC0 interrupt_entry_4 0xC1 interrupt_entry_4 0xC2 interrupt_entry_4 0xC3 interrupt_entry_4 0xC4 interrupt_entry_4 0xC5 interrupt_entry_4 0xC6 interrupt_entry_4 0xC7 interrupt_entry_4 0xC8 interrupt_entry_4 0xC9 interrupt_entry_4 0xCA interrupt_entry_4 0xCB interrupt_entry_4 0xCC interrupt_entry_4 0xCD interrupt_entry_4 0xCE interrupt_entry_4 0xCF interrupt_entry_4 0xD0 interrupt_entry_4 0xD1 interrupt_entry_4 0xD2 interrupt_entry_4 0xD3 interrupt_entry_4 0xD4 interrupt_entry_4 0xD5 interrupt_entry_4 0xD6 interrupt_entry_4 0xD7 interrupt_entry_4 0xD8 interrupt_entry_4 0xD9 interrupt_entry_4 0xDA interrupt_entry_4 0xDB interrupt_entry_4 0xDC interrupt_entry_4 0xDD interrupt_entry_4 0xDE interrupt_entry_4 0xDF interrupt_entry_4 0xE0 interrupt_entry_4 0xE1 interrupt_entry_4 0xE2 interrupt_entry_4 0xE3 interrupt_entry_4 0xE4 interrupt_entry_4 0xE5 interrupt_entry_4 0xE6 interrupt_entry_4 0xE7 interrupt_entry_4 0xE8 interrupt_entry_4 0xE9 interrupt_entry_4 0xEA interrupt_entry_4 0xEB 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interrupt_0xBF dw interrupt_0xC0 dw interrupt_0xC1 dw interrupt_0xC2 dw interrupt_0xC3 dw interrupt_0xC4 dw interrupt_0xC5 dw interrupt_0xC6 dw interrupt_0xC7 dw interrupt_0xC8 dw interrupt_0xC9 dw interrupt_0xCA dw interrupt_0xCB dw interrupt_0xCC dw interrupt_0xCD dw interrupt_0xCE dw interrupt_0xCF dw interrupt_0xD0 dw interrupt_0xD1 dw interrupt_0xD2 dw interrupt_0xD3 dw interrupt_0xD4 dw interrupt_0xD5 dw interrupt_0xD6 dw interrupt_0xD7 dw interrupt_0xD8 dw interrupt_0xD9 dw interrupt_0xDA dw interrupt_0xDB dw interrupt_0xDC dw interrupt_0xDD dw interrupt_0xDE dw interrupt_0xDF dw interrupt_0xE0 dw interrupt_0xE1 dw interrupt_0xE2 dw interrupt_0xE3 dw interrupt_0xE4 dw interrupt_0xE5 dw interrupt_0xE6 dw interrupt_0xE7 dw interrupt_0xE8 dw interrupt_0xE9 dw interrupt_0xEA dw interrupt_0xEB dw interrupt_0xEC dw interrupt_0xED dw interrupt_0xEE dw interrupt_0xEF dw interrupt_0xF0 dw interrupt_0xF1 dw interrupt_0xF2 dw interrupt_0xF3 dw interrupt_0xF4 dw interrupt_0xF5 dw interrupt_0xF6 dw interrupt_0xF7 dw interrupt_0xF8 dw interrupt_0xF9 dw interrupt_0xFA dw interrupt_0xFB dw interrupt_0xFC dw interrupt_0xFD dw interrupt_0xFE dw interrupt_0xFF interrupt_0x00_strs: dw str_fault_0x00 dw str_fault_0x01 dw str_fault_0x02 dw str_fault_0x03 dw str_fault_0x04 dw str_fault_0x05 dw str_fault_0x06 dw str_fault_0x07 dw str_fault_0x08 dw str_fault_0x09 dw str_fault_0x0A dw str_fault_0x0B dw str_fault_0x0C dw str_fault_0x0D dw str_fault_0x0E dw str_fault_0x0F dw str_fault_0x10 dw str_fault_0x11 dw str_fault_0x12 dw str_fault_0x13 ; VCPI PM entry %macro pm_int_entry 0 pusha push ds push es mov ax,DATA32_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax lea eax,[esp+4+4+32+4+4+12] ; ESP + DS + ES + PUSHA + INTNUM + ERRCODE + IRET ; TODO: MOVE EAX over ESP image on stack lea ebp,[esp] %endmacro %macro pm_int_exit 0 pop es pop ds popa retf %endmacro ; this must reside here. Any further down the jmps in the table will be out of range. ; Check: ; (EFLAGS & VM) = Happend in v86 mode? %macro int_entry 0 pusha push ds push es mov ax,DATA32_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax lea eax,[esp+4+4+32+4+4+12] ; ESP + DS + ES + PUSHA + INTNUM + ERRCODE + IRET ; TODO: MOVE EAX over ESP image on stack lea ebp,[esp] %endmacro %macro int_exit 0 pop es pop ds popa add esp,8 ; drop error code + interrupt num iret %endmacro %define int_ES word [ebp+0] %define int_DS word [ebp+4] %define int_EDI dword [ebp+8] %define int_ESI dword [ebp+12] %define int_EBP dword [ebp+16] %define int_ESP dword [ebp+20] %define int_EBX dword [ebp+24] %define int_EDX dword [ebp+28] %define int_ECX dword [ebp+32] %define int_EAX dword [ebp+36] %define int_AX word [ebp+36] %define int_AL byte [ebp+36] %define int_INTNUM dword [ebp+40] %define int_INTNUM_b byte [ebp+40] %define int_ERRCODE dword [ebp+44] %define int_EIP dword [ebp+48] %define int_EIP_w word [ebp+48] %define int_CS word [ebp+52] %define int_EFLAGS dword [ebp+56] %define int_FLAGS word [ebp+56] ; the following also exist if coming out of v86 mode %define int_v86_ESP dword [ebp+60] %define int_v86_SS word [ebp+64] %define int_v86_ES word [ebp+68] %define int_v86_DS word [ebp+72] %define int_v86_FS word [ebp+76] %define int_v86_GS word [ebp+80] irq_rm_map: db 0x08,0x09,0x0A,0x0B,0x0C,0x0D,0x0E,0x0F db 0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77 ; return: EAX = physical memory address of vm86 SS:SP pointer vm86_ss_esp_to_phys: xor eax,eax mov ax,int_v86_SS shl eax,4 mov ebx,int_v86_ESP and ebx,0xFFFF add eax,ebx ret ; return: EAX = physical memory address of vm86 CS:IP pointer vm86_cs_eip_to_phys: xor eax,eax mov ax,int_CS shl eax,4 mov ebx,int_EIP and ebx,0xFFFF add eax,ebx ret ; EAX = interrupt to direct v86 mode to. ; the caller must be on a stack frame formed from v86 mode to protected mode transition, or this won't work vm86_push_interrupt: push es mov bx,FLAT32_SEL mov es,bx mov ecx,[es:eax*4] sub int_v86_ESP,6 ; IRET stack frame jc .stack_overflow call vm86_ss_esp_to_phys mov ebx,int_EIP ; save IP,CS,FLAGS to stack mov word [es:eax+0],bx mov bx,int_CS mov word [es:eax+2],bx mov ebx,int_EFLAGS mov word [es:eax+4],bx mov int_EIP_w,cx ; load new CS:IP from interrupt vector shr ecx,16 mov int_CS,cx pop es ret .stack_overflow: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,int_INTNUM mov esi,str_stack_overflow jmp fault_jmp_unhandled interrupt_routine_tf: ; INT 0x01 Trap Interrupt int_entry test int_EFLAGS,0x20000 ; did this happen from v86 mode? jz .not_vm86 mov eax,1 ; reflect INT 0x01 to vm86 call vm86_push_interrupt and int_EFLAGS,~0x100 ; clear the trap flag int_exit .not_vm86: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,int_INTNUM mov esi,str_unexpected_int_not_v86 jmp fault_jmp_unhandled interrupt_routine_irq: int_entry test int_EFLAGS,0x20000 ; did this happen from v86 mode? jz .not_vm86 mov eax,int_INTNUM sub eax,IRQ_BASE_INT movzx eax,byte [eax+irq_rm_map] call vm86_push_interrupt int_exit .not_vm86: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,int_INTNUM mov esi,str_unexpected_int_not_v86 jmp fault_jmp_unhandled vm86_stack_overflow: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,int_INTNUM mov esi,str_stack_overflow jmp fault_jmp_unhandled ; General Protection Fault interrupt_routine_gpf: int_entry mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov es,ax test int_EFLAGS,0x20000 ; did this happen from v86 mode? jz .not_vm86 call vm86_cs_eip_to_phys ; else, read the opcode at CS:IP to tell between exceptions and explicit INT xxh instructions mov eax,[es:eax] ; EAX = first 4 bytes of the opcode ; INT 3? cmp al,0xCC jz .vm86_int3 ; INT N? cmp al,0xCD jz .vm86_int_n ; IN AL, cmp al,0xE4 jz .vm86_in_al_imm ; IN AX, cmp al,0xE5 jz .vm86_in_ax_imm ; OUT ,AL cmp al,0xE6 jz .vm86_out_imm_al ; OUT ,AX cmp al,0xE7 jz .vm86_out_imm_ax ; IN AL,DX cmp al,0xEC jz .vm86_in_al_dx ; IN AX,DX cmp al,0xED jz .vm86_in_ax_dx ; OUT DX,AL cmp al,0xEE jz .vm86_out_dx_al ; OUT DX,AX cmp al,0xEF jz .vm86_out_dx_ax ; CLI? cmp al,0xFA jz .vm86_cli ; STI? cmp al,0xFB jz .vm86_sti ; PUSHF? cmp al,0x9C jz .vm86_pushf ; POPF? cmp al,0x9D jz .vm86_popf ; PUSHFD? cmp ax,0x9C66 jz .vm86_pushfd ; POPFD? cmp ax,0x9D66 jz .vm86_popfd ; IRET? cmp al,0xCF jz .vm86_iret ; well then I don't know call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,0xD mov esi,str_v86_unknown jmp fault_jmp_unhandled .vm86_in_al_imm:add int_EIP,2 ; EIP += 2 movzx edx,ah ; I/O port number in second byte mov ecx,1 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_read mov int_AL,al ; eax = byte value int_exit .vm86_in_ax_imm:add int_EIP,2 ; EIP += 2 movzx edx,ah ; I/O port number in second byte mov ecx,2 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_read mov int_AX,ax ; eax = byte value int_exit .vm86_in_al_dx: inc int_EIP ; EIP += 1 mov edx,int_EDX ; edx = port number and edx,0xFFFF mov ecx,1 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_read mov int_AL,al ; eax = byte value int_exit .vm86_in_ax_dx: inc int_EIP ; EIP += 1 mov edx,int_EDX ; edx = port number and edx,0xFFFF mov ecx,2 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_read mov int_AX,ax ; eax = byte value int_exit .vm86_out_imm_al:add int_EIP,2 ; EIP += 2 movzx edx,ah ; I/O port number in second byte movzx eax,int_AL ; eax = byte value mov ecx,1 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_write int_exit .vm86_out_imm_ax:add int_EIP,2 ; EIP += 2 movzx edx,ah ; I/O port number in second byte mov eax,int_EAX and eax,0xFFFF mov ecx,2 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_write int_exit .vm86_out_dx_al:inc int_EIP ; EIP += 1 mov edx,int_EDX ; edx = port number and edx,0xFFFF movzx eax,int_AL ; eax = byte value mov ecx,1 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_write int_exit .vm86_out_dx_ax:inc int_EIP ; EIP += 1 mov edx,int_EDX ; edx = port number and edx,0xFFFF mov eax,int_EAX and eax,0xFFFF mov ecx,2 ; ecx = size of I/O call on_vm86_io_write int_exit .vm86_pushfd: push es mov bx,FLAT32_SEL mov es,bx sub int_v86_ESP,4 ; push DWORD jc vm86_stack_overflow call vm86_ss_esp_to_phys ; EAX = SS:SP physical mem location mov ebx,int_EFLAGS ; retrieve FLAGS mov [es:eax],ebx ; store on stack pop es add int_EIP,2 int_exit .vm86_popfd: push es mov bx,FLAT32_SEL mov es,bx call vm86_ss_esp_to_phys ; EAX = SS:SP physical mem location add int_v86_ESP,4 ; pop DWORD jc vm86_stack_overflow mov ebx,[es:eax] ; retrieve from stack or ebx,0x20000 ; don't let the guest disable virtual 8086 mode mov int_EFLAGS,ebx ; place in FLAGS pop es add int_EIP,2 int_exit .vm86_pushf: push es mov bx,FLAT32_SEL mov es,bx sub int_v86_ESP,2 ; push WORD jc vm86_stack_overflow call vm86_ss_esp_to_phys ; EAX = SS:SP physical mem location mov bx,int_FLAGS ; retrieve FLAGS mov [es:eax],bx ; store on stack pop es add int_EIP,1 int_exit .vm86_popf: push es mov bx,FLAT32_SEL mov es,bx call vm86_ss_esp_to_phys ; EAX = SS:SP physical mem location add int_v86_ESP,2 ; pop WORD jc vm86_stack_overflow mov bx,[es:eax] ; retrieve from stack mov int_FLAGS,bx ; place in FLAGS pop es add int_EIP,1 int_exit .vm86_iret: push es mov bx,FLAT32_SEL mov es,bx call vm86_ss_esp_to_phys ; EAX = SS:SP physical mem location add int_v86_ESP,6 ; pop interrupt stack frame jc vm86_stack_overflow xor ebx,ebx mov bx,[es:eax+0] ; EBX = IP mov int_EIP,ebx mov bx,[es:eax+2] ; EBX = CS mov int_CS,bx mov bx,[es:eax+4] ; EBX = FLAGS mov int_FLAGS,bx pop es int_exit .vm86_cli: and int_EFLAGS,~0x200 ; IF=0 inc int_EIP int_exit .vm86_sti: or int_EFLAGS,0x200 ; IF=1 inc int_EIP int_exit .vm86_int3: inc int_EIP ; EIP++ mov eax,3 call vm86_push_interrupt int_exit .vm86_int_n: movzx eax,ah ; AL=CD AH=intnum add int_EIP,2 ; EIP += 2 call vm86_push_interrupt int_exit .not_vm86: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare call edx_esi_default_int_str jmp fault_jmp_unhandled interrupt_routine: int_entry mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov es,ax cmp int_INTNUM,RM_INT_API ; interrupts sent to our RM_INT_API are handled directly jz .rm_int_api test int_EFLAGS,0x20000 ; did this happen from v86 mode? jz .not_vm86 ; okay then, there are several reasons such interrupts fire. mov al,int_INTNUM_b ; INT 15H interception cmp al,0x15 jz .vm86_int15 ; Anything int >= 0x14 on cmp al,0x14 jae .vm86_intN ; INT 0x03 debug interrupt FIXME is this needed? cmp al,0x03 jz .vm86_int3 ; INT 0x01 debug trap FIXME is this needed? cmp al,0x01 jz .vm86_int1 ; INT 0x07 COPROCESSOR NOT PRESENT (vm86 task used a floating point instruction) cmp al,0x07 jz .fpu_7 call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare call edx_esi_default_int_str jmp fault_jmp_unhandled ; COPROCESSOR NOT PRESENT. USUALLY SIGNALLED AFTER TASK SWITCH ON FIRST FPU INSTRUCTION. .fpu_7: clts int_exit .vm86_int1: mov eax,1 call vm86_push_interrupt and int_EFLAGS,~0x100 ; clear trap flag int_exit .vm86_int3: mov eax,3 call vm86_push_interrupt int_exit .vm86_intN: mov eax,int_INTNUM call vm86_push_interrupt int_exit ; INT 15h; we must intercept AH=87h for extended memory programs to work properly within our VM86 environment .vm86_int15: mov ebx,int_EAX cmp bh,0x87 jz .vm86_int15_87 ; carry it forward to the BIOS mov eax,int_INTNUM call vm86_push_interrupt int_exit ; INT 15H AH=87h .vm86_int15_87: xor eax,eax mov ax,int_v86_ES shl eax,4 and int_ESI,0xFFFF add eax,int_ESI mov ecx,int_ECX and ecx,0xFFFF ; ECX = count of WORDs, EAX = physical memory addr of GDT mov esi,[es:eax+0x10+2] and esi,0xFFFFFF mov edi,[es:eax+0x18+2] and edi,0xFFFFFF ; ESI = physical memory addr (src), EDI = physical memory addr (dst) movzx ebx,byte [es:eax+0x10+7] shl ebx,24 or esi,ebx movzx ebx,byte [es:eax+0x18+7] shl ebx,24 or edi,ebx ; carry out the actual copy push ds mov ax,es mov ds,ax cld rep movsw pop ds ; signal success mov int_EAX,0 int_exit .not_vm86: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare call edx_esi_default_int_str jmp fault_jmp_unhandled .rm_int_api: mov eax,int_EAX cmp eax,0xAABBAABB ; command to unload jz .rm_int_api_unload cmp eax,0xAABBAA55 ; detection jz .rm_int_api_detect ; unknown command mov int_EAX,eax call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare call edx_esi_default_int_str jmp fault_jmp_unhandled .rm_int_api_unload: mov eax,int_v86_ESP mov [unload_int_stk+0],ax mov ax,int_v86_SS mov [unload_int_stk+2],ax mov eax,int_EIP mov [unload_int_ret+0],ax mov ax,int_CS mov [unload_int_ret+2],ax mov ax,DATA32_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov esp,stack_init jmp CODE32_SEL:_exit_from_prot32 .rm_int_api_detect: mov int_EAX,0xBBAABB33 int_exit edx_esi_default_int_str: mov edx,int_INTNUM cmp edx,0x13 jle .l1 mov edx,0x13 .l1: xor esi,esi mov si,word [(edx*2)+interrupt_0x00_strs] mov edx,int_INTNUM ret interrupt_routine_halt_prepare: ; <====== SET ESI = address of string to print. Trashes EAX. xor eax,eax mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_opcode],eax mov eax,int_EAX mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_eax],eax mov eax,int_EBX mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_ebx],eax mov eax,int_ECX mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_ecx],eax mov eax,int_EDX mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_edx],eax mov eax,int_ESI mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_esi],eax mov eax,int_EDI mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_edi],eax mov eax,int_EBP mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_ebp],eax mov eax,int_ESP mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_esp],eax mov eax,int_EIP mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_eip],eax mov eax,int_ERRCODE mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_errcode],eax xor eax,eax mov ax,int_ES mov word [unhandled_fault_var_es],ax mov ax,int_DS mov word [unhandled_fault_var_ds],ax mov ax,int_CS mov word [unhandled_fault_var_cs],ax mov ax,fs mov word [unhandled_fault_var_fs],ax mov ax,gs mov word [unhandled_fault_var_gs],ax mov ax,ss mov word [unhandled_fault_var_ss],ax mov eax,cr0 mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_cr0],eax mov eax,cr3 mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_cr3],eax mov eax,cr4 mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_cr4],eax mov eax,int_EFLAGS mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_eflags],eax test eax,0x20000 ; was the VM flag set in EFLAGS when it happened? jnz .v86_mode test int_CS,3 ; did we come from ring 1/2/3? jz .no_escalation ; ESP needs to reflect it's contents prior to jumping to ring 0 mov eax,int_v86_ESP mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_esp],eax .no_escalation: ret ; the segment registers need to reflect what they were in vm86 mode .v86_mode: xor eax,eax mov ax,int_v86_ES mov word [unhandled_fault_var_es],ax mov ax,int_v86_DS mov word [unhandled_fault_var_ds],ax mov ax,int_v86_FS mov word [unhandled_fault_var_fs],ax mov ax,int_v86_GS mov word [unhandled_fault_var_gs],ax mov ax,int_v86_SS mov word [unhandled_fault_var_ss],ax mov eax,int_v86_ESP mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_esp],eax ; we also might want to know what opcodes were involved push es mov ax,FLAT32_SEL call vm86_cs_eip_to_phys mov ebx,[es:eax] mov dword [unhandled_fault_var_opcode],ebx pop es ret ; ================ INT 67h EMM/VCPI entry point ; TODO: At some point this code needs to be written to a) reflect the INT 67H call back to v86 mode if it's not EMM/VCPI functions ; and b) chain to v86 mode if the return address CS:IP is not the real-mode INT 67H handler we installed (so that other ; programs can hook the interrupt on top of us) interrupt_routine_emm: int_entry mov eax,int_EAX cmp ah,0DEh jz .vcpi cmp ah,040h jl .pass cmp ah,05Eh jae .pass jmp .emm int_exit .pass: jmp emm_unhandled ; VCPI processing (AH=0xDE) .vcpi: cmp al,0x0C ja emm_unhandled movzx eax,al jmp word [vcpi_functions+(eax*2)] ; EMM processing (AH=0x40...0x5D) .emm: sub ah,0x40 movzx eax,ah jmp word [emm_functions+(eax*2)] emm_unhandled: vcpi_unhandled: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,67h mov esi,str_unknown_emm_vcpi_call jmp fault_jmp_unhandled ; VCPI call table vcpi_functions: dw vcpi00_detect ; 0x00 dw vcpi01_get_pm_if ; 0x01 dw vcpi_unhandled ; 0x02 dw vcpi03_free_pages ; 0x03 dw vcpi04_alloc_page ; 0x04 dw vcpi05_free_page ; 0x05 dw vcpi06_get_phys_addr ; 0x06 dw vcpi_unhandled ; 0x07 dw vcpi_unhandled ; 0x08 dw vcpi_unhandled ; 0x09 dw vcpi0A_8259A_mapping ; 0x0A dw vcpi_unhandled ; 0x0B dw vcpi0C_enter_pm ; 0x0C ; emm call table emm_functions: dw emm40_get_status ; 0x40 dw emm41_get_pfa ; 0x41 dw emm42_get_unalloc_page_count ; 0x42 dw emm43_alloc_pages ; 0x43 dw emm44_map_handle_page ; 0x44 dw emm45_dealloc_pages ; 0x45 dw emm46_get_version ; 0x46 dw emm47_save_page_map ; 0x47 dw emm48_restore_page_map ; 0x48 dw emm_unhandled ; 0x49 dw emm_unhandled ; 0x4A dw emm4B_get_handle_count ; 0x4B dw emm4C_get_handle_pages ; 0x4C dw emm4D_get_all_handle_pages ; 0x4D dw emm4E_combo ; 0x4E dw emm4F_combo ; 0x4F dw emm50_combo ; 0x50 dw emm51_realloc_pages ; 0x51 dw emm52_combo ; 0x52 dw emm53_combo ; 0x53 dw emm54_combo ; 0x54 dw emm55_combo ; 0x55 dw emm56_combo ; 0x56 dw emm57_combo ; 0x57 dw emm58_combo ; 0x58 dw emm59_combo ; 0x59 dw emm5A_combo ; 0x5A dw emm5B_combo ; 0x5B dw emm5C_prepare_warmboot ; 0x5C dw emm5D_combo ; 0x5D ; 8042 trapping state trap_8042_mode db 0x00 ; port 92 trapping fake_port_92 db 0x02 ; the reason we save this is some programs insist on ; reading back to check. if we forced bits the program ; will get stuck in a loop. ; VCPI I/O write ; in: EDX=port number EAX/AX/AL=byte value to write ECX=I/O size ; out: EAX/AX/AL=byte value to return on_vm86_io_write: cmp edx,0x64 jz .write_8042_controller cmp edx,0x92 jz .write_port_A_92h .unknown_port: ret ; IGNORE .write_8042_controller: cmp byte [trap_8042_mode],0xD1 ; trap Write Output Port bitfield jz .write_8042_controller_out ; now match the command directly cmp al,0xF0 ; trap attempts to pulse output bits jae .write_8042_controller_outpulse cmp al,0xD1 ; trap Write Output Port jz .write_8042_controller_out_and_latch ; command is OK, pass it through out 0x64,al ret ; the previous byte was the Write Output command, so the next byte is the actual bits to write. We must ensure A20 is on. .write_8042_controller_out: or al,0x02 ; ensure bit 1 (A20 gate) is always on out 0x64,al mov byte [trap_8042_mode],0x00 ret ; the program attempted to pulse output bits. silently ignore. .write_8042_controller_outpulse:ret ; the program sent us a command that we pass through, but we must modify the data byte as it passes .write_8042_controller_out_and_latch: mov byte [trap_8042_mode],al out 0x64,al ; then pass the command through ret ; the program is writing port 0x92 to try and fiddle with A20 .write_port_A_92h: mov byte [fake_port_92],al ; store what the program wrote or al,2 ; make sure A20 gate is on and al,0xFE ; don't let them reset CPU out 0x92,al ; then let it through ret ; VCPI I/O read ; in: EDX=port number ECX=I/O size ; out: EAX/AX/AL=byte value to return on_vm86_io_read: cmp edx,0x64 jz .read_8042_controller cmp edx,0x92 jz .read_port_A_92h .unknown_port: xor eax,eax ; return 0xFF dec eax ret .read_8042_controller: in al,0x64 ; let it through movzx eax,al ret .read_port_A_92h: movzx eax,byte [fake_port_92] ; return last written value ret ; VCPI protected mode entry (32-bit) vcpi_pm_entry: pm_int_entry call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,67h mov esi,str_unknown_emm_vcpi_pm_call jmp fault_jmp_unhandled pm_int_exit ; AX=0xDE00 VCPI detect vcpi00_detect: mov int_EAX,0 ; present mov int_EBX,0x0100 ; version v1.0 int_exit ; AX=0xDE01 VCPI get protected mode interface vcpi01_get_pm_if: mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov es,ax ; fill page table ES:DI and advance DI += 4096 on return to client xor edi,edi mov di,int_v86_ES shl edi,4 add edi,int_EDI ; EDI = (ES<<4)+DI add int_EDI,4096 ; client (E)DI += 4 ; make fake page table for first 4MB that is 1:1 identity mapping mov ecx,4096>>2 xor ebx,ebx cld .pmfill: lea eax,[ebx+0x007] ; EAX = PTE: base address + present + read/write, user add ebx,0x1000 stosd loop .pmfill ; then fill in the GDT table given by the client cld xor edi,edi mov di,int_v86_DS shl edi,4 add edi,int_ESI ; EDI = (DS<<4)+SI ; CODE lea esi,[gdt+(CODE32_SEL&0xFFF8)] ; ESI = our code32 GDT lodsd ; ****COPY**** stosd lodsd stosd ; DATA (not that it matters) lea esi,[gdt+(DATA32_SEL&0xFFF8)] ; ESI = our data32 GDT lodsd ; ****COPY**** stosd lodsd stosd ; DATA (not that it matters) lea esi,[gdt+(FLAT32_SEL&0xFFF8)] ; ESI = our data32 GDT lodsd ; ****COPY**** stosd lodsd stosd mov int_EAX,0 ; OK, no error mov int_EBX,vcpi_pm_entry ; our VCPI entry point int_exit ; AX=0xDE03 VCPI get free pages: vcpi03_free_pages: mov int_EAX,0 ; OK mov int_EDX,(4*1024*1024)/4096 ; just report 4MB and be done with it int_exit ; AX=0xDE04 VCPI alloc page: vcpi04_alloc_page: mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov es,ax mov esi,[vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys] mov ecx,[vcpi_alloc_bitmap_size] cld .scan: mov al,byte [es:esi] cmp al,0xFF jnz .found inc esi dec ecx jnz .scan .not_found: mov int_EAX,0x8800 ; not found mov int_EDX,0 int_exit .found: not al xor ah,ah xor ebx,ebx bsf bx,ax ; BX=# of bit that is zero jz .bmp_error ; ZF=0 or else mov cl,bl mov al,1 shl al,cl or byte [es:esi],al sub esi,[vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys] lea eax,[esi*8+ebx] ; EAX = page number shl eax,12 ; EAX = page address add eax,[vcpi_alloc_pages_phys] mov int_EDX,eax ; EDX = physical page # mov int_EAX,0 int_exit .bmp_error: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,67h mov esi,str_vcpi_alloc_page_bug jmp fault_jmp_unhandled ; AX=0xDE05 VCPI alloc page: vcpi05_free_page: mov ax,FLAT32_SEL mov es,ax mov edx,int_EDX sub edx,[vcpi_alloc_pages_phys] jc .not_found shr edx,12 mov esi,edx shr esi,3 cmp esi,[vcpi_alloc_bitmap_size] jae .not_found mov ecx,edx and ecx,7 mov al,1 shl al,cl not al add esi,[vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys] int 3 ; <- FIXME: Remove debug b.p. when you verify this works and [es:esi],al int_exit .not_found: mov int_EAX,0x8A00 mov eax,0xABCD1234 ; <- DEBUG: remove when you verify this works int 3 int_exit ; AX=0xDE06 VCPI get physical address of 4K page vcpi06_get_phys_addr: mov eax,int_ECX and eax,0xFFFF shl eax,12 mov int_EDX,eax mov int_EAX,0 int_exit ; AX=0xDE0A VCPI get Interrupt Vector Mappings vcpi0A_8259A_mapping: mov int_EAX,0 mov int_EBX,IRQ_BASE_INT ; 1st vector for master PIC mov int_ECX,IRQ_BASE_INT+8 ; 1st vector for slave PIC int_exit ; AX=0xDE0C VCPI enter protected mode vcpi0C_enter_pm: call interrupt_routine_halt_prepare mov edx,67h mov esi,str_vcpi_pm_not_supported jmp fault_jmp_unhandled ; AH=0x40 Get Status emm40_get_status: mov int_EAX,0 ; we're OK int_exit emm41_get_pfa: mov int_EAX,0 ; OK mov int_EBX,0xC000 ; FIXME: We don't provide ANY pages, just make the VGA BISO the "page frame" int_exit emm42_get_unalloc_page_count: mov int_EAX,0 ; OK mov int_EBX,0 ; no pages free mov int_EDX,0 ; no pages at all int_exit emm43_alloc_pages: mov int_EAX,0x8700 ; not enough memory mov int_EDX,0 ; handle=0 int_exit emm44_map_handle_page: mov int_EAX,0x8A00 ; out of range int_exit emm45_dealloc_pages: mov int_EAX,0 ; uhhhh... OK int_exit emm46_get_version: mov int_EAX,0x40 ; version 4.0 int_exit emm47_save_page_map: jmp emm_unhandled emm48_restore_page_map: jmp emm_unhandled emm4B_get_handle_count: jmp emm_unhandled emm4C_get_handle_pages: jmp emm_unhandled emm4D_get_all_handle_pages: jmp emm_unhandled emm4E_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm4F_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm50_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm51_realloc_pages: jmp emm_unhandled emm52_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm53_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm54_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm55_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm56_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm57_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm58_combo: mov eax,int_EAX cmp al,0 jz .func_5800 jmp emm_unhandled .func_5800: ; ========================== INT 67h AX=5800h mov int_EAX,0 ; OK mov int_ECX,0 ; the returned array is zero entries in length int_exit emm59_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm5A_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm5B_combo: jmp emm_unhandled emm5C_prepare_warmboot: jmp emm_unhandled emm5D_combo: jmp emm_unhandled %unmacro int_entry 0 %unmacro int_exit 0 %undef int_ES %undef int_DS %undef int_EDI %undef int_ESI %undef int_EBP %undef int_ESP %undef int_EBX %undef int_EDX %undef int_ECX %undef int_EAX %undef int_INTNUM %undef int_INTNUM_b %undef int_ERRCODE %undef int_EIP_w %undef int_EIP %undef int_CS %undef int_EFLAGS %undef int_v86_SS %undef int_v86_ES %undef int_v86_DS %undef int_v86_FS %undef int_v86_GS ; ========== FAULT COLLECTION ROUTINE. SS:ESP should point to fault. If the exception does not push an error code, ; then the caller must push a dummy error code ; if privilege escalation was involved (stack switching) then retrieve SS:ESP at fault from the stack frame. ; else retrieve from actual SS:ESP registers fault_jmp_unhandled: jmp CODE16_SEL:.thunk16 bits 16 .thunk16: mov ax,DATA16_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,stack_init jmp unhandled_fault_errcode bits 32 ; ============= cleanup, exit to DOS (from 32-bit protected mode) _exit_from_prot32: jmp CODE16_SEL:.entry16 bits 16 .entry16: mov ax,DATA16_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov ss,ax mov esp,stack_init ; ============= cleanup, exit to DOS (from 16-bit protected mode) _exit_from_prot16: mov ax,DATA16_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov ss,ax ; overwrite the far jmp's segment value mov ax,[my_realmode_seg] mov word [.real_hackme+3],ax mov esp,stack_init mov eax,0x00000010 mov cr0,eax lidt [idtr_real] lgdt [gdtr_real] .real_hackme: jmp 0:.real_entry .real_entry: mov ax,[cs:my_realmode_seg] mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,stack_init ; reprogram the PIC back to what normal DOS expects: IRQ 0-7 => INT 8-15 mov al,0x10 ; ICW1 A0=0 out 20h,al mov al,0x08 ; ICW2 A0=1 out 21h,al mov al,0x04 ; ICW3 A0=1 slave on IRQ 2 out 21h,al mov al,0x10 ; ICW1 A0=0 out 0xA0,al mov al,0x70 ; ICW2 A0=1 out 0xA1,al mov al,0x02 ; ICW3 A0=1 out 0xA1,al ; remove our INT 66h API xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov word [es:(RM_INT_API*4)],ax mov word [es:(RM_INT_API*4)+2],ax ; free HIMEM.SYS blocks test word [himem_sys_buffer_handle],0 jz .no_himem_sys mov ah,0Dh ; HIMEM.SYS function 0Dh unlock memory block mov dx,word [himem_sys_buffer_handle] call far word [himem_sys_entry] mov ah,0Ah ; HIMEM.SYS function 0Ah free memory block mov dx,word [himem_sys_buffer_handle] call far word [himem_sys_entry] .no_himem_sys: ; if we already exited as a TSR... test byte [i_am_tsr],1 jnz .tsr_exit ; time to exit to DOS mov dx,str_exit_to_dos jmp _exit_with_msg ; ============= ALTERNATE EXIT IF WE ALREADY EXITED AS TSR .tsr_exit: mov ax,cs mov es,ax ; ES = our code segment which is also our PSP segment mov ah,0x49 ; function 49h free memory block clc int 21h jnc .tsr_exit_free_ok mov dx,str_cannot_free_self call dos_puts .tsr_exit_free_ok: cli mov ax,[cs:unload_int_stk+0] ; offset add ax,6 ; discard prior frame mov sp,ax mov ax,[cs:unload_int_stk+2] ; segment mov ss,ax mov dx,str_exit_to_dos call dos_puts cmp word [himem_sys_buffer_handle],0 ; if there is a handle to free, then do it jz .no_handle mov ah,0Dh ; HIMEM.SYS function 0Dh unlock memory block mov dx,word [himem_sys_buffer_handle] call far word [himem_sys_entry] mov ah,0Ah ; HIMEM.SYS function 0Ah free memory block mov dx,word [himem_sys_buffer_handle] call far word [himem_sys_entry] .no_handle: cli mov al,020h out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al in al,61h in al,61h in al,61h in al,61h sti jmp far word [cs:unload_int_ret] ; ============= UNHANDLED FAULT HANDLER (16-bit code) ; input: EDX = Number of interrupt ; SI = Textual string of fault ; unhandled_fault_errcode: cli mov ax,DATA16_SEL mov ds,ax mov ax,[cs:my_realmode_seg] mov word [.real16jmp+3],ax mov ax,FLAT16_SEL mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax lgdt [cs:gdtr_real] lidt [cs:idtr_real] ; crash-thunk to real mode mov eax,0x00000010 mov cr0,eax .real16jmp: jmp 0:.real16 .real16: mov ax,[cs:my_realmode_seg] mov ds,ax mov ss,ax xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov ax,3 int 10h cld mov ax,0x4E20 mov ecx,80*25 mov edi,0xB8000 a32 rep stosw ; print exception name on screen mov edi,0xB8000 call .unhandled_print mov al,' ' ; +space plus AH still contains upper byte from .unhandled_print a32 stosw ; then the number (in EDX) write to DS:DI mov eax,edx push edi mov edi,scratch_str call eax_to_hex_16_dos lea si,[di+6] ; only the last two hex digits pop edi call .unhandled_print ; print the registers. ; during this loop: SI = print list EDI = location on screen to draw [ESP] = location on screen of row start mov edi,0xB8000+(160*2) ; two lines down push edi mov si,printlist_32 .regprint32: lodsw or ax,ax jz .regprint32e ; AX=0 STOP dec ax jz .regprint32nl ; AX=1 GO TO NEW LINE push si mov si,ax ; SI=AX=address of variable name inc si call .unhandled_print pop si mov ax,0x4E00 | (':') a32 stosw lodsw ; SI=address of variable push si mov si,ax mov eax,[si] push edi mov edi,scratch_str call eax_to_hex_16_dos mov esi,edi pop edi call .unhandled_print pop si mov ax,0x4E00 | (' ') a32 stosw jmp .regprint32 .regprint32nl: pop edi add edi,160 ; move to next line, save back to [ESP] push edi jmp .regprint32 .regprint32e: pop edi add edi,160 ; next line... mov si,printlist_16 .regprint16: lodsw or ax,ax jz .regprint16e ; AX=0 STOP dec ax jz .regprint16nl ; AX=1 GO TO NEW LINE push si mov si,ax ; SI=AX=address of variable name inc si call .unhandled_print pop si mov ax,0x4E00 | (':') a32 stosw lodsw ; SI=address of variable push si mov si,ax xor eax,eax mov ax,[si] push edi mov edi,scratch_str call eax_to_hex_16_dos lea esi,[edi+4] pop edi call .unhandled_print pop si mov ax,0x4E00 | (' ') a32 stosw jmp .regprint16 .regprint16nl: pop edi add edi,160 ; move to next line, save back to [ESP] push edi jmp .regprint16 .regprint16e: mov si,str_mode_prot ; CPU mode test dword [unhandled_fault_var_eflags],0x20000 jz .regprint_cpu_mode_not_v86 mov si,str_mode_v86 .regprint_cpu_mode_not_v86: call .unhandled_print pop edi mov al,020h out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 0A0h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al out 20h,al sti jmp short $ ; ===== print on screen from DS:SI to ES:EDI .unhandled_print: lodsb cmp al,'$' jz .unhandled_printe mov ah,0x4E a32 stosw jmp .unhandled_print .unhandled_printe: ret ; ============= Entry point (virtual 8086 mode) vm86_entry: mov ax,ds ; *DEBUG* mov ss,ax cli ; make sure the v86 monitor handles CLI sti ; ...and STI pushf ; ...and PUSHF popf ; ...and POPF pushfd ; ...32-bit PUSHF popfd ; ...32-bit POPF in al,21h ; ...IN? out 21h,al ; ...OUT? ; can I clear vm86 mode by clearing the VM bit? pushfd pop eax and eax,~0x20000 push eax popfd ; NOW MAKE SURE PUSHF/POPF STORE THE VALUE ON-STACK LIKE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO mov bx,sp mov word [ss:bx-2],0x5A5A pushf mov bx,sp cmp word [ss:bx],0x5A5A jnz .pushf_ok ; if the value DIDN'T CHANGE then the monitor failed to write FLAGS to stack mov ax,0 jmp vm86_errcode .pushf_ok: ; DOES POPF WORK? mov ax,0x492 push ax popf pushf pop ax and ax,0xFD6 cmp ax,0x492 jz .popf_ok mov ax,1 jmp vm86_errcode .popf_ok: ; TEST 32-bit PUSHF mov bx,sp mov dword [ss:bx-4],0x5A5A5A5A pushfd mov bx,sp cmp dword [ss:bx],0x5A5A5A5A jnz .pushfd_ok ; if the value DIDN'T CHANGE then the monitor failed to write FLAGS to stack mov ax,2 jmp vm86_errcode .pushfd_ok: ; DOES POPFD WORK? mov eax,0x492 push eax popfd pushfd pop eax and eax,0xFD6 cmp eax,0x492 jz .popfd_ok mov ax,3 jmp vm86_errcode .popfd_ok: ; IF I CLEAR INTERRUPT (CLI) AND THEN EXECUTE AN INTERRUPT, DOES IT COME BACK ENABLED? cli mov ah,0x0F ; INT 10 AH=0x0F which has no visisible effect int 10h pushf pop ax test ax,0x200 jz .int_doesnt_enable mov ax,4 jmp vm86_errcode .int_doesnt_enable: ; HELLO WORLD! mov si,str_vm86_hello call bios_puts ; TEST DEFERRED IRQ MECHANISM BY DELIBERATLEY HALTING FOR AWHILE cli mov ecx,0x1000000 ; delibrate slow countdown loop .l1: dec ecx jnz .l1 sti ; for my next trick, I will exit to DOS as a TSR ; and allow the user to run the whole DOS kernel this way :) mov es,[cs:0x2C] ; locate our environment block and free it mov ah,0x49 ; function 49h free memory block int 21h jnc .env_free_ok mov ax,4 jmp vm86_errcode .env_free_ok: mov word [cs:0x2C],0 ; rub out the ENV block ; setup our INT 66h API xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov word [es:(RM_INT_API*4)],realmode_api_entry mov ax,cs mov word [es:(RM_INT_API*4)+2],ax ; setup our INT 67h vector ; REMINDER: On exit you need to restore this vector mov ax,cs mov bx,rm_int_67_entry shr bx,4 add ax,bx mov word [es:(0x67*4)+2],ax xor ax,ax mov word [es:(0x67*4)+0],ax ; finally, terminate and stay resident mov byte [i_am_tsr],1 mov edx,the_end ; DX = memory in paragraphs to save add edx,15 shr edx,4 add edx,0x11 ; <-- FIXME: IS THIS NECESSARY? mov ah,0x31 ; function 31h terminate and stay resident int 21h ; ============= "Secret Handshake" to exit back into the v86 monitor and shutdown the program (virtual 8086 mode) ; TODO: Remove this, call into RM_INT_API instead vm86_exit: mov eax,0xAABBAABB int RM_INT_API hlt ; ============= If any of our self-test fails, we draw DIRECTLY ON VGA RAM and hike back into the vm86 monitor ASAP. ; if self-tests fail chances are calling the BIOS/DOS will cause major problems. AX=CODE vm86_errcode: mov bx,0xB800 mov es,bx and ax,0xF or ax,0x4E30 ; AX = VGA alphanumeric code for that number mov [es:160],ax jmp vm86_exit ; ============= Real-mode API entry (reflect to v86 monitor by executing an INT) ; this would allow the trick to work even for programs that direct-call instead realmode_api_entry: int RM_INT_API iret ; ============= Parse command line (from PSP segment) parse_argv: cld mov si,81h .scan: lodsb or al,al jz .done cmp al,0Dh jz .done cmp al,20h jz .scan cmp al,'-' jz .switch cmp al,'/' jz .switch ; FALL THROUGH WITH ZF=0 to return .done: ret ; AT THIS POINT: SI = just after the / or - in the switch .switch: lodsb cmp al,'?' jz .help cmp al,'A' jb .unknown_switch cmp al,'Z' ja .unknown_switch ; the A-Z switches are allowed to have "=NNNN" after them where N is some integer in hex or decimal sub al,'A' mov bl,al xor bh,bh ; BX = index into lookup table add bx,bx jmp word [bx+.switch_az] .fail: mov al,1 .help: or al,al ; AL != 0 => ZF=0 ret .unknown_switch:mov dx,str_unknown_switch call dos_puts lea dx,[si-2] ; step back two chars mov byte [si],'$' call dos_puts mov dx,str_crlf call dos_puts jmp .fail ; ========== Switches CALL here if they need a numeric value to follow. ; returns to caller if so, parsing as 16-bit integer returned in EAX. Else, ; it discards the return address and jumps to the 'needs param' error message. .switch_needs_equ_check: cmp byte [si],'=' jnz .switch_needs_equ_check_fail inc si cli xor eax,eax call ax_strtol_16 ret .switch_needs_equ_check_fail: add sp,2 ; fall through .switch_needs_equ: mov dx,str_needs_equals call dos_puts jmp .fail ; ========== /B= .switch_buffer_size: call .switch_needs_equ_check shl eax,10 mov [himem_sys_buffer_size],eax jmp .scan ; ========== /U .switch_unload: mov byte [user_req_unload],1 jmp .scan ; ========== /I .switch_iopl: mov byte [user_req_iopl],0 jmp .scan ; ========== /C .switch_cache_disable: or dword [cr0_more],0x40000000 jmp .scan ; ========== /W .switch_writeback_disable: or dword [cr0_more],0x20000000 jmp .scan ; switch A-Z jump table .switch_az: dw .unknown_switch ; /A dw .switch_buffer_size ; /B= dw .switch_cache_disable ; /C dw .unknown_switch ; /D dw .unknown_switch ; /E dw .unknown_switch ; /F dw .unknown_switch ; /G dw .unknown_switch ; /H dw .switch_iopl ; /I dw .unknown_switch ; /J dw .unknown_switch ; /K dw .unknown_switch ; /L dw .unknown_switch ; /M dw .unknown_switch ; /N dw .unknown_switch ; /O dw .unknown_switch ; /P dw .unknown_switch ; /Q dw .unknown_switch ; /R dw .unknown_switch ; /S dw .unknown_switch ; /T dw .switch_unload ; /U dw .unknown_switch ; /V dw .switch_writeback_disable ; /W dw .unknown_switch ; /X dw .unknown_switch ; /Y dw .unknown_switch ; /Z ; register print list printlist_32: dw str_eax, unhandled_fault_var_eax dw str_ebx, unhandled_fault_var_ebx dw str_ecx, unhandled_fault_var_ecx dw str_edx, unhandled_fault_var_edx dw str_esi, unhandled_fault_var_esi dw str_edi, unhandled_fault_var_edi dw 1 dw str_ebp, unhandled_fault_var_ebp dw str_esp, unhandled_fault_var_esp dw str_eip, unhandled_fault_var_eip dw str_eflags, unhandled_fault_var_eflags dw str_errcode, unhandled_fault_var_errcode dw str_cr0, unhandled_fault_var_cr0 dw 1 dw str_cr3, unhandled_fault_var_cr3 dw str_cr4, unhandled_fault_var_cr4 dw str_opcode, unhandled_fault_var_opcode dw 0 printlist_16: dw str_cs, unhandled_fault_var_cs dw str_ds, unhandled_fault_var_ds dw str_es, unhandled_fault_var_es dw str_fs, unhandled_fault_var_fs dw str_gs, unhandled_fault_var_gs dw str_ss, unhandled_fault_var_ss dw 0 ; ============= bios_puts (print $-terminated string at DS:SI) bios_puts: cli cld push ax push bx .putsloop: lodsb cmp al,'$' jz .putsend mov ah,0x0E xor bx,bx int 10h jmp .putsloop .putsend: pop bx pop ax ret ; ============= dos_puts (print $-terminated string at DS:DX) dos_puts: mov ah,09h int 21h ret ; ============= read one digit from DS:SI return in AX (16-bit code) ax_strtol_16_single:mov al,[si] cmp al,'0' jb .no cmp al,'9' ja .no sub al,'0' xor ah,ah inc si clc ret .no: stc ret ; ============= read from DS:SI and convert numerical string to integer value return in AX (16-bit code) ax_strtol_16: xor cx,cx .loop: push cx call ax_strtol_16_single pop cx jc .done mov bx,cx add bx,bx shl cx,3 ; BX = CX * 2, CX *= 8 add cx,bx ; CX = (CX * 8) + (CX * 2) = CX * 10 add cx,ax ; CX += new digit jmp .loop .done: mov ax,cx ret ; ============= take AX and write to buffer (DS:SI) as hexadecimal string (16-bit code) al_to_hex_16_dos:mov byte [di+2],'$' jmp al_to_hex_16 al_to_hex_16_nul:mov byte [di+2],0 al_to_hex_16: push di push bx push ax xor bh,bh mov ah,al and al,0xF mov bl,al mov al,[bx+str_hex] ; AL' = str_hex[al] shr ah,4 mov bl,ah mov ah,[bx+str_hex] ; AH' = str_hex[ah] mov [di+0],ah mov [di+1],al pop ax pop bx pop di ret ; ============= take AX and write to buffer (DS:SI) as hexadecimal string (16-bit code) ax_to_hex_16_dos:mov byte [di+4],'$' jmp ax_to_hex_16 ax_to_hex_16_nul:mov byte [di+4],0 ax_to_hex_16: push di push ax mov al,ah call al_to_hex_16 pop ax add di,2 call al_to_hex_16 pop di ret ; ============= take EAX and write to buffer (DS:DI) as hexadecimal string (16-bit code) eax_to_hex_16_dos:mov byte [di+8],'$' jmp eax_to_hex_16 eax_to_hex_16_nul:mov byte [di+8],0 eax_to_hex_16: push di push eax shr eax,16 call ax_to_hex_16 pop eax add di,4 call ax_to_hex_16 pop di ret ; ============= /U Unloading the resident copy of this program unload_this_program: smsw ax test al,1 jnz .v86_active mov dx,str_not_loaded jmp _exit_with_msg .v86_active: xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov bx,[es:(RM_INT_API*4)] or cx,[es:(RM_INT_API*4)+2] cmp cx,0 ; if pointer is 0000:0000 jz .v86_not_me mov eax,0xAABBAA55 int RM_INT_API cmp eax,0xBBAABB33 jnz .v86_not_me .v86_is_me: mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov dx,str_removing_self call dos_puts ; instruct it to remove itself mov eax,0xAABBAABB int RM_INT_API ; exit, having done our job mov dx,str_crlf call dos_puts mov dx,str_unloaded jmp _exit_with_msg .v86_not_me: mov dx,str_v86_but_not_me jmp _exit_with_msg ; ============= DATA: THESE EXIST IN THE .COM BINARY IMAGE section .data align=2 himem_sys_buffer_size:dd (256*1024) ; DWORD [amount of extended memory to allocate] cr0_more: dd 0x00000000 ; cache disable, not write through str_require_386:db '386 or higher required$' str_removing_self:db 'Removing from memory',13,10,'$' str_v86_detected:db 'Virtual 8086 mode already active$' str_v86_but_not_me:db 'Virtual 8086 active, and its not me$' str_not_loaded: db 'Not resident in memory$' str_cannot_free_self:db 'Cannot free self from memory$' str_need_himem_sys:db 'HIMEM.SYS not installed$' str_himem_a20_error:db 'HIMEM.SYS failed to enable A20$' str_himem_alloc_err:db 'Unable to alloc extended memory$' str_himem_lock_err:db 'Unable to lock extended memory$' str_buffer_too_small:db 'Buffer too small$' str_buffer_too_large:db 'Buffer too large$' str_unloaded: db 'Unloaded',13,10,'$' str_buffer_at: db 'Buffer at: $' str_crlf: db 13,10,'$' str_hex: db '0123456789ABCDEF' str_help: db 'V86KERN [options]',13,10 db 'Demonstration Virtual 8086 kernel/monitor',13,10 db 13,10 db 'Options start with - or /',13,10 db ' /? Show this help',13,10 db ' /B=... Set buffer size (in KB)',13,10 db ' /U Unload the kernel',13,10 db ' /I Run with IOPL=3 (trap CLI/STI/etc)',13,10 db ' /C Disable memory cache',13,10 db ' /W Disable write-back cache',13,10 db '$' str_unknown_switch:db 'Unknown switch $' str_needs_equals:db 'Switch missing =...$' str_eax: db 'EAX$' str_ebx: db 'EBX$' str_ecx: db 'ECX$' str_edx: db 'EDX$' str_esi: db 'ESI$' str_edi: db 'EDI$' str_ebp: db 'EBP$' str_esp: db 'ESP$' str_eip: db 'EIP$' str_errcode: db 'ERR$' str_eflags: db 'FLG$' str_cr0: db 'CR0$' str_cr3: db 'CR3$' str_cr4: db 'CR4$' str_opcode: db 'OPC$' str_cs: db 'CS$' str_ds: db 'DS$' str_es: db 'ES$' str_fs: db 'FS$' str_gs: db 'GS$' str_ss: db 'SS$' str_mode_prot: db 'Protected mode$' str_mode_v86: db 'Virtual 8086 mode$' str_vm86_hello: db 'This text was printed by the Virtual 8086 mode component of this program',13,10,'$' str_fault_0x00: db 'Divide by Zero$' str_fault_0x01: db 'Debug$' str_fault_0x02: db 'NMI$' str_fault_0x03: db 'Breakpoint$' str_fault_0x04: db 'Overflow$' str_fault_0x05: db 'Boundary Check$' str_fault_0x06: db 'Invalid Opcode$' str_fault_0x07: db 'Coprocessor N/A$' str_fault_0x08: db 'Double Fault$' str_fault_0x09: db 'Coprocessor Segment Overrun$' str_fault_0x0A: db 'Invalid TSS$' str_fault_0x0B: db 'Segment Not Present$' str_fault_0x0C: db 'Stack Fault$' str_fault_0x0D: db 'General Protection Fault$' str_fault_0x0E: db 'Page Fault$' str_fault_0x0F: db 'Exception F$' str_fault_0x10: db 'FPU Error$' str_fault_0x11: db 'Alignment Check$' str_fault_0x12: db 'Machine Check$' str_fault_0x13: db 'SIMD/SSE Exception$' str_fault_unknown:db 'Unknown exception$' str_v86_unknown:db 'Unknown instruction in v86 mode$' str_v86_hlt_cli:db 'v86 halt with interrupts disabled$' str_v86_secret: db 'Inappropriate use of v86 secret handshake$' str_exit_to_dos:db 'Shutdown successful, exiting to DOS$' str_unknown_irq:db 'Unknown IRQ$' str_irq_deferred:db 'Deferred IRQ$' str_irq_1: db 'IRQ #1$' str_stack_overflow:db 'Stack overflow$' str_himem_corruption:db 'Extended memory corruption$' str_unexpected_int_not_v86:db 'Unexpected: IRQ not from within v86$' str_unknown_emm_vcpi_call:db 'Unknown EMM/VCPI call$' str_unknown_emm_vcpi_pm_call:db 'Unknown VCPI entry point call$' str_vcpi_alloc_page_bug:db 'VCPI page allocation bug check$' str_vcpi_pm_not_supported:db 'VCPI protected mode not implemented$' ; ============= EMM/VCPI entry point redirection and "signature" align 16 rm_int_67_entry:mov ah,0x84 ; AH=0x84 means "not defined" iret nop nop nop nop nop nop nop rm_int_67_sig: db 'EMMXXXX0',0 ; DOS programs look for this signature relative to INT 67h segment ; ============= VARIABLES: THESE DO NOT EXIST IN THE .COM FILE THEY EXIST IN MEMORY FOLLOWING THE BINARY IMAGE section .bss align=2 align 8 ; ---------------------- STACK stack_base: resb 4096 ; char[4096+4] stack_init: resd 1 ; DWORD stack_top: scratch_str: resb 64 ; char[64] ; ---------------------- STACK stack_base_vm86:resb 4096 ; char[4096+4] stack_init_vm86:resd 2 ; DWORD stack_top_vm86: ; ---------------------- HIMEM.SYS state himem_sys_entry:resd 1 ; FAR POINTER himem_sys_buffer_phys:resd 1 ; DWORD [physical memory address] himem_sys_buffer_handle:resw 1 ; WORD [HIMEM.SYS handle] ; ---------------------- my real mode segment my_realmode_seg:resw 1 ; WORD my_phys_base: resd 1 ; DWORD tss_phys_base: resd 1 ; DWORD base logical address of TSS tss_vm86_phys_base:resd 1 ; DWORD base logical address of TSS v86_raw_opcode: resd 1 ; DWORD ; ---------------------- GDTR/IDTR gdtr_pmode: resq 1 ; LIMIT. BASE gdtr_real: resq 1 ; LIMIT, BASE idtr_pmode: resq 1 ; LIMIT, BASE idtr_real: resq 1 ; LIMIT, BASE ; ---------------------- STATE irq_pending: resw 1 user_req_unload:resb 1 v86_if: resb 1 ; ---------------------- GLOBAL DESCRIPTOR TABLE resd 1 align 8 gdt: resq (MAX_SEL/8) ; 16 GDT entries ; ---------------------- INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE align 8 idt: resq 256 ; all 256 ; ---------------------- STATE user_req_iopl: resb 1 i_am_tsr: resb 1 unload_int_ret: resd 1 unload_int_stk: resd 1 ; ---------------------- VCPI allocation map and pages vcpi_alloc_bitmap_phys:resd 1 vcpi_alloc_bitmap_size:resd 1 vcpi_alloc_pages_phys:resd 1 ; ---------------------- WHEN DISPLAYING THE UNHANDLED FAULT DIALOG unhandled_fault_var_errcode:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_eax:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_ebx:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_ecx:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_edx:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_esi:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_edi:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_ebp:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_esp:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_eip:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_eflags:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_cr0:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_cr3:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_cr4:resd 1 unhandled_fault_var_cs:resw 1 unhandled_fault_var_ds:resw 1 unhandled_fault_var_es:resw 1 unhandled_fault_var_fs:resw 1 unhandled_fault_var_gs:resw 1 unhandled_fault_var_ss:resw 1 unhandled_fault_var_opcode:resd 1 ; ---------------------- TSS tss_main: resb 128 ; ---------------------- VM86 TSS tss_vm86: resb 8192+128 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; END POINTER ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- padding: resq 2 ; SAFETY PADDING the_end: