;======================================================= ;=== C_UTILS.ASM - Asm Utilities for C/C++ === ;======================================================= PAGE 255, 132 .MODEL Huge ; .286 ; ==== MACROS ==== ; macros to PUSH and POP multiple registers PUSHx MACRO R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 IFNB push R1 ; Save R1 PUSHx R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 ENDIF ENDM POPx MACRO R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 IFNB pop R1 ; Restore R1 POPx R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 ENDIF ENDM ; Macro to Clear a Register to 0 CLR MACRO Register xor Register, Register ; Set Register = 0 ENDM ; Macros to Decrement Counter & Jump on Condition LOOPx MACRO Register, Destination dec Register ; Counter-- jnz Destination ; Jump if not 0 ENDM LOOPjz MACRO Register, Destination dec Register ; Counter-- jz Destination ; Jump if 0 ENDM ; ==== General Constants ==== False EQU 0 True EQU -1 nil EQU 0 b EQU BYTE PTR w EQU WORD PTR d EQU DWORD PTR o EQU OFFSET f EQU FAR PTR s EQU SHORT ?x4 EQU ?x3 EQU .Data EVEN RND_Seed DW 7397, 29447, 802 RND_Mult DW 179, 183, 182 RND_ModV DW 32771, 32779, 32783 CR_LF DB 13, 10 ; the CRLF data .Code ;=========================================== ;void far pascal dos_print (far char *Text) ;=========================================== ; ; - Print Text Directly to DOS console w/ CR/LF ; PUBLIC DOS_PRINT DP_Stack STRUC DW ?x2 ; DI, SI, DS, BP DD ? ; Caller DP_Text DD ? ; Far Address of Text to print DP_Stack ENDS DOS_PRINT PROC FAR PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame lds DX, [BP].DP_Text ; Get Addr of Text$ descriptor ; Compute Length of string CLR CX ; Length = 0 mov SI, DX ; DS:SI = String data @@DP_Scan_it: cmp b [SI], 0 ; Null Byte found? je @@DP_Got_Len ; exit loop if so inc CX ; Len++ inc SI ; Point to next char jmp s @@DP_Scan_it ; check again... @@DP_Got_len: jcxz @No_Print ; Don't Print if empty mov BX, 1 ; 1= DOS Handle for Display mov AH, 40h ; Write Text Function int 21h ; Call DOS to do it @No_Print: mov AX, SEG DGROUP ; Restore DGroup mov DS, AX mov DX, o CR_LF ; Get Addr of CR/LF pair mov CX, 2 ; 2 Characters to Write mov BX, 1 ; 1= DOS Handle for Display mov AH, 40h ; Write Text Function int 21h ; Call DOS to do it cld ; Reset Direction Flag POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers ret 4 ; Exit & Clean Up Stack DOS_PRINT ENDP ;=========================================== ;void far pascal dos_prints (char far *Text) ;=========================================== ; ; Print Text Directly to DOS console ; without a trailing CR/LF ; PUBLIC DOS_PRINTS DOS_PRINTS PROC FAR PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame lds DX, [BP].DP_Text ; Get Addr of Text$ descriptor ; Compute Length of string CLR CX ; Length = 0 mov SI, DX ; DS:SI = String data @@DPS_Scan_it: cmp b [SI], 0 ; Null Byte found? je @@DPS_Got_Len ; exit loop if so inc CX ; Len++ inc SI ; Point to next char jmp s @@DPS_Scan_it ; check again... @@DPS_Got_len: jcxz @DPS_Exit ; Don't Print if empty mov BX, 1 ; 1= DOS Handle for Display mov AH, 40h ; Write Text Function int 21h ; Call DOS to do it @DPS_Exit: cld ; Reset Direction Flag POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers ret 2 ; Exit & Clean Up Stack DOS_PRINTS ENDP ;========================================= ;void far pascal set_video_mode (int Mode) ;========================================= ; ; Sets the Video Mode through the BIOS ; PUBLIC SET_VIDEO_MODE SVM_Stack STRUC DW ?x2 ; DI, SI, DS, BP DD ? ; Caller SVM_Mode DB ?,? ; Desired Video Mode SVM_Stack ENDS SET_VIDEO_MODE PROC FAR PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame CLR AH ; Function 0 mov AL, [BP].SVM_Mode ; Get Mode # int 10H ; Change Video Modes @SVM_Exit: POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers ret 2 ; Exit & Clean Up Stack SET_VIDEO_MODE ENDP ;=================================== ;int far pascal scan_keyboard (void) ;=================================== ; ; Function to scan keyboard for a pressed key ; PUBLIC SCAN_KEYBOARD SCAN_KEYBOARD PROC FAR PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers mov AH, 01H ; Function #1 INT 16H ; Call Keyboard Driver JZ @SK_NO_KEY ; Exit if Zero flag set mov AH, 00H ; Remove Key from Buffer INT 16H ; Get Keycode in AX OR AL, AL ; Low Byte Set (Ascii?) JZ @SK_Exit ; if not, it's a F-Key CLR AH ; Clear ScanCode if Ascii JMP s @SK_Exit ; Return Key in AX @SK_NO_KEY: CLR AX ; Return Nil (no Keypress) @SK_Exit: cld ; Reset Direction Flag POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers ret ; Exit & Clean Up Stack SCAN_KEYBOARD ENDP ;======================================== ;int far pascal random_int (int MaxValue) ;======================================== ; ; Returns a pseudo-random number in the range of (0.. MaxInt-1) ; PUBLIC RANDOM_INT RI_Stack STRUC DW ? ; BP DD ? ; Caller RI_MaxVal DW ? ; Maximum Value to Return + 1 RI_Stack ENDS RANDOM_INT PROC FAR push BP ; Preserve Important Registers mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame CLR BX ; BX is the data index CLR CX ; CX is the accumulator REPT 3 mov AX, RND_Seed[BX] ; load the initial seed mul RND_Mult[BX] ; multiply it div RND_ModV[BX] ; and obtain the Mod value mov RND_Seed[BX], DX ; save that for the next time add CX, DX ; add it into the accumulator inc BX inc BX ; point to the next set of values ENDM mov AX, CX ; AX = Random # CLR DX ; DX = 0 div [BP].RI_MaxVal ; DX = DX:AX / MAxVal Remainder mov AX, DX pop BP ; Restore BP ret 2 ; back to BASIC with AX holding the result RANDOM_INT ENDP ;================================== ;void far pascal init_random (void) ;================================== ; ; Scrambles the psuedo-random number sequence ; (XOR's the seed value with the timer) ; PUBLIC INIT_RANDOM INIT_RANDOM PROC FAR CLR AX ; Segment = 0000 mov ES, AX mov AX, ES:[046Ch] ; Get Timer Lo Word xor RND_Seed, AX ; Scramble 1st Seed ret ; Exit & Clean Up Stack INIT_RANDOM ENDP ;========================================= ;int far pascal int_sqr (int X, int Round) ;========================================= ; ; Returns the Integer Square Root of (X) ; Round allows the return value to be rounded to the ; nearest integer value by passing 0x80. Passing 0 ; return the Integer Portion only. The rounding amound is ; a number from 0 to 1 multiplied by 256, thus ; 0.5 * 0x100 = 0x80! ; ISQ_Stack STRUC DW ?,? ; BP, DI DD ? ; Caller ISQ_Round DW ? ; Amount to Round Result * 256 ISQ_X DW ? ; "X" ISQ_Stack ENDS PUBLIC INT_SQR INT_SQR PROC FAR PUSHx BP, DI ; Save BP mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame xor AX, AX ; {xor eax,eax} xor DX, DX ; {xor edx,edx} mov DI, [BP].ISQ_X ; {mov edi,x} mov CX, 16 ; {mov cx, 32} @ISQ_L: shl DI, 1 ; {shl edi,1} rcl DX, 1 ; {rcl edx,1} shl DI, 1 ; {shl edi,1} rcl DX, 1 ; {rcl edx,1} shl AX, 1 ; {shl eax,1} mov BX, AX ; {mov ebx,eax} shl BX, 1 ; {shl ebx,1} inc BX ; {inc ebx} cmp DX, BX ; {cmp edx,ebx} jl @ISQ_S sub DX, BX ; {sub edx,ebx} inc AX ; {inc eax} @ISQ_S: loop @ISQ_L add ax, [BP].ISQ_Round ; {add eax,$00008000} ; {*round* result in hi word: ie. +0.5} shr ax, 8 ; {shr eax,16} {to ax (result)} POPx DI, BP ; Restore Registers ret 4 ; Exit INT_SQR ENDP ;================================= ;int far pascal timer_count (void) ;================================= ; ; Returns the current timer value as an integer/long integer ; PUBLIC TIMER_COUNT TIMER_COUNT PROC FAR CLR AX ; Segment = 0000 mov ES, AX mov AX, ES:[046Ch] ; Get Timer Lo Word mov DX, ES:[046Eh] ; Get Timer Hi Word ret ; Exit & Clean Up Stack TIMER_COUNT ENDP END