-/* css data */
-// http://www.magmagateau.com/fuukaba/ is the source of the code below
-$style_load = false;
-$style_bar = '';
-if(file_exists(DATA_DIR.CSV_SS)){ // Load FuuR4 CSS data
- $style_data = DATA_DIR.CSV_SS;
- $style_bar .= '[';
- $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($style_data));
- foreach($lines as $null => $line){
- if($line != ''){
- list($style_name, $style_short, $style_path, $style_rel) = explode (',', $line);
- $style_path = CSS_DIR.$style_path;
- if(file_exists($style_path)){
- if($style_rel) $style_rel = 'stylesheet';
- else $style_rel = 'alternate stylesheet';
- $style_load .= '<link rel="'.$style_rel.'" type="text/css" href="'.$style_path.'" title="'.$style_name.'" />'."\n";
- $style_js = format_js_var($style_name);
- $style_title = str_replace('[what]', $style_name, _T('style_tooltip'));
- $style_bar .= ' <a href="javascript:set_stylesheet('.$style_js.')" title="'.$style_title.'">'.$style_short.'</a> |';
- }
- }
- }
- $style_bar .= ']';
- // Tidy up trailing seperators and empty brackets
- $style_bar = str_replace('|]', ']', $style_bar);
- $style_bar = str_replace('[] ', '', $style_bar);
- $style_bar = str_replace('[]', '', $style_bar);
-// Load stylesheet setting from config.php
-// if either of the datafiles are missing or empty
-if(str_replace('[]', '', $style_bar) == '') $style_load .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.CSS_DIR.CSSFILE.'" />';
-// style sheet js loader
-$jsdonk = 'var style_cookie = "';
-$jsdonk .= ($style_bar) ? 'yo_style' : '';
-$jsdonk .= '";';
+include_once(PHP_DIRECTORY.'lib/lib_css.php'); // load CSS data
/* 輸出表頭 */
/* ヘッダ */
--- /dev/null
+ * Yotsubanome CSS Library
+ *
+ * CSS data base loader for main program
+ *
+ * @package@
+ * @version@
+ * @date@
+ */
+/* css data */
+// http://www.magmagateau.com/fuukaba/ is the source of the code below
+$style_load = false;
+$style_bar = '';
+if(file_exists(DATA_DIR.CSV_SS)){ // Load FuuR4 CSS data
+ $style_data = DATA_DIR.CSV_SS;
+ $style_bar .= '[';
+ $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($style_data));
+ foreach($lines as $null => $line){
+ if($line != ''){
+ list($style_name, $style_short, $style_path, $style_rel) = explode (',', $line);
+ $style_path = CSS_DIR.$style_path;
+ if(file_exists($style_path)){
+ if($style_rel) $style_rel = 'stylesheet';
+ else $style_rel = 'alternate stylesheet';
+ $style_load .= '<link rel="'.$style_rel.'" type="text/css" href="'.$style_path.'" title="'.$style_name.'" />'."\n";
+ $style_js = format_js_var($style_name);
+ $style_title = str_replace('[what]', $style_name, _T('style_tooltip'));
+ $style_bar .= ' <a href="javascript:set_stylesheet('.$style_js.')" title="'.$style_title.'">'.$style_short.'</a> |';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $style_bar .= ']';
+ // Tidy up trailing seperators and empty brackets
+ $style_bar = str_replace('|]', ']', $style_bar);
+ $style_bar = str_replace('[] ', '', $style_bar);
+ $style_bar = str_replace('[]', '', $style_bar);
+// Load stylesheet setting from config.php
+// if either of the datafiles are missing or empty
+if(str_replace('[]', '', $style_bar) == '') $style_load .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.CSS_DIR.CSSFILE.'" />';
+// style sheet js loader
+$jsdonk = 'var style_cookie = "';
+$jsdonk .= ($style_bar) ? 'yo_style' : '';
+$jsdonk .= '";';
+// CSS data is loaded And we proceed with head()