**Open watcom to compile the code of project 16**\r
-16.exe = actual planned game executable!\r
-/ = root of project where executables are at\r
-16/ = experimental branch and example codes\r
-16/modex16/ = pngwen's code archived~\r
-src/ = source of project~\r
-doc/ = documentation of the project~\r
-doc/faq.txt = frequently asked questions file!\r
+16.exe = actual planned game executable!
+/ = root of project where executables are at
+16/ = experimental branch and example codes
+16/modex16/ = pngwen's code archived~
+src/ = source of project~
+doc/ = documentation of the project~
+doc/faq.txt = frequently asked questions file!
**TODO not in particular order~:**\r
DONE 1. SCROLLING!!!!!!!\r