2. import functions ported to yotsubanome's standards testing.
3. multiboard system.
4. core board execution option.
+ 5. Warning: touch(): Unable to create file ../img.csv_loog0 because Permission denied /var/www/+4/test/lib/pio/pio.logflockp.php #554
+-[]error system and found bugs rewt5
-[yotsubanome.php] fix post 0 page 0 index.htm bug
define("KB", 1); // Kilobytes or Bytes on the image file size display (Kilobytes:1 Bytes:0)
define("SHOW_IMGWH", 1); // 是否顯示附加圖檔之原檔長寬尺寸 (是:1 否:0)
define("SHOW_FILENAME", 1); // 是否顯示附加圖檔之原檔文件名 (是:1 否:0)
-define("USE_CATEGORY", 1); // 是否開啟使用類別標籤分類功能 (是:1 否:0)
+define("USE_CATEGORY", 0); // 是否開啟使用類別標籤分類功能 (是:1 否:0)
+// Bugs in catagory system w
define("USE_RE_CACHE", 1); // 是否使用回應頁面顯示快取功能 (是:1 否:0)
if(!defined("USE_XHTML")) define("USE_XHTML", 1); // 是否回傳 XHTML 檔頭讓瀏覽器以更嚴格的方式解析 [僅限瀏覽器支援者] (是:1 否:0)
//$ModuleList[] = 'mod_captcha';
$ModuleList[] = 'mod_catalog';//<-sparky4 needs here .... HELP
//$ModuleList[] = 'mod_code';//<- missing JS and CSS files
-//$ModuleList[] = 'mod_code_prettify';//<-sparky4 is here missing CSS file
+$ModuleList[] = 'mod_code_prettify';//<-sparky4 is here missing CSS file
//$ModuleList[] = 'mod_dummy';
//$ModuleList[] = 'mod_edit';//<-important