1 ' Using EMS in QuickBASIC: Part 1 of 3
4 ' By Jon Petrosky (Plasma)
7 ' [Remember to start QB with the /L switch to enable interrupts]
13 DIM SHARED Regs AS RegTypeX
14 DIM SHARED EMS.Error 'Holds the error code of the last operation
23 DECLARE FUNCTION EMS.AllocPages (NumPages)
24 DECLARE SUB EMS.DeallocPages (Handle)
25 DECLARE SUB EMS.MapPage (Physical, Logical, Handle)
26 DECLARE SUB EMS.MapXPages (PhysicalStart, LogicalStart, NumPages, Handle)
27 DECLARE SUB EMS.CopyMem (Length&, SrcHandle, SrcSegment, SrcOffset, DstHandle, DstSegment, DstOffset)
28 DECLARE SUB EMS.ExchMem (Length&, SrcHandle, SrcSegment, SrcOffset, DstHandle, DstSegment, DstOffset)
33 PRINT "No EMM detected."
38 PRINT SPACE$(22); "Using EMS in QuickBasic: Part 1 of 3"; SPACE$(22)
40 PRINT STRING$(31, 196); " EMS Information "; STRING$(32, 196)
42 PRINT "EMM Version: "; EMS.Version$
44 IF EMS.Version$ < "4.0" THEN
46 PRINT "EMM 4.0 or later must be present to use some of the EMS functions."
50 PRINT "Page frame at: "; HEX$(EMS.PageFrame); "h"
51 PRINT "Free handles:"; EMS.FreeHandles
53 IF EMS.FreeHandles = 0 THEN
55 PRINT "You need at least one free handle to run this demo."
59 PRINT "Total EMS:"; EMS.TotalPages; "pages /"; EMS.TotalPages * 16&; "KB /"; EMS.TotalPages \ 64; "MB"
60 PRINT "Free EMS:"; EMS.FreePages; "pages /"; EMS.FreePages * 16&; "KB /"; EMS.FreePages \ 64; "MB"
62 IF EMS.FreePages < 64 THEN
64 PRINT "You need at least 64 pages (1 MB) free EMS to run this demo."
70 PRINT STRING$(31, 196); " Allocation Test "; STRING$(32, 196)
72 PRINT "Allocating 64 pages (1 MB) of EMS...";
74 Handle = EMS.AllocPages(64)
83 PRINT "Pages allocated to handle"; Handle
86 PRINT STRING$(30, 196); " Page Map/Copy Test "; STRING$(30, 196)
88 PRINT "Mapping logical page 0 to physical page 0...";
90 EMS.MapPage 0, 0, Handle
99 PRINT "Mapping logical pages 0-3 to physical pages 0-3...";
101 EMS.MapXPages 0, 0, 4, Handle
104 PRINT EMS.ErrorMsg$
110 PRINT "Copying logical pages 0-31 to logical pages 32-63...";
112 EMS.CopyMem 512288, Handle, 0, 0, Handle, 32, 0
115 PRINT EMS.ErrorMsg$
121 PRINT "Exchanging logical pages 0-31 with logical pages 32-63...";
123 EMS.ExchMem 512288, Handle, 0, 0, Handle, 32, 0
126 PRINT EMS.ErrorMsg$
134 PRINT STRING$(22, 196); " 10-Second Speed Test (Please Wait) "; STRING$(22, 196)
139 DO UNTIL StartTime! + 5 <= TIMER
140 EMS.MapXPages 0, 0, 4, Handle
141 Mapped& = Mapped& + 4
146 DO UNTIL StartTime! + 5 <= TIMER
147 EMS.CopyMem 512288, Handle, 0, 0, Handle, 32, 0
148 Copied& = Copied& + 1
151 PRINT "Pages Mapped/Sec:"; Mapped& \ 5
152 PRINT "Bytes copied/Sec:"; (Copied& * 512288) \ 5
155 PRINT STRING$(30, 196); " Deallocation Test "; STRING$(31, 196)
157 PRINT "Deallocating 64 pages...";
159 EMS.DeallocPages (Handle)
162 PRINT EMS.ErrorMsg$
168 KeyPress$ = INPUT$(1)
172 FUNCTION EMS.AllocPages (NumPages)
174 'Allocates the number of pages in [NumPages] and
175 'returns the EMS handle the memory is allocated to.
177 Regs.ax = &H4300 'Allocate [NumPages] pages of EMS
179 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
180 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
182 EMS.AllocPages = Regs.dx 'Return the handle
186 SUB EMS.CopyMem (Length&, SrcHandle, SrcSegment, SrcOffset, DstHandle, DstSegment, DstOffset)
188 'Copies memory from EMS or base memory to EMS or base memory, where:
190 'Length& = Length of memory to copy in bytes
191 'SrcHandle = EMS handle of source memory (use 0 if source is base memory)
192 'SrcSegment = Segment of source memory (or page number if source is EMS)
193 'SrcOffset = Offset of source memory
194 'DstHandle = EMS handle of destination memory (use 0 if destination is base memory)
195 'DstSegment = Segment of destination memory (or page number if destination is EMS)
196 'DstOffset = Offset of destination memory
198 'Determine the source and destination memory types by checking the handles
199 IF SrcHandle = 0 THEN SrcType$ = CHR$(0) ELSE SrcType$ = CHR$(1)
200 IF DstHandle = 0 THEN DstType$ = CHR$(0) ELSE DstType$ = CHR$(1)
202 'Create a buffer containing the copy information
203 CopyInfo$ = MKL$(Length&) + SrcType$ + MKI$(SrcHandle) + MKI$(SrcOffset) + MKI$(SrcSegment) + DstType$ + MKI$(DstHandle) + MKI$(DstOffset) + MKI$(DstSegment)
205 Regs.ax = &H5700 'Copy the memory region
206 Regs.ds = VARSEG(CopyInfo$) 'described in the buffer
207 Regs.si = SADD(CopyInfo$)
208 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
209 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
213 SUB EMS.DeallocPages (Handle)
215 'Deallocates the EMS pages allocated the EMS handle [Handle].
216 'You MUST remember to call the sub before your program ends
217 'if you allocate any memory!
219 Regs.ax = &H4500 'Release the pages allocated to [Handle]
221 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
222 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
226 FUNCTION EMS.ErrorMsg$
228 'Returns a text string describing the error code in EMS.Error.
231 CASE &H0: Msg$ = "successful"
232 CASE &H80: Msg$ = "internal error"
233 CASE &H81: Msg$ = "hardware malfunction"
234 CASE &H82: Msg$ = "busy -- retry later"
235 CASE &H83: Msg$ = "invalid handle"
236 CASE &H84: Msg$ = "undefined function requested by application"
237 CASE &H85: Msg$ = "no more handles available"
238 CASE &H86: Msg$ = "error in save or restore of mapping context"
239 CASE &H87: Msg$ = "insufficient memory pages in system"
240 CASE &H88: Msg$ = "insufficient memory pages available"
241 CASE &H89: Msg$ = "zero pages requested"
242 CASE &H8A: Msg$ = "invalid logical page number encountered"
243 CASE &H8B: Msg$ = "invalid physical page number encountered"
244 CASE &H8C: Msg$ = "page-mapping hardware state save area is full"
245 CASE &H8D: Msg$ = "save of mapping context failed"
246 CASE &H8E: Msg$ = "restore of mapping context failed"
247 CASE &H8F: Msg$ = "undefined subfunction"
248 CASE &H90: Msg$ = "undefined attribute type"
249 CASE &H91: Msg$ = "feature not supported"
250 CASE &H92: Msg$ = "successful, but a portion of the source region has been overwritten"
251 CASE &H93: Msg$ = "length of source or destination region exceeds length of region allocated to either source or destination handle"
252 CASE &H94: Msg$ = "conventional and expanded memory regions overlap"
253 CASE &H95: Msg$ = "offset within logical page exceeds size of logical page"
254 CASE &H96: Msg$ = "region length exceeds 1 MB"
255 CASE &H97: Msg$ = "source and destination EMS regions have same handle and overlap"
256 CASE &H98: Msg$ = "memory source or destination type undefined"
257 CASE &H9A: Msg$ = "specified alternate map register or DMA register set not supported"
258 CASE &H9B: Msg$ = "all alternate map register or DMA register sets currently allocated"
259 CASE &H9C: Msg$ = "alternate map register or DMA register sets not supported"
260 CASE &H9D: Msg$ = "undefined or unallocated alternate map register or DMA register set"
261 CASE &H9E: Msg$ = "dedicated DMA channels not supported"
262 CASE &H9F: Msg$ = "specified dedicated DMA channel not supported"
263 CASE &HA0: Msg$ = "no such handle name"
264 CASE &HA1: Msg$ = "a handle found had no name, or duplicate handle name"
265 CASE &HA2: Msg$ = "attempted to wrap around 1M conventional address space"
266 CASE &HA3: Msg$ = "source array corrupted"
267 CASE &HA4: Msg$ = "operating system denied access"
268 CASE ELSE: Msg$ = HEX$(EMS.Error) '"undefined error"
271 EMS.ErrorMsg$ = Msg$
275 SUB EMS.ExchMem (Length&, SrcHandle, SrcSegment, SrcOffset, DstHandle, DstSegment, DstOffset)
277 'Exhanges memory from EMS or base memory to EMS or base memory, where:
279 'Length& = Length of memory to exchange in bytes
280 'SrcHandle = EMS handle of source memory (use 0 if source is base memory)
281 'SrcSegment = Segment of source memory (or page number if source is EMS)
282 'SrcOffset = Offset of source memory
283 'DstHandle = EMS handle of destination memory (use 0 if destination is base memory)
284 'DstSegment = Segment of destination memory (or page number if destination is EMS)
285 'DstOffset = Offset of destination memory
287 'Determine the source and destination memory types by checking the handles
288 IF SrcHandle = 0 THEN SrcType$ = CHR$(0) ELSE SrcType$ = CHR$(1)
289 IF DstHandle = 0 THEN DstType$ = CHR$(0) ELSE DstType$ = CHR$(1)
291 'Create a buffer containing the copy information
292 ExchInfo$ = MKL$(Length&) + SrcType$ + MKI$(SrcHandle) + MKI$(SrcOffset) + MKI$(SrcSegment) + DstType$ + MKI$(DstHandle) + MKI$(DstOffset) + MKI$(DstSegment)
294 Regs.ax = &H5701 'Exchange the memory region
295 Regs.ds = VARSEG(ExchInfo$) 'described in the buffer
296 Regs.si = SADD(ExchInfo$)
297 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
298 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
302 FUNCTION EMS.FreeHandles
304 'Returns the number of free (available) EMS handles.
306 Regs.ax = &H4B00 'Get the # of handles in use
307 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
308 UsedHandles = Regs.bx
310 Regs.ax = &H5402 'Get the total # of handles
311 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
312 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
313 TotalHandles = Regs.bx
315 EMS.FreeHandles = TotalHandles - UsedHandles 'Subtract to get the # of free handles
319 FUNCTION EMS.FreePages
321 'Returns the number of free (available) EMS pages
322 '(Multiply by 16 to get the amount free EMS in KB.)
324 Regs.ax = &H4200 'Get the # of free pages
325 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
326 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
327 EMS.FreePages = Regs.bx
333 'Returns true (-1) if an EMM is installed
334 'or false (0) if an EMM is not installed.
336 Regs.ax = &H3567 'Get the interrupt vector for int 67h
337 InterruptX &H21, Regs, Regs
338 DEF SEG = Regs.es 'Point to the interrupt segment
339 FOR x = 10 TO 17 'Store the 8 bytes at ES:0A in EMM$
340 EMM$ = EMM$ + CHR$(PEEK(x))
343 EMS.Init = 0 'EMM not installed
345 EMS.Init = -1 'EMM installed
350 SUB EMS.MapPage (Physical, Logical, Handle)
352 'Maps the logical EMS page [Logical] (allocated to the handle [Handle])
353 'to the physical page [Physical] in the EMS page frame.
355 Regs.ax = &H4400 + Physical 'Map the logical page [Logical]
356 Regs.bx = Logical 'to the physical page [Physical]
358 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
359 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
363 SUB EMS.MapXPages (PhysicalStart, LogicalStart, NumPages, Handle)
365 'Maps up to 4 logical EMS pages to physical pages in the page frame, where:
367 'PhysicalStart = Physical page first logical page is mapped to
368 'LogicalStart = First logical page to map
369 'NumPages = Number of pages to map (1 to 4)
370 'Handle = EMS handle logical pages are allocated to
372 'Create a buffer containing the page information
373 FOR x = 0 TO NumPages - 1
374 MapInfo$ = MapInfo$ + MKI$(LogicalStart + x) + MKI$(PhysicalStart + x)
377 Regs.ax = &H5000 'Map the pages in the buffer
378 Regs.cx = NumPages 'to the pageframe
380 Regs.ds = VARSEG(MapInfo$)
381 Regs.si = SADD(MapInfo$)
382 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
383 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
387 FUNCTION EMS.PageFrame
389 'Returns the segment of the EMS page frame
391 Regs.ax = &H4100 'Get the segment of the page frame
392 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
393 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Save the status code
394 EMS.PageFrame = Regs.bx
398 FUNCTION EMS.TotalPages
400 'Returns the total number of EMS pages
401 '(Multiply by 16 to get the total amount of EMS in KB.)
403 Regs.ax = &H4200 'Get the # of total pages
404 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
405 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Store the status code
406 EMS.TotalPages = Regs.dx
410 FUNCTION EMS.Version$
412 'Returns a string containing the EMM version.
413 '(Must be "4.0" or greater to use our routines.)
415 Regs.ax = &H4600 'Get the EMM version
416 InterruptX &H67, Regs, Regs
417 EMS.Error = (Regs.ax AND &HFF00&) \ &H100 'Save the status code
419 Version = Regs.ax AND &HFF 'Split the version number into
420 Major = (Version AND &HF0) \ &H10 'its major and minor counterparts
421 Minor = Version AND &HF
422 EMS.Version$ = LTRIM$(STR$(Major)) + "." + LTRIM$(STR$(Minor))