11 ; DrawMe is used to not bother with sprites that you know
12 ; are contained totally within another, allowing animated
13 ; eyes, etc to be stored in separate sprites. These will be
14 ; drawn to the local buffer but skipped when copying to the
15 ; screen, so if they are not TOTALLY contained, they will
16 ; just get clipped away.
17 DrawMe BYTE 1 ; default, yes draw me.
18 ; (Storage from this point on ... NEVER provide anything but
19 ; default for these values!)
22 next_line_virt WORD 0
23 next_line_buf WORD 0
27 RECTANGLE <> ; Contains rectangle info
31 rect5 SPRITE <<40 ,60 , 2,8, C_TRANSPARENT, 0 , 0>>
32 rect4 SPRITE <<80 ,30 , 2,8, C_TRANSPARENT, offset rect5, 0>>
33 rect3 SPRITE <<120,60 , 2,8, C_TRANSPARENT, offset rect4, 0>>
34 rect2 SPRITE <<55 ,100, 2,8, C_TRANSPARENT, offset rect3, 0>>
35 rect1 SPRITE <<105,100, 2,8, C_TRANSPARENT, offset rect2, 0>>
37 rect6 SPRITE <<36 ,56 , 4,16, C_BLUE, offset rect1, 1>>
38 rect7 SPRITE <<76 ,26 , 4,16, C_BLUE, offset rect6, 1>>
39 rect8 SPRITE <<116,56 , 4,16, C_BLUE, offset rect7, 1>>
40 rect9 SPRITE <<51 ,96 , 4,16, C_BLUE, offset rect8, 1>>
41 rect10 SPRITE <<101,96 , 4,16, C_BLUE, offset rect9, 1>>
43 ;; Simply adding in these 5 rectangles (~20000 pixels for both
44 ;; drawing and erasing) really slows things down! That's why
45 ;; it's important to optimize the sprite drawing routines!
46 rect11 SPRITE <<35 ,55 ,14,36, C_GREEN, offset rect10, 1>>
47 rect12 SPRITE <<75 ,25 ,14,36, C_GREEN, offset rect11, 1>>
48 rect13 SPRITE <<115,55 ,14,36, C_GREEN, offset rect12, 1>>
49 rect14 SPRITE <<50 ,95 ,14,36, C_GREEN, offset rect13, 1>>
50 rect15 SPRITE <<100,95 ,14,36, C_GREEN, offset rect14, 1>>
55 AnimateSprites PROC near
57 ; Blank out the draw page, by copying from the blank page
58 ; to the draw page all rectangles which had changed. The
59 ; blank page must always be entirely blank if this is going
61 mov di,cs:DrawPage.UpperLeftAddress
62 add di,cs:DrawPage.ScrollOffset
63 mov si,cs:BlankPage.UpperLeftAddress
64 add si,cs:BlankPage.ScrollOffset
65 mov bp,cs:BlankPage.Rectangles
68 ; Now draw the sprites. Uses a temporary buffer to ensure
69 ; minimal drawing to the screen, but that's not really necessary,
70 ; if memory is at a minimum. It's just faster...
71 mov bp,offset FIRST_SPRITE
72 mov cs:DrawPage.Rectangles,bp
74 mov di,cs:DrawPage.UpperLeftAddress
75 add di,cs:DrawPage.ScrollOffset
76 mov bh,cs:DrawPage.AlignmentMask
77 mov bp,offset FIRST_SPRITE
78 jmp smart_rects ; "call"
86 smart_rects PROC near
87 add di,cs:DrawPage.Address
94 mov cs:smart_dest,di
96 ; === Beginning of loop through rectangles! ===
98 cmp cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.DrawMe,1
100 ; Draw this rectangle from the buffer to screen memory.
101 ; Calculate the output address.
102 mov si,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.address_buf
103 mov di,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.address_virt
104 add di,cs:smart_dest
106 ; Loop over 4 planes
108 sp_plane_loop: mov al,bh
115 mov ch,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Ht
118 ; Loop over width of rectangle (Wid4 is actually width/4)
119 mov cl,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Wid4
122 ; Read a byte from the buffer
123 ; Is it transparent (no-modify)? If so, just jump over the draw
124 mov al,byte ptr ds:[si]
125 cmp al,C_TRANSPARENT
127 ; Otherwise, draw it on the spreen, and mark it transparent
128 ; so that it won't be drawn again.
129 mov byte ptr es:[di],al
130 mov byte ptr ds:[si],C_TRANSPARENT
132 ; Skip to next 4-byte group (next column that can be drawn in
133 ; Mode X) Also increment spreen draw address, but only by 1
134 ; because ModeX is 4 pixels per byte
142 ; End of row. Skip space to get to left edge of next row down
143 ; Skip SI = (SCREEN_WIDTH - #bytesdrawn)
144 ; Only draw up to height of rectangle
145 add si,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.next_line_buf
146 add di,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.next_line_virt
159 ; Follow chain to next rectangle
160 sp_next: mov bp,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Next
167 ; BP -> first rectangle. Follows BP->next, stops when BP = 0
169 do_fill_buffer PROC near
170 mov es,cs:segBuffer
176 mov bx,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Y
177 shl bx,1 ; BX = word index y
178 mov di,cs:MultBufWidth[bx] ; DI = SW * y
179 mov cx,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.X ; CX = x
180 add di,cx ; DI = (SW * y) + x
181 mov cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.address_buf,di ; (DI used later)
183 mov ax,cs:MultVirtWidth[bx] ; AX = (VW/4) * y
184 shr cx,2 ; CX = (x / 4)
185 add ax,cx ; AX = (VW * y + x)/4
186 mov cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.address_virt,ax
188 mov dx,(VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 4)
189 sub dl,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Wid4 ; DX = (VW - w) / 4
190 mov cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.next_line_virt,dx
192 mov dx,(SCREEN_WIDTH / 4)
193 sub dl,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Wid4 ; DX = (SW - w) / 4
194 shl dx,2 ; DX = SW - w
195 mov cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.next_line_buf,dx
197 mov ah,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Color
198 mov al,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Color
200 mov ch,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Ht
201 fill_row_loop: mov cl,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Wid4
202 fill_col_loop: mov es:[di],ax
211 mov bp,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Next
215 do_fill_buffer ENDP
218 CopyRectangles PROC near
223 ; Calculate the difference between the source and destination
224 ; pages. Since in a movsb loop the two would remain a constant
225 ; distance apart, we can just calculate a displacement and then
226 ; not have to worry about SI; instead use DI and DI+BX, thanks
227 ; to the thoughtful x86 ALU!
232 mov ax,ALL_COPY_BITS
238 mov si,di ;store destination
240 ; === Beginning of loop through rectangles! ===
241 cr_nextrect: cmp cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.DrawMe,1
243 ; Draw this rectangle from the buffer to screen memory.
244 ; Calculate the output address.
245 mov di,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.address_virt
246 mov dx,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.next_line_virt
250 mov ch,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Ht
253 ; Loop over width of rectangle (Wid4 is actually width/4)
254 mov cl,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Wid4
255 cr_col_loop: mov al,ds:[di + bx]
259 mov al,ds:[di + bx]
262 ; End of row. Skip space to get to left edge of next row down
263 ; Only draw up to height of rectangle
268 ; Follow chain to next rectangle
269 cr_next: mov bp,cs:[bp].RECTANGLE.Next
275 mov ax,ALL_DRAW_BITS
278 CopyRectangles ENDP