2 ; Xlib comptible vsync handler
3 ; Written by Tore Bastiansen
4 ; based on REND386 by Dave Stampe and Bernie Roehl
16 TIMER_CONTROL equ 43h
21 INT_IN_ADVANCE equ 100
23 DOS_GETVECT equ 3500h
24 DOS_SETVECT equ 2500h
28 _TicksPerSecond dw 0
29 _VsyncIntTicks label dword
30 VsyncIntTicksLo dw 0
31 VsyncIntTicksHi dw 0
32 _VsyncPeriod dw 0 ;Time (in clicks) between each vsync
33 ;1 click = 1.193 microseconds
35 ClockRate dw 0 ;Clock rate (in clicks) for timer 0
36 ClockCounter dw 0 ;Counts total clicks modulo 65536
37 UserVsyncHandler label dword ;Pointer to user routine called
38 UserVsyncOffs dw 0 ;called once each vsync period.
42 LocalStack label byte ;Local stack for user handler
51 get_vsync_period proc near
52 mov al,TIMER_MODE ;Start timer
65 mov ch,al ;cx=65536-clicks
74 mov dh,al ;dx=65536-clicks
76 sub cx,dx ;cx=clicks between two vsyncs
77 mov ax,cx ;return in ax
79 get_vsync_period endp
86 mov ax,@data ;Set the right datasegment
88 add [VsyncIntTicksLo],1 ;Increment _VsyncIntTicks
89 adc [VsyncIntTicksHi],0
92 mov cx,[ElapsedVrts]
96 cmp [_StartAddressFlag],1 ;Change in start address
99 mov dx,CRTC_INDEX ;Yes, set start address
100 mov ax,[_WaitingStartLow]
101 mov bx,[_WaitingStartHigh]
108 mov al,TIMER_MODE ;Stop the timer
109 out TIMER_CONTROL,al ;Dont want any interrupts
116 mov dx,INPUT_STATUS_0 ;Wait for vsync
122 mov al,TIMER_MODE ;Start timer again
123 out TIMER_CONTROL,al
129 cmp cx,[VrtsToSkip]
132 cmp [_StartAddressFlag],1 ;Any change in start address ?
136 mov [ElapsedVrts],cx
138 mov ax,[_WaitingPelPan] ;Yes, set pel pan register
143 mov [_StartAddressFlag],0
146 cmp [_VsyncPaletteCount],0 ;Any changes in the palette
148 mov si, offset _VsyncPaletteBuffer ;Yes
149 mov cx, [_VsyncPaletteCount]
150 mov ax, [_VsyncPaletteStart]
151 mov dx, DAC_WRITE_INDEX
160 mov [_VsyncPaletteCount],0
163 cmp [_MouseRefreshFlag],1 ; Does the mouse need refresh
165 call dword ptr [_MouseVsyncHandler] ; Yes
166 ;(this is not yet implemented)
169 cmp [UserVsyncSeg], 0 ;Is the a user interrupt routine?
171 cmp [InUserHandler],0 ;Yes, but is it already active?
173 mov [InUserHandler],1 ;No, mark it as active
174 mov [StackSeg],ss ;make a local stack
178 mov sp, offset LocalStack
180 call dword ptr [UserVsyncHandler]
182 mov sp, [StackPtr] ;Restore old stack
184 mov [InUserHandler],0 ;Mark as not active
188 mov ax,[_VsyncPeriod] ;Count number of clicks
189 add [ClockCounter],ax ;If it is bigger than 65536
190 jnc short @@DontChainOld
191 pop es ;more than 1/18.2 secs has gone
195 db 0eah ; jmp instruction
196 OldTimerInt dd 0 ; Pointer to old int8 routine
197 ; Selfmodyfiing code
198 ;jmp dword ptr [OldTimerInt] Chain to old
214 _x_install_vsync_handler proc
215 ARG VrtSkipCount:word
218 mov ax,[VrtSkipCount]
223 mov [VrtsToSkip],ax
224 mov [ElapsedVrts],0
225 cmp [_VsyncHandlerActive],TRUE ;Is it already active
227 call get_vsync_period ;no, get the vsync period
229 mov [_VsyncPeriod],ax
230 sub ax,INT_IN_ADVANCE ;We need a little extra
231 mov [ClockRate],ax ;time
233 mov dx,18 ;dx:ax=1193000
235 idiv [_VsyncPeriod]
236 mov [_TicksPerSecond],ax ;1193/_VsyncPeriod
238 mov word ptr [_VsyncIntTicks],0
239 mov word ptr [_VsyncIntTicks+2],0
242 mov ax, DOS_GETVECT+TIMER_VECT ;Get address of old timer int
245 mov word ptr cs:[OldTimerInt],bx ;Store in OldTimerInt
246 mov word ptr cs:[OldTimerInt+2],ax
248 mov [_VsyncHandlerActive],TRUE ;Mark handler as active
249 mov ax,DOS_SETVECT+TIMER_VECT ;Set the new timer int
251 mov dx,seg vsync_int
253 mov dx,offset vsync_int
257 mov al,TIMER_MODE ;Reprogram timer 0
258 out TIMER_CONTROL,al
267 _x_install_vsync_handler endp
269 _x_remove_vsync_handler proc
270 cmp [_VsyncHandlerActive],FALSE
272 mov dx, word ptr cs:[OldTimerInt]
273 mov ax, word ptr cs:[OldTimerInt+2]
276 mov ax,DOS_SETVECT+TIMER_VECT ;Restore the old timer int
280 mov al,TIMER_MODE ;Restore timer 0
281 out TIMER_CONTROL,al
288 _x_remove_vsync_handler endp
291 ; WARNING: The user vsync handler cannot use the 386 specific registers
293 ; whithout saving them first.
294 ; It must not do any drawing.
295 ; Only 256 butes of stack is provided.
297 _x_set_user_vsync_handler proc
298 ARG handler_proc:dword
301 mov ax, word ptr [handler_proc]
302 mov dx, word ptr [handler_proc+2]
304 mov word ptr [UserVsyncHandler],ax
305 mov word ptr [UserVsyncHandler+2],dx
309 _x_set_user_vsync_handler endp