2 Programming the VGA Registers
3 by Boone (boone@ucsd.edu), March '94
5 The IBM PC has long been slammed by owners of other computers which come
6 with superior graphics capabilities built right into hardware. The PC is a
7 strange beast to program in general, and when it comes to graphics the
8 programmer doesn't get much help from the video hardware. However, there are
9 quite a few neat tricks you can do using the VGA registers, as I'm sure you're
10 aware. The trick is knowing just which registers to use and how to use them to
11 achieve the desired results. In particular, precise timing is necessary to
12 avoid screen flicker and/or "snow". The registers on your video card are
13 necessary for just about any communication with the VGA besides basic
14 reading/writing of pixels. Some of the registers are standard, which are the
15 ones we will be discussing here. Most SVGA chipsets have their own special
16 functions associated with different registers for things such as bank
17 switching, which is part of what makes trying to write SVGA programs so
18 difficult. The registers are also used to set the various attributes of each
19 video mode: horizontal and vertical resolution, color depth, refresh rate,
20 chain-4 mode, and so on. Luckily, BIOS handles all this for us and since we
21 only need to set the video mode once at program start-up and once at exit, you
22 should need to mess with these particular functions too much, unless you are
23 using a special mode, such as mode X. (See the mode X section for more info on
24 all this.) If you want to experiment with the video mode registers, ftp
25 yourself a file called TWEAK*.* (my version is TWEAK10.ZIP). For now we'll
26 just assume the video mode has already been set to whatever mode you wish.
27 One of the most common techniques used by game programmers is fade in/out.
28 A clean fade is simple but very effective. Suprisingly, even big-budget games
29 like Ultima VII often have a lot of screen noise during their fades. With a
30 little effort you can easily write your own noise-free fade routines. There's
31 nothing like giving a professional first impression on your intro screen, since
32 the fade-in is likely to be the very first thing they see of your program.
33 BIOS is much to slow for this timing-critical opperation, so we'll have to
34 get down and dirty with our VGA card. Fading is a fairly simple process. As
35 you should know, the VGA palette consists of 256 colors with 3 attributes for
36 each color: red, green and blue. Every cycle of the fade, we have to go
37 through all 768 attributes and if it is larger than 0 subtract one. We'll use
38 regsiters 3C8h and 3C9h for palette opperations. The operation for sending a
39 palette to the card is straight-forward: send a 0 to port 3C8h and then your
40 768 byte buffer to port 3C9h. This is good enough for setting the palette at
41 the start of your program, but of course it has to go in a loop for the fade,
42 since you'll have to do this 256 times, subtracting one from each non-zero
43 member of the buffer. The pseudo-code looks something like this:
45 constant PALSIZE = 256*3;
46 unsigned character buffer[PALSIZE];
52 for i = 0 to PALSIZE-1
54 buffer[i] = buffer[i] - 1;
56 output 0 to port 3C8h;
57 for i = 0 to PALSIZE-1
58 output buffer[i] to port 3C9h;
61 Easy enough, right? If you convert this to the language of your choice it
62 should run fine. (Make sure you have the buffer pre-loaded with the correct
63 palette, however, or you will get very strange results...) But you'll notice
64 the "snow" mentioned earlier. Depending on your video card, this could mean
65 that you see no noise at all to fuzz covering your entire screen. Even if it
66 look fine on your system, however, we want to make sure it will be smooth on
67 *all* setups it could potentially be run on. For that we're going to have to
68 ask the video card when it's safe to send the palette buffer to the card, and
69 for that we'll need the retrace register.
70 Putting aside palette concerns for a moment, I'll briefly cover the retrace
71 on your video card. (See the next section of this article for a more in-depth
72 discussion of this.) Bascially the vertical retrace is a short time in which
73 the screen is not being updated (from video memory to your monitor) and you can
74 safely do writes to your video memory or palette without worrying about getting
75 snow, flicker, tearing, or other unwanted side-effects. This is a pretty quick
76 period (retrace occurs 60 to 70 times a second) so you can't do too much at
78 Returning to our fade: we want to update the palette during the vertical
79 retrace. The value we want is bit 3 of register 3DAh. While that bit is zero
80 we're safe to write. The best practice in this case is to wait for the bit to
81 change to one (screen is being traced) and then the instant it changes to 0,
82 blast all our new video info to the card. It won't be necessary in this case
83 since all we are doing is fading the palette and then waiting for the next
84 retrace, but if you're doing animation or playing music at the same time
85 you'll want to include this extra bit of code as a safety net. Otherwise you
86 might detect the 0 in the refresh bit at the very last instant of the retrace
87 and end up writing while the screen is being traced. The pseudo-code now goes
92 for i = 0 to PALSIZE-1
94 buffer[i] = buffer[i] - 1;
96 while bit 3 of port 3DAh is 0
98 while bit 3 of port 3DAh is 1
101 output 0 to port 3C8h;
102 for i = 0 to PALSIZE-1
103 output buffer[i] to port 3C9h;
106 That's it! All that's left is for you to implement it in your favorite
107 language. However, I can hear the cries right now: "Code! Give us some real
108 assembly code we can use!" I'm reluctant to provided it as this is the exact
109 sort of thing that is easy to cut and paste into your program without knowing
110 how it works. However, I'll give you the unoptimized main loop in 80x86
111 assembly as this may be clearer to you that my explanation or pseudo-code. Two
112 things to remember about this code: it is optimized enough to be smooth on any
113 video card (or any that I've seen, anyway) assuming that the fade is the _only_
114 thing going on. There's some other things you may want to change if you plan
115 to say, play music during this process. Secondly, you'll need to have the
116 current palette loaded into the buffer beforehand. You could read it from the
117 VGA card using either registers or BIOS, but this is both slow and (in my
118 oppinion) sloppy coding. You should *never* ask the video card about anything
119 (excluding retrace) that you could keep track of yourself. In the case of the
120 palette, you probably already loaded it from disk anyway, or if you are using
121 the default palette <cough, gag, choke> just read the values once and store
122 them in your executable or in a resource file.
124 palbuf DB 768 DUP (?)
127 ; At this point, you should:
128 ; 1) have the video mode set
129 ; 2) have palbuf loaded with the current palette
130 ; 3) have something on the screen to fade!
134 xor al,al ; used for comparisons and port 3D8h
135 mov cx,768 ; loop counter
136 mov si,offset palbuf ; save palette buffer in si
139 mov dl,[si] ; put next pal reg in dx
140 cmp al,dl ; is it 0?
142 dec dl ; yes, so subtract one
143 mov [si],dl ; put it back into palette buffer
146 dec cx ; decrement counter
147 inc si ; increment our buffer
149 jne decloop ; not done yet, so loop around
151 mov cx,768 ; reset for palette output
152 sub si,768 ; reset palbuf pointer
154 out dx,al ; inform VGA of palette change
155 inc dx ; DX = 3C8h + 1 = 3C9h
157 mov ch,02h ; do outter loop 2 times
158 mov dx,03dah ; prepare refresh register
159 mov bx,03c9h ; prepare palette reg (for quick loading)
161 cli ; disable interrupts!
164 mov cl,80h ; do inner loop 128 times
166 in al,dx ; wait for current retrace to end
170 in al,dx ; wait for current screen trace to end
174 mov dx,bx ; load up the palette change register
177 mov al,[si] ; load next byte of palbuf
178 out dx,al ; send it to the VGA card
179 dec cl ; decrement counter
180 inc si ; increment palbuf pointer
182 jne innerloop ; loop while not done
184 dec ch ; decrement outer loop counter
186 jne outloop ; loop while not done
188 sti ; restore interrupts
190 mov ax,fadecnt ; entire palette has been sent
191 dec ax ; so check fade loop
193 cmp ax,0 ; ready to quit?
194 jne fadeloop ; nope, keep fading!
197 I should add a few comments about this code segment. First of all, it
198 assumes you want to fade every color all the way down. You may only want to
199 fade certain sections of the palette (if your screen was only using a certain
200 number of colors) or maybe your palette is low-intensity so you don't need to
201 go the full 256 loops to get every color down to 0. It also goes by ones, so
202 if you want a faster fade you can have it subtract two from each attribute.
203 If you want to fade to a certain color other than black (for instance, fade to
204 red such as the "getting hit" effect in Doom), you'll need to check if each
205 attribute is above or below your target color and increment or decrement
206 accordingly. Also, you may have noticed something in the code absent from the
207 pseudo-code: it only sends 128 colors to the card each retrace! This is
208 because if you use all 256 the next retrace may start before you get all colors
209 sent to the video card, thanks to the unoptimized code. Some recommend as
210 little as 64 colors per retrace, however I've found 128 to be okay and
211 certainly much faster. The above code works for any VGA-equiped machine,
212 regardless of processor, but you'll probably want to compress all the IN and
213 OUT loops into REP INSB/OUTSB, REP INSW/OUTSW, or REP INSD/OUTSD instructions
214 depending upon the minimum processor requirement for your game/demo.
215 I won't describe fading in since it's the same sort of thing, and I'm sure
216 you can figure it out once you know how to use the registers themselves. It's
217 a little more complicated since you need a second buffer of target values for
218 your attributes, but otherwise quite similar.
220 Next up is vertical retrace. This is simply one of many read registers on
221 your VGA, but it happens to be one of the most useful for animation and palette
222 fades (as shown above). Here's a quick rundown of what exactly the vertical
223 retrace is, and why it's useful.
224 There's an electron gun in the back of your monitor that keeps the pixels
225 "refreshed" with their correct values every 1/60th of a second or so. It fires
226 electrons at each pixel, row by row. The horizontal retrace is the time it
227 takes it to return from the right side of the screen after it has traced a row.
228 This is a very short time and I wouldn't worry about that too much right now,
229 as it is only useful for very specialized (and quite tricky) hardware effects.
230 More useful, however, is the vertical retrace which occurs when the electron
231 gun reaches the bottom of the screen (one entire screen traced) and it returns
232 diagonally to the upper-right hand corner of the screen. During this time you
233 are free to update anything you like having to do with video with no noise or
234 interference (since nothing on the screen is being updated). This is a fairly
235 short amount of time, though, so whatever you want to do you better do it
236 _quickly_. For animation, you'll usually want to keep a second buffer in main
237 memory (remember that video RAM is quite slow compared to main RAM) which you
238 can use to write your animations to. When the vertical retrace occurs, you'll
239 want to blast the entire thing to the VGA as quickly as possible, using a
240 memory copy instruction. You can find more on this in articles which cover
243 Lastly I'll briefly describe the VGA mode-set registers. There are quite a
244 number of them and for the most part they're pretty boring. By sending
245 different values to these registers you can achieve the various video modes
246 that your card is capable of. These registers set values such as horizontal
247 and vertical resolution, retrace timing, addressing modes, color depth, timing,
248 and other fun stuff. The truth is that it's easier and just as effective to
249 let the BIOS (gasp!) handle setting the screen mode for you, particularly since
250 most games use standard modes such as 320x200 anyway. At the very least you
251 can let BIOS set the mode to begin with and then just modify the registers to
252 "tweak" the mode the way you want it. Any of these non-BIOS modes are
253 generally refered to as mode X. I don't want to go deep into detail on the
254 setting and usage of mode X because there is already so much info availible on
255 the topic. Check out the Mode X Faq (regularly posted in comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos
256 and rec.games.programmer), Micheal Abrash's collumn in Dr. Dobb's and his
257 X-sharp library, or the section on mode X in the PC-GPE.
258 One mode register I'll cover quickly is the chain-4 enable/disable. A lot
259 of programmers seem to have trouble visualizing what this thing does exactly.
260 Bit 3 of port 3C4h (index 4) controls chain-4 mode. Normally it is on. This
261 allows fast linear addressing of the bytes in video memory, which is the way
262 you are probably used to addressing them. For example, to change the second
263 pixel on the screen to a certain color, you simply write the value to address
264 A000:0001. With chain-4 disabled (the main feature of mode X besides better
265 resolution) A000:0000 refers to the first pixel in the upper-left corner of
266 your screen, A000:0001 refers to the fourth pixel, A000:0002 to the eight pixel
267 and so on. The odd pixels are accessed by changing the write plane. Since
268 there are four planes, you effectively get an extra two bits of addressing
269 space, boosting the total bit width for your pixel addressing from 16 to 18.
270 Standard chain-4 four only allows access to 64K of memory (2^16) while
271 disabling this feature gives you the full 256K (2^18) of memory to work with.
272 The disadvantage, of course, is that pixel writes are slower due to the port
273 writes required to access odd pixels. How can this be an advantage? For one
274 thing, you can write four pixels at a time as long as they are all the same
275 color - handy for single-color polygons, as in flight simulators. Secondly,
276 you get four times as much memory. This allows you to have higher resolutions
277 without bank switching, or scroll the screen using hardware scrolling, or do
278 page flipping for smooth animation. And since you can change the resolution,
279 you can give yourself a sqaure aspect ration (320x240) which is better for
280 bitmap rotations and the like. But remember that it can be slower for
281 bitmapped graphics because you have to do at least four writes to the card (to
282 change planes) in order to copy bitmaps from main RAM to video memory. Don't
283 use mode X just because you think it's "cool"; make sure you have a good reason
284 for wanting to use it in your program, or otherwise you're wasting a lot of
285 effort for no reason.
287 Now, I'm sure you want me to continue until I divulge all the secrets of the
288 VGA register to you - but, I only have some much time and space. Besides, I
289 still haven't uncovered all of their mysteries and capabilities myself.
290 However, below is a list of the registers which you may want to play with for
291 various effects. The following list was posted on rec.games.programmer by
292 Andrew Bromage (bromage@mundil.cs.mu.OZ.AU), so thanks to him for posting in to
294 That's it for this article and I hope it helped you understand your VGA card
295 a little better. If not, re-read it, and try writing your own programs which
296 use the registers. The only way to really understand it (as with most things)
297 is to get some hands-on experience.
298 If you've got any questions, comments, flames, or corrections related to
299 this document or game programming/design in general, feel free to post an
300 article in rec.games.programmer (in case you haven't noticed by now, I hang out
301 there regularly) or send mail to boone@ucsd.edu.
303 Here's the list. Have fun...
305 Documentation Over the I/O Registers for Standard VGA Cards
307 Documentated by Shaggy of The Yellow One
308 Email: D91-SJD@TEKN.HJ.SE
310 Feel free to spread this to whoever wants it.....
311 ------------------------------------------------------------
312 Port-Index: - Port: Write/03c2h Read/03cch
313 usage: d7 Vertical sync polarity
314 d6 Horizontal sunc polarity
319 d1 Enable/Disable display RAM
320 d0 I/O address select
321 Description: Sync polarity: Bits are set as below for VGA displays
322 that use sync polarity to determine screen resolution.
323 Many newer multiple frequency displays are insensitive
332 I/O address select: When set to zero, selects the
333 monochrome I/O address space (3bx). When set to one,
334 it selects the color I/O address space (3dx)
336 ------------------------------------------------------------
337 Port-Index: - Port: 03c2h ; read only
338 usage: d7 Vertical Retrace Interrupt pendling
339 d6 Feature connector bit 1
340 d5 Feature connector bit 0
344 Description: d7 uses IRQ2
346 ------------------------------------------------------------
347 Port-Index: - Port: 03bah,03dah ; read only
348 usage: d3 Vertical retrace
349 d0 Horizontal retrace
351 ------------------------------------------------------------
352 Port-Index: - Port: 03c3h,46e8h
353 usage: d7-d1 Reserved
354 d0 VGA enable/disable (03c3h only)
356 Description: Disables access to display memmory and the other
359 ------------------------------------------------------------
360 Port-Index: 00h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
361 usage: Horizontal total
362 Description: Total number of characters in horizontal scan minus
363 five ( including blanked and border characters)
365 ------------------------------------------------------------
366 Port-Index: 01h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
367 usage: Horizontal display enable
368 Description: Total number of characters displayed in horizontal
370 ------------------------------------------------------------
371 Port-Index: 02h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
372 usage: Start horizontal blanking
373 Description: Character at which blanking starts
375 ------------------------------------------------------------
376 Port-Index: 03h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
377 usage: End horizontal blanking
382 Description: End blanking: is five LSB bits of six-bit value,
383 which define the character at which blanking stops.
384 The MSB bit of this value is in register index 5.
386 ------------------------------------------------------------
387 Port-Index: 04h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
388 usage: Start horizontal retrace
389 Description: Character at which horizontal retrace starts
391 ------------------------------------------------------------
392 Port-Index: 05h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
393 usage: End horizontal retrace
394 d7 End horizontal blanking bit 5
395 d6 Horizontal retrace delay
396 d5 Horizontal retrace delay
397 d0-d4 End horizontal retrace
398 Description: End horizontal retrace: defines the character at
399 which horizontal retrace ends
401 ------------------------------------------------------------
402 Port-Index: 06h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
403 usage: Vertical total
404 Description: Total number of horizontal scan lines minus two
405 (including blanked and border characters). MSB bits
406 of this value are in register index 7
408 ------------------------------------------------------------
409 Port-Index: 07h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
410 usage: Overflow register
411 d7 Vertical retrace start (bit 9)
412 d6 Vertical display enable end (bit 9)
413 d5 Vertical total (bit 9)
414 d4 Line compare (bit 8)
415 d3 Start vertical blank (bit 8)
416 d2 Vertical retrace start (bit 8)
417 d1 Vertical display enable end (bit 8)
418 d0 Vertical total (bit 8)
419 ------------------------------------------------------------
420 Port-Index: 08h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
421 usage: Preset row scan
423 d6 Byte panning control
424 d5 Byte panning control
425 d0-d4 Preset row scan
426 Description: Byte panning control: is used to control byte
427 panning. This register together with attribute
428 controller register 13h allows for up to 31 pixels of
429 panning in double word modes
430 Preset row scan: Which character scan line is the
431 first to be displayed
432 ------------------------------------------------------------
433 Port-Index: 09h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
434 usage: Maximum scan line/Character height
436 d6 bit d9 of line compare register
437 d5 bit d9 of start vertical blank register
438 d0-d4 Maximum scan line
439 Description: d0-d5=Character height-1, only in textmodes
440 ------------------------------------------------------------
441 Port-Index: 0ah Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
442 usage: Cursor start
447 ------------------------------------------------------------
448 Port-Index: 0bh Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
454 ------------------------------------------------------------
455 Port-Index: 0ch Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
456 usage: Start address high
457 ------------------------------------------------------------
458 Port-Index: 0dh Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
459 usage: Start address low
460 Description: Determine the offset in display memory to be
461 displayed on the upper-left corner on the screen
462 ------------------------------------------------------------
463 Port-Index: 0eh Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
464 usage: Cursor location (high byte)
465 ------------------------------------------------------------
466 Port-Index: 0fh Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
467 usage: Cursor location (low byte)
468 Description: Where the cursor is displayed on screen
469 ------------------------------------------------------------
470 Port-Index: 10h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
471 usage: Vertical retrace start
472 Description: 8 bits out of 10
473 ------------------------------------------------------------
474 Port-Index: 11h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
475 usage: Vertical retrace end
476 d7 Write protect CRTC register 0 to 7
477 d6 refresh cycle select
478 d5 enable vertical interrupt (when 0)
479 d4 Clear vertical interrupt (when 0)
480 d0-d3 Vertical retrace end
481 ------------------------------------------------------------
482 Port-Index: 12h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
483 usage: Vertical display enable end
484 Description: eight LSB bits out of ten-bit value which define
485 scan line minus one at which the display ends.
486 The other two are in CRTC register index 7
487 ------------------------------------------------------------
488 Port-Index: 13h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
489 usage: Offset / Logical screen width
490 Description: Logical screen width between successive scan lines
491 ------------------------------------------------------------
492 Port-Index: 14h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
493 usage: Underline location register
495 d6 Double word mode
497 d0-d4 Underline location
498 Description: Underline location: Monochrome textmode only
499 ------------------------------------------------------------
500 Port-Index: 15h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
501 usage: Start vertical blanking
502 Description: eight LSB bits of ten-bit value minus one which
503 define at which scan line the vertical blanking
504 starts. The other two bits are in CRTC registers
506 ------------------------------------------------------------
507 Port-Index: 16h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
508 usage: End vertical blanking
509 Description: eight LSB bits of a value which determine the scan
510 line after which vertical blanking ends.
511 ------------------------------------------------------------
512 Port-Index: 17h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
513 usage: Mode control register
514 d7 Enable vertical and hoizontal retrace
515 d6 Byte mode (1), word mode (0)
519 d2 multiple vertical by 2 (use half in
520 CRTC (8,10,12,14,18)
521 d1 Select row scan counter (not used)
522 d0 compatibilty mode support (enable interleave)
523 ------------------------------------------------------------
524 Port-Index: 18h Port: 03d4h, 03b4h
525 usage: Line compare register
526 Description: Split screen, 8 bit value out of a ten-bit value
527 ------------------------------------------------------------
528 Port-Index: 00h Port: 03c4h
529 usage: Reset register
531 d1 Synchronous reset
532 d0 Asynchronous reset
533 Description: Synchr. when set to zero, will halt and reset
534 the sequencer at the end of its current cycle
535 Asyncht. when set to zero, will immediatly halt
536 and reset the sequencer. Data can be loss.
537 ------------------------------------------------------------
538 Port-Index: 01h Port: 03c4h
539 usage: Clock mode register
542 d4 Allow 32-bit Fetch (not used in standard modes)
543 d3 Divide dot clock by 2 (used in some 320*200 modes)
544 d2 Allow 16-bit fetch (used in mon graphics modes)
546 d0 Enable (0) 9 dot characters (mono text and 400-line)
547 Description: Display off: Will blank screen and give the cpu
548 uninterrupted access the display memory.
549 ------------------------------------------------------------
550 Port-Index: 02h Port: 03c4h
551 usage: Color plane write enable register
553 d3 Plane 3 Write enable
554 d2 Plane 2 Write enable
555 d1 Plane 1 Write enable
556 d0 Plane 0 Write enable
558 ------------------------------------------------------------
559 Port-Index: 03h Port: 03c4h
560 usage: Character generator select register
562 d5 Character generator table select A (MSB)
563 d4 Character generator table select B (MSB)
564 d3,d2 Character generator table select A
565 d1,d0 Character generator table select B
566 Description: This register is only of interest if your software
567 will be using multiple character sets. Either one
568 or two character sets can be active. Table A selects
569 the charcater with attribute d3 set to zero and
570 Table B is the one with d3 set to one.
571 ------------------------------------------------------------
572 Port-Index: 04h Port: 03c4h
573 usage: Memory mode register
575 d3 Chain 4 (address bits 0&1 to select plan, mode 13h)
576 d2 Odd/even (address bit 0 to select plane 0&2 or
578 d1 Extended memory (disable 64k modes)
581 ------------------------------------------------------------
582 Port-Index: 00h Port: 03ceh
583 usage: Set / Reset register
585 d3 Fill data for plane 3
586 d2 Fill data for plane 2
587 d1 Fill data for plane 1
588 d0 Fill data for plane 0
589 ------------------------------------------------------------
590 Port-Index: 01h Port: 03ceh
591 usage: Set / Reset enable register
593 d3 enable set/reset for plane 3 (1 = enable)
594 d2 enable set/reset for plane 2 (1 = enable)
595 d1 enable set/reset for plane 1 (1 = enable)
596 d0 enable set/reset for plane 0 (1 = enable)
597 Description: Set/Reset enable defines which memory planes will
598 receive fill data from set/reset register. Any plane
599 that is disable for set/reset will be written with
600 normal processor output data
601 ------------------------------------------------------------
602 Port-Index: 02h Port: 03ceh
603 usage: Color compare register
605 d3 Color compare value for plane 3
606 d2 Color compare value for plane 2
607 d1 Color compare value for plane 1
608 d0 Color compare value for plane 0
609 Description: one indicate that color is the same
610 ------------------------------------------------------------
611 Port-Index: 03h Port: 03ceh
612 usage: Data rotate / Function select register
614 d4,d3 Function select
618 0 0 Write data unmodified
619 0 1 Write data ANDed with processor latches
620 1 0 Write data ORed with processor latches
621 1 1 Write data XORed with processor latches
622 Description: Rotation is made before writing data
623 ------------------------------------------------------------
624 Port-Index: 04h Port: 03ceh
625 usage: Read plane select register
627 d1,d0 Defines color plane for reading (0-3)
628 Description: Doesnt matter in color compare mode
629 ------------------------------------------------------------
630 Port-Index: 05h Port: 03ceh
631 usage: Mode register
634 d5 Shift register mode
636 d3 Color compare mode enable (1 = enable)
641 0 0 Direct write (data rotate, set/reset may apply)
642 0 1 Use processor latches as write data
643 1 0 Color plane n (0-3) is filled with the value of
644 bit n in the write data
645 1 1 Use (rotated) write data ANDed with Bit mask as
646 bit mask. Use set/reset as if set/reset was
647 enable for all planes
649 ------------------------------------------------------------
650 Port-Index: 06h Port: 03ceh
651 usage: Miscellaneous register
654 00 = A000h for 128k
658 d1 Odd/even enable (used in text modes)
659 d0 Graphics mode enable
660 Description: Memory map defines the location and size of the
662 ------------------------------------------------------------
663 Port-Index: 07h Port: 03ceh
664 usage: Color don't care register
666 d3 Plane 3 don't care
667 d2 Plane 2 don't care
668 d1 Plane 1 don't care
669 d0 Plane 0 don't care
670 Description: Color don't care is used in conjunction with color
671 compare mode. This register masks particular planes
672 from being tested during color compare cycles.
673 ------------------------------------------------------------
674 Port-Index: 08h Port: 03ceh
675 usage: Bitmask register
676 Description: The bitmask register is used to mask certain bit
677 positons from being modified.
678 ------------------------------------------------------------
679 Port-Index: - Port: 03c0h both index and data
680 usage: d7,d6 Reserved
681 d5 Palette address source
682 0 = palette can be modified, screen is blanked
683 1 = screen is enable, palette cannot be modified
684 d4-d0 Palette register address
685 Description: Palette register address selects which register of
686 the attributes controller will be addres,sed by the
687 next I/O write cycle
688 ------------------------------------------------------------
689 Port-Index: 00h-0fh Port: 03c0h
690 usage: Color palette register
693 Description: not used in 256 color modes
694 ------------------------------------------------------------
695 Port-Index: 10h Port: 03c0h
696 usage: Mode control register
697 d7 p4,p5 source select
699 d5 Horizontal panning compatibility
701 d3 Background intensify / enable blinking
702 d2 Line graphics enable (text modes only)
704 d0 graphics / text mode
705 Description: p4,p5 source select: selects the source for video
706 outputs p4 and p5 to the DACs. If set to zero, p4
707 and p5 are driven from the palette registers (normal
708 operation). If set to one, p4 and p5 video outputs
709 come from bits 0 and 1 of the color select register.
710 pixel width: is set to one in mode 13h (256-color mode)
711 horizontal panning compatibility: enhances the
712 operation of the line compare register of the CRT
713 controller, which allows one section of the screen
714 to be scrolled while another section remains stationary.
715 When this bit is set to one, the stationary
716 section of the screen will also be immune to horizontal
718 ------------------------------------------------------------
719 Port-Index: 11h Port: 03c0h
720 usage: Screen border color
721 Description: In text modes, the screen border color register
722 selects the color of the border that sorrounds the
723 text display area on the screen. This is also referred
724 to by IBM as overscan. Unfortunately, this feature
725 does not work properly on EGA displays in 350-line
727 ------------------------------------------------------------
728 Port-Index: 12h Port: 03c0h
729 usage: Color plane enable register
731 d5,d4 Video status mux
732 d3 Enable color plane 3
733 d2 Enable color plane 2
734 d1 Enable color plane 1
735 d0 Enable color plane 0
736 Description: The video status mux bits can be used in conjunction
737 with the diagnostic bits of input status register 1
738 to read palette registers. For the EGA, this is the
739 only means available for reading the palette registers.
740 Enable color planes can be used to enable or disable
741 color planes at the input to the color lockup table.
742 A zero in any of these bit positions will mask the
743 data from that color plane. The effect on the display
744 will be the same as if that color plane were cleared
746 ------------------------------------------------------------
747 Port-Index: 13h Port: 03c0h
748 usage: Horizontal panning register
750 d3-d0 Horizontal pan
751 Description: Horizontal pan allows the display to be shifted
752 horizontally one pixel at a time.
754 d3-d0 Number of pixels shifted to the left
755 0+,1+,2+ 13h Other modes
766 ------------------------------------------------------------
767 Port-Index: 14h Port: 03c0h
768 usage: Color select register
774 Description: Color 7 and color 6: are normally used as the high
775 order bits of the eight-bit video color data from the
776 attribute controller to the DACs. The only exceptions
777 are 256-color modes
778 Color 5 and color 4: can be used in place of the p5
779 and p6 outputs from the palette registers (see mode
780 control register - index 10h). In 16-color modes, the
781 color select register can be used to rapidly cycle
782 between sets of colors in the video DAC.
783 ------------------------------------------------------------
784 Port-Index: - Port: 03c6h
785 usage: Pixel mask register
787 ------------------------------------------------------------
788 Port-Index: - Port: 03c7h
789 usage: DAC state register (read-only)
790 Description: if d0 and d1 is set to zero it indicates that
791 the lookup table is in a write mode
792 ------------------------------------------------------------
793 Port-Index: - Port: 03c7h
794 usage: Lookup table read index register (Write only)
795 Description: Used when you want to read the palette (set color
797 ------------------------------------------------------------
798 Port-Index: - Port: 03c8h
799 usage: Lookup table write index register
800 Description: Used when you want to change palette (set color
802 ------------------------------------------------------------
803 Port-Index: - Port: 03c9h
804 usage: Lookup table data register
805 Description: Read color value (Red-Green-Blue) or write same data.
806 ------------------------------------------------------------