1 ;=======================================================
2 ;=== UTILS.ASM - Asm Utilities for QuickBasic/BC7 ===
3 ;=======================================================
12 ; macros to PUSH and POP multiple registers
14 PUSHx MACRO R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
17 PUSHx R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
21 POPx MACRO R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
24 POPx R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8
28 ; Macro to Clear a Register to 0
31 xor Register, Register ; Set Register = 0
34 ; Macros to Decrement Counter & Jump on Condition
36 LOOPx MACRO Register, Destination
37 dec Register ; Counter--
38 jnz Destination ; Jump if not 0
41 LOOPjz MACRO Register, Destination
42 dec Register ; Counter--
43 jz Destination ; Jump if 0
47 ; ==== General Constants ====
65 EXTRN stringaddress:far
66 EXTRN stringlength:far
75 RND_Seed DW 7397, 29447, 802
76 RND_Mult DW 179, 183, 182
77 RND_ModV DW 32771, 32779, 32783
79 CR_LF DB 13, 10 ; the CRLF data
87 ; Prints Text Directly to DOS console w/ CR/LF
93 DW ?x4 ; DI, SI, DS, BP
95 DP_Text DW ? ; Address of Text$ Descriptor
101 PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers
102 mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame
104 mov SI, [BP].DP_Text ; Get Addr of Text$ descriptor
107 push SI ; Push Addr of BC7 Decriptor Ptr
108 call stringaddress ; Get Address + Len of string!!!
109 ; DX:AX = Addr CX = Len
110 mov DS, DX ; DS = DX = Segment of string
111 mov DX, AX ; DX = AX = Offset of String
113 mov CX, [SI] ; put its length into CX
114 mov DX, [SI+02] ; now DS:DX points to the String
117 jcxz @No_Print ; Don't Print if empty
119 mov BX, 1 ; 1= DOS Handle for Display
120 mov AH, 40h ; Write Text Function
121 int 21h ; Call DOS to do it
124 mov AX, SEG DGROUP ; Restore DGroup
127 mov DX, o CR_LF ; Get Addr of CR/LF pair
128 mov CX, 2 ; 2 Characters to Write
129 mov BX, 1 ; 1= DOS Handle for Display
131 mov AH, 40h ; Write Text Function
132 int 21h ; Call DOS to do it
134 cld ; Reset Direction Flag
135 POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers
136 ret 2 ; Exit & Clean Up Stack
141 ;==================
142 ;DOS_PRINTS (Text$)
143 ;==================
145 ; Print Text$ Directly to DOS console
146 ; without a trailing CR/LF
153 PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers
154 mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame
156 mov SI, [BP].DP_Text ; Get Addr of Text$ descriptor
159 push SI ; Push Addr of BC7 Decriptor Ptr
160 call stringaddress ; Get Address + Len of string!!!
161 ; DX:AX = Addr CX = Len
162 mov DS, DX ; DS = DX = Segment of string
163 mov DX, AX ; DX = AX = Offset of String
165 mov CX, [SI] ; put its length into CX
166 mov DX, [SI+02] ; now DS:DX points to the String
169 jcxz @DPS_Exit ; Don't Print if empty
171 mov BX, 1 ; 1= DOS Handle for Display
172 mov AH, 40h ; Write Text Function
173 int 21h ; Call DOS to do it
176 cld ; Reset Direction Flag
177 POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers
178 ret 2 ; Exit & Clean Up Stack
183 ;======================
184 ;SET_VIDEO_MODE (Mode%)
185 ;======================
187 ; Sets the Video Mode through the BIOS
193 DW ?x4 ; DI, SI, DS, BP
195 SVM_Mode DB ?,? ; Desired Video Mode
201 PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers
202 mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame
204 CLR AH ; Function 0
205 mov AL, [BP].SVM_Mode ; Get Mode #
207 int 10H ; Change Video Modes
210 POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers
211 ret 2 ; Exit & Clean Up Stack
220 ; Function to scan keyboard for a pressed key
227 PUSHx BP, DS, SI, DI ; Preserve Important Registers
229 mov AH, 01H ; Function #1
230 int 16H ; Call Keyboard Driver
231 jz @SK_NO_KEY ; Exit if Zero flag set
233 mov AH, 00H ; Remove Key from Buffer
234 int 16H ; Get Keycode in AX
236 or AL, AL ; Low Byte Set (Ascii?)
237 jz @SK_Exit ; if not, it's a F-Key
239 CLR AH ; Clear ScanCode if Ascii
240 jmp s @SK_Exit ; Return Key in AX
243 CLR AX ; Return Nil (no Keypress)
246 cld ; Reset Direction Flag
247 POPx DI, SI, DS, BP ; Restore Saved Registers
248 ret ; Exit & Clean Up Stack
253 ;====================
254 ;RANDOM_INT (MaxInt%)
255 ;====================
257 ; Returns a pseudo-random number in the range of (0.. MaxInt-1)
266 RI_MaxVal DW ? ; Maximum Value to Return + 1
272 push BP ; Preserve Important Registers
273 mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame
275 CLR BX ; BX is the data index
276 CLR CX ; CX is the accumulator
279 mov AX, RND_Seed[BX] ; load the initial seed
280 mul RND_Mult[BX] ; multiply it
281 div RND_ModV[BX] ; and obtain the Mod value
282 mov RND_Seed[BX], DX ; save that for the next time
284 add CX, DX ; add it into the accumulator
286 inc BX ; point to the next set of values
289 mov AX, CX ; AX = Random #
291 div [BP].RI_MaxVal ; DX = DX:AX / MAxVal Remainder
295 pop BP ; Restore BP
296 ret 2 ; back to BASIC with AX holding the result
305 ; Scrambles the psuedo-random number sequence
306 ; (XOR's the seed value with the timer)
313 clr AX ; Segment = 0000
315 mov AX, ES:[046Ch] ; Get Timer Lo Word
317 xor RND_Seed, AX ; Scramble 1st Seed
319 ret ; Exit & Clean Up Stack
324 ;====================
325 ;INT_SQR (X%, Round%)
326 ;====================
328 ; Returns the Integer Square Root of (X)
329 ; Round allows the return value to be rounded to the
330 ; nearest integer value by passing 0x80. Passing 0
331 ; return the Integer Portion only. The rounding amound is
332 ; a number from 0 to 1 multiplied by 256, thus
333 ; 0.5 * 0x100 = 0x80!
339 ISQ_Round DW ? ; Amount to Round Result * 256
347 PUSHx BP, DI ; Save BP
348 mov BP, SP ; Set up Stack Frame
350 xor AX, AX ; {xor eax,eax}
351 xor DX, DX ; {xor edx,edx}
352 mov DI, [BP].ISQ_X ; {mov edi,x}
354 mov CX, 16 ; {mov cx, 32}
358 shl DI, 1 ; {shl edi,1}
359 rcl DX, 1 ; {rcl edx,1}
360 shl DI, 1 ; {shl edi,1}
361 rcl DX, 1 ; {rcl edx,1}
362 shl AX, 1 ; {shl eax,1}
363 mov BX, AX ; {mov ebx,eax}
364 shl BX, 1 ; {shl ebx,1}
366 cmp DX, BX ; {cmp edx,ebx}
369 sub DX, BX ; {sub edx,ebx}
375 add ax, [BP].ISQ_Round ; {add eax,$00008000}
376 ; {*round* result in hi word: ie. +0.5}
377 shr ax, 8 ; {shr eax,16} {to ax (result)}
379 POPx DI, BP ; Restore Registers
389 ; Returns the current timer value as an integer/long integer
397 clr AX ; Segment = 0000
398 mov ES, AX ; use ES to get at data
399 mov AX, ES:[046Ch] ; Get Timer Lo Word
400 mov DX, ES:[046Eh] ; Get Timer Hi Word
401 ret ; Exit & Return value in DX:AX