1 /* Project 16 Source Code~
2 * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 sparky4 & pngwen & andrius4669
4 * This file is part of Project 16.
6 * Project 16 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9 * (at your option) any later version.
11 * Project 16 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or
18 * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
19 * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
23 #include "src/lib/dos_kb.h"
24 #include "src/lib/mapread.h"
25 #include "src/lib/wcpu/wcpu.h"
26 #include "src/lib/planar.h"
27 //====#include "src\lib\ems.c"
29 //word far *clock= (word far*) 0x046C; /* 18.2hz clock */
31 //optimize scroll*!!!!
36 int tx; //appears to be the top left tile position on the viewable screen map
37 int ty; //appears to be the top left tile position on the viewable screen map
43 int x; //player exact position on the viewable map
44 int y; //player exact position on the viewable map
45 int tx; //player tile position on the viewable map
46 int ty; //player tile position on the viewable map
47 int triggerx; //player's trigger box tile position on the viewable map
48 int triggery; //player's trigger box tile position on the viewable map
49 int setx; //NOT USED YET! player sprite sheet set on the image x
50 int sety; //NOT USED YET! player sprite sheet set on the image y
51 word q; //loop variable
53 bitmap_t data; //supposively the sprite sheet data
54 int hp; //hitpoints of the player
62 map_t allocMap(int w, int h);
63 void initMap(map_t *map);
64 void mapScrollRight(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id);
65 void mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offest, word id);
66 void mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id);
67 void mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id);
68 void mapGoTo(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty);
69 void mapDrawTile(tiles_t *t, word i, page_t *page, word x, word y);
70 void mapDrawRow(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word y);
71 void mapDrawCol(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word x);
73 void pdump(map_view_t *pee);
74 void animatePlayer(map_view_t *src, map_view_t *dest, /*map_view_t *top, */sword d, short scrolloffsetswitch, int x, int y, int ls, int lp, bitmap_t *bmp);
77 #define QUADWH TILEWH/2
81 //place holder definitions
88 //++++ size_t oldfreemem=GetFreeSize();
92 word panswitch=0, panq=1, pand=0, panpagenum=0; //for panning!
94 static word paloffset=0;
95 bitmap_t ptmp;//, npctmp; // player sprite
98 static int persist_aniframe = 0; /* gonna be increased to 1 before being used, so 0 is ok for default */
99 page_t screen, screen2, screen3;
101 map_view_t mv[3];//mv, mv2, mv3;
102 map_view_t *bg, *spri, *mask;//, *tmp;
103 //map_view_db_t pgid[4];
113 printf("Expanded memory is not present\n");
119 printf("Expanded memory manager is not present\n");
123 emsavail = emmavail();
126 printf("Expanded memory manager error\n");
129 printf("There are %ld pages available\n",emsavail);
131 if((emmhandle = emmalloc(emsavail)) < 0)
133 printf("Insufficient pages available\n");
138 //0000 printf("Total used @ before map load: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
139 //0000 fprintf(stderr, "testing~\n");
140 loadmap("data/test.map", &map);
141 //0000 fprintf(stderr, "yay map loaded~~\n");
142 //---- map = allocMap(map.width,map.height); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make maps smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be drawn properly
143 //if(isEMS()) printf("%d tesuto\n", coretotalEMS());
144 //---- initMap(&map);
151 mappalptr = map.tiles->data->palette;
153 //0000 printf("Total used @ before image loading: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
154 ptmp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/ptmp.pcx"); // load sprite
155 //npctmp = bitmapLoadPcx("ptmp1.pcx"); // load sprite
157 /* create the planar buffer */
158 //0000 printf("Total used @ before planar buffer creation: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
159 p = planar_buf_from_bitmap(&ptmp);
160 //0000 printf("Total used @ after planar buffer creation: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
165 mm.length=sizeof(map);
167 mm.sourceOff=(long)↦
171 ist = move_emem(&mm);
172 printf("%d\n", coretotalEMS());
173 if(!ist){ dealloc_emem(emmhandle); exit(5); }
174 //printf("%d\n", emmhandle);
182 mm.sourceOff=(long)&ptmp;
186 ist = move_emem(&mm);
187 printf("%d\n", coretotalEMS());
188 if(!ist){ dealloc_emem(emmhandle); exit(5); }
189 //printf("%d\n", emmhandle);
193 /* save the palette */
194 dpal = modexNewPal();
196 modexFadeOff(4, dpal);
200 modexPalBlack(); //reset the palette~
201 // printf("Total used @ before palette initiation: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
202 ptmp.offset=(paloffset/3);
203 modexPalUpdate(&ptmp, &paloffset, 0, 0);
204 //printf(" %d\n", sizeof(ptmp.data));
205 //printf("1: %d\n", paloffset);
206 map.tiles->data->offset=(paloffset/3);
207 //XTmodexPalUpdate(map.tiles->data, &paloffset, 0, 0);
209 printf("0 paloffset= %d\n", paloffset/3);
211 gpal = modexNewPal();
213 modexSavePalFile("data/g.pal", gpal);
214 modexPalBlack(); //so player will not see loadings~
216 /* setup camera and screen~ */
217 screen = modexDefaultPage();
218 screen.width += (TILEWH*2);
219 screen.height += (TILEWH*2);//+QUADWH;
220 mv[0].page = &screen;
221 screen2 = modexNextPage(mv[0].page);
222 mv[1].page = &screen2;
223 screen3 = modexNextPage0(mv[1].page, 320, 240); //(352*176)+1024 is the remaining amount of memory left wwww
224 //screen3 = modexNextPage0(mv2.page, 320, 192); //(352*176)+1024 is the remaining amount of memory left wwww
225 mv[2].page = &screen3;
232 //TODO: LOAD map data and position the map in the middle of the screen if smaller then screen
235 //mapGoTo(mask, 0, 0);
237 //TODO: put player in starting position of spot
238 //default player position on the viewable map
239 player.tx = bg->tx + 10;
240 player.ty = bg->ty + 8;
241 player.x = player.tx*TILEWH;
242 player.y = player.ty*TILEWH;
243 player.triggerx = player.tx;
244 player.triggery = player.ty+1;
249 /*npc0.tx = bg->tx + 1;
250 npc0.ty = bg->ty + 1;
251 npc0.x = npc0.tx*TILEWH;
252 npc0.y = npc0.ty*TILEWH;
253 npc0.triggerx = npc0.tx;
254 npc0.triggery = npc0.ty+1;
257 modexDrawSpriteRegion(spri->page, npc0.x-4, npc0.y-TILEWH, 24, 64, 24, 32, &npctmp);*/
258 modexDrawSpriteRegion(spri->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 64, 24, 32, &ptmp);
260 modexShowPage(spri->page);
261 // printf("Total used @ before loop: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
262 modexClearRegion(mv[2].page, 0, 0, mv[2].page->width, mv[2].page->height, 1);
263 modexFadeOn(4, gpal);
264 while(!keyp(1) && player.hp>0)
266 //top left corner & bottem right corner of map veiw be set as map edge trigger since maps are actually square
267 //to stop scrolling and have the player position data move to the edge of the screen with respect to the direction
268 //when player.tx or player.ty == 0 or player.tx == 20 or player.ty == 15 then stop because that is edge of map and you do not want to walk of the map
269 #define INC_PER_FRAME if(player.q&1) persist_aniframe++; if(persist_aniframe>4) persist_aniframe = 1;
272 //TODO: make movement into a function!
275 if((keyp(77) && !keyp(75) && player.d == 0) || player.d == 2)
277 if(player.d == 0){ player.d = 2; }
278 if(bg->tx >= 0 && bg->tx+20 < map.width && player.tx == bg->tx + 10 &&
279 !(bg->map->data[(player.tx)+(map.width*(player.ty-1))] == 0))//!(player.tx+1 == TRIGGX && player.ty == TRIGGY)) //collision detection!
281 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
284 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
285 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
286 mapScrollRight(mv, SPEED, 0);
287 mapScrollRight(mv, SPEED, 1);
288 //mapScrollRight(mask, SPEED);
289 modexShowPage(spri->page);
291 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.tx++; }
293 else if(player.tx < map.width && !(bg->map->data[(player.tx)+(map.width*(player.ty-1))] == 0))//!(player.tx+1 == TRIGGX && player.ty == TRIGGY))
295 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
299 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 1, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
300 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
301 modexShowPage(spri->page);
303 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.tx++; }
307 modexCopyPageRegion(spri->page, bg->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 32);
308 modexDrawSpriteRegion(spri->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 32, 24, 32, &ptmp);
309 modexShowPage(spri->page);
312 player.triggerx = player.tx+1;
313 player.triggery = player.ty;
317 if((keyp(75) && !keyp(77) && player.d == 0) || player.d == 4)
319 if(player.d == 0){ player.d = 4; }
320 if(bg->tx > 0 && bg->tx+20 <= map.width && player.tx == bg->tx + 10 &&
321 !(bg->map->data[(player.tx-2)+(map.width*(player.ty-1))] == 0))//!(player.tx-1 == TRIGGX && player.ty == TRIGGY)) //collision detection!
323 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
326 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 3, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
327 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
328 mapScrollLeft(mv, SPEED, 0);
329 mapScrollLeft(mv, SPEED, 1);
330 //mapScrollLeft(mask, SPEED);
331 modexShowPage(spri->page);
333 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.tx--; }
335 else if(player.tx > 1 && !(bg->map->data[(player.tx-2)+(map.width*(player.ty-1))] == 0))//!(player.tx-1 == TRIGGX && player.ty == TRIGGY))
337 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
341 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 3, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
342 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
343 modexShowPage(spri->page);
345 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.tx--; }
349 modexCopyPageRegion(spri->page, bg->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 32);
350 modexDrawSpriteRegion(spri->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 96, 24, 32, &ptmp);
351 modexShowPage(spri->page);
354 player.triggerx = player.tx-1;
355 player.triggery = player.ty;
359 if((keyp(80) && !keyp(72) && player.d == 0) || player.d == 3)
361 if(player.d == 0){ player.d = 3; }
362 if(bg->ty >= 0 && bg->ty+15 < map.height && player.ty == bg->ty + 8 &&
363 !(bg->map->data[(player.tx-1)+(map.width*(player.ty))] == 0))//!(player.tx == TRIGGX && player.ty+1 == TRIGGY)) //collision detection!
365 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
368 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 2, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
369 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
370 mapScrollDown(mv, SPEED, 0);
371 mapScrollDown(mv, SPEED, 1);
372 //mapScrollDown(mask, SPEED);
373 modexShowPage(spri->page);
375 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.ty++; }
377 else if(player.ty < map.height && !(bg->map->data[(player.tx-1)+(map.width*(player.ty))] == 0))//!(player.tx == TRIGGX && player.ty+1 == TRIGGY))
379 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
383 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 2, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
384 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
385 modexShowPage(spri->page);
387 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.ty++; }
391 modexCopyPageRegion(spri->page, bg->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 32);
392 modexDrawSpriteRegion(spri->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 64, 24, 32, &ptmp);
393 modexShowPage(spri->page);
396 player.triggerx = player.tx;
397 player.triggery = player.ty+1;
401 if((keyp(72) && !keyp(80) && player.d == 0) || player.d == 1)
403 if(player.d == 0){ player.d = 1; }
404 if(bg->ty > 0 && bg->ty+15 <= map.height && player.ty == bg->ty + 8 &&
405 !(bg->map->data[(player.tx-1)+(map.width*(player.ty-2))] == 0))//!(player.tx == TRIGGX && player.ty-1 == TRIGGY)) //collision detection!
407 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
410 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 0, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
411 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
412 mapScrollUp(mv, SPEED, 0);
413 mapScrollUp(mv, SPEED, 1);
414 //mapScrollUp(mask, SPEED);
415 modexShowPage(spri->page);
417 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.ty--; }
419 else if(player.ty > 1 && !(bg->map->data[(player.tx-1)+(map.width*(player.ty-2))] == 0))//!(player.tx == TRIGGX && player.ty-1 == TRIGGY))
421 if(player.q<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
425 //animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 0, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);
426 modexShowPage(spri->page);
427 animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 0, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
429 } else { player.q = 1; player.d = 0; player.ty--; }
433 modexCopyPageRegion(spri->page, bg->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 32);
434 modexDrawSpriteRegion(spri->page, player.x-4, player.y-TILEWH, 24, 0, 24, 32, &ptmp);
435 modexShowPage(spri->page);
438 player.triggerx = player.tx;
439 player.triggery = player.ty-1;
444 if((keyp(77) && !keyp(75) && pand == 0) || pand == 2)
446 if(pand == 0){ pand = 2; }
447 if(panq<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
454 modexShowPage(bg->page);
459 modexShowPage(spri->page);
464 modexShowPage(mask->page);
468 } else { panq = 1; pand = 0; }
471 if((keyp(75) && !keyp(77) && pand == 0) || pand == 4)
473 if(pand == 0){ pand = 4; }
474 if(panq<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
481 modexShowPage(bg->page);
486 modexShowPage(spri->page);
491 modexShowPage(mask->page);
495 } else { panq = 1; pand = 0; }
498 if((keyp(72) && !keyp(80) && pand == 0) || pand == 3)
500 if(pand == 0){ pand = 3; }
501 if(panq<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
508 modexShowPage(bg->page);
513 modexShowPage(spri->page);
518 modexShowPage(mask->page);
522 } else { panq = 1; pand = 0; }
525 if((keyp(80) && !keyp(72) && pand == 0) || pand == 1)
527 if(pand == 0){ pand = 1; }
528 if(panq<=(TILEWH/SPEED))
535 modexShowPage(bg->page);
540 modexShowPage(spri->page);
545 modexShowPage(mask->page);
549 } else { panq = 1; pand = 0; }
553 //the scripting stuf....
555 //if(((player.triggerx == TRIGGX && player.triggery == TRIGGY) && keyp(0x1C))||(player.tx == 5 && player.ty == 5))
556 if(((bg->map->data[(player.triggerx-1)+(map.width*(player.triggery-1))] == 0) && keyp(0x1C))||(player.tx == 5 && player.ty == 5))
559 for(i=800; i>=400; i--)
565 if(player.q == (TILEWH/SPEED)+1 && player.d > 0 && (player.triggerx == 5 && player.triggery == 5)){ player.hp--; }
567 //if(keyp(0x0E)) while(1){ if(xmsmalloc(24)) break; }
568 if(keyp(2)){ modexShowPage(bg->page); panpagenum=0; }
569 if(keyp(3)){ modexShowPage(spri->page); panpagenum=1; }
570 if(keyp(4)){ modexShowPage(mask->page); panpagenum=2; }
571 if(keyp(25)){ pdump(bg); pdump(spri); } //p
572 if(keyp(24)){ modexPalUpdate0(gpal); paloffset=0; pdump(bg); pdump(spri); }
574 paloffset=0; modexPalBlack(); modexPalUpdate(&ptmp, &paloffset, 0, 0);
575 printf("1paloffset = %d\n", paloffset/3);
576 modexPalUpdate(map.tiles->data, &paloffset, 0, 0);
577 printf("2paloffset = %d\n", paloffset/3);
578 pdump(bg); pdump(spri); }
580 if(keyp(88)){if(!panswitch) panswitch++; else panswitch--; } //f12
593 if((player.q==1) && !(player.x%TILEWH==0 && player.y%TILEWH==0)) break; //incase things go out of sync!
597 /* fade back to text mode */
598 /* but 1st lets save the game palette~ */
600 modexSavePalFile("data/g.pal", gpal);
601 modexFadeOff(4, gpal);
604 printf("Project 16 scroll.exe\n");
605 printf("tx: %d\n", bg->tx);
606 printf("ty: %d\n", bg->ty);
607 printf("player.x: %d", player.x); printf(" player.y: %d\n", player.y);
608 //if(player.hp==0) printf("%d wwww\n", player.y+8);
609 //else printf("\nplayer.y: %d\n", player.y);
610 printf("player.tx: %d", player.tx); printf(" player.ty: %d\n", player.ty);
611 printf("player.triggx: %d", player.triggerx); printf(" player.triggy: %d\n", player.triggery);
612 printf("player.hp: %d", player.hp); printf(" player.q: %d", player.q); printf(" player.d: %d\n", player.d);
613 printf("tile data value at player trigger position: %d\n", bg->map->data[(player.triggerx-1)+(map.width*(player.triggery-1))]);
614 printf("palette offset: %d\n", paloffset/3);
615 //++++ printf("Total used: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
616 //++++ printf("Total free: %zu\n", GetFreeSize());
617 printf("temporary player sprite 0: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45556867\n");
618 printf("temporary player sprite 1: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44606385\n");
619 printf("Screen: %dx", screen.width); printf("%d\n", screen.height);
620 printf("Screen2: %dx", screen2.width); printf("%d\n", screen2.height);
621 //printf("map.width=%d map.height=%d map.data[0]=%d\n", bg->map->width, bg->map->height, bg->map->data[0]);
627 //emmclose(emmhandle);
630 case 0: cpus = "8086/8088 or 186/88"; break;
631 case 1: cpus = "286"; break;
632 case 2: cpus = "386 or newer"; break;
633 default: cpus = "internal error"; break;
635 printf("detected CPU type: %s\n", cpus);
636 modexFadeOn(4, dpal);
641 allocMap(int w, int h) {
646 result.data = malloc(sizeof(byte) * w * h);
647 //result.data = (byte *)alloc_emem(((int)sizeof(byte) * w * h)/1024);
648 /*if(isEMS() || checkEMS())
651 //emmhandle = mallocEMS(coretotalEMS());//alloc_emem((int)sizeof(map))
652 mm.length=sizeof(result);
654 mm.sourceOff=ptr2long(&result);
657 ist = move_emem(&mm);
658 if(!ist){ dealloc_emem(emmhandle); exit(5); }
659 printf("%d\n", coretotalEMS());
666 initMap(map_t *map) {
667 /* just a place holder to fill out an alternating pattern */
671 //if(!isEMS() || !checkEMS())
672 // map->tiles = malloc(sizeof(tiles_t));
674 // map->tiles = (tiles_t *)alloc_emem(sizeof(tiles_t));
676 /* create the tile set */
677 //if(!isEMS() || !checkEMS())
678 // map->tiles->data = malloc(sizeof(bitmap_t));
680 // map->tiles->data = (bitmap_t *)alloc_emem(sizeof(bitmap_t));
681 // map->tiles->data->width = (TILEWH/**2*/);
682 // map->tiles->data->height= TILEWH;
683 //if(!isEMS() || !checkEMS())
684 // map->tiles->data->data = malloc((TILEWH*2)*TILEWH);
686 // map->tiles->data->data = (byte *)alloc_emem((TILEWH*2)*TILEWH);
687 // map->tiles->tileHeight = TILEWH;
688 // map->tiles->tileWidth =TILEWH;
689 // map->tiles->rows = 1;
690 // map->tiles->cols = 1;//2;
693 //for(y=0; y<map->height; y++) {
694 //for(x=0; x<map->width; x++) {
696 for(yy=0; yy<TILEWH; yy++) {
697 for(xx=0; xx<(TILEWH); xx++) {
699 map->tiles->data->data[i+1] = map->data[q];//28;//0x24;
700 // printf("[%d]", map->tiles->data->data[i]);
702 //map->tiles->data->data[i] = map->data[q];//0;//0x34;
703 //printf("]%d[==[%d]", i, map->tiles->data->data[i]);
709 // printf("[%d]", map->data[q]);
716 for(y=0; y<map->height; y++) {
717 for(x=0; x<map->width; x++) {
719 printf("[%d]", map->data[i]);
720 //tile = tile ? 0 : 1;
723 //tile = tile ? 0 : 1;
729 mapScrollRight(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
731 word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */
733 /* increment the pixel position and update the page */
734 mv[id].page->dx += offset;
736 /* check to see if this changes the tile */
737 if(mv[id].page->dx >= mv[id].dxThresh ) {
738 /* go forward one tile */
740 /* Snap the origin forward */
741 mv[id].page->data += 4;
742 mv[id].page->dx = mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth;
744 /* draw the next column */
745 x= SCREEN_WIDTH + mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth;
747 mapDrawCol(&mv[0], mv[0].tx + 20 , mv[0].ty-1, x);
749 modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, x, 0, x, 0, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight*17);
755 mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
757 word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */
759 /* increment the pixel position and update the page */
760 mv[id].page->dx -= offset;
762 /* check to see if this changes the tile */
763 if(mv[id].page->dx == 0) {
764 /* go backward one tile */
767 /* Snap the origin backward */
768 mv[id].page->data -= 4;
769 mv[id].page->dx = mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth;
771 /* draw the next column */
774 mapDrawCol(&mv[0], mv[0].tx-1, mv[0].ty-1, 0);
776 modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, x, 0, x, 0, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight*17);
782 mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
784 word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */
786 /* increment the pixel position and update the page */
787 mv[id].page->dy -= offset;
789 /* check to see if this changes the tile */
790 if(mv[id].page->dy == 0 ) {
791 /* go down one tile */
793 /* Snap the origin downward */
794 mv[id].page->data -= mv[id].page->width*4;
795 mv[id].page->dy = mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight;
797 /* draw the next row */
800 mapDrawRow(&mv[0], mv[0].tx-1 , mv[0].ty-1, 0);
802 modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, 0, y, 0, y, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth*22, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight);
808 mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
810 word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */
812 /* increment the pixel position and update the page */
813 mv[id].page->dy += offset;
815 /* check to see if this changes the tile */
816 if(mv[id].page->dy >= mv[id].dyThresh ) {
817 /* go down one tile */
819 /* Snap the origin downward */
820 mv[id].page->data += mv[id].page->width*4;
821 mv[id].page->dy = mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight;
823 /* draw the next row */
824 y= SCREEN_HEIGHT + mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight;
826 mapDrawRow(&mv[0], mv[0].tx-1 , mv[0].ty+15, y);
828 modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, 0, y, 0, y, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth*22, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight);
834 mapGoTo(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty) {
838 /* set up the coordinates */
841 mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;
842 mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;
844 /* set up the thresholds */
845 mv->dxThresh = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth * 2;
846 mv->dyThresh = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight * 2;
849 modexClearRegion(mv->page, 0, 0, mv->page->width, mv->page->height, 0);
851 i=mv->ty * mv->map->width + mv->tx;
852 for(ty=mv->ty-1; py < SCREEN_HEIGHT+mv->dyThresh && ty < mv->map->height; ty++, py+=mv->map->tiles->tileHeight) {
853 mapDrawRow(mv, tx-1, ty, py);
854 i+=mv->map->width - tx;
860 mapDrawTile(tiles_t *t, word i, page_t *page, word x, word y) {
867 modexClearRegion(page, x, y, t->tileWidth, t->tileHeight, 0); //currently the over scan color!
871 rx = (((i-1) % ((t->data->width)/t->tileWidth)) * t->tileWidth);
872 ry = (((i-1) / ((t->data->height)/t->tileHeight)) * t->tileHeight);
873 ////0000 printf("i=%d\n", i);
874 //mxPutTile(t->data, x, y, t->tileWidth, t->tileHeight);
875 modexDrawBmpRegion(page, x, y, rx, ry, t->tileWidth, t->tileHeight, (t->data));
881 mapDrawRow(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word y) {
885 /* the position within the map array */
886 i=ty * mv->map->width + tx;
887 for(x=0; x<SCREEN_WIDTH+mv->dxThresh && tx < mv->map->width; x+=mv->map->tiles->tileWidth, tx++) {
889 /* we are in the map, so copy! */
890 mapDrawTile(mv->map->tiles, mv->map->data[i], mv->page, x, y);
897 mapDrawCol(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word x) {
901 /* location in the map array */
902 i=ty * mv->map->width + tx;
904 /* We'll copy all of the columns in the screen,
905 i + 1 row above and one below */
906 for(y=0; y<SCREEN_HEIGHT+mv->dyThresh && ty < mv->map->height; y+=mv->map->tiles->tileHeight, ty++) {
908 /* we are in the map, so copy away! */
909 mapDrawTile(mv->map->tiles, mv->map->data[i], mv->page, x, y);
921 void pdump(map_view_t *pee)
924 int palq=(mult)*TILEWH;
927 for(paly=0; paly<palq; paly+=mult){
928 for(palx=0; palx<palq; palx+=mult){
929 modexClearRegion(pee->page, palx+TILEWH, paly+TILEWH, mult, mult, palcol);
936 animatePlayer(map_view_t *src, map_view_t *dest, /*map_view_t *top, */sword d, short scrolloffsetswitch, int x, int y, int ls, int lp, bitmap_t *bmp)
938 sword dire=32*d; //direction
939 sword qq; //scroll offset
941 if(scrolloffsetswitch==0) qq = 0;
942 else qq = ((lp)*SPEED);
966 modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-4, y-4, x-4, y-4, 28, 40);
967 if(2>ls && ls>=1) { modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 48, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else
968 if(3>ls && ls>=2) { modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 24, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else
969 if(4>ls && ls>=3) { modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 0, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else
970 if(5>ls && ls>=4) { modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 24, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }
971 //TODO: mask copy //modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-4, y-4, x-4, y-4, 28, 40);
972 //modexClearRegion(top->page, 66, 66, 2, 40, 0);
973 //modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, top->page, 66, 66, 66, 66, 2, 40);
974 //turn this off if XT
975 //XTif(detectcpu() > 0)