16_ca needs huge amounts of work and I should remember what needs to be done soon[going to port rest of code to borland c some time so we can use the core components of id engine here ][going to add 16_us.c eventually but the debug system and CA_ PM_ and MM_ usage is priority now]older zcroll renamed to xcroll][zcroll is now the pre menu game loop system with PROPER data usage with CAMMPM] added 1st scroll back [i work on CA] palette debug show values added wwww and i need to know how to see vrs/vrl imaage data palette index numbers [i am trying to find out how the hell you get the index number values of VRL/VRS] [CA_CacheMap added seems to be used in start a new game] what is mapsegs? bcexmm reports normally again... it acts funny with a unsigned long being assigned coreleft()'s value[vrldbg.exe added for a dirivative of vrldbg thanks johncampbell321\!] i did some small things here and there.