16text.$(OBJ): $(SRCLIB)16text.c
wcl $(FLAGS) -c $(SRCLIB)16text.c
-mapread.$(OBJ): $(SRCLIB)mapread.h $(SRCLIB)mapread.c 16.lib
- wcl $(FLAGS) -c $(SRCLIB)mapread.c 16.lib
+mapread.$(OBJ): $(SRCLIB)mapread.h $(SRCLIB)mapread.c
+ wcl $(FLAGS) -c $(SRCLIB)mapread.c
#fmapread.$(OBJ): $(SRCLIB)fmapread.h $(SRCLIB)fmapread.c 16.lib
# wcl $(FLAGS) $(MFLAGS) -c $(SRCLIB)fmapread.c 16.lib
+ @$(REMOVECOMMAND) 16.hed
const char *cpus;
//static int persist_aniframe = 0; /* gonna be increased to 1 before being used, so 0 is ok for default */
page_t screen, screen2, screen3;
- map_t map;
+ static map_t map;
map_view_t mv[3];
map_view_t *bg, *spri, *mask;//, *tmp;
//map_view_db_t pgid[4];
/* create the map */
//0000 printf("Total used @ before map load: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
-//0000 fprintf(stderr, "testing~\n");
+fprintf(stderr, "testing~\n");
loadmap("data/test.map", &map);
-//0000 fprintf(stderr, "yay map loaded~~\n");
+fprintf(stderr, "yay map loaded~~\n");
//---- map = allocMap(map.width,map.height); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make maps smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be drawn properly
//if(isEMS()) printf("%d tesuto\n", coretotalEMS());
//---- initMap(&map);
//else printf("\nplayer[0].y: %d\n", player[0].y);
printf("player[0].tx: %d", player[0].tx); printf(" player[0].ty: %d\n", player[0].ty);
printf("player[0].triggx: %d", player[0].triggerx); printf(" player[0].triggy: %d\n", player[0].triggery);
- printf("player[0].hp: %d", player[0].hp); printf(" player[0].q: %d", player[0].q); printf(" player[0].info.dir: %d\n", player[0].info.dir);
+ printf("player[0].hp: %d", (player[0].hp)); printf(" player[0].q: %d", player[0].q); printf(" player[0].info.dir: %d\n", player[0].info.dir);
printf("tile data value at player trigger position: %d\n", bg->map->data[(player[0].triggerx-1)+(map.width*(player[0].triggery-1))]);
printf("palette offset: %d\n", paloffset/3);
//++++ printf("Total used: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
//++++ printf("Total free: %zu\n", GetFreeSize());
printf("temporary player sprite 0: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45556867\n");
printf("temporary player sprite 1: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44606385\n");
- printf("Screen: %dx", screen.width); printf("%d\n", screen.height);
- printf("Screen2: %dx", screen2.width); printf("%d\n", screen2.height);
+ printf("Screen: %d", screen.width); printf("%d\n", screen.height);
+ printf("Screen2: %d", screen2.width); printf("%d\n", screen2.height);
//printf("map.width=%d map.height=%d map.data[0]=%d\n", bg->map->width, bg->map->height, bg->map->data[0]);