bakapee.$(OBJ): $(SRCLIB)bakapee.h $(SRCLIB)bakapee.c
wcl $(FLAGS) -c $(SRCLIB)bakapee.c
-16render.$(OBJ): $(MODEXLIB)16render.h $(MODEXLIB)16render.c
+16render.$(OBJ): $(MODEXLIB)16render.h $(MODEXLIB)16render.c $(MODEXLIB)planar16.h
wcl $(FLAGS) -c $(MODEXLIB)16render.c
planar16.$(OBJ): $(MODEXLIB)planar16.h $(MODEXLIB)planar16.c
#include "src/lib/bitmap.h"\r
#include "src/lib/modex16.h"\r
+#ifndef PCXHEADER_H\r
+#define PCXHEADER_H\r
static struct pcxHeader {\r
byte id;\r
byte version;\r
word vScreenSize;\r
byte padding[54];\r
} head;\r
+#endif /*PCXHEADER_H*/\r
static void loadPcxStage1(FILE *file, bitmap_t *result) {\r
//#include <conio.h>
#include "src/lib/types.h"
+#include "src/lib/16_head.h"
#include "src/lib/bitmap.h"
#include "src/lib/planar.h"
-#include "src/lib/16_head.h"
+#include "src/lib/modex16/planar16.h"
#include "src/lib/16text.h"
#include "src/lib/modex16/16render.h"
#include "src/lib/modex16/320x240.h"
#include "src/lib/modex16/256x192.h"
#include "src/lib/modex16/192x144_.h"
#include "src/lib/modex16/160x120.h"
-#include "src/lib/modex16/planar16.h"
//320x240 = 20x15
//192x144 = 12x9
#ifndef __RENDER_H__\r
#define __RENDER_H__\r
-#include "src/lib/planar.h"\r
#include "src/lib/modex16.h"\r
void modexDrawPBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *p, boolean sprite);\r
#include <stdlib.h>\r
#include <malloc.h>\r
#include "src/lib/modex16/planar16.h"\r
-#include "src/lib/modex16.h"\r
+#ifndef PCXHEADER_H\r
+#define PCXHEADER_H\r
static struct pcxHeader {\r
byte id;\r
byte version;\r
word vScreenSize;\r
byte padding[54];\r
} head;\r
+#endif /*PCXHEADER_H*/\r
static void loadPcxpbufStage1(FILE *file, planar_buf_t *result) {\r
int index;\r
/* load the first part of the pcx file */\r
- loadPcxStage1(file, &result);\r
+ loadPcxpbufStage1(file, &result);\r
/* get the number of tiles and set up the result structure */\r
ts.twidth = twidth;\r
/* finish off the file */\r
- loadPcxPalette(file, &result);\r
+ //++++loadPcxPalette(file, &result);\r
#ifndef PLANW_H\r
#define PLANW_H\r
+#include "src/lib/planar.h"\r
#include "src/lib/modex16.h"\r
planar_buf_t planarLoadPcx(char *filename);\r
* Implimentation of the planar buffer files.\r
+#include <stdio.h>\r
#include <stdlib.h>\r
+#include <malloc.h>\r
#include "src/lib/planar.h"\r
+extern byte *modexNewPal();\r
/* creates a planar buffer from the bitmap data.\r
The planar buffer is dynamically allocated, and should\r
be destroyed with the planar_buf_free function when no longer\r
#ifndef PLANAR_H
#define PLANAR_H
-#include "src/lib/modex16.h"
+#include "src/lib/types.h"
+#include "src/lib/16_head.h"
+#include "src/lib/bitmap.h"
+//#include "src/lib/modex16.h"
typedef struct {
byte huge *plane[4]; /* 4 planes of image data */