// fprintf(stdout, "[[[[%d|%d]]]]\n", &(t+1)->size, (t+1)->size);
// fprintf(stdout, "\n%.*s[xx[%d|%d]xx]\n", (t+1)->end - (t+1)->start, js+(t+1)->start, &(t+1)->size, (t+1)->size);
- map->data = malloc(sizeof(byte) * (t+1)->size);
- map->tiles = malloc(sizeof(tiles_t));
+ map->data = _nmalloc(sizeof(byte) * (t+1)->size);
+ map->tiles = _nmalloc(sizeof(tiles_t));
//map->tiles->data = malloc(sizeof(bitmap_t));
//fix this to be far~
bp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/ed.pcx");
char *js = NULL;
size_t jslen = 0;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
-//---- char *buff = &buf;
static char js_ss[16];
jsmn_parser p;
/* create the map */
-//0000 printf("Total used @ before map load: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
-fprintf(stderr, "testing~\n");
+ //printf("Total used @ before map load: %zu\n", oldfreemem-GetFreeSize());
+ printf("Total free @ before map load: %zu\n", GetFreeSize());
+ printf("Total far free @ before map load: %zu\n", GetFarFreeSize());
+ getch();
+ fprintf(stderr, "testing~\n");
loadmap("data/test.map", &map);
-fprintf(stderr, "yay map loaded~~\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "yay map loaded~~\n");
//---- map = allocMap(map.width,map.height); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make maps smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be drawn properly
//if(isEMS()) printf("%d tesuto\n", coretotalEMS());
//---- initMap(&map);