-void bputs(/*bmp_t *bmp, */unsigned x, unsigned y, const char *s)\r
- byte far *font;\r
- //bmp_t src;\r
- //font = bios_8x8_font();\r
- //src.wd = 8;\r
- //src.ht = 8;\r
- //src.ops = &g_ops1;\r
- for(; *s != '\0'; s++)\r
- {\r
- //src.raster = font + 8 * (*s);\r
- //blit1(&src, bmp, x, y);\r
- x += 8;\r
- }\r
+void bputs(word x, unsigned y, , const char *s)\r
+ int j;
+ word s, o, t, w;\r
+ word addr = (word) l;\r
+ s=romFonts[t].seg;\r
+ o=romFonts[t].off;\r
+ //load the letter 'A'\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV DI, addr\r
+ MOV SI, o\r
+ MOV ES, s\r
+ SUB AH, AH\r
+ MOV AL, c ; the letter\r
+ MOV CX, w\r
+ MUL CX\r
+ ADD SI, AX ;the address of charcter\r
+ L1: MOV AX, ES:SI\r
+ INC SI\r
+ INC DI\r
+ DEC CX\r
+ JNZ L1\r
+ }
+ for(; *s != '\0'; s++)\r
+ {\r
+ for(i=0; i<w; i++)
+ {\r
+ j=1<<8;
+ x=0;\r
+ while(j)
+ {
+ modexputPixel(x, i, l[i] & j ? 15:0);
+ xp++;
+ j>>=1;
+ }
+ }\r
+ chw += 8;\r
+ }\r
#include "src/lib/bitmap.h"
#include "src/lib/planar.h"
#include "src/lib/16_head.h"
+#include "src/lib/16text.h"
/* -========================== Types & Macros ==========================- */
#define PAGE_OFFSET(x,y) (((y)<<6)+((y)<<4)+((x)>>2))