#include "src/tesuto.h"\r
-#include <stdio.h>\r
-#include <conio.h> // this is where Open Watcom hides the outp() etc. functions\r
-#include <ctype.h>\r
-#include <stdlib.h>\r
-#include <unistd.h>\r
-#include <assert.h>\r
-#include <fcntl.h>\r
-#include <math.h>\r
-#include <dos.h>\r
-#pragma pack(push,1)\r
-struct vrl_header {\r
- uint8_t vrl_sig[4]; // +0x00 "VRL1"\r
- uint8_t fmt_sig[4]; // +0x04 "VGAX"\r
- uint16_t height; // +0x08 Sprite height\r
- uint16_t width; // +0x0A Sprite width\r
- int16_t hotspot_x; // +0x0C Hotspot offset (X) for programmer's reference\r
- int16_t hotspot_y; // +0x0E Hotspot offset (Y) for programmer's reference\r
-}; // =0x10\r
-#pragma pack(pop)\r
static unsigned char palette[768];\r
-void draw_vrl_modex(unsigned int x,unsigned int y,struct vrl_header *hdr,unsigned char *data,unsigned int datasz) {\r
- unsigned int vram_offset = (y * vga_stride) + (x >> 2);\r
- unsigned char *fence = data + datasz;\r
- unsigned char vga_plane = (x & 3);\r
- unsigned char run,skip,b;\r
- unsigned char far *draw;\r
- while (data < fence) {\r
- /* start of another vertical strip */\r
- draw = vga_graphics_ram + vram_offset;\r
- vga_write_sequencer(0x02/*map mask*/,1 << vga_plane);\r
- while (data < fence) {\r
- run = *data++;\r
- if (run == 0xFF) break;\r
- skip = *data++;\r
- draw += skip * vga_stride;\r
- if (run & 0x80) {\r
- b = *data++;\r
- while (run > 0x80) {\r
- *draw = b;\r
- draw += vga_stride;\r
- run--;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- while (run > 0) {\r
- *draw = *data++;\r
- draw += vga_stride;\r
- run--;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- /* end of a vertical strip. next line? */\r
- if ((++vga_plane) == 4) {\r
- vram_offset++;\r
- vga_plane = 0;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- vga_write_sequencer(0x02/*map mask*/,0xF);\r
int main(int argc,char **argv) {\r
- struct vrl_header *vrl_header;\r
+ struct vrl1_vgax_header *vrl_header;\r
+ vrl1_vgax_offset_t *vrl_lineoffs;\r
unsigned char *buffer;\r
unsigned int bufsz;\r
int fd;\r
unsigned long sz = lseek(fd,0,SEEK_END);\r
- if (sz < sizeof(vrl_header)) return 1;\r
+ if (sz < sizeof(*vrl_header)) return 1;\r
if (sz >= 65535UL) return 1;\r
bufsz = (unsigned int)sz;\r
if ((unsigned int)read(fd,buffer,bufsz) < bufsz) return 1;\r
- vrl_header = (struct vrl_header*)buffer;\r
+ vrl_header = (struct vrl1_vgax_header*)buffer;\r
if (memcmp(vrl_header->vrl_sig,"VRL1",4) || memcmp(vrl_header->fmt_sig,"VGAX",4)) return 1;\r
if (vrl_header->width == 0 || vrl_header->height == 0) return 1;\r
for (i=0;i < 256;i++) vga_palette_write(palette[(i*3)+0]>>2,palette[(i*3)+1]>>2,palette[(i*3)+2]>>2);\r
- draw_vrl_modex(0,0,vrl_header,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
+ /* preprocess the sprite to generate line offsets */\r
+ vrl_lineoffs = vrl1_vgax_genlineoffsets(vrl_header,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
+ if (vrl_lineoffs == NULL) return 1;\r
+ draw_vrl1_vgax_modex(0,0,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
while (getch() != 13);\r
unsigned int i;\r
for (i=1;i < 320;i++)\r
- draw_vrl_modex(i,0,vrl_header,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
+ draw_vrl1_vgax_modex(i,0,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
while (getch() != 13);\r
unsigned int i;\r
for (i=1;i < 200;i++)\r
- draw_vrl_modex(i,i,vrl_header,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
+ draw_vrl1_vgax_modex(i,i,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
+ }\r
+ while (getch() != 13);\r
+ {\r
+ unsigned int i;\r
+ for (i=(2 << 6)/*200%*/;i >= (1 << 4)/*25%*/;i--)\r
+ draw_vrl1_vgax_modexstretch(0,0,i,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
+ }\r
+ while (getch() != 13);\r
+ {\r
+ unsigned int i;\r
+ for (i=(2 << 6)/*200%*/;i >= (1 << 4)/*25%*/;i--)\r
+ draw_vrl1_vgax_modexystretch(0,0,i,i,vrl_header,vrl_lineoffs,buffer+sizeof(*vrl_header),bufsz-sizeof(*vrl_header));\r
while (getch() != 13);\r
+ free(vrl_lineoffs);\r
buffer = NULL;\r
bufsz = 0;\r
return 0;\r