--- /dev/null
+//#include "modex16.h"\r
+#include "src/lib/16_vl.h"\r
+#include "16/src/lib/bitmap.h"\r
+#include <stdio.h>\r
+#include <stdlib.h>\r
+//#include "dos_kb.h"\r
+#define SCREEN_WIDTH 320\r
+#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240\r
+//word far *clock= (word far*) 0x046C; /* 18.2hz clock */\r
+typedef struct {\r
+ bitmap_t *data;\r
+ word tileHeight;\r
+ word tileWidth;\r
+ unsigned int rows;\r
+ unsigned int cols;\r
+ unsigned int tilex,tiley; // tile position on the map\r
+} otiles_t;\r
+typedef struct {\r
+ byte *data;\r
+ otiles_t *tiles;\r
+ int width;\r
+ int height;\r
+} omap_t;\r
+typedef struct {\r
+ omap_t *map;\r
+ page_t *page;\r
+ int tx; //???? appears to be the tile position on the viewable screen map\r
+ int ty; //???? appears to be the tile position on the viewable screen map\r
+ word dxThresh; //????\r
+ word dyThresh; //????\r
+} omap_view_t;\r
+struct {\r
+ int tx; //player position on the viewable map\r
+ int ty; //player position on the viewable map\r
+} player;\r
+omap_t allocMap(int w, int h);\r
+void oinitMap(omap_t *map);\r
+void omapScrollRight(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset);\r
+void omapScrollLeft(omap_view_t *mv, byte offest);\r
+void omapScrollUp(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset);\r
+void omapScrollDown(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset);\r
+void omapGoTo(omap_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty);\r
+void omapDrawTile(otiles_t *t, word i, page_t *page, word x, word y);\r
+void omapDrawRow(omap_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word y);\r
+void omapDrawCol(omap_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word x);\r
+//#define SWAP(a, b) tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp;\r
+void main() {\r
+ static global_game_variables_t gvar;\r
+// int show1=1;\r
+// int tx, ty;\r
+// int x, y;\r
+ //int ch=0x0;\r
+// byte ch;\r
+// int q=0;\r
+ page_t screen;//,screen2;\r
+ omap_t map;\r
+ omap_view_t mv;//, mv2;\r
+ omap_view_t *draw;//, *show, *tmp;\r
+ byte *ptr;\r
+ //default player position on the viewable map\r
+ player.tx = 10;\r
+ player.ty = 8;\r
+// setkb(1);\r
+ IN_Startup(&gvar);\r
+ /* create the map */\r
+ map = allocMap(160,120); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make omapS smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be drawn properly\r
+ oinitMap(&map);\r
+ mv.map = ↦\r
+// mv2.map = ↦\r
+ /* draw the tiles */\r
+ ptr = map.data;\r
+ modexEnter(1, 1, &gvar);\r
+ screen = modexDefaultPage(&screen, &gvar);\r
+ screen.width += (TILEWH*2);\r
+ mv.page = &screen;\r
+ omapGoTo(&mv, 16, 16);\r
+// screen2=modexNextPage(mv.page);\r
+// mv2.page = &screen2;\r
+// omapGoTo(&mv2, 16, 16);\r
+// modexShowPage(mv.page);\r
+ /* set up paging */\r
+// show = &mv;\r
+// draw = &mv2;\r
+ draw = &mv;\r
+ //TODO: set player position data here according to the viewable map screen thingy\r
+ while(!gvar.in.inst->Keyboard[sc_Escape]) {\r
+ //TODO: top left corner & bottem right corner of map veiw be set as map edge trigger since omapS are actually square\r
+ //to stop scrolling and have the player position data move to the edge of the screen with respect to the direction\r
+ //when player.tx or player.ty == 0 or player.tx == 20 or player.ty == 15 then stop because that is edge of map and you do not want to walk of the map\r
+ while(!gvar.in.inst->Keyboard[77]){\r
+// for(q=0; q<TILEWH; q++) {\r
+ omapScrollRight(draw, 1);\r
+// modexShowPage(draw->page);\r
+// omapScrollRight(draw, 1);\r
+// SWAP(draw, show);\r
+// }\r
+ }\r
+ while(!gvar.in.inst->Keyboard[75]){\r
+// for(q=0; q<TILEWH; q++) {\r
+ omapScrollLeft(draw, 1);\r
+// modexShowPage(draw->page);\r
+// omapScrollLeft(show, 1);\r
+// SWAP(draw, show);\r
+// }\r
+ }\r
+ while(!gvar.in.inst->Keyboard[80]){\r
+// for(q=0; q<TILEWH; q++) {\r
+ omapScrollDown(draw, 1);\r
+// modexShowPage(draw->page);\r
+// omapScrollDown(show, 1);\r
+// SWAP(draw, show);\r
+// }\r
+ }\r
+ while(!gvar.in.inst->Keyboard[72]){\r
+// for(q=0; q<TILEWH; q++) {\r
+ omapScrollUp(draw, 1);\r
+// modexShowPage(draw->page);\r
+// omapScrollUp(show, 1);\r
+// SWAP(draw, show);\r
+// }\r
+ }\r
+ //keyp(ch);\r
+ modexShowPage(draw->page);\r
+ }\r
+ modexLeave();\r
+// setkb(0);\r
+ IN_Shutdown(&gvar);\r
+allocMap(int w, int h) {\r
+ omap_t result;\r
+ result.width =w;\r
+ result.height=h;\r
+ result.data = malloc(sizeof(byte) * w * h);\r
+ return result;\r
+oinitMap(omap_t *map) {\r
+ /* just a place holder to fill out an alternating pattern */\r
+ int x, y;\r
+ int i;\r
+ int tile = 1;\r
+ map->tiles = malloc(sizeof(otiles_t));\r
+ /* create the tile set */\r
+ map->tiles->data = malloc(sizeof(bitmap_t));\r
+ map->tiles->data->width = (TILEWH*2);\r
+ map->tiles->data->height= TILEWH;\r
+ map->tiles->data->data = malloc((TILEWH*2)*TILEWH);\r
+ map->tiles->tileHeight = TILEWH;\r
+ map->tiles->tileWidth =TILEWH;\r
+ map->tiles->rows = 1;\r
+ map->tiles->cols = 2;\r
+ i=0;\r
+ for(y=0; y<TILEWH; y++) {\r
+ for(x=0; x<(TILEWH*2); x++) {\r
+ if(x<TILEWH)\r
+ map->tiles->data->data[i] = 0x24;\r
+ else\r
+ map->tiles->data->data[i] = 0x34;\r
+ i++;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ i=0;\r
+ for(y=0; y<map->height; y++) {\r
+ for(x=0; x<map->width; x++) {\r
+ map->data[i] = tile;\r
+ tile = tile ? 0 : 1;\r
+ i++;\r
+ }\r
+ tile = tile ? 0 : 1;\r
+ }\r
+omapScrollRight(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+ word x;//, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
+ /* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
+ mv->page->dx += offset;\r
+ /* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
+ if(mv->page->dx >= mv->dxThresh ) {\r
+ /* go forward one tile */\r
+ mv->tx++;\r
+ /* Snap the origin forward */\r
+ mv->page->data += 4;\r
+ mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
+ /* draw the next column */\r
+ x= SCREEN_WIDTH + mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
+ omapDrawCol(mv, mv->tx + 20 , mv->ty-1, x);\r
+ }\r
+omapScrollLeft(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+ //word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
+ /* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
+ mv->page->dx -= offset;\r
+ /* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
+ if(mv->page->dx == 0) {\r
+ /* go backward one tile */\r
+ mv->tx--;\r
+ /* Snap the origin backward */\r
+ mv->page->data -= 4;\r
+ mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
+ /* draw the next column */\r
+ omapDrawCol(mv, mv->tx-1, mv->ty-1, 0);\r
+ }\r
+omapScrollUp(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+ word /*x,*/ y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
+ /* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
+ mv->page->dy -= offset;\r
+ /* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
+ if(mv->page->dy == 0 ) {\r
+ /* go down one tile */\r
+ mv->ty--;\r
+ /* Snap the origin downward */\r
+ mv->page->data -= mv->page->width*4;\r
+ mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
+ /* draw the next row */\r
+ y= 0;\r
+ omapDrawRow(mv, mv->tx-1 , mv->ty-1, y);\r
+ }\r
+omapScrollDown(omap_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+ word /*x,*/ y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
+ /* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
+ mv->page->dy += offset;\r
+ /* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
+ if(mv->page->dy >= mv->dyThresh ) {\r
+ /* go down one tile */\r
+ mv->ty++;\r
+ /* Snap the origin downward */\r
+ mv->page->data += mv->page->width*4;\r
+ mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
+ /* draw the next row */\r
+ y= SCREEN_HEIGHT + mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
+ omapDrawRow(mv, mv->tx-1 , mv->ty+15, y);\r
+ }\r
+omapGoTo(omap_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty) {\r
+ int /*px,*/ py;\r
+ unsigned int i;\r
+ /* set up the coordinates */\r
+ mv->tx = tx;\r
+ mv->ty = ty;\r
+ mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
+ mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
+ /* set up the thresholds */\r
+ mv->dxThresh = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth * 2;\r
+ mv->dyThresh = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight * 2;\r
+ /* draw the tiles */\r
+ modexClearRegion(mv->page, 0, 0, mv->page->width, mv->page->height, 0);\r
+ py=0;\r
+ i=mv->ty * mv->map->width + mv->tx;\r
+ for(ty=mv->ty-1; py < SCREEN_HEIGHT+mv->dyThresh && ty < mv->map->height; ty++, py+=mv->map->tiles->tileHeight) {\r
+ omapDrawRow(mv, tx-1, ty, py);\r
+ i+=mv->map->width - tx;\r
+ }\r
+omapDrawTile(otiles_t *t, word i, page_t *page, word x, word y) {\r
+ word rx;\r
+ word ry;\r
+ rx = (i % t->cols) * t->tileWidth;\r
+ ry = (i / t->cols) * t->tileHeight;\r
+ modexDrawBmpRegion(page, x, y, rx, ry, t->tileWidth, t->tileHeight, t->data);\r
+omapDrawRow(omap_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word y) {\r
+ word x;\r
+ int i;\r
+ /* the position within the map array */\r
+ i=ty * mv->map->width + tx;\r
+ for(x=0; x<SCREEN_WIDTH+mv->dxThresh && tx < mv->map->width; x+=mv->map->tiles->tileWidth, tx++) {\r
+ if(i>=0) {\r
+ /* we are in the map, so copy! */\r
+ omapDrawTile(mv->map->tiles, mv->map->data[i], mv->page, x, y);\r
+ }\r
+ i++; /* next! */\r
+ }\r
+omapDrawCol(omap_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word x) {\r
+ int y;\r
+ int i;\r
+ /* location in the map array */\r
+ i=ty * mv->map->width + tx;\r
+ /* We'll copy all of the columns in the screen,\r
+ i + 1 row above and one below */\r
+ for(y=0; y<SCREEN_HEIGHT+mv->dyThresh && ty < mv->map->height; y+=mv->map->tiles->tileHeight, ty++) {\r
+ if(i>=0) {\r
+ /* we are in the map, so copy away! */\r
+ omapDrawTile(mv->map->tiles, mv->map->data[i], mv->page, x, y);\r
+ }\r
+ i += mv->map->width;\r
+ }\r