00:20:21 joncampbell123 | yes. │\r
00:20:29 sparky4_derpy4 | scroll16 needs a bunch of work │\r
00:20:29 joncampbell123 | the less you declare on the stack, the less stack the function needs.\r
+[15:03] joncampbell123m Think of it this way\r
+[15:03] joncampbell123m If something moves or changes frame\r
+[15:04] joncampbell123m then a rectangular region around the sprite needs to be redrawn\r
+[15:05] joncampbell123m So you collect update regions together\r
+[15:06] joncampbell123m based on performance vs overlap\r
+[15:06] joncampbell123m combine the rectangles together and redraw the screen they cover\r
+[15:07] joncampbell123m the simplest way is to compute a rectangle that covers them all\r
+[15:07] joncampbell123m then redraw that.\r
+[15:08] joncampbell123m Then optimize the code from there how you handle it\r