--- /dev/null
+/* Project 16 Source Code~\r
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 sparky4 & pngwen & andrius4669 & joncampbell123 & yakui-lover\r
+ *\r
+ * This file is part of Project 16.\r
+ *\r
+ * Project 16 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or\r
+ * (at your option) any later version.\r
+ *\r
+ * Project 16 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.\r
+ *\r
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or\r
+ * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,\r
+ * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.\r
+ *\r
+ */\r
+ * Render data code~\r
+ */\r
+#include "16/modex16/16render.h"\r
+//memory management needs to be added\r
+//modexDrawBmpRegion (page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp)\r
+void modexDrawPBufRegion (page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *p, boolean sprite)\r
+ word plane;\r
+ int i;\r
+ const int px=x+page[0].dx;\r
+ const int py=y+page[0].dy;\r
+ const int prw = rw/4;\r
+ int prh;\r
+ //fine tuning\r
+ rx+=1;\r
+ ry+=1;\r
+ //^^;\r
+ #define PEEE rx-prw\r
+ #define PE (p->pwidth)\r
+ if(rh<p->height) prh = (PE*(ry-4));\r
+ else if(rh==p->height) prh = (PE*(ry));\r
+ y=py;\r
+ x=px;\r
+ //printf("%d,%d p(%d,%d) r(%d,%d) rwh(%d,%d)\n", x, y, px, py, rx, ry, rw, rh);\r
+ for(plane=0; plane < 4; plane++) {\r
+ i=PEEE+prh;\r
+ modexSelectPlane(PLANE(plane-1));\r
+ for(; y < py+rh; y++) {\r
+ _fmemcpy(page->data + (((page->width/4) * (y)) + ((x) / 4)), &(p->plane[plane][i]), prw);\r
+ i+=PE;\r
+ }\r
+ x=px;\r
+ y=py;\r
+ }\r
+modexDrawPBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *p, boolean sprite)\r
+ modexDrawPBufRegion (page, x, x, 0, 0, p->width, p->height, p, sprite);\r
+ /*\r
+ sword plane;\r
+ int i;\r
+// byte near *buff;\r
+ const int px=x+page[0].dx;\r
+ const int py=y+page[0].dy;\r
+ x=px;\r
+ y=py;\r
+// buff = _nmalloc(p->pwidth+1);\r
+ // TODO Make this fast. It's SLOOOOOOW\r
+// for(plane=0; plane < 4; plane++) {\r
+// i=0;\r
+// modexSelectPlane(PLANE(plane+x));\r
+// for(px = plane; px < p->width; px+=4) {\r
+// offset=px;\r
+// for(py=0; py<p->height/2; py++) {\r
+// if(!sprite || p->plane[offset])\r
+// page->data = &(p->plane[offset][i++]);\r
+// offset+=p->width;\r
+// offset++;\r
+// }\r
+// }\r
+// }\r
+ for(plane=0; plane < 4; plane++) {\r
+ i=0;\r
+ modexSelectPlane(PLANE(plane-1));\r
+ for(; y < py+p->height; y++) {\r
+ //for(px=0; px < p->width; px++) {\r
+ //printf("%02X ", (int) p->plane[plane][i++]);\r
+// _fmemcpy(buff, &(p->plane[plane][i+=p->pwidth]), p->pwidth);\r
+// printf("buff %u==%s\n", y, *buff);\r
+// _fmemcpy(page->data + (((page->width/4) * (y+page[0].dy)) + ((x+page[0].dx) / 4)), buff, p->pwidth);\r
+ _fmemcpy(page->data + (((page->width/4) * y) + (x / 4)), &(p->plane[plane][i+=p->pwidth]), p->pwidth);\r
+ //}\r
+ }\r
+ x=px;\r
+ y=py;\r
+ }\r
+// _nfree(buff);*/\r
+oldDrawBmp(byte far* page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp, byte sprite)\r
+ byte plane;\r
+ word px, py;\r
+ word offset;\r
+ /* TODO Make this fast. It's SLOOOOOOW */\r
+ for(plane=0; plane < 4; plane++) {\r
+ modexSelectPlane(PLANE(plane+x));\r
+ for(px = plane; px < bmp->width; px+=4) {\r
+ offset=px;\r
+ for(py=0; py<bmp->height; py++) {\r
+ if(!sprite || bmp->data[offset])\r
+ page[PAGE_OFFSET(x+px, y+py)] = bmp->data[offset];\r
+ offset+=bmp->width;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+//* normal versions *//\r
+modexDrawBmp(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the region (the entire freakin bitmap) */\r
+ modexDrawBmpRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawBmpRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word)page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = bmp->data;//+bmp->offset;\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
+modexDrawSprite(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the whole sprite */\r
+ modexDrawSpriteRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawSpriteRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word)page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = bmp->data;//+bmp->offset;\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ DEC SI\r
+ CMP AL, 0\r
+ JNE DRAW_PIXEL ; draw non-zero pixels\r
+ INC DI ; skip the transparent pixel\r
+ ADD SI, 1\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
+//* planar buffer versions *//\r
+modexDrawBmpPBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the region (the entire freakin bitmap) */\r
+ modexDrawBmpPBufRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawBmpPBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word) page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = (byte *)bmp->plane[0];\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
+modexDrawSpritePBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the whole sprite */\r
+ modexDrawSpritePBufRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawSpritePBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word)page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = (byte *)bmp->plane[0];\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ DEC SI\r
+ CMP AL, 0\r
+ JNE DRAW_PIXEL ; draw non-zero pixels\r
+ INC DI ; skip the transparent pixel\r
+ ADD SI, 1\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
--- /dev/null
+/* Project 16 Source Code~\r
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 sparky4 & pngwen & andrius4669 & joncampbell123 & yakui-lover\r
+ *\r
+ * This file is part of Project 16.\r
+ *\r
+ * Project 16 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or\r
+ * (at your option) any later version.\r
+ *\r
+ * Project 16 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.\r
+ *\r
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or\r
+ * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,\r
+ * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.\r
+ *\r
+ */\r
+#ifndef __RENDER_H__\r
+#define __RENDER_H__\r
+//#include "16/src/lib/omodex16.h"\r
+//#include "16/modex16/modex16.h"\r
+#include "src/lib/16_vl.h"\r
+#ifndef SC_MAPMASK\r
+#define SC_MAPMASK 2\r
+void modexDrawPBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *p, boolean sprite);\r
+void modexDrawPBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *p, boolean sprite); /*temp*/\r
+void oldDrawBmp(byte far* page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp, byte sprite);\r
+void modexDrawBmp(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawBmpRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSprite(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSpriteRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawBmpPBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp); /*pbuf version*/\r
+void modexDrawBmpPBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSpritePBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSpritePBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp);\r
#define PLANE(x) (1<< (x&3))\r
#define SELECT_ALL_PLANES() outpw(0x03c4, 0xff02)\r
+#ifndef PAGET\r
+#define PAGET\r
typedef struct {\r
byte far* data; /* the data for the page */\r
word dx; /* col we are viewing on the virtual screen */\r
word width; /* virtual width of the page */\r
word height; /* virtual height of the page */\r
} page_t;\r
/* -============================ Functions =============================- */\r
/* mode switching, page, and plane functions */\r
palettec.exe: palettec.$(OBJ) $(16LIB) gfx.lib $(DOSLIB)
palettel.exe: palettel.$(OBJ) $(16LIB) gfx.lib $(DOSLIB)
palbomb.exe: palbomb.$(OBJ) $(16LIB) gfx.lib $(DOSLIB)
-pcxtest2.exe: pcxtest2.$(OBJ) gfx.lib $(DOSLIB)
+pcxtest2.exe: pcxtest2.$(OBJ) gfx.lib $(DOSLIB) $(16LIB)
#planrpcx.exe: planrpcx.$(OBJ) gfx.lib
maptest.exe: maptest.$(OBJ) 16_map.$(OBJ) 16_head.$(OBJ) gfx.lib $(DOSLIB) $(16LIB)
fmemtest.exe: fmemtest.$(OBJ)
sword tileplayerposscreeny; /* player position on screen */ /* needed for scroll and map system to work accordingly */\r
} pagetileinfo_t;\r
+#ifndef PAGET\r
+#define PAGET\r
typedef struct {\r
nibble/*word*/ id; /* the Identification number of the page~ For layering~ */\r
byte far* data; /* the data for the page */\r
//TODO: find where they are used\r
sword delta; // How much should we shift the page for smooth scrolling\r
} page_t;\r
//from 16_in\r
-/*byte *\r
+byte *\r
modexNewPal() {\r
byte *ptr;\r
- ptr = mAlloc(PAL_SIZE);\r
+ ptr = malloc(PAL_SIZE);\r
// handle errors\r
if(!ptr) {\r
return ptr;\r
+static struct pcxHeader {\r
+ byte id;\r
+ byte version;\r
+ byte encoding;\r
+ byte bpp;\r
+ word xmin;\r
+ word ymin;\r
+ word xmax;\r
+ word ymax;\r
+ word hres;\r
+ word vres;\r
+ byte pal16[48];\r
+ byte res1;\r
+ word bpplane;\r
+ word palType;\r
+ word hScreenSize;\r
+ word vScreenSize;\r
+ byte padding[54];\r
+} head;\r
+static void loadPcxStage1(FILE *file, bitmap_t *result) {\r
+ long bufSize;\r
+ int index;\r
+ byte count, val;\r
+ long int pos;\r
+ /* read the header */\r
+ fread(&head, sizeof(char), sizeof(struct pcxHeader), file);\r
+ /* get the width and height */\r
+ result->width = head.xmax - head.xmin + 1;\r
+ result->height = head.ymax - head.ymin + 1;\r
+ /* make sure this is 8bpp */\r
+ if(head.bpp != 8) {\r
+ printf("I only know how to handle 8bpp pcx files!\n");\r
+ fclose(file);\r
+ exit(-2);\r
+ }\r
+void loadPcxPalette(FILE *file, bitmap_t *result) {\r
+ byte val;\r
+ int index;\r
+ /* handle the palette */\r
+ fseek(file, -769, SEEK_END);\r
+ val = fgetc(file);\r
+ result->palette = modexNewPal();\r
+ if(head.version == 5 && val == 12) {\r
+ /* use the vga palette */\r
+ for(index=0; !feof(file) && index < PAL_SIZE; index++) {\r
+ val = fgetc(file);\r
+ result->palette[index] = val >> 2;\r
+ }\r
+ } else {\r
+ /* use the 16 color palette */\r
+ for(index=0; index<48; index++) {\r
+ result->palette[index] = head.pal16[index];\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+bitmapLoadPcx(char *filename) {\r
+ FILE *file;\r
+ bitmap_t result;\r
+ long bufSize;\r
+ int index;\r
+ byte count, val;\r
+ /* open the PCX file for reading */\r
+ file = fopen(filename, "rb");\r
+ if(!file) {\r
+ printf("Could not open %s for reading.\n", filename);\r
+ exit(-2);\r
+ }\r
+ /* load the first part of the pcx file */\r
+ loadPcxStage1(file, &result);\r
+ /* allocate the buffer */\r
+ bufSize = result.width * result.height;\r
+ result.data = malloc(bufSize);\r
+ if(!result.data) {\r
+ printf("Could not allocate memory for bitmap data.");\r
+ fclose(file);\r
+ exit(-1);\r
+ }\r
+ /* read the buffer in */\r
+ index = 0;\r
+ do {\r
+ /* get the run length and the value */\r
+ count = fgetc(file);\r
+ if(0xC0 == (count & 0xC0)) { /* this is the run count */\r
+ count &= 0x3f;\r
+ val = fgetc(file);\r
+ } else {\r
+ val = count;\r
+ count = 1;\r
+ }\r
+ /* write the pixel the specified number of times */\r
+ for(; count && index < bufSize; count--,index++) {\r
+ result.data[index] = val;\r
+ }\r
+ } while(index < bufSize);\r
+ loadPcxPalette(file, &result);\r
+ fclose(file);\r
+ return result;\r
+bitmapLoadPcxTiles(char *filename, word twidth, word theight) {\r
+ tileset_t ts;\r
+ FILE *file;\r
+ bitmap_t result;\r
+ int i;\r
+ /* open the PCX file for reading */\r
+ file = fopen(filename, "rb");\r
+ if(!file) {\r
+ printf("Could not open %s for reading.\n", filename);\r
+ exit(-2);\r
+ }\r
+ /* load the first part of the pcx file */\r
+ loadPcxStage1(file, &result);\r
+ /* get the number of tiles and set up the result structure */\r
+ ts.twidth = twidth;\r
+ ts.theight = theight;\r
+ ts.ntiles = (result.width/twidth) * (result.height/theight);\r
+ ts.palette = result.palette;\r
+ /* allocate the pixel storage for the tiles */\r
+ ts.data = malloc(sizeof(byte*) * ts.ntiles);\r
+ ts.data[0] = malloc(sizeof(byte) * ts.ntiles * twidth * theight);\r
+ for(i=1; i < ts.ntiles; i++) {\r
+ ts.data[i] = ts.data[i-1] + twidth * theight;\r
+ }\r
+ /* finish off the file */\r
+ loadPcxPalette(file, &result);\r
+ fclose(file);\r
+ return ts;\r
+oldDrawBmp(byte far* page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp, byte sprite)\r
+ byte plane;\r
+ word px, py;\r
+ word offset;\r
+ /* TODO Make this fast. It's SLOOOOOOW */\r
+ for(plane=0; plane < 4; plane++) {\r
+ modexSelectPlane(PLANE(plane+x));\r
+ for(px = plane; px < bmp->width; px+=4) {\r
+ offset=px;\r
+ for(py=0; py<bmp->height; py++) {\r
+ if(!sprite || bmp->data[offset])\r
+ page[PAGE_OFFSET(x+px, y+py)] = bmp->data[offset];\r
+ offset+=bmp->width;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+//* normal versions *//\r
+modexDrawBmp(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the region (the entire freakin bitmap) */\r
+ modexDrawBmpRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawBmpRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word)page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = bmp->data;//+bmp->offset;\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
+modexDrawSprite(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the whole sprite */\r
+ modexDrawSpriteRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawSpriteRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word)page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = bmp->data;//+bmp->offset;\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ DEC SI\r
+ CMP AL, 0\r
+ JNE DRAW_PIXEL ; draw non-zero pixels\r
+ INC DI ; skip the transparent pixel\r
+ ADD SI, 1\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
+//* planar buffer versions *//\r
+modexDrawBmpPBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the region (the entire freakin bitmap) */\r
+ modexDrawBmpPBufRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawBmpPBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word) page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = (byte *)bmp->plane[0];\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
+modexDrawSpritePBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ /* draw the whole sprite */\r
+ modexDrawSpritePBufRegion(page, x, y, 0, 0, bmp->width, bmp->height, bmp);\r
+modexDrawSpritePBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y,\r
+ int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp) {\r
+ word poffset = (word)page->data + y*(page->width/4) + x/4;\r
+ byte *data = (byte *)bmp->plane[0];\r
+ word bmpOffset = (word) data + ry * bmp->width + rx;\r
+ word width = rw;\r
+ word height = rh;\r
+ byte plane = 1 << ((byte) x & 0x03);\r
+ word scanCount = width/4 + (width%4 ? 1 :0);\r
+ word nextPageRow = page->width/4 - scanCount;\r
+ word nextBmpRow = (word) bmp->width - width;\r
+ word rowCounter=0;\r
+ byte planeCounter = 4;\r
+ __asm {\r
+ MOV AX, SCREEN_SEG ; go to the VGA memory\r
+ MOV ES, AX\r
+ MOV DX, SC_INDEX ; point at the map mask register\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ MOV DX, SC_DATA ; select the current plane\r
+ MOV AL, plane ;\r
+ OUT DX, AL ;\r
+ ;-- begin plane painting\r
+ MOV AX, height ; start the row counter\r
+ MOV rowCounter, AX ;\r
+ MOV DI, poffset ; go to the first pixel\r
+ MOV SI, bmpOffset ; go to the bmp pixel\r
+ MOV CX, width ; count the columns\r
+ DEC SI\r
+ CMP AL, 0\r
+ JNE DRAW_PIXEL ; draw non-zero pixels\r
+ INC DI ; skip the transparent pixel\r
+ ADD SI, 1\r
+ MOVSB ; copy the pixel\r
+ SUB CX, 3 ; we skip the next 3\r
+ ADD SI, 3 ; skip the bmp pixels\r
+ LOOP SCAN_LOOP ; finish the scan\r
+ MOV AX, nextPageRow\r
+ ADD DI, AX ; go to the next row on screen\r
+ MOV AX, nextBmpRow\r
+ ADD SI, AX ; go to the next row on bmp\r
+ DEC rowCounter\r
+ JNZ ROW_LOOP ; do all the rows\r
+ ;-- end plane painting\r
+ MOV AL, plane ; advance to the next plane\r
+ SHL AL, 1 ;\r
+ AND AL, 0x0f ; mask the plane properly\r
+ MOV plane, AL ; store the plane\r
+ INC bmpOffset ; start bmp at the right spot\r
+ DEC planeCounter\r
+ JNZ PLANE_LOOP ; do all 4 planes\r
+ }\r
#define COREPALSIZE 9//27 //3*9\r
void VLL_LoadPalFilewithoffset(const char *filename, byte *palette, word o, word palsize, global_game_variables_t *gvar)\r
/* palette loading and saving */\r
void VL_SetPalette (byte far *palette, video_t *v);\r
void modexPalSave(byte *palette);\r
-//byte *modexNewPal();\r
+byte *modexNewPal();\r
void modexLoadPalFile(char *filename, byte *palette);\r
+static void loadPcxStage1(FILE *file, bitmap_t *result);\r
+void loadPcxPalette(FILE *file, bitmap_t *result);\r
+bitmap_t bitmapLoadPcx(char *filename);\r
+tileset_t bitmapLoadPcxTiles(char *filename, word twidth, word theight);\r
+void oldDrawBmp(byte far* page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp, byte sprite);\r
+void modexDrawBmp(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawBmpRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSprite(page_t *page, int x, int y, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSpriteRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, bitmap_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawBmpPBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp); /*pbuf version*/\r
+void modexDrawBmpPBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSpritePBuf(page_t *page, int x, int y, planar_buf_t *bmp);\r
+void modexDrawSpritePBufRegion(page_t *page, int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, planar_buf_t *bmp);\r
void VL_LoadPalFile(const char *filename, byte *palette, global_game_variables_t *gvar);\r
void VL_LoadPalFileCore(byte *palette, global_game_variables_t *gvar);\r
void VL_SetCorePal(global_game_variables_t *gvar);\r
#include <dos.h>\r
#include <string.h>\r
#include "src/lib/16_vl.h"\r
-#include "16/src/lib/bitmap.h"\r
-#include "16/src/lib/16render.h"\r
+//#include "16/modex16/bitmap.h"\r
+//#include "16/modex16/16render.h"\r
#include "src/lib/16_in.h"\r
#include "src/lib/16_tail.h"\r
//0000 PCXBMP = bitmapLoadPcx("data/koishi~~.pcx");\r
- PCXBMP = bitmapLoadPcx("data/chikyuu.pcx", &gvar);\r
+//0000 PCXBMP = bitmapLoadPcx("data/chikyuu.pcx"/*, &gvar*/);\r
+ PCXBMP = bitmapLoadPcx("data/maryai.pcx");\r
// PCXBMP = bitmapLoadPcx("data/koishi^^.pcx");\r
// PCXBMP = bitmapLoadPcx("16/PCX_LIB/chikyuu.pcx");\r
//---- p = planar_buf_from_bitmap(PCXBMPPTR);\r
#include <dos.h>\r
#include <string.h>\r
#include "src/lib/16_vl.h"\r
-#include "16/src/lib/bitmap.h"\r
+//#include "16/src/lib/bitmap.h"\r
//----#include "src/lib/planar.h"\r
static word far* clockw= (word far*) 0x046C; /* 18.2hz clock */\r
//0000 bmp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/koishi~~.pcx");\r
- bmp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/chikyuu.pcx", &gvar);\r
+//0000 bmp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/chikyuu.pcx"/*, &gvar*/);\r
+ bmp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/maryai.pcx"/*, &gvar*/);\r
// bmp = bitmapLoadPcx("data/koishi^^.pcx");\r
// bmp = bitmapLoadPcx("16/PCX_LIB/chikyuu.pcx");\r
//---- p = planar_buf_from_bitmap(&bmp);\r
unsigned int i;\r
//#ifdef FADE\r
static word paloffset=0;\r
- byte *gvar.video.dpal;\r
+//--00 byte *gvar.video.dpal;\r
// byte *ptr;\r
byte *mappalptr;\r