//printf("j=%d ", j);
//printf("%02x\n", l[i] & j);
//modexPutPixel(xp, i, l[i] & j ? 15:0);
- modexClearRegion(&page, xp, i, 4, 4, l[i] & j ? 15:0);
+ //modexpixelwr(xp, i, 0, l[i] & j ? 15:0);
+ modexClearRegion(&page, xp*4, i*4, 4, 4, l[i] & j ? 15:0);
-void modexPutPixel(word x, word y, byte Color)
+void modexpixelwr(word xx, word yy, word PageBase, word Color)
-// on entry X,Y = location and C = color (0-15)
-//putpixel proc near uses ax bx cx dx
-// byte offset = Y * (horz_res / 8) + int(X / 8)
-// byte offset = Y * (horz_res / 8) + int(X / 8)
+ word x=xx;
+ word y=yy;
- mov ax,y // calculate offset
- mov dx,80
- mul dx // ax = y * 80
- mov bx,x
- mov cl,bl // save low byte for below
- //shr bx,03
- add bx,ax // bx = offset this group of 8 pixels
- mov dx,GC_INDEX // set to video hardware controller
- and cl,07h // Compute bit mask from X-coordinates
- xor cl,07h // and put in ah
- mov ah,01h
- shl ah,cl
- mov al,08h // bit mask register
- out dx,ax
- mov ax,0205h // read mode 0, write mode 2
- out dx,ax
- mov al,es:[bx] // load to latch register
- mov al,Color
- mov es:[bx],al // write to register
+ push bp //preserve caller’s stack frame
+ mov bp,sp //point to local stack frame
+ mul [bp+4/*y*/] //offset of pixel’s scan line in page
+ mov bx,[bp+4/*x*/]
+ shr bx,1
+ shr bx,1 //X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
+ add bx,ax //offset of pixel in page
+ add bx,[bp+0/*PageBase*/] //offset of pixel in display memory
+ mov ax,SCREEN_SEG
+ mov es,ax //point ES:BX to the pixel’s address
+ mov cl,byte ptr [bp+4/*x*/]
+ and cl,011b //CL = pixel’s plane
+ mov ax,0100h + MAP_MASK //AL = index in SC of Map Mask reg
+ shl ah,cl //set only the bit for the pixel’s plane to 1
+ mov dx,SC_INDEX //set the Map Mask to enable only the
+ out dx,ax // pixel’s plane
+ mov al,byte ptr [bp+15/*Color*/]
+ mov es:[bx],al //draw the pixel in the desired color
+ pop bp //restore caller’s stack frame
void modexPalUpdate1(byte *p);
void modexPalUpdate0(byte *p);
void chkcolor(bitmap_t *bmp, word *q, word *a, word *aa, word *z, word *i/*, word *offset*/);
-void modexPutPixel(word x, word y, byte Color);
+void modexpixelwr(word xx, word yy, word PageBase, word Color);
void bputs(/*bmp_t *bmp, */unsigned x, unsigned y, const char *s);
void modexWaitBorder();