]> 4ch.mooo.com Git - 16.git/history - src/exmmtest.c
wwww ok wwwww zscroll and scroll compile disabled due to me being too tired to whack...
[16.git] / src / exmmtest.c
2015-07-20 sparky4fixed!! ^^
2015-07-20 sparky4 modified: DEBUG.TXT
2015-07-20 sparky4wwww changed to readfile wwww
2015-07-20 sparky4stillworking on it!
2015-07-19 sparky4ass
2015-07-19 sparky4ok!
2015-07-19 sparky4modified exmmtest.exe to display graphix
2015-07-03 sparky4wwww problems with length of memory block...
2015-07-02 sparky4wwww
2015-07-02 sparky4ok working on extention
2015-07-02 sparky4ok it works!!
2015-07-02 sparky4made exmmtest.c flexible
2015-07-02 sparky4yes it definatly works!
2015-07-02 sparky4ok exmm works like it should with files~
2015-07-02 sparky4somewhat ported!
2015-07-02 sparky4ok i am seriously done for the day!
2015-07-02 sparky4^^;
2015-07-02 sparky4okies i am done for the day~
2015-07-02 sparky4polished wwww
2015-07-02 sparky4extended the example~
2015-07-02 sparky4wwww ok!
2015-07-02 sparky4wwwwwwwww
2015-07-02 sparky4exmm lib done~
2015-06-27 sparky4wwww debugy~
2015-06-27 sparky4mm testing~
2015-06-27 sparky4exmm test~
2015-06-27 sparky4wwww
2015-06-27 sparky416_mm.c added!