} sprite_t;\r
+//newer structs\r
+typedef struct\r
+ int x; //entity exact position on the viewable map\r
+ int y; //entity exact position on the viewable map\r
+ int tx; //entity tile position on the viewable map\r
+ int ty; //entity tile position on the viewable map\r
+ int triggerx; //entity's trigger box tile position on the viewable map\r
+ int triggery; //entity's trigger box tile position on the viewable map\r
+// int sheetsetx; //NOT USED YET! entity sprite sheet set on the image x\r
+// int sheetsety; //NOT USED YET! entity sprite sheet set on the image y\r
+ nibble d; //direction to render sprite!! wwww\r
+ nibble pred; //prev. direction for animation changing\r
+ word dire; //sprite in use\r
+ nibble q; //loop variable for anumation and locking the playing to compleate the animation cycle to prevent issues with misalignment www\r
+ word speed; //entity speed!\r
+ word spt; //speed per tile\r
+#ifdef __WATCOMC__\r
+ sprite_t spri; // sprite used by entity\r
+ sword hp; //hitpoints of the entity\r
+ nibble overdraww, overdrawh; // how many pixels to "overdraw" so that moving sprites with edge pixels don't leave streaks.\r
+ // if the sprite's edge pixels are clear anyway, you can set this to 0.\r
+ nibble /*int*/ persist_aniframe; // gonna be increased to 1 before being used, so 0 is ok for default\r
+} entity_t;\r
+typedef struct\r
+ int x; //entity exact position on the viewable map\r
+ int y; //entity exact position on the viewable map\r
+ int tx; //entity tile position on the viewable map\r
+ int ty; //entity tile position on the viewable map\r
+#ifdef __WATCOMC__\r
+ sprite_t spri; // sprite used by entity\r
+ sword hp; //hitpoints of the entity\r
+} static_map_entity_t;\r
//TODO: 16_mm and 16_ca must handle this\r
typedef struct {\r
-// bitmap_t far *pcximg; // old\r
#ifdef __WATCOMC__\r
sprite_t *spri; // I will probibaly use this --sparky4\r
- //planar_buf_t far *pbdata; //old\r
word tileHeight, tileWidth; //defined by mapfile\r
unsigned int rows, cols;\r
byte imgname[8]; //image file of tileset (set to 8 because DOS ^^;)\r
typedef struct{\r
- word tw; /* screen width in tiles */\r
- word th; /* screen height in tiles */\r
- word tilesw; /* virtual screen width in tiles */\r
- word tilesh; /* virtual screen height in tiles */\r
+ word tw; /* screen width in tiles */\r
+ word th; /* screen height in tiles */\r
+ word tilesw; /* virtual screen width in tiles */\r
+ word tilesh; /* virtual screen height in tiles */\r
sword tilemidposscreenx; /* middle tile x position */ /* needed for scroll system to work accordingly */\r
sword tilemidposscreeny; /* middle tile y position */ /* needed for scroll system to work accordingly */\r
sword tileplayerposscreenx; /* player position on screen */ /* needed for scroll and map system to work accordingly */\r
typedef struct {\r
nibble/*word*/ id; /* the Identification number of the page~ For layering~ */\r
byte far* data; /* the data for the page */\r
- pagetileinfo_t ti;\r
+ pagetileinfo_t ti; // the tile information of the page\r
word dx; /* col we are viewing on virtual screen (on page[0]) */ /* off screen buffer on the left size */\r
word dy; /* row we are viewing on virtual screen (on page[0]) */ /* off screen buffer on the top size */\r
word sw; /* screen width */ /* resolution */\r
sword delta; // How much should we shift the page for smooth scrolling\r
} page_t;\r
-//newer structs\r
-typedef struct\r
- int x; //entity exact position on the viewable map\r
- int y; //entity exact position on the viewable map\r
- int tx; //entity tile position on the viewable map\r
- int ty; //entity tile position on the viewable map\r
- int triggerx; //entity's trigger box tile position on the viewable map\r
- int triggery; //entity's trigger box tile position on the viewable map\r
-// int sheetsetx; //NOT USED YET! entity sprite sheet set on the image x\r
-// int sheetsety; //NOT USED YET! entity sprite sheet set on the image y\r
- nibble d; //direction to render sprite!! wwww\r
- nibble pred; //prev. direction for animation changing\r
- word dire; //sprite in use\r
- nibble q; //loop variable for anumation and locking the playing to compleate the animation cycle to prevent issues with misalignment www\r
- word speed; //entity speed!\r
- word spt; //speed per tile\r
-#ifdef __WATCOMC__\r
- sprite_t spri; // sprite used by entity\r
- sword hp; //hitpoints of the entity\r
- nibble overdraww, overdrawh; // how many pixels to "overdraw" so that moving sprites with edge pixels don't leave streaks.\r
- // if the sprite's edge pixels are clear anyway, you can set this to 0.\r
- nibble /*int*/ persist_aniframe; // gonna be increased to 1 before being used, so 0 is ok for default\r
-} entity_t;\r
//from 16_in\r
typedef byte ScanCode;\r
entity_t near enti;\r
#ifdef __WATCOMC__\r
//struct sprite *spri; //supposively the sprite sheet data\r
- memptr gr;\r
+ //memptr gr;\r
// bitmap_t *data; //supposively the sprite sheet data//old format\r
// bitmap_t bmp;\r