c2e.convert_special: 0
e2c.convert_num: 0
openfiles: /dos/z/16/doc/project.txt:102:0:0:
-openfiles: /dos/z/16/scroll.c:2377:1837:1:
+openfiles: /dos/z/16/scroll.c:12991:12348:1:
openfiles: /dos/z/16/modex16.c:9475:0:0:
openfiles: /dos/z/16/modex16.h:1512:344:0:
openfiles: /dos/z/16/pcxtest.c:1339:442:0:
-openfiles: /dos/z/16/dos_kb.c:3759:3388:0:
+openfiles: /dos/z/16/dos_kb.c:3759:2934:0:
openfiles: /dos/z/16/dos_kb.h:464:0:0:
-openfiles: /dos/z/16/lib/lib_head.h:2319:1809:0:
+openfiles: /dos/z/16/lib/lib_head.h:2319:1512:0:
snr_recursion_level: 0
convertcolumn_horizontally: 0
adv_open_matchname: 0
recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/doc/16.16
recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/doc/16story.txt
recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/scroll.c
-recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/modex16.h
recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/doc/project.txt
+recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/lib/lib_head.h
+recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/dos_kb.c
+recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/dos_kb.h
+recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/modex16.h
recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/pcxtest.c
recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/modex16.c
-recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/dos_kb.h
-recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/dos_kb.c
-recent_files: file:///dos/z/16/lib/lib_head.h
snr_replacetype: 0
savedir: file:///dos/z/16
spell_check_default: 1
/* create the map */\r
- map = allocMap(MAPX,MAPY); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make maps smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be bgn properly\r
+ map = allocMap(MAPX,MAPY); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make maps smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be drawn properly\r
mv.map = ↦\r
mv2.map = ↦\r
- \r
mapScrollRight(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
- word x, y; /* coordinate for bging */\r
+ word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
mv->page->dx += offset;\r
mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
- /* bg the next column */\r
+ /* draw the next column */\r
x= SCREEN_WIDTH + mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
mapDrawCol(mv, mv->tx + 20 , mv->ty-1, x);\r
mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
- word x, y; /* coordinate for bging */\r
+ word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
mv->page->dx -= offset;\r
mv->page->data -= 4;\r
mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
- /* bg the next column */\r
+ /* draw the next column */\r
mapDrawCol(mv, mv->tx-1, mv->ty-1, 0);\r
mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
- word x, y; /* coordinate for bging */\r
+ word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
mv->page->dy -= offset;\r
mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
- /* bg the next row */\r
+ /* draw the next row */\r
y= 0;\r
mapDrawRow(mv, mv->tx-1 , mv->ty-1, y);\r
mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
- word x, y; /* coordinate for bging */\r
+ word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
mv->page->dy += offset;\r
mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
- /* bg the next row */\r
+ /* draw the next row */\r
y= SCREEN_HEIGHT + mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
mapDrawRow(mv, mv->tx-1 , mv->ty+15, y);\r
mv->dxThresh = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth * 2;\r
mv->dyThresh = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight * 2;\r
- /* bg the tiles */\r
+ /* draw the tiles */\r
modexClearRegion(mv->page, 0, 0, mv->page->width, mv->page->height, 0);\r
i=mv->ty * mv->map->width + mv->tx;\r
- } //TODO: make flexible animation thingy\r
- if(2>ls && ls>=0) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
- modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 48, dire, 24, 32, bmp); modexWaitBorder(); }else\r
- if(4>ls && ls>=2) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
- modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 24, dire, 24, 32, bmp); modexWaitBorder(); }else\r
- if(6>ls && ls>4) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
- modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 0, dire, 24, 32, bmp); modexWaitBorder(); }else\r
- if(8>ls && ls>6) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
- modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 24, dire, 24, 32, bmp); modexWaitBorder(); }else ls-=ls;\r
+ }
+ //TODO: make flexible animation thingy\r
+ if(2>ls && ls>=0) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
+ modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 48, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else\r
+ if(4>ls && ls>=2) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
+ modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 24, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else\r
+ if(6>ls && ls>=4) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
+ modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 0, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else\r
+ if(8>ls && ls>=6) { modexCopyPageRegion(dest->page, src->page, x-2, y-4, x-2, y-4, 28, 40);\r
+ modexDrawSpriteRegion(dest->page, x, y, 24, dire, 24, 32, bmp); }else ls-=ls;
+ modexWaitBorder();\r