map_t allocMap(int w, int h);\r
void initMap(map_t *map);\r
-void mapScrollRight(map_view_db_t *mvdb, byte offset, word id);\r
-void mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offest);\r
-void mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset);\r
-void mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset);\r
+void mapScrollRight(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id);\r
+void mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offest, word id);\r
+void mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id);\r
+void mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id);\r
void mapGoTo(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty);\r
void mapDrawTile(tiles_t *t, word i, page_t *page, word x, word y);\r
void mapDrawRow(map_view_t *mv, int tx, int ty, word y);\r
static int persist_aniframe = 0; /* gonna be increased to 1 before being used, so 0 is ok for default */\r
page_t screen, screen2, screen3;\r
map_t map;\r
- map_view_t mv, mv2, mv3;\r
+ map_view_t mv[3];//mv, mv2, mv3;\r
map_view_t *bg, *spri, *mask;//, *tmp;
- map_view_db_t pgid[4];
+ //map_view_db_t pgid[4];
byte *dpal, *gpal;\r
byte *ptr;\r
byte *mappalptr;\r
//---- map = allocMap(map.width,map.height); //20x15 is the resolution of the screen you can make maps smaller than 20x15 but the null space needs to be drawn properly\r
//if(isEMS()) printf("%d tesuto\n", coretotalEMS());\r
//---- initMap(&map);\r
- mv.map = ↦\r
- mv2.map = ↦\r
- mv3.map = ↦\r
+ mv[0].map = ↦\r
+ mv[1].map = ↦\r
+ mv[2].map = ↦\r
/* draw the tiles */\r
ptr = map.data;\r
screen = modexDefaultPage();\r
screen.width += (TILEWH*2);\r
screen.height += (TILEWH*2)+QUADWH;\r
- mv.page = &screen;\r
- screen2 = modexNextPage(mv.page);\r
- mv2.page = &screen2;\r
- screen3 = modexNextPage0(mv2.page, 352, 176); //(352*176)+1024 is the remaining amount of memory left wwww\r
+ mv[0].page = &screen;\r
+ screen2 = modexNextPage(mv[0].page);\r
+ mv[1].page = &screen2;\r
+ screen3 = modexNextPage0(mv[1].page, 352, 176); //(352*176)+1024 is the remaining amount of memory left wwww\r
//screen3 = modexNextPage0(mv2.page, 320, 192); //(352*176)+1024 is the remaining amount of memory left wwww\r
- mv3.page = &screen3;\r
+ mv[2].page = &screen3;\r
/* set up paging */\r
- bg = &mv;\r
- spri = &mv2;\r
- mask = &mv3;
- pgid[0].mv = &mv;
- pgid[1].mv = &mv2;
- pgid[2].mv = &mv3;\r
+ bg = &mv[0];\r
+ spri = &mv[1];\r
+ mask = &mv[2];
+ //pgid[0].mv = &mv;
+ //pgid[1].mv = &mv2;
+ //pgid[2].mv = &mv3;\r
//TODO: LOAD map data and position the map in the middle of the screen if smaller then screen\r
mapGoTo(bg, 0, 0);\r
//animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);\r
animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);\r
- mapScrollRight(pgid, SPEED, 0);\r
- mapScrollRight(pgid, SPEED, 1);\r
+ mapScrollRight(mv, SPEED, 0);\r
+ mapScrollRight(mv, SPEED, 1);\r
//mapScrollRight(mask, SPEED);\r
//animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 3, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);\r
animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);\r
- mapScrollLeft(bg, SPEED);\r
- mapScrollLeft(spri, SPEED);\r
+ mapScrollLeft(mv, SPEED, 0);\r
+ mapScrollLeft(mv, SPEED, 1);\r
//mapScrollLeft(mask, SPEED);\r
//animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 2, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);\r
- animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);\r
- mapScrollDown(bg, SPEED);\r
- mapScrollDown(spri, SPEED);\r
+ animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
+ mapScrollDown(mv, SPEED, 0);\r
+ mapScrollDown(mv, SPEED, 1);\r
//mapScrollDown(mask, SPEED);\r
//animatePlayer(bg, spri, mask, 0, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, q, &ptmp);\r
- animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);\r
- mapScrollUp(bg, SPEED);\r
- mapScrollUp(spri, SPEED);\r
+ animatePlayer(bg, spri, player.d-1, 1, player.x, player.y, persist_aniframe, player.q, &ptmp);
+ mapScrollUp(mv, SPEED, 0);\r
+ mapScrollUp(mv, SPEED, 1);\r
//mapScrollUp(mask, SPEED);\r
-mapScrollRight(map_view_db_t *mvdb, byte offset, word id) {\r
+mapScrollRight(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
- mvdb[id].mv->page->dx += offset;\r
+ mv[id].page->dx += offset;\r
/* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
- if(mvdb[id].mv->page->dx >= mvdb[id].mv->dxThresh ) {\r
+ if(mv[id].page->dx >= mv[id].dxThresh ) {\r
/* go forward one tile */\r
- mvdb[id].mv->tx++;\r
+ mv[id].tx++;\r
/* Snap the origin forward */\r
- mvdb[id].mv->page->data += 4;\r
- mvdb[id].mv->page->dx = mvdb[id].mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
+ mv[id].page->data += 4;\r
+ mv[id].page->dx = mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
/* draw the next column */\r
- x= SCREEN_WIDTH + mvdb[id].mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
- if(mvdb[id].mv->page->id==0)
- mapDrawCol(mvdb[id].mv, mvdb[id].mv->tx + 20 , mvdb[id].mv->ty-1, x);
+ x= SCREEN_WIDTH + mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
+ if(id==0)
+ mapDrawCol(&mv[id], mv[id].tx + 20 , mv[id].ty-1, x);
- modexCopyPageRegion(mvdb[id].mv->page, mvdb[0].mv->page, x, 0, x, 0, mvdb[id].mv->map->tiles->tileWidth, mvdb[id].mv->map->tiles->tileHeight*17);
-// mv[0]\r
+ modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, x, 0, x, 0, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight*17);
-mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+mapScrollLeft(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
- mv->page->dx -= offset;\r
+ mv[id].page->dx -= offset;\r
/* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
- if(mv->page->dx == 0) {\r
+ if(mv[id].page->dx == 0) {\r
/* go backward one tile */\r
- mv->tx--;\r
+ mv[id].tx--;\r
/* Snap the origin backward */\r
- mv->page->data -= 4;\r
- mv->page->dx = mv->map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
- //}\r
+ mv[id].page->data -= 4;\r
+ mv[id].page->dx = mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth;\r
/* draw the next column */\r
- if(mv->page->id==0)\r
- mapDrawCol(mv, mv->tx-1, mv->ty-1, 0);\r
+ if(id==0)\r
+ mapDrawCol(&mv[0], mv[id].tx-1, mv[id].ty-1, 0);
+ else
+ modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, 0, 0, 0, 0, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight*17);\r
-mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+mapScrollUp(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
- mv->page->dy -= offset;\r
+ mv[id].page->dy -= offset;\r
/* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
- if(mv->page->dy == 0 ) {\r
+ if(mv[id].page->dy == 0 ) {\r
/* go down one tile */\r
- mv->ty--;\r
+ mv[id].ty--;\r
/* Snap the origin downward */\r
- mv->page->data -= mv->page->width*4;\r
- mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
- //}\r
+ mv[id].page->data -= mv[id].page->width*4;\r
+ mv[id].page->dy = mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
/* draw the next row */\r
- y= 0;\r
- if(mv->page->id==0)\r
- mapDrawRow(mv, mv->tx-1 , mv->ty-1, y);\r
+ //y= 0;\r
+ if(id==0)\r
+ mapDrawRow(&mv[0], mv[id].tx-1 , mv[id].ty-1, 0);
+ else\r
+ modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, 0, 0, 0, 0, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth*22, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight);
-mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset) {\r
+mapScrollDown(map_view_t *mv, byte offset, word id)
word x, y; /* coordinate for drawing */\r
/* increment the pixel position and update the page */\r
- mv->page->dy += offset;\r
+ mv[id].page->dy += offset;\r
/* check to see if this changes the tile */\r
- if(mv->page->dy >= mv->dyThresh ) {\r
+ if(mv[id].page->dy >= mv[id].dyThresh ) {\r
/* go down one tile */\r
- mv->ty++;\r
+ mv[id].ty++;\r
/* Snap the origin downward */\r
- mv->page->data += mv->page->width*4;\r
- mv->page->dy = mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
- //}\r
+ mv[id].page->data += mv[id].page->width*4;\r
+ mv[id].page->dy = mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
/* draw the next row */\r
- y= SCREEN_HEIGHT + mv->map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
- if(mv->page->id==0)\r
- mapDrawRow(mv, mv->tx-1 , mv->ty+15, y);\r
+ y= SCREEN_HEIGHT + mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight;\r
+ if(id==0)\r
+ mapDrawRow(&mv[0], mv[id].tx-1 , mv[id].ty+15, y);
+ else
+ modexCopyPageRegion(mv[id].page, mv[0].page, 0, y, 0, y, mv[id].map->tiles->tileWidth*22, mv[id].map->tiles->tileHeight);\r